2010.08.18 - Dede's ex-Boyfriend describes her

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After reading all 12 pages here, thanks for all the laughs everyone, :clown:



bbm...o/t seeing merc's post re: 12 pages of stuff reminded me. i recently changed my user options to see 100 posts per page and found it a lot easier to search for a particular post if i wanted to go back and poke around for it.

i don't think we had that option when i joined two years ago. our default is 25 posts per page. the higher post count per page took a little getting used to but i find it cool now.

there are many posts counts to choose from. you can go up to 1000.

user cp ==> edit options ==> number of posts to show per page.

I agree on the arrested development.


Thanks for the heads up, going to see if I can get that to work for me now!
ETA: Just changed it to 50 posts per page, and now there are only 6 pages. So cool!!! Will refrain from stating how many pages now, lol!
Both DDS and TH seem to have done the 180 degree turn!!!
We talked about this on the TH thread.
Odd that neither Kaine nor X boyfriend saw or heard of the other friend.
And yet the 2 woman say they were friends for 7 years!
TH/DDS had a secretfriendship! IMO.
Both DDS and TH seem to have done the 180 degree turn!!!
We talked about this on the TH thread.
Odd that neither Kaine nor X boyfriend saw or heard of the other friend.
And yet the 2 woman say they were friends for 7 years!
TH/DDS had a secretfriendship! IMO.
I believe Kaine has said he knew DeDe, she even organized Terri's last birthday party. He just didn't believe they were extremely tight friends.
I have been laughing my head off reading this thread! That said, I didn't think this case could get any more crazy and strange and then....this? Wow.

DeDe's blog had most of this extraneous information (and pictures of her Tupperware too). Strange that he felt the need to repeat it, and he forgot to mention the one time she wore her shirt inside-out to the HOA meeting. ;)
"The event that threw a cold, wet blanket on our relationship..."

Great thread. Thanks for the giggles and snorts.
Oh, no--Calliope--from that link you posted(!):

"We've all searched www.craigslist.org for that person to help us with yard work, construction projects, etc...and to be honest, sometimes it is a little hit or miss. This time, I found a "hit". Jason Wishert of Embassy Enterprises...."
Oh, no--Calliope--from that link you posted(!):

"We've all searched www.craigslist.org for that person to help us with yard work, construction projects, etc...and to be honest, sometimes it is a little hit or miss. This time, I found a "hit". Jason Wishert of Embassy Enterprises...."

how many reviews have you seen for contractors that include the person's license number and how to look it up LOL

what a (unusual person)
There's a missing 7 year old out there who has yet to be found. You got this guy posting on forums, about Dede.

This Ex BF to me, seems like he's looking for his 15 minutes. He dated her for 10 months, out of that 10 months, the last 5 months he saw her a handful of times.

How can he possibly could come out and state He Knew Dede so good?

I think this guy is strange, being he's a child advocate, really makes me wonder why he's putting himself into this case.

IIRC - he does say his family is off limits, yet he's out there spewing a bunch of dribble and making a mockery of himself.

I do not find him, nor anything about him "funny".....
Is there a link to the interview he did with KGW on June 30th??? AND, if he did not know until August that DS was connected to the case, and he claims to have never heard of TH or KH before this case.......why was he giving interviews about the case on June 30th at all?????
Found this.

Who is wishert?

Wishert may refer to the last name of Jason Wishert of Multnomah County, Oregon. Mr. Wishert is a 6 time Oregon Supreme Court appointee, elected to the OJD State Advisory Council in July 2006 at age 37, and a writer with several articles published in The Hillsboro Argus in 2008. His biography states he is pursuing a criminal justice degree at Washington State University. He is founder and owner of Embassy Enterprises, an Oregon based fencing company.

Mr. Wishert is a child advocate, serving on a board that provides Judicial oversight to children placed in State custody. He is a supporter of several non-profit child outreach organizations including CCF out of Richmond and Friends of Pimpollo out of Salem Oregon. His personal motto is "Trust God Everyday, and Never Give Up".


I thought he said University of Phoenix? Huge difference.
Do permit me to be catty. I can’t resist.

I looked up the Chem 100 course that Jason, our 4.0 genius, was struggling with at Rockville Community College. The course description reads “… For students who have no chemical background and minimal problem solving skills.” :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

This one quarter course isn’t college level chemistry. It is pitched at level that is good deal more elementary than the chemistry taught in standard high school college-prep courses. And high school kids taking advanced placement chemistry are noble prize material in comparison with Jason and his ilk struggling with Chemistry 100.

I don't know if this makes any difference to the above, but he was talking about the Rock Creek campus of Portland Community College. Just thought I would clarify that. I have not heard of Rockville Community College. Not in the Portland area.
I believe Kaine has said he knew DeDe, she even organized Terri's last birthday party. He just didn't believe they were extremely tight friends.

And yet, they were tight enough for DD to drop everything and go stay with Terri even though they received death threats, and had to sleep with a fire extinguisher. Sounds hinky to me.
Well, in addition to the wiki Q&A, I think I found somewhere else he tooted his own horn:



when they met, was he doing this kind of job? or another job?
or no job? is he credible as a witness to her character?
Because he says he worked 15 hours a day, barely making it and eating day old bread, yet she wanted these planters built..........
I'm trying to digest this from a different viewpoint. What did DeDe see in this guy? According to her twitter or blog (I can't remember exactly), she said she was falling in love with someone (I'm assuming it's this dude). So, what about him was so fascinating? His looks? He was generous and nice? She could manipulate him easily? He portrays her as strong-willed and driven (IMO). 'Cuz, I'm having a hard time seeing him as attractive in any way.
I don't believe the first and last man in her life story. Sorry, not buying it. :snooty:
Sorry if I toot our own horn here, but there is a reason that this guy didn't choose to join WS with his story and the owner of Rosemont Farms did. We check people out and don't put up with a bunch of gossip. JMO
I'm trying to digest this from a different viewpoint. What did DeDe see in this guy? According to her twitter or blog (I can't remember exactly), she said she was falling in love with someone (I'm assuming it's this dude). So, what about him was so fascinating? His looks? He was generous and nice? She could manipulate him easily? He portrays her as strong-willed and driven (IMO). 'Cuz, I'm having a hard time seeing him as attractive in any way.

I've had a couple "what was I thinking" boyfriends. I still feel icky when I think back.
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