2010.08.18 - Dede's ex-Boyfriend describes her

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Aug 17, 2008
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DeDe Spicher's former boyfriend describes Terri Moulton Horman's friend as a "high-energy, dynamic" person who changed dramatically
Published: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 4:30 PM
Updated: Wednesday, August 18, 2010, 5:15 PM

An ex-boyfriend of DeDe Spicher said he was stunned when he learned that investigators were interested in the whereabouts of Spicher on the day Kyron Horman, 7, disappeared from Skyline School.

Jason Wishert, who has volunteered as a child's advocate in Multnomah County for more than a decade, said he dated Spicher for about 10 months, and they had even talked of marriage, but their relationship fell apart in early August 2009.

Wishert, 41, said he called the Multnomah County Sheriff's Office tip line soon after hearing Spicher's name in the news.

"My mouth was agape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Wishert recalled. "I thought, 'Oh my gosh, there's two things that investigators should look at.' "

More at link...

Article: http://www.oregonlive.com/portland/index.ssf/2010/08/dede_spichers_former_boyfriend.html

Document written describing Dede by ex-boyfriend: http://media.oregonlive.com/portland_impact/other/jasonw.pdf
This article confirms that DeDe lived on Bishop Road with her aunt and that this property was searched by investigators

He provided investigators with the name of a close confidante of Spicher, and an address in the 12700 block of Northwest Bishop Road in Washington County where Spicher had lived with an aunt after she moved to Portland from Klamath Falls. The Bishop Road address was one of the addresses investigators searched.
Interesting article. I just finished reading it. He does not feel that DeDe is capable of harming a child or hiding their body. That is the impression I have, too. He feels that she would help a child that was being abused and feels that Kyron is being hidden. I hope that's the case but I can't see why they would carry it so far. I still feel like DeDe is just a red herring and LE is barking up the wrong tree. Unless they have something like cell phone pings that show she is lying I tend to believe her.
"My mouth was agape. I couldn't believe what I was seeing," Wishert recalled. "I thought, 'Oh my gosh, there's two things that investigators should look at.' "

He provided investigators with the name of a close confidante of Spicher, and an address in the 12700 block of Northwest Bishop Road in Washington County where Spicher had lived with an aunt after she moved to Portland from Klamath Falls. The Bishop Road address was one of the addresses investigators searched.

Well that was a boat load of info.
He did give LE two tips and we know that one place was searched because of it. Just never know what tip will bring Kyron home.
"Adding to my belief that Kyron is still alive is the nature of the implications of what
must have happened for Kyron to be killed and buried. This is a series of events that is so
unimaginably evil in nature, not even Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or John Wayne Gacy
were that evil late into their murder careers. They never killed a 7 year old innocent child
that just moments previously was smiling proudly for the camera with his science project.
That level of evilness is so egregious that it would have manifested itself in some way
previously. This is a step way beyond trying to recruit someone to kill your husband. To
extinguish the life from an innocent and tender boy under this scenario is way beyond
reasonable comprehension. Then to go about your routine and act surprised when the kid
is not on the bus, and act like a distraught Susan Smith for the media and law
enforcement? I just fail to believe that this happened, God would not allow it."

I generally avoid true crime accounts because I find them so disturbing and they make me feel helpless; Kyron's case is the exception for me. But as I read more and more on this site, I wonder if a character witness really carries any weight at all. This man's evaluation of the degree of evil that would be necessary to carry out a murder indicates a belief that there will be signs and warnings ahead of time. But all you WSer's out there who have followed many cases: are there ever really signs or warnings? Isn't that what is so fascinating and yet horrifying about these kinds of crimes, that we can't see them coming, and really can't defend ourselves against them no matter how alert we are? Can you remember a case where a character reference held any weight or was accurate against the odds?

I hope this is on topic.
I'm going to file his info in the same place I filed TP's info.

TP's family sought out the media after the sheriff himself asked them not to.

JW seeks out the media after a failed relationship.

Those go in my big "Skeptical Of This" file.
I have no media experience and now regret doing some television interviews.

BBM. Yet, today he wrote 3 pages on everything he knows about DS??
This letter is one of the oddest things I've ever seen sent to a newspaper. It's like a legal deposition or something....
This letter is one of the oddest things I've ever seen sent to a newspaper. It's like a legal deposition or something....

Hink! Who does this? Writes practically his life story and sends it to a newspaper?? TMI, Mr. ex-boyfriend! :snooty:
Not all that crazy about how he started distancing himself when she stopped dieting and working out but I can't really say thats wierd. .

And the personality change when she lost her job..Can't believe he wrote this to a newspaper. How humiliating for Dede...sounds like a "fair-weather" boyfriend to me...

Hope she writes a letter to the Oregonian about HER side. I think I could write it for her!

All of a sudden I am on the fence about Dede...(but not Terri)
I find it a big coincidence that this guy is a child advocate who is the ex of a possible suspect in a child abduction case. JMO
I find it a big coincidence that this guy is a child advocate who is the ex of a possible suspect in a child abduction case. JMO

He sure has his panties in a wad over her serving on the HOA board.....what's up with that? Is it like a fulltime job without pay? :waitasec:
This was one of the weirdest things I've ever read. I agree with those who are creeped out, and who think it was way TMI to send to a newspaper.

I also have a rule about relying on information from anyone's ex. There's sort of a natural question about motivation that presents itself.

What a load of info, though!
I find it a big coincidence that this guy is a child advocate who is the ex of a possible suspect in a child abduction case. JMO

And kind of odd that he made a point to distance himself from even the possibility of ever hearing TH's name. Not just that but how he believes DDS must have re-connected with TH only after they broke up. Just very very odd.
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