2010.07.26 - Kyron Horman case featured on Dateline

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Originally Posted by AvalonBlue View Post
Yes, Etilema, this info has been discussed on WS on several different threads. I believe BeanE has it all collected very nicely in the timeline on the main page for Ky.

UNTIL DY specifically said in one of her interviews with Kaine that she and Terri were NOT friends, the "bizarre" and "detailed, specific story" you mention was perceived to be true for quite a while after it was first published in The Oregonian on, I believe the second Saturday Ky was missing. It sounded fishy to me from the beginning. Just sayin'...

I'm so glad the truth has been coming out about DY and TH, especially because I felt DY was getting a bum rap for a long time because of being reported to "be long term friends" with someone like Terri.

There are facts, links to back all this up right on our website.

And, please know that my disdain for TH is MOO and that I've had that opinion about her for a long time. There has never really been a fence for me to sit on -- although I have a LOT over this and other erroneous info repeated and repeated in this case.
Wasn't this a story from Terri's mom?

Wasn't this a story from Terri's mom?

Yes, from Terri's mom, Terri's friends, Kaine's sister-in-law, etc. Quite a few sources, and none of them really accurate based on ferreting out rumors and untruths as time went on.
DY said she was so sick and went to the hospital 3 or 4 times a year? Could she still not care for Kyron during those times not at the hospital? And why not try to get more custody back? I just don't understand??
The whole "he cheated" and "we were on a break/over" thing isn't important, IMO. What IS important is that we have verification that the TH/KH relationship began when DY was very, very pregnant. It DID NOT begin after TH so very kindly moved in with her friend DY's ex to take care of Kyron when he was a wee little baby. I've long suspected that story (as told by TH's friends/family) was utter and complete BS, but it's nice to have confirmation.

I'm not certain (not enough to convict if I were on a jury) that TH did something to Kyron. But I DO think that she's told more than a few stories to her family and friends that are outright lies...and, IMO, given the lack of lies (thus far, as far as I've seen), that is significant in regards to character/motivation.


Where? Any source besides the "blended family" piece in the Oregonian?
Because he not only cheated on her while she was pregnant, but cheated with (and brought into their lives) the woman who she believes harmed her son.

That's why it is even more poignant to me when I see her and Kaine sitting side by side as a united front for Kyron. Desiree is a very strong woman. If I had a way to bring Kyron back to her arms I'd do it in a heartbeat!
DY said she was so sick and went to the hospital 3 or 4 times a year? Could she still not care for Kyron during those times not at the hospital? And why not try to get more custody back? I just don't understand??

She said she was passing out and her medical bills were enormous. I also have to wonder what kind of meds she was taking? They might have affected her judgment as well. Hindsight is 20/20.
DY said she was so sick and went to the hospital 3 or 4 times a year? Could she still not care for Kyron during those times not at the hospital? And why not try to get more custody back? I just don't understand??

I don't know all the particulars but I think it was said she went to Canada for her treatments and with no insurance, when she came back home she was knee deep in debt and I think lived with family (her folks?) so that she could get back on her feet. As far as trying to get more custody of Kyron, he may have been at a critical age to be bounced out of what he's become to know as a normal home life to go and live for longer periods of time at a different house, leave his friends, his pets, his school.

To me, Desiree seems to be pretty level-headed so I have to believe since she knows her son that she did what she thought was in the best interest for him. (She's probably not thinking that now, but she was back in the time.)
OT, and this isn't aimed at you Calliope because a lot of people have had the same question, but it's easy to see how rumors get started. :eek:

lol yeah

I just hit that post and had to respond as I was pretty shocked to read that.

I'm slogging through this thread (that'll teach ME to take a break from here, eh?). Almost to the end. Yay for me!
I don't believe the affair/not affair can be attributed to a simple difference of opinion. On the one hand, you have Desiree saying an affair took place, on the other hand, you have Kaine saying his relationship with Desiree was over, they had an understanding of sorts, hence no affair.

Either they were broken up and had a clear understanding, agreeing to live together but not be together, understanding fully that the relationship was over, or Kaine cheated on Desiree when she was eight months pregnant with Kyron and that is why she spent two months crying. This isn't akin to saying beige is brown, this is more akin to saying black is white. This isn't a shade of truth, it's a completely different presentation of what took place.

Considering how vocal Desiree has been about her distrust of Terri, and considering the lack of vocal, public corroboration by LE, it's important to know how the relationship between these women affects Desiree's opinion of Terri and her actions.

It's a bit ick to sleep with a man whose current wife is eight months pregnant, but if Terri entered into a relationship with Kaine believing his relationship with Desiree was over, something he maintains to this day, then is she equally to blame or was she duped as well?

According to Kaine, he and Desiree were broken up. Which means in Terri's mind, she was not having an affair, but if Desiree believed Kaine was having an affair, then this would explain Desiree's statement about Terri not even being able to tell the truth about how they [Kaine and Terri] met. That's a rough paraphrase. But I have a feeling Terri's history with Kaine has a lot to do with Desiree's current feelings toward Terri, and Kaine's version of events versus Desiree's version of events should be important because Desiree is bringing up all kinds of past behavior with regard to the current investigation.
I remember that, too. We did not have information about Desiree's whereabouts. I see no reason not to take her word for when she and Tony drove to Portland. In fact, I would think that a link would be required for someone to question her truthfulness in the matter.

I'm not questioning her truthfulness. I vaguely remember media reports that came out late Friday or early Saturday saying she was on her way to Portland, and I do recall discussion on the thread that maybe she had to arrange for childcare or whatever --- that she couldn't just pick up and leave. I don't remember the specifics, but I do recall this discussion because I was surprised she didn't come right away (as it was being portrayed, in any case).
I don't believe the affair/not affair can be attributed to a simple difference of opinion. On the one hand, you have Desiree saying an affair took place, on the other hand, you have Kaine saying his relationship with Desiree was over, they had an understanding of sorts, hence no affair.

Either they were broken up and had a clear understanding, agreeing to live together but not be together, understanding fully that the relationship was over, or Kaine cheated on Desiree when she was eight months pregnant with Kyron and that is why she spent two months crying. This isn't akin to saying beige is brown, this is more akin to saying black is white. This isn't a shade of truth, it's a completely different presentation of what took place.

Considering how vocal Desiree has been about her distrust of Terri, and considering the lack of vocal, public corroboration by LE, it's important to know how the relationship between these women affects Desiree's opinion of Terri and her actions.

It's a bit ick to sleep with a man whose current wife is eight months pregnant, but if Terri entered into a relationship with Kaine believing his relationship with Desiree was over, something he maintains to this day, then is she equally to blame or was she duped as well?

According to Kaine, he and Desiree were broken up. Which means in Terri's mind, she was not having an affair, but if Desiree believed Kaine was having an affair, then this would explain Desiree's statement about Terri not even being able to tell the truth about how they [Kaine and Terri] met. That's a rough paraphrase. But I have a feeling Terri's history with Kaine has a lot to do with Desiree's current feelings toward Terri, and Kaine's version of events versus Desiree's version of events should be important because Desiree is bringing up all kinds of past behavior with regard to the current investigation.
I feel that you have a very logical post here. Hitting the thanks button wasn't enough!
Did DY ever say what her illness was, or was it mentioned in MSM?

If not, I wonder why she hasn't.
Time for me to beam up to the bedroom. This is one show that is going to probably cause me to remember my dreams. It really stirred me! I'm sure I'll have more to comment about it tomorrow.

Y'all be good for the night shift. :wink:

Just because the woman was Kaine's brother's ex-wife doesn't mean she's not more a friend of Terri's now. Plus, at the time the article came out, Kaine and Terri were still together. All the other sources were friends or family of Terri. Apparently the reporter didn't seek out any of Desiree's or
Tony's friends or family to get a more fair picture of the "blended family." Really poor journalism.

Point I was making is that the statement regarding Terri and Desiree being friends came from Kaine's side, not Terri's. Considering what Kaine said in the Dateline interview, I don't think it's a stretch to believe he told his family Terri was a friend of D's who had moved in to help out with Kyron.

None of TH's friends made that claim in that article, that I can find anyway.
Can't believe I read through this whole thread tonight. I had fallen asleep and missed it here in EST. Thanks to everyone for your post! I will try and fine it online tomarrow.

Could the stretch be made to call them friends stem from the fact that they met when Kyron was about a year and a half (those were DY's exact words in more than one interview). So in tonight's Dateline show it says that Kaine and Terri took Kyron to live with them when he was about two because Desiree was ill and needed medical treatment.

Which her exact words make sense now, hearing tonight that she was pregnant when Kaine started the affair with Terri, as I remember her saying that she did not get to meet Terri until Kyron was over a year old and then she said about a year and a half. That's what I remember.

Personally, I believe Desiree's version. I don't believe her and Terri were friends in any sense of the word and I also believe that through the years they simply tolerated each other, if that.
IMO Desire is such a loving, unselfish mother, she put Kyron where she thought he had a stable environment, his father's love and the energy a little boy needed. She probably could have eeked by caring for Kyron when she was sick but made a selfless decision that eeking through the early years wasn't good enough for her little boy. At the expense of missing him terrribly, she did what she thought was ultimately best for Kyron. IMO, MOO. MOO, MOO, etc.
I don't believe the affair/not affair can be attributed to a simple difference of opinion. On the one hand, you have Desiree saying an affair took place, on the other hand, you have Kaine saying his relationship with Desiree was over, they had an understanding of sorts, hence no affair.

Either they were broken up and had a clear understanding, agreeing to live together but not be together, understanding fully that the relationship was over, or Kaine cheated on Desiree when she was eight months pregnant with Kyron and that is why she spent two months crying. This isn't akin to saying beige is brown, this is more akin to saying black is white. This isn't a shade of truth, it's a completely different presentation of what took place.

Considering how vocal Desiree has been about her distrust of Terri, and considering the lack of vocal, public corroboration by LE, it's important to know how the relationship between these women affects Desiree's opinion of Terri and her actions.

It's a bit ick to sleep with a man whose current wife is eight months pregnant, but if Terri entered into a relationship with Kaine believing his relationship with Desiree was over, something he maintains to this day, then is she equally to blame or was she duped as well?

According to Kaine, he and Desiree were broken up. Which means in Terri's mind, she was not having an affair, but if Desiree believed Kaine was having an affair, then this would explain Desiree's statement about Terri not even being able to tell the truth about how they [Kaine and Terri] met. That's a rough paraphrase. But I have a feeling Terri's history with Kaine has a lot to do with Desiree's current feelings toward Terri, and Kaine's version of events versus Desiree's version of events should be important because Desiree is bringing up all kinds of past behavior with regard to the current investigation.

Cheaters tell themselves and others a lot of things that aren't true. I'm sure Kaine convinced himself that he and Desiree had broken up, using some definition of "broken up" that Desiree did not share. I think you make a good point that it's very likely he told Terri that he and Desiree were broken up, while letting Desiree believe that Terri somehow "stole" him from her.
Also, cheaters cheat. That's what they do when they're in a relationship, and I would not be surprised if it turns out cheating is what started this whole tragic and criminal situation into motion.
Time for me to beam up to the bedroom. This is one show that is going to probably cause me to remember my dreams. It really stirred me! I'm sure I'll have more to comment about it tomorrow.

Y'all be good for the night shift. :wink:


Well that's just great.

I FINALLY make it to the end of the thread and everyone decides to leave.

Buncha lightweights.

Sleep? Pfft. I spit in its eye. Who needs it?
My then- 15 year old son did not get off the bus one day last year. I was alarmed because he has never missed being home when he is supposed to be. This is what I did:

1. I called the school several times and let the phone ring for a long time. No one answered.

2. I called my husband's office and cell phones. No one answered.

3. I dug out the post card I'd saved from the bus company and called them. They called the driver, who was already at home, and he said my son hadn't been on the bus.

4. I called the town police on their administrative line. They told me that the state police had jurisdiction over the school.

5. I called my husband's phones again. No answer.

6. Just as I was dialing the state police my husband drove up with my son. He had missed the bus, and neither of them thought to inform me.

Of course I automatically jumped to the worst case scenario! I am a mother! I also have self control, and handled the situation in a rational manner.

If #6 had not occurred, and the state police hadn't immediately located my son (their headquarters is across from the school), then I would have been in full panic mode.

So, for TH to assume that Kyron had just wandered off and would be found quickly, especially since he is only 7 years old, would have sent up big red flags for me.[/QUOTE]

bolded above mine

Exactly, and especially because by all accounts of anyone who knew him and from whom we've heard, he was not a child who wandered anywhere beyond a few feet. TH's lack of concern by this time, several hours later, speaks volumes. I think she was trying to play it down and hoped others would play it down, too.

I do not believe that TH ever believed that Kyron's disappearance would catch and burn like wildfire. IMO, she thought the case would simply be written off as another stranger abduction and she could get on with her mission of murdering her husband.

ps, RC. Thx for your personal story. I felt your panic. This is the same type of feeling I believe DY felt and TH was devoid of.
And, teehee, I wouldn't have wanted to be in your husband's shoes when they walked in the door. Your son probably got the point, too, and they never did that again. :)
I didn't get home from running kids around tonight until Dateline was over! Yet, I have no excuse for not recording in on my dvr. :blushing:

Does anyone know where I can watch it online?
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