2010.07.27 - Investigators presser - reward increased to $50,000

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You know that story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"??....just sayin'
I didn't think they would mention the MFH, this was a presser on the status of the Kyron investigation so that is no red flag to me.

I'm not saying they should have mentioned it, what I'm saying is that they technically did what the presser was set up for - an brief update on the Kyron Horman investigation. I just don't think this means that they have nothing. It's possible other things are going on that weren't mentioned or talked about. The parents looking worse to me suggests that there's more than meets the eye here.

But like Bean E, I've had my fill of hype this week too. I may need to take a break UNTIL something big finally happens. Sheesh, what a waste of a presser.
Well, I think it's kind of sad that even the increased reward for Kyron's return is only a seventh of the retainer fee Houze allegedly got to defend someone who hasn't been charged for anything and may not ever be...

Regarding the conviction rate: I don't really see the relevance here either because you have to charge someone before they can be convicted.
actually I just put some calk around my new homemade satellite dish birdbath and it is setting up... great idea to watch that dry.... it should be much more enlightening than that presser

Hey! I have an old satellite dish I've been trying to figure out what to do with -- great idea!

. . . . maybe we should start a thread on that
Why doesn't Kaine ever make an emotional plea for the safe return of his son? It's obvious that Desiree is always the one to step up to the plate (mike) and it is increasingly difficult and extremely painful for her to do so. Why doesn't Kaine show a little chutzpah and make the plea from a father's perspective? Puzzling to me. jmo

Could be because who ever has Kyron really really hates Kaine. Enough to want him dead. So for him to be the one pleading would mean absolutely nothing. May even get a kick out of seeing him beg.

A MOTHER, on the other hand, may get through.....

I don't know. Just thinking out loud.

Desiree could be extra weepy because this all is really starting to wear her down? I hope something breaks soon.
I agree but they must be getting some complaints from the community about all the money being spent on Kyron. I think that is why he said LE would do this for any child because maybe some may have emailed, called or written them wanting to know if they would spend this kind of money if it was another child.



You know I just can't imagine myself ever complaining about the amount of my tax money being spent on a missing child.
From the Sheriff's office:

Multnomah County Sheriff Briefing Statements from the July 27, 2010 2pm Press Conference - 07/27/10

Attached are the statements provided by the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office and Kyron's parents during the July 27, 2010 2 p.m. press conference.

There are 2 files you can download at the website:


Direct links:

LE statement: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/i...76/37069/Sheriff_office_HormanPress072710.pdf

Family statement: http://www.flashalertnewswire.net/images/news/2010-07/1276/37069/Kyron_family_statment__07_27_1.pdf
I think they have a lot...of suspicions. And very few reliable eye witnesses and some facts that may or may not mean what they think they mean. And I hope they are looking at sex perverts.
My personal opinion is they are in a GJ and possibly didn't want anything new being talked about. Can't take a chance on the jurors hearing bits and pieces or even the questions asked at this time.

This is not what was anticipated by anyone. Maybe they did this to protect whatever course they are on. I'm not of the opinion anyone is playing hard and fast with the emotions of anyone. They have a job to do and I myself personally feel that this is an indicator that we are at a crucial point. Just my opinion.....
There has to be some method to their madness so to speak. Surely they have an underlying reason for this whole spectacle though for the life of me I can't see why. Maybe it's to apply as much pressure to Terri by spilling the beans about how hard they are working, how much money they have spent, all of the manpower hours they have logged, how many tips they have received, etc., etc., etc. I dunno, it was crazy to say the least. We can only hope and pray that they are not at such a standstill that they have to resort to such tactics as these.
one guy yelled out: "that's all?!!" and there was other grumbling about questions etc... and than LE lady says yup... that is it... but at least we brought you out the family!

The balls! Bet she wishes she didn't say thhhhaaaaaat...

oh oh oh, you've got to be kidding me? That's what folks heard & are posting about? Like they keep the family in a little cage back at the SO for dog & pony time? No wonder Desiree was crying.

So, who's using who?
LOL! That's it, Emma Peel! A presser to tell us why their pressers don't tell us anything.

Wonder if anybody has checked Terri's car trunk? (yes, I know she has a truck!) Or DeDe's?
one guy yelled out: "that's all?!!" and there was other grumbling about questions etc... and than LE lady says yup... that is it... but at least we brought you out the family!

The balls! Bet she wishes she didn't say thhhhaaaaaat...

No she dint?? OMG - I missed that part -- how rude, like they were brad pitt and angelina jolie...who are paid for such appearances.

Now I'm angry and sad...and my cookies burnt because I was watching the presser. My son is gonna be bummed...but maybe I'll go out and buy some!

If their intention was to update everyone on the progress of the investigation, why wouldn't they mention the GJ? :waitasec:
Maybe that is actually a good sign, meowmo: I believe that they DID NOT mention the Grand Jury that convened (I believe for the first time, just yesterday) BECAUSE it is an integral part of this investigation. Information shared and/or leaked from there could truly damage what they are working so hard to accomplish. In my opinion.

Not the exact words until we have video to review, BUT Moore? (More?), the first officer to speak, said they would not, could not, speak to specific information relating to what they are doing in the investigation.

So, to my way of thinking, the Grand Jury being convened is a huge move forward and will continue to be convened, I imagine. They cannot jeopardize the investigation because we are so curious. Remember, the second officer made the salient point that we human beings are naturally curious, implying that LE and the DA understand this; especially since this involves a very young child.

It was also important that they cleared up the fact, through Desiree, that LE and Kyron's parents are pleased with the way the investigation is going. Showing that they are in agreement with Law Enforcement ( and each other); not at odds, as some believe

Lastly (for now), MAYBE this press conference was changed drastically from when it was first announced. Things have happened; big things, apparently, in the past week. Isn't it really a good sign that they are not giving specifics just yet?

Anything can happen at any moment, any day now: Arrests, very helpful tips from those being scrutinized, anything. Life is just like that.

Just some thoughts on this and encouragement for those who feel let down and tend towards believing that LE really doesn't have much. I think it is the opposite of not having much; we just aren't allowed to be privy to it.

Some of my thoughts on this and my OPINIONS.

How can I see the video of the entire press conference? I have only been able to find Desiree talking and not LE. Thanks!
Here's what I think kids........LE haz nuttin. And DY, TY and KH have all convinced each other that it was TH so they push that. I don't think anything we are seeing is orchestrated by LE, it's desperation from a heart broken family.
Y'know, I am getting really fed up with this. I was really hoping for some sort of bone to be tossed to us today, but nothing? Hello, LE can just say no comment to the media, which they have been doing! I am just sick that we still don't anything, and as much as I believe TH is guilty, I have to admit my confidence is wavering after this press conference. How is a crappy presser like this supposed to keep people looking for Kyron and keep people interested in the case? I don't want to hear more divorce drama, or Dede/TH/MC/insert whoever here drama, or just drama. I want FACTS. I want to see MOVEMENT. I want an ARREST or SOMETHING major to happen to keep up my faith in the system here.

I am starting to think all the time I have devoted to this case is being wasted, and I seriously don't like that feeling, not one bit...
My personal opinion is they are in a GJ and possibly didn't want anything new being talked about. Can't take a chance on the jurors hearing bits and pieces or even the questions asked at this time.

This is not what was anticipated by anyone. Maybe they did this to protect whatever course they are on. I'm not of the opinion anyone is playing hard and fast with the emotions of anyone. They have a job to do and I myself personally feel that this is an indicator that we are at a crucial point. Just my opinion.....

I wuvs you grandmaj.

They do have a job to do, and the last comment was probably meant for the press's ears, who they work with daily, not the public's.

Okies, so ... I promise to take this presser as a personal disappointment for only 10 more minutes... ;)
I think Terri already knows that the investigation is a big one. I don't think they staged all this for her. They do have an obligation to report on how they are spending their time and taxpayers money, even if some people are offended by the fact that some people might question it.
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