2010.07.27 - Investigators presser - reward increased to $50,000

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Well, that was a whole lot of nothing. Anybody know what the point was???

To announce the increased reward. I think it was very important to get that out there.

Hmmm, reward is effective at 3pm today. Does that seem like a bait to you guys? Im thinking maybe they are enticing someone with some more money.

I agree, I think there is a reason that they wanted it broadcast live...not just in a press release. They wanted everyone to know that the reward has been doubled.

If their intention was to update everyone on the progress of the investigation, why wouldn't they mention the GJ? :waitasec:

Because the grand jury is part of the investigation. The grand jury proceedings are not public record. If they are going for an indictment that is not something they would want the defendant to know. They don't want it to be tainted if they do get it.
*new poster* Hello, all!

I wondered what Tony whispered to Desiree during the PC. She seemed to need a lot of support today. I also wondered why they always have DY speak, and thought the same thing as others have posted, that she's the more emotional one, the one who could possibly pull on the heartstrings of someone who knows something--a TH accomplice, perhaps? On top of hearing about the upped reward money, maybe get someone to start talking?

It seems like they're still just waiting for that one person to come forward who knows something. Someone's gotta know something!

welcome 3toedsloth!

I think you hit the nail on the head there. I would agree that it seems Desiree is the designated face of the family - likely because she wears her heart on her sleeve, speaks sincerely and respectfully, is not embroiled in a nasty divorce action, and no one has the heart to beat her up too much. Also because Kaine tried at first and his style didn't go over too well with most. --- All JMHO
Here's what I think kids........LE haz nuttin. And DY, TY and KH have all convinced each other that it was TH so they push that. I don't think anything we are seeing is orchestrated by LE, it's desperation from a heart broken family.

I fully agree. And I think maybe the reason Desiree was upset is because LE had to have a talk with the parents, because they're going too far in the media saying these ideas they have are coming from LE.

It's understandable that the family is in pain. I don't fault them. I don't feel they are bad people or doing bad things. I think they're good people in a tragic situation, who are doing the best they can.
We didn't hear "no comment" because they would not allow questions :( So how is that a press conference? They just read statements and left. Oh well.

I hope Dede does know what happened so she can tell LE as I don't think they know.
Here's what I think kids........LE haz nuttin. And DY, TY and KH have all convinced each other that it was TH so they push that. I don't think anything we are seeing is orchestrated by LE, it's desperation from a heart broken family.

Yes, and just maybe this is why Desiree looked so upset. I'd rather hold on to the hope that Terri hid Kyron than to think he's in the hands of a predator.

Imagine the nightmares.
I actually went out there to the PC. It wasn't what I expected. When I pulled up I saw all the big media trucks & towers, but I found a place to park right up front. I had expected it to have more lay people in attendance, but there was just me. I walked into the police training facility, and there was a space about 10'x15' for all those news people and their equipment. I was so intimidated and afraid that I'd walk in and trip over one of their cords that I just left. :-( I didn't know DH and KH and TY would be there. The news trucks were very loud and I wasn't able to hear anything standing just outside the media door. And I was a big chicken. How disappointing to hear it wasn't very informative.
one guy yelled out: "that's all?!!" and there was other grumbling about questions etc... and than LE lady says yup... that is it... but at least we brought you out the family!

The balls! Bet she wishes she didn't say thhhhaaaaaat...


I would have shouted out...............Your job is not to bring out the family, your job is to find Kyron. Why are you wasting time and money here?
Was it me or did DY lose it exactly when the increase in the reward was announced...Obviously she would have known about it before the presser but why would that upset her? Do you think that makes it seem that LE doesn't have as great a case as she was led to believe?

She might be feeling overwhelmed by the generosity of the anonymous donation? I dunno...
I think it's very important to see that LE and the family are a united front. The pleas the family has made are backed by what LE believes is great substance.

Also, psychics...please stop bothering us unless you have some tangible proof of your claims.
IMO $50,000 doesn't seem like allot for a conviction/reward.
Not when TH can afford $350,000 for a lawyer...................
I think the added reward just adds to the desperation factor...as if, here, this is all we can do, throw money at it...

I mean as far as upsetting Desiree...
I know!
I am not with the majority thinking that this was changed at the last minute. I think this was exactly the way they "planned it" esp considering that response at the end by the female officer.

They had it scripted down to a T and had a week to do it.

I am not surprised by the cardboard cutout that it was... and it keeps with the way they have been doing business from the start. If anything else shocking or revealing comes out it will by from our friends Anonymous Source, Great Uncle SourceClose To Theinvestigation, and his third wife Genuine Leather. They have provided the most info that we have so far anyhow...

But what would be the point of it? What do you think LE wanted to accomplish with this particular presser? Why have the family there?
This case is going to send waves through all the school systems in the country because this case says 'kids aren't safe at school'. They need to resolve this quickly.
What a bunch of political babblespeak.

(strange noises from cramming hands in mouth, wanders off again muttering.....)

BTW, this sucking up to media --the "partnership"--is disgusting. Someone needs to write an editorial saying "We're not your partners. We're the public's watch dogs."

And then the media needs to act like it.
2 things I got from the presser besides the reward....downplaying the polys and describing "criminal" as something no more than a civil action.
OK, sorry for the long reply; just catching up and I clicked the posts that I want to agree with!

Hmmm, reward is effective at 3pm today. Does that seem like a bait to you guys? Im thinking maybe they are enticing someone with some more money.
Terri needs to be worried. DD is about to start singing, imo. And no telling who else would sell her out for $50K.

This is the #1 thing that struck me as odd (please don't be a red herring!).
Why announce, at shortly after 2pm, that the reward will go up 'effective at 3pm today'??? What deals are out there cooking, who do they think they have on the hook, who might be willing to roll for $50k but not $25...?

The specific time seems weird to me.

Why doesn't Kaine ever make an emotional plea for the safe return of his son? It's obvious that Desiree is always the one to step up to the plate (mike) and it is increasingly difficult and extremely painful for her to do so. Why doesn't Kaine show a little chutzpah and make the plea from a father's perspective? Puzzling to me. jmo

That's a good question, maybe we should focus on the answer. Is it because it would not have the desired effect? Is the person they suspect of colluding so full of hate/spite for Kaine that it would do no good to show him suffering? That his pleas would fall on deaf, or delighted, ears?
He was quite emotional in the video shown on Dateline; he has it in him.

Something just occurred to me.

The only case they updated was the Kyron case. No mention of the MFH plot. Clever, LE, very clever. You gave an update only on Kyron being missing, which was what everyone was watching for. I think the left hand was covering for what the right hand is doing.

So maybe something is in the works for that? I find it more telling what they didn't talk about today. Hmmm.....

Yes, yes! Look for the story that *isn't* being told.

I don't think this was a ploy for Terri, just for the voters...
Because they are employees of the people, via the people's tax dollars, and thereby obligated to show the people are working for the money the people pay.

And I'm very serious about that.

I agree, based on the very few letters to the editor that the O has run in print and the timing of the announcement of this PC (around the money hearing time). You have to understand how very broke our local governments are here and the kinds of spending/cut choices the public is reading/hearing about every day. The school board very nearly cut the entire Phys Ed program for the whole district (during this case). I do feel that the purpose of the PC, from the original announcement, was to give an update on the finances of the case.
I'm in disagreement that LE has nothing. The prosecutor does not waste the time of a Grand Jury if they have nothing. A Grand Jury is the second eyes of LE before making an arrest.

If they are at Grand Jury they are moving forward on something. MOO
I have a feeling something is going to break big time. Don't ask me why, but I feel like their reason for the presser changed at the last minute.

My thoughts exactly. Makes sense: (1) something unexpected came up at Grand Jury yesterday? (2) did DeDe accept a plea/immunity or something along those lines? (3) IMO something obviously happened since DY could NOT hold back her emotions, KH seemed confused during the presser, especially at the end, and did TY ever even look up?

I don't think that this presser was the original plan. Even the "professionals" couldn't pull it off, their discomfort I mean. And, IMO, the reporters there should be professional enough to see that something is up. (Yes, I realize it is their job to try.)

JMO as always.
I think they used the word "deprive" as they don't want to say "murder" and can't say for sure "kidnap". So deprive works, either way, as Kaine and Desiree do not have access to Kyron, regardless of what has happened to him. I really fear that they may have to go ahead with charges at some point without really knowing for sure. Is there a way to "criminally deprive"?
I fully agree. And I think maybe the reason Desiree was upset is because LE had to have a talk with the parents, because they're going too far in the media saying these ideas they have are coming from LE.

It's understandable that the family is in pain. I don't fault them. I don't feel they are bad people or doing bad things. I think they're good people in a tragic situation, who are doing the best they can.

Terri Horman wasn't even mentioned today was she?

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