2010.07.26 Grand Jury begins

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I knew she'd plead the fifth. I truly believe this was definitely a preplanned murder that they two thought they could get away with. They thought the attention would turn to the school and people would blame the school. They intended to bank from a lawsuit. I betcha. And now they have nothing but cannot say a word. It's going to be the fifth. The cops know what happened but they can't prove it.
Personally, if I were innocent, I wouldn't feel the need to plead the 5th for immunity. However, I'm so naive about law issues that if my lawyer told me to, I would probably do as instructed.
Wowza. Sounds serious. Dede in deep doo-doo.
She pled the fifth because she is guilty of something. Innocent people tell what they know and hopefully it will bring a little child home. So from this point on I say put her in jail for being an accomplice don't worry about her GJ testimony and let her and Terri turn on one another.

I can't even stand the fact that this has happened. Two women who could hurt a child should spend the rest of their days in prison, not be rewarded with immunity for telling what you did. I really hope LE found all they needed in the search of her home.
My thought is that she was brought in front of the GJ based on the MFH. I'm pretty sure TH confided in DDS in some form or fashion that she was thinking, planning or did plan to hire a hitman.


"Grand jury testimony is not open to the public, so the exact details of what is going on inside the courtroom remain unknown, but Copus speculates the hearing will be centered more on an alleged murder-for-hire plot against Kaine Horman involving his wife.

"I suspect that what they have is not going to be an indictment on the young boy," Copus, now head of Copus Security Consultants in Atlanta, told AOL News. "Unless the police have developed some evidence that shows where the body is, what you have is a missing child, and there is no law that allows you to indict someone because someone is missing, unless you have evidence of foul play. They are most likely seeking an indictment in the alleged murder-for-hire plot."

The reason for that would be to put pressure on Terri Horman so she "shares any information she might have on the child's whereabouts," Copus said."

I looked up the MFT statute and it has the propensity to become a federal crime.


"The "murder-for-hire" statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1958, was enacted as part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, Pub.L. 98-473, Ch. X, Part A (Oct. 12, 1984). Section 1958(a) provides:
Whoever travels in or causes another (including the intended victim) to travel in interstate or foreign commerce, or uses or causes another (including the intended victim) to use the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent that a murder be committed in violation of the laws of any State or the United States as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay anything of pecuniary value, or who conspires to do so [violates this statute].

Federal jurisdiction may be established in one of three ways: 1) by travel in interstate or foreign commerce; 2) by use of the mails; or 3) by use of any facility in interstate or foreign commerce.

The term "facility in interstate or foreign commerce" is defined to expressly include "means of transportation and communication." § 1958(b)(2). Congress intended to give the term "facility in interstate or foreign commerce" the same scope and breadth encompassed by the Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1952. S.Rep. 225 at 306 n.5."

Based on Copus' statement, combined with the GJ, DDS not testifying, and the fact that there has been no indication of Kyron's whereabouts, I'm afraid everything we have seen is centered around the MFH aspect of the case and not THE MAIN FOCUS HERE, which is KYRON!!

Grrr...so frustrating!
JMO, but people who plead the fifth in cases involving a missing endangered child (i.e. Elizabeth Johnson) are the lowest of the low. Cannot get much more disgusting.

Needing immunity only proves she had her hand in something illegal. I have the feeling it's regarding the MFH and not Kyron, but you never know.

Question: Let's just say her involvement was maybe impersonating TH at the gym that day . . . IF she did that but didn't know why, could she be charged with something?
She pled the fifth because she is guilty of something. Innocent people tell what they know and hopefully it will bring a little child home. So from this point on I say put her in jail for being an accomplice don't worry about her GJ testimony and let her and Terri turn on one another.

I can't even stand the fact that this has happened. Two women who could hurt a child should spend the rest of their days in prison, not be rewarded with immunity for telling what you did. I really hope LE found all they needed in the search of her home.
ITA... Grandma, did you see this from the WW?

On June 30, four days after Kaine Horman left home with his daughter Kxxxx, several cars were seen driving away from the house where Terri Horman remained living alone.

One of those cars belonged to Terri Horman’s parents. Another belonged to Spicher.

Curious if Spicher had any insight into the case, we knocked on the door of her condo in Tualatin several days later. The woman who answered the door was the same person shown in the photo and identified as Spicher in the press release from Kyron’s parents.

But the woman at the door told us DeDe Spicher wasn’t home. She identified herself only as a “friend” who was in town “to help.”

Asked where she was from, the woman paused and looked away.

“Where I’m from,” she said.

We left our card and walked away, thinking that if people are going to fib, they should at least be quick about it

JMO - it appears there is a Landscaping business in DeDe's immediate family (brother). Includes Tree Service. Klamath Falls. So Dede's landscaping gig makes some sense.
JMO, but people who plead the fifth in cases involving a missing endangered child (i.e. Elizabeth Johnson) are the lowest of the low. Cannot get much more disgusting.

Needing immunity only proves she had her hand in something illegal. I have the feeling it's regarding the MFH and not Kyron, but you never know.

Question: Let's just say her involvement was maybe impersonating TH at the gym that day . . . IF she did that but didn't know why, could she be charged with something?

Obstruction of justice? I'm just guessing; however, there must be some kind of charge for having intimate knowledge of some questionable behavior or actions and not reporting it. I mean, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out something is amiss when your friend asks you to do something out of the ordinary one day and that same day a child goes missing.
Just knowing something would not require her to invoke the fifth. Doing something would be illegal and then should would be culpable to whatever she did.
I knew she'd plead the fifth. I truly believe this was definitely a preplanned murder that they two thought they could get away with. They thought the attention would turn to the school and people would blame the school. They intended to bank from a lawsuit. I betcha. And now they have nothing but cannot say a word. It's going to be the fifth. The cops know what happened but they can't prove it.

I certainly believe TMH preplanned to murder Kyron, but do you really believe they are both involved in the preplanning?I readily admit I'm not too fond of Ms. De De S or the fact she may be seeking immunity in order to reveal what she knows about Kyron;s disappearance, however at the present time, I'm more inclined to believe she became involved after the fact...
Can't really wrap my mind around there being two cold hearted.. evil to the core..pitiful excuses for women involved in the planning and the murder of an innocent child...JMO
Just knowing something would not require her to invoke the fifth. Doing something would be illegal and then should would be culpable to whatever she did.

In the above poster's hypothetical situation about impersonating TH, but not knowing why (or being told something other than the truth), but then later finds out she inadvertently helped, but then didn't tell -- wouldn't that require the 5th because she actually DID do something to aid and abet in a roundabout way? Did that make any sense? LOL.
If Dede was the first person to be called to GJ, why would LE be any closer to an arrest? I'm missing something. Lots of folks seem to think LE is ready to go. Well, maybe they are right and we will find out today, but I would be stunned if so.

I do not believe that any plot made in advance involved Dede. Even if she thought she was doing something right for Kyron, say, she would have known about 6.5 weeks ago that this was not the case. As far as believing that both women planned to kill Kyron, that is beyond my scope of reasoning. I can see the possibility of withholding something she learned later about Kyron's fate until sure she could not be prosecuted.
She pled the fifth because she is guilty of something. Innocent people tell what they know and hopefully it will bring a little child home. So from this point on I say put her in jail for being an accomplice don't worry about her GJ testimony and let her and Terri turn on one another.

I can't even stand the fact that this has happened. Two women who could hurt a child should spend the rest of their days in prison, not be rewarded with immunity for telling what you did. I really hope LE found all they needed in the search of her home.

I couldn't agree more, Grandmaj!!! :furious:

People plead the fifth to stay out of jail, period. :behindbar

In my opinion, she has knowledge of "criminal activity" or participated in some sort of accomplice activity or cover-up, and the police know it.
has anyone ever thought that DDS may know something about the MFH plot??? And could the GJ be about MFH?

I only ask this because after reading one article today (I posted it in the media thread) one professional said that he could see this being about the MFH to put more pressure on TMH. He further said that there would have to be evidence of foul play, etc for them to bring down a murder indictment or even argue for one.

I for one have wondered for the last four weeks or so whether this is a homicide investigation and they just have not released that...
has anyone ever thought that DDS may know something about the MFH plot??? And could the GJ be about MFH?

I only ask this because after reading one article today (I posted it in the media thread) one professional said that he could see this being about the MFH to put more pressure on TMH. He further said that there would have to be evidence of foul play, etc for them to bring down a murder indictment or even argue for one.

I for one have wondered for the last four weeks or so whether this is a homicide investigation and they just have not released that...

That's my theory. A couple of posts above, I explained why I think so.
JMO - it appears there is a Landscaping business in DeDe's immediate family (brother). Includes Tree Service. Klamath Falls. So Dede's landscaping gig makes some sense.

o.m.g......How many more similarites can there be between Kyron's case and the Haleigh Cummings case? Y'all, I fully realize this is not about me but I really don't know IF I can take anymore of this...I don't think I can take another child not being found..or the person/s responsible never being held accountable for their evil deeds.....JMO
JMO - it appears there is a Landscaping business in DeDe's immediate family (brother). Includes Tree Service. Klamath Falls. So Dede's landscaping gig makes some sense.

So, here's my $64,000 question:

TH & DS are best friends. DS's family is in the landscaping business. DS obviously enjoys gardening (per her alibi). WHY was TH posting ads on Craigslist for a landscaper?!? WHY wouldn't she ask DS for a referral or even have the unemployed DS do it?

Yes, this is retorical, as I'm pretty sure I know the answer. Same as the reason Kaine was unaware of TH seeking a landscaper. I think *knowing* that TH would have discussed the hiring of a landscaper with DS, we have a good idea what the GJ wants with her . . . .
Surfie I don't see why she would be charged with that. If it was unknowing and if she immediately realized and came forward and cooperated I'm not sure she would be charged.

I feel it is more because , she allegedly was obstructing the investigation in some way. She appears to have assisted in some kind of coverup. Whether it was to help disappear Kyron, cover Terri's trail, maybe destroy evidence in the house or elsewhere, move Kyron from one spot to another..... those are the types of things she has to worry about. :)

Not for a minute do I believe she is miss innocent. I think Terri yanked her in at some point on the 4th and she willingly assisted in some way. And I guess my question now is WHY? What was in it for her? These answers will come at some point.
I certainly believe TMH preplanned to murder Kyron, but do you really believe they are both involved in the preplanning?I readily admit I'm not too fond of Ms. De De S or the fact she may be seeking immunity in order to reveal what she knows about Kyron;s disappearance, however at the present time, I'm more inclined to believe she became involved after the fact...
Can't really wrap my mind around there being two cold hearted.. evil to the core..pitiful excuses for women involved in the planning and the murder of an innocent child...JMO

EXACTLY!!! Both of you , probably ALL of you are where I am.........WHY????????????
This woman has been at LEAST one of Kyron's caretakers since birth, participated in his school activities, had many pictures of him, etc .etc...where was her heart for the past 7 years that she could harm him in any way. Just can't fathom it!
However, Kyron's little "exaggerated" grin (my perception, anyway) in many of the pictures has haunted me from the beginning and now i wonder what pain that little boy might have been hiding.

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