2010.10.29 Status Hearing

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Oh, I'm not trying to sleuth her out- if you look on Youtube at the Bailey Dickens tape ( it's hilarious) they are the Anthony family's neighbors and she announces her name at the beginning of the tape..

Yes, my good friend. I know you weren't. I was trying not to. After you mentioned them, I remembered them being a treasure trove. I laughed, out loud , throughout their entire interview. Again!!
I am always glad to see you here! Julia [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSBGyYFwtTk[/ame]

What is up next in the case? When is the next hearing?

Thanks for the link, LLL!

1. Lillian, fertheluvapete, get a proofreader! Someone will no doubt be willing to do this for you on a volunteer basis.

2. Interesting observations here--the only one I strongly disagreed with is LG's assertion that KC/CA did not make eye contact or connect after the hearing. I think there were two eye contacts. That may have been due to camera cuts/edits though. Also, contemplating KC's possible bralessness makes Ynot :sick:.

3. For god's sake why can't they just put CA in a sensible white blouse with a suit jacket and pull her hair back in a barrette? or cut it somewhat shorter?
One of the highlights in this hearing was the look on HHJP's face when he was told by the SA that the defense had stated that the court imposed deadlines didn't count. HHJP has remarkable self control. I would have loved to be able to tell just what he was privately thinking upon hearing this news. :D
Thanks for the link, LLL!

1. Lillian, fertheluvapete, get a proofreader! Someone will no doubt be willing to do this for you on a volunteer basis.

2. Interesting observations here--the only one I strongly disagreed with is LG's assertion that KC/CA did not make eye contact or connect after the hearing. I think there were two eye contacts. That may have been due to camera cuts/edits though. Also, contemplating KC's possible bralessness makes Ynot :sick:.

3. For god's sake why can't they just put CA in a sensible white blouse with a suit jacket and pull her hair back in a barrette? or cut it somewhat shorter?

I emailed Dr. Glass and offered my services...never did reply!
I have tried to read through this entire thread and hope I am not duplicating a question - if so, please forgive.

As many members have noted, it is painfully obvious that either JB has no clue how to keep up with the funds for his cases, or he is just completely unprepared during these hearings with budget figures and where he is in his spending of those funds.

Can the Judge require a full accounting of all funds associated with this case, either inclusive of the initial funds from the client, or excluding them to get an accounting of where the funds JAC has approved have been spent?

Or do they rely on the invoices coming into JAC for that?

Thanks to anyone who might know the regs on this.
One of the highlights in this hearing was the look on HHJP's face when he was told by the SA that the defense had stated that the court imposed deadlines didn't count. HHJP has remarkable self control. I would have loved to be able to tell just what he was privately thinking upon hearing this news. :D


Another highlight....no fishing expeditions...the taxpayers will not pay for this team to go fishing..or oil digging...if there's no oil there you can't get any...I wonder if His Honor is kept abreast of the allegations of witness tampering...So far, the two or three people Baez claims could say no water was at suburban have jumped ship, along with the other one who could have bolstered the claims against RK...they have all left the depot!

Public records...how His Honor had to get him to understand public records and copy fees go hand in hand...

Word gymnastics...I thought I heard semantics..either way, it appears His Honor is onto this team of defense attorneys...

I am so happy he's on this case and I now know why he is Chief Justice..he is all that and more...JMHO

It was throughly embarrassing for Baez, IMO...he was scolded, he's feigning ignorance but that can only go so far, even I know ignorance of the law is no excuse to break the law...

He hasn't kept any accounting of what he spent thus far from what was already given to him to spend. I can't believe he doesn't have it down cent by cent that has been spent. I wonder how long after this trial will Baez be hauled into court for his misdeeds during this pre-trial...I can only imagine what the trial will look like to those jurors who listen intently...JMHO

Justice for Caylee is only months away....
One of the highlights in this hearing was the look on HHJP's face when he was told by the SA that the defense had stated that the court imposed deadlines didn't count. HHJP has remarkable self control. I would have loved to be able to tell just what he was privately thinking upon hearing this news. :D

I think CM has tried to trade on his old friendship with HHJP - he always speaks to HHJP as if he is allowed special priveleges because they know each other..
and it seems to me HHJP is tiring of it. He tried to be considerate to him, but I have a feeling the gavel will drop soon.
I think CM has tried to trade on his old friendship with HHJP - he always speaks to HHJP as if he is allowed special priveleges because they know each other..
and it seems to me HHJP is tiring of it. He tried to be considerate to him, but I have a feeling the gavel will drop soon.

I loved the 'where is Mr Mason' by HHJP, forcing Mr Mason to stand and acknowledge the court. :)

I am amazed by just how much laxity there is in the courtroom. The few times I have attended court (no, I was not the defendant LOL) the rules were very strictly enforced. This is Canada though so maybe we are just more uptight about these things.
I loved the 'where is Mr Mason' by HHJP, forcing Mr Mason to stand and acknowledge the court. :)

I am amazed by just how much laxity there is in the courtroom. The few times I have attended court (no, I was not the defendant LOL) the rules were very strictly enforced. This is Canada though so maybe we are just more uptight about these things.

Oh I agree, I am all for formality and respect, I don't care for the chitchat that goes on, particularly from CM. As for people chewing gum......aaaargh!
Oh I agree, I am all for formality and respect, I don't care for the chitchat that goes on, particularly from CM. As for people chewing gum......aaaargh!

ZZ, I am hoping that when it comes to actual trial time, HHJP will nix the gum and the shorts!! Both are so disrespectful...and we don't see anyone EXCEPT the A's doing either one.

And as disrespectful as it is to chew gum in court, that alone wouldn't be so bad if Cindy would just keep her &*!$ mouth closed!!

From The world According To: (snipped for space)

"I believe the first thing Ms. Finell did was sit down with mom and pop and ask them loads of probing questions, then asked them to contact their relatives to implore upon then that it is imperative to saving Casey's life that they talk to her and be very forthcoming. If it had not already been clear to them, it brings into focus, the inevitable. Just as you say all the skeletons are going to be public knowledge."

Re: all the excellent questions that followed!!!

Remind me to never commit a crime!!!!
Jeff A and LDB will reincarnate Caylee and MOTY will come to attention is a hurry. They will use her name as often as possible and I'll bet plenty of her pictures will be available as well.
The trial is going to be a living h-ll for Casey, and the verdict, well, that's the grande finale. moo

I've been thinking about this for a long time, if ICA falls apart at seeing her brother or father, imagine her state of mind when she has to see all the people she lied to such as TL or AH. She will have to relive that time in her life when she took her daughters life and made a complete mess out of her own. I don't know how she's going to sit through all of it. She will be in h-ll.

I want the trial to wake her up and show her how she has messed up the lives of so many others. Right now she is isolated in her cell and can live in a fantasy world but the trial will be an unescapable reality. Sometimes I think after a small taste of it, she will not be able to take anymore and plea.
Watched the hearing again and I think Ann Finnell is competent and seems like a nice lady, imo. I got the impression that she was a bit misled by the defense, because of the way she turned and looked at Baez while HHJP was talking to her. I predict she'll jump ship soon.


ITA. Also, see Part 2 @ time 7:00 when she turns around and looks at CM who then points at JB. She looks pizzed to me. I wonder if her "brush the shoulder" means she is brushing off co-counsel too - like... Fine. Right backatcha. Posers.

Aw come on now, CA's look was all part of her acting abilities. Let's not forget, she was dressed as the "grieving, non descript, downtrodden" grandmother look during the hearing for the admittance of the 911 calls. Also her disability ends in Jan 11.

I didn't believe any of it was due to a "come to Church meeting" revelation. Yea I changed the wording ... but y'all catch my drift. CAs had plenty of years to perfect the given look she needs to portray in public. She knew dang well those cameras would be focused on her during this and future hearings. She needs to practice for the real time her emotions are required ... the trial and having the jury view her as much as they are viewing ICA. GA, well, he's got that "oh duh" look perfected.

CA gets no sympathy from me. None of them do.

ITA… I, like you, don’t give a dang what looks the Anthony’s plaster on their faces, as it does not take away from the reason why they are in that courtroom. Did anyone see Caylee’s face? Did anyone see her beautiful eyes, the smile on her face, and the song in her heart? No? I didn’t either, because her monster of a mother killed her. So, all the Anthony’s can look as down as they try to look, but none will get my sympathy. jmo

Justice for Caylee
I thought the same thing - is this woman really medicated, or is she in her own lala land or what the heck is going on? Where was the constant stroking, animation, facial expressions, etc.

Then I watched a news clip with Diane Tennis, who said (and I'm adlibbing here) she was please to see the coaching ICA has been getting is working - because the best thing a defendant can do is to be very very still, so as to almost disappear so the focus is on the lawyers, not on her. In other words, so the jurors would think - what? that bitty thing? They can't be talking about her. Which made me think - hmmm:waitasec:.

Really? Is she that smart and that able to control herself?

Review her lack of composure during the discussion about copies...

Part 3 @12:20

ICA breaks composure when the judge has his thumb hovering over Jose, trying to pin him down. She cant help but laugh. Yes, it IS hysterically funny TO US, but WHY is ICA laughing? Is it with JB or at JB? Is it complicit? Or does she realize what a pathetic liar he is and is siding up with CM (ew) and AF? I have noticed she seems to respond best to female counsel.


ZZ, I am hoping that when it comes to actual trial time, HHJP will nix the gum and the shorts!! Both are so disrespectful...and we don't see anyone EXCEPT the A's doing either one.

And as disrespectful as it is to chew gum in court, that alone wouldn't be so bad if Cindy would just keep her &*!$ mouth closed!!


I watched on myfoxorlando because it had the best coverage and sound. When the camera was panning the courtroom, it showed WFTV’s KB and I about fell off the chair. She was “Chewing Gum” as well as Cindy & George. I’m thinking HHJP may be overlooking this for now…BUT, come trial day, things will be different.
Do any of you think CM will bail since AF is now on the case?
Baez was in over his head at the on set of this case, but since he was privately retained by Casey, new laws state he can not leave..but I don't understand why both Mason and Finnell are required? they are both DP qualified
I watched on myfoxorlando because it had the best coverage and sound. When the camera was panning the courtroom, it showed WFTV’s KB and I about fell off the chair. She was “Chewing Gum” as well as Cindy & George. I’m thinking HHJP may be overlooking this for now…BUT, come trial day, things will be different.

Oh my... that really disappoints me. I have to re-watch that hearing. Usually I am doing so many other things at the same time, I miss some of those details. I'll watch for Kathi chewing her gum.

And I really do think that behavior will not be allowed at trial. At least I hope not.

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