2010.11.02 Gonzalez Employee at Sawgrass

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I got Brooklyn too.....someone needs to call Jose so he can switch SODDIs before trial.
So 4 out of 6 things are probably details Casey wove into her story. How do we explain the weird mood + time period? Just that he didn't know how to resign from a new job for the "weird" and the time period is just that it happened at the same time as everything else?
Also interesting is the fact that in previous jobs he worked servicing A/C units? I think that the refrigerant used in A/C(Freon) is made with chloroform.
Could it be she got this info from a friend that worked at sawgrass or maybe found something of his in the trash there?

I'm thinking more like Casey (with her outgoing personality) sparked up a conversation with him while visiting Sawgrass Apartments. I know our maintenance workers in my apartment complex are extremely nice and love to talk (sometimes TOO MUCH). Casey could have started a conversation about how she was looking into places to live... with him unknowingly giving out personal information about himself for Casey to use to incoorperate into her story. I still think that Casey had to have had some kind of access to Sawgrass Apartments office. There was one girl who refused to talk to LE early on (not sure if she ever did talk with them) who worked in the office. You'll be surprised with what people do on the job... they have friends come in and hang out all the time. Even let them do some of the paperwork for them.

I really can't wait for the trial... so many things are just so hard to understand and I really can't wait for the SA puts it all out there for us all to understand.
So 4 out of 6 things are probably details Casey wove into her story. How do we explain the weird mood + time period? Just that he didn't know how to resign from a new job for the "weird" and the time period is just that it happened at the same time as everything else?

I think the LE was around asking questions about Z. Gonzales and asked if there was anyone else who might be acting a bit different. Nice helpful manager said - hmm - Gonzales eh? Now you mention it, that Juan has been acting a bit different for the last couple of weeks.

Another one wanting his 15 seconds of fame - IMO.
I noticed a letter from a JAC atty. addressed to Linda Drane Burdick. The JAC office received an anonymous call claiming that Caylee was still alive and living in NY. I believe the letter was from 2010 and I want to say it was a man named Gonzalez involved. (Sorry, I was reading fast, my good lap crashed last night and I am on a dinosaur pc that will barely load...can't find it again right now. Hopefully someone else can recall it.) The JAC atty. summarized the anonymous call and attached a couple of pgs of personal notes that her assistant had taken in her own handwriting.

This may not be related, but I am just throwing it out there because of the similarities. It seems to ALWAYS be an anonymous source/call when it comes to Caylee sightings, iykwim...

ETA: Adding link pdf pg. 129; p. 22685

Sorry if this is OT. After a quick scan, it doesn't appear to be related. This is allegedly the boyfriend of a Gloria Gonzalez in NYC.
Orlando-->Atlanta-->Los Angeles-->New York kidnap scenario.

The information you reference is in the current doc dump. I was curious about it too. Someone called LDB (I don't think it was JAC but an anonymous informer) and gave her phone numbers and relationships of people that allegedly had Caylee. I am more curious because of the detail they provided. Phone numbers and addresses. This would easily be proved but I have never heard of any results.
IIRC there was discussion in the emails about the apt. complex being sold and concern about job "stability"?

Then another comment about top employees would stay on.

I will go back and find the page #.

But...if an apt. community is sold, very often the new company hires its own people and maintenance workers are not typically considered "top employees".

So while there are coincidences....a "mood" could be attributed to concern over job stability.

I think it is really important not to dress this man into a POI suit. Please post accordingly.
IIRC we have seen many instances where it 'appears' that ICA sourced her lies and names from various bits and pieces in her real life. IMO given the scope and depth of ICA's lies, the on-going complexity ... she had to have a frame of reference to remember everything and keep it straight. What better way than as this thread suggests to use snippets from folks ICA has encountered? I truly believe ICA had a system to not only source her lies but use connections/visuals to keep them straight. She had a LOT of TMI details to add credibility to the stories -- although she went too far / tried too hard.
What do we know about Juan Gonzalez who worked and lived at Sawgrass from 5/21/08 and suddenly left 7/2/08 after acting strangely for 2 weeks and moved to NY?

Previous address apartment 210?

/apologies and credits to those who posted the above snippets, moved snips to a new thread because this is so interesting.

This is a LOT of coincidences including his last name. (I can't remember if I can post it).

I believe the previous residents in 210 were identified, and even though there was something weird going on with them (name changes, maybe due to marriage as it was a couple), they did not seem to have any link. Per Sawgrass managament/paperwork, it was vacant after this couple left in February, 2008, IIRC.
If someone remembers better than I, do tell, as this info is sure to be hidden way back in a Sawgrass thread somewhere and I don't remember the couples' name to search it out of the forum.
I believe the previous residents in 210 were identified, and even though there was something weird going on with them (name changes, maybe due to marriage as it was a couple), they did not seem to have any link. Per Sawgrass managament/paperwork, it was vacant after this couple left in February, 2008, IIRC.
If someone remembers better than I, do tell, as this info is sure to be hidden way back in a Sawgrass thread somewhere and I don't remember the couples' name to search it out of the forum.

The Juan G. guy previously lived in another complex, apt. 210, not Sawgrass. He indicated to management when he got the job at Sawgrass he would move into Sawgrass in June, as his lease at his address expired the end of May. In the contracts, Sawgrass offers a 20% discount on the rent to employees.
What do we know about Juan Gonzalez who worked and lived at Sawgrass from 5/21/08 and suddenly left 7/2/08 after acting strangely for 2 weeks and moved to NY?

Previous address apartment 210?

/apologies and credits to those who posted the above snippets, moved snips to a new thread because this is so interesting.

This is a LOT of coincidences including his last name. (I can't remember if I can post it).

Here's my take, and I freely admit I take a 'simple as possible' view of most things.

Juan was looking for a new job, he shows up as an applicant at Sawgrass sometime around the first of May. He goes through the interview process, agrees to start working there May 21st, and also makes arrangements to move there June 1st. IMO, these are big life changes, new job, new abode. At some point shortly after this, Sawgrass either goes up for sale, or Juan becomes aware it's for sale. His job and home are now in danger of going up in smoke. IMO, he could have been a little freaked out, and also resentful, feeling he got into this under false pretenses. Allegedly, he was in NY and found another job. If true, I would bet if we could get the info it would be reported he made a point of finding out if the place was for sale or going on the market anytime soon.

IMO, Gonzales is a fairly common name here where I live, and IMO it would be at least as much if not more common in Orlando.

It's also my opinion even in cases that seem pretty open and shut, there are still going to be some things that seem a little weird and make you go 'hmmmm'.
I noticed a number of pages dedicated to employment paperwork for a J. Gonzalez who was employed briefly as a maintenance worker at Sawgrass from May 21 to July 2, when he quit.

What I found interesting was that he was previously from New York and quit to go back to New York. Even more interesting was that he lived in an apartment 210 (not Sawgrass) prior to moving to Sawgrass. Recall that apartment 210 at Sawgrass was the one KC reportedly dropped Caylee off at. Probably a coincidence, but odd nonetheless.

Thanks, JWG-I was confused in the other (Juan G.) thread, because I knew that Sawgrass 210 was not inhabited by this guy, as far as we have gathered previously.

Another coincidence? KC was hitting bullseye all over the place with her Sawgrass coincidences-This guy in an apartment 210 and Zenaida visiting Sawgrass...I believe it is probably a coincidence, too, but this is another doozy.
IIRC there was discussion in the emails about the apt. complex being sold and concern about job "stability"?

Then another comment about top employees would stay on.

I will go back and find the page #.

But...if an apt. community is sold, very often the new company hires its own people and maintenance workers are not typically considered "top employees".

So while there are coincidences....a "mood" could be attributed to concern over job stability.

I think it is really important not to dress this man into a POI suit. Please post accordingly.

ITA, and to paraphrase what I posted in the other Juan G. thread, he not only just took this job, but also left his old apartment and moved into Sawgrass. IMO, this is more than enough to make someone start acting 'off'.
I thought I read in Diane Fanning's book "Mommy's Little Girl" that ICA had a friend who once lived in the Sawgrass apts.....I have tried finding that again in the book but haven't been able to. I remember reading it and being surprised that she had a friend that "once" lived there after all.....the second thing about the book that I remember that struck me as ironic was that GA used to work for the Orlando Sentinel as delivery supervisor or something to that effect.
The way I read the docs...Juan was nervous about the complex being sold and him losing his job....hence the other job offer and the fact that he had already accepted it. I would imagine he was nervous about telling them he was leaving in a few days. Simple.
Well I tried to find in the book where is mentions a friend of KC's living in the Sawgrass apts but I couldn't.....maybe I'm confusing things yet again....sorry if I started any rumors....

but it seems that there are a lot of coincidences in this case and I don't believe in coincidences per se......I think KC simply picked and pulled from reality and her imagination to the point that when you encounter a "half-truth" you think you are on to something, when in reality NOTHING should make sense because it's ALL fabricated. Mixing in pieces of truth does not make a lie true....but it certainly makes a lie more difficult to spot, investigate, etc.,......and it puts people like this J.Gonzalez appear to belong to this case when in fact he is as innocent as the imaginanny.
Originally Posted by 'Beach
I noticed a letter from a JAC atty. addressed to Linda Drane Burdick. The JAC office received an anonymous call claiming that Caylee was still alive and living in NY. I believe the letter was from 2010 and I want to say it was a man named Gonzalez involved. (Sorry, I was reading fast, my good lap crashed last night and I am on a dinosaur pc that will barely load...can't find it again right now. Hopefully someone else can recall it.) The JAC atty. summarized the anonymous call and attached a couple of pgs of personal notes that her assistant had taken in her own handwriting.

This may not be related, but I am just throwing it out there because of the similarities. It seems to ALWAYS be an anonymous source/call when it comes to Caylee sightings, iykwim...

ETA: Adding link pdf pg. 129; p. 22685

Sorry if this is OT. After a quick scan, it doesn't appear to be related. This is allegedly the boyfriend of a Gloria Gonzalez in NYC.
Orlando-->Atlanta-->Los Angeles-->New York kidnap scenario.

Maybe I'm just not trusting of this letter...but if you look at the handwritten notes on page 131 that supports the email sent to LDB...it appears to me, the handwritting is much like CA (or ICA's)...they have similar handwritting (noticed the "S" especially) and was thinking this might be one of CA's "anonymous" tips??? I didn't catch the postmark! Are there any handwritting experts aboard??? JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Here is the limb I was going out on with this thread. :poke:

The last name Gonzalez, current place living at being apartment #210 (not Sawgrass though), brief employment during time of interest being Sawgrass, and the fact he was from Long Island and about Tony Lazarro's age made me wonder ... :waitasec:

Could KC have crossed paths with Mr. Gonzalez during the month of June, 2008, and stolen a few pieces of his identity in building the Nanny story?

There are a couple ways I could see this happening. One might be that Tony actually kind-of sort-of knew Mr. Gonzalez. After all, their home towns in Long Island are only 12 miles apart, so it is not unreasonable to believe they may have known each other, and were in touch because they both moved to Florida around the same time and, during the period of interest, lived about 10 minutes from each other. So perhaps they occasionally hung out together?

Perhaps as likely is that they crossed paths at Fusian, and Tony may not have known Mr. Gonzalez at all, but in chit-chat with Mr. Gonzalez it may have come up that he was from a NY town very close to Tony's home town. Let's pretend this happens on June 20. :toast:

So the conversation continues... :talker:

Mr. Gonzalez mentions that he does maintenance work for apartment complexes.

KC sez: "hey, my boyfriend and I are looking to find a new place to live. Just this week we looked at one apartment and a house. Have any suggestions or leads?"

Mr. Gonzalez responds: "Well, I just started a new job at Sawgrass off S. Conway...know where that is?"

KC exclaims: "Sure, I have a couple of friends that live there, although I haven't been there in a while."

Mr. Gonzalez then says: "Not sure how much they have coming available, although I know that #210 has been vacant for a while."

KC squeals in delight: "That's great. I'll be sure to tell my boyfriend!!" :applause:

Mr. Gonzalez cautions :nono:: "If you're serious, you better act fast. Just the other day some woman came to look at it. Funny, she had the same last name as me. Her first name was Zenaida. I did not know her."

KC thinks to herself...PERFECT... :devil:

To Mr. Gonzalez, nothing more than idle chit-chat which he quickly forgets. To KC, the foundation for a perfect story.
While highly speculative, JWG, some variation of this is the most likely scenario, IMO.

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