2010.08.24 Defense Motion to Silence the Media

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So Mr. No-gag-order Baez again wants to supercede the Sunshine Law by picking-n-choosing what can and cannot be released. How convenient. His self-perceived omnipotence rearing its ugly head, as usual. Surely trivial media blips about cocoa and crackers isn't what drives this motion. I have a sneaking hunch some damning documents are headed for public release. Can't have it both ways, Baez. No media blitzing with a gag order, and you can't block release of information without one. Tough cookies JB.
Looking forward to the next round of docs. Should be good ones. :dance:
I saw the articles in the Today's News thread and thought, "not AGAIN!" This argument is SOOOOO OLD. :banghead:

They should move and apply for a license in another state that hasn't adopted the Sunshine Laws.

I was just thinking the same thing! Also he should remember to give good thought to the gag order topic next time.If THEY weren't out there flapping their gums on tv.etc. they wouldnt need this changed.Who the He77 do they think they are? Sounds like one poor soul with Alzheimers!!!:furious::banghead:they need to be reminded again B. got what he asked for.
I have a mental picture of HHJP meeting HHSS in the hallway and saying (while shaking his head in exasperation) 'Stan, you'll never believe what they did THIS time!' LOL!
Anyone have a guess about what type of docs might be released? Or why they might be damaging - are we talking jail visits or something?
Watching the video from the gag order hearing is a must see...again!
The irony is indeed rich!!

Horace, I'm hoping it is the CA interview. I was worried that the lag time on this had to do with a misunderstanding on dates and description, that the media perhaps thought this had already been released. I emailed Hal from OS two days ago about this and he said they he did not know why it was being held up. Maybe this is what is coming out. With this case, who knows?? LOL

ETA-JB talking about tips. First they gave me psychics, then they gave me suggestions, "Check around the corner from the house."
We need a lawyer to weigh in here.
I think this is all strategy. Baez and Mason need to file this Notice. When KC is found guilty of first degree murder, she will appeal. One of her appeals will be based on her assertion that she didn’t receive a fair trial because of Florida’s “Sunshine” Law. The Defense must object to the Judge’s previous ruling (because they lost) so that they can preserve their right to appeal the ruling.
If they didn’t file this, then KC would really have some really crummy representation. I don't want to have two trials and waste the taxpayers money, so I say, let him file all the notices and motions he wants. jmo

What do you mean?
Oh, I can see half an hour:

Judge Perry: How many depositions have you taken, Mr. Bay..........ez?

JB: Only 2, Judge. We need more time.

<atomic explosion in the vicinity of the Judge's chair>

Bold mine.

LOL...more like a Florida earthquake as HHJP's chair sets to rockin' uncontrollably, faster and faster, spinning out of control, until his chair flies through the air, and lands on HHJS's rainbow with a THUD! :dance:
jury tainting, or appeals or even stupidity. He is trying desperately to get kicked off the case before trial. He knows she did it. He knows that George and Cindy knew before the body was found (and that they knew where it was). He can't quit. He can't win. Anything. The trial nor any appeals. He is trying to get thrown off the crazy merry-go-round he is on.

My, my, my Jose (shakes head)

Somebody please explain to me, how JB can fight a gag order , sell photo's, get on every news station and then forcing JS to step down claiming he is a media hound that then claim the media is tainting the jury... WTF, am I just an idiot???because I am not understanding this
We need a lawyer to weigh in here.
I think this is all strategy. Baez and Mason need to file this Notice. When KC is found guilty of first degree murder, she will appeal. One of her appeals will be based on her assertion that she didn’t receive a fair trial because of Florida’s “Sunshine” Law. The Defense must object to the Judge’s previous ruling (because they lost) so that they can preserve their right to appeal the ruling.
If they didn’t file this, then KC would really have some really crummy representation. I don't want to have two trials and waste the taxpayers money, so I say, let him file all the notices and motions he wants. jmo

Most intelligent (and correct) observation on this thread.
I think the defense should consider that if the commisary records weren't made public, precious KC wouldn't have had anything in her account to buy bra's with. Seems to me, everytime the media reports her account is low or overdrawn, some sucker deposits cash.
I personally don't care what KC eats. I don't care if she goes on a hunger strike or breaks out in acne or chips her tooth. I only care that she's punished for killing an innocent child in cold blood.
So if the judge rules to allow JB's most recent OCD motion, does that mean no more trips to NYC for Cindy and George or visits to JVM for JB?
You are correct... I should have looked more carefully at the time. I was actually clarifying to the previous poster that the date was August 30 and not August 31 and did not pay close enough attention to the time.

Thank you for correcting me. :eek:

I'm a bit of a stickler for details like that, no offense intended. Its just that the hearing is this Monday and I wanted to be sure of the actual starting time myself.
He's upset that people know that Casey ordered Cocoa and crackers?

That's the reason for this motion? That Casey can't get a fair trial because she ordered Cocoa and crackers?

This has to be a joke?

Last time he complained he was upset over a bra order...that to me would have been worse---open court and out of all the things ordered my atty chooses a "bra" order??????? Why not the food issue???? He is wasting time in my opinion on useless things and making the defense look silly and very un-professional....:loser:

They aren't supposed to argue motions at status hearings, BUT...there again, Baez thinks he is the exception. When winding up the status conferences, Judge Perry usually asks, "Anything else?" and sure enough, Baez attempts to get his argument in.

the last two times jb brought up that doc dump of letters and how unfair it was, along with him not being able to read it---I certainly hope he has had time to read it now....He is just prolonging this. Hoping to get lucky.....I just hope HHJP stops this useless filing...doesn't he have to pay for all these (okay---JAC/State of Flordia)--???
We need a lawyer to weigh in here.
I think this is all strategy. Baez and Mason need to file this Notice. When KC is found guilty of first degree murder, she will appeal. One of her appeals will be based on her assertion that she didn&#8217;t receive a fair trial because of Florida&#8217;s &#8220;Sunshine&#8221; Law. The Defense must object to the Judge&#8217;s previous ruling (because they lost) so that they can preserve their right to appeal the ruling.
If they didn&#8217;t file this, then KC would really have some really crummy representation. I don't want to have two trials and waste the taxpayers money, so I say, let him file all the notices and motions he wants. jmo

I agree with you, it is strategy and will be used for the Appeal.
Like they can yack, but no one else. Cindy emailed a news organization to donate a pair of caylee shoes?

Oh please ...Heaven help the poor child who has to walk in Caylee's shoes ! So sad....

Cindy makes on like she is donating celebrity shoes? Come on. Who will walk in Caylee shoes ? ! Certainly not her family ! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrr
Most intelligent (and correct) observation on this thread.

Thanks, Richard...

Now, why oh why did Baez fight that gag order when the SA's wanted one?

Why wouldn't he go along with keeping things quiet until it blew up at trial?

Why does Baez not get that His Honor cannot change what Orange County Jails procedures are??

This to me shows, Baez is not clear on the law. Baez is just proving why it took 8 long years to become an attorney. He put himself neck deep and now is looking like the court jester and not an officer of the court. Which he uses like toilet paper, as if he abides by it???

All retorical questions for I understand you can't answer for him. If a laymen like myself can see the egregious errors, I'd want a different attorney to fight for my life. Seems like he just adds to the nails going into that proverbial coffin, as her mother is doing as well...and I do believe Baez enlists CA's help in mudding the waters. He knows she's a loose cannon and will do whatever it takes...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Motion to silence the media, would that include Baez running to the media? He seems to be the one who "leaks" the info and now wants it supressed???

If it includes himself and CMason, then please JBP, grant it just to shut him up as well...LMAO :croc:

Justice for Caylee
*snipped* RedBBM

omg...MORE IRONY! :rotfl:

Their own words come back to haunt them once again. Just like when Nejame cited CM's own words from the 6/21 presser, here we see Baez contradicting himself.

From what I can tell, the main reason they are fighting this so hard is so John Q. Public has ONLY the defense's hot air blowing out of their mouths telling the public what they WANT them to know. They don't want the FL taxpayers having access to anything else that could contradict how the defense wants to portray their client. The Sunshine Laws are really cramping their style. Just one side of the story. Censorship. Special treatment.

I mean really ..... if your defense is strong, I'm pretty sure that potential jurors knowing that KC spent a lot of $ on bean dip and slim jims would not be the deciding factor on finding her guilty. Really though.

I don't know how many more of these ridiculous, self-serving motions I can stomach reading. :banghead:

My friend, buckle up, get a helmet, buy some Extra Strength Tylenol, pray, breathe.....you will see nothing but this. The best, the very best predictor of future behavior is their past behavior and the record is replete with examples. The large majority of what they file is for the appeal process. In Judge Perry's words, I know what and why you are doing this, you can ask for anything you like, it does not mean you are going to get it. Remember the "Bear in mind" spanking he gave to Baez? I laugh about it. Still!
Did I hear Jose correctly , "The Horse has left the barn a long time ago in this case",? That is going to be front page of my book, first paragraph. You just can't make this stuff up. View attachment 23.pdf

One of the funniest hearings I have ever seen. Ever!
Thanks, Richard...

Now, why oh why did Baez fight that gag order when the SA's wanted one?

Why wouldn't he go along with keeping things quiet until it blew up at trial?

Why does Baez not get that His Honor cannot change what Orange County Jails procedures are??

This to me shows, Baez is not clear on the law. Baez is just proving why it took 8 long years to become an attorney. He put himself neck deep and now is looking like the court jester and not an officer of the court. Which he uses like toilet paper, as if he abides by it???

All retorical questions for I understand you can't answer for him. If a laymen like myself can see the egregious errors, I'd want a different attorney to fight for my life. Seems like he just adds to the nails going into that proverbial coffin, as her mother is doing as well...and I do believe Baez enlists CA's help in mudding the waters. He knows she's a loose cannon and will do whatever it takes...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
He fought the gag order so he could bring up the unfair trial on appeal, imo. He knows he doesn't have a chance in H*** of getting out of this, appeals are his only resort.

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