2010.11.16 - 11:00 PM EST Adam Baker Speaks with WBTV

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My guess, a lot of editing went in because his attorney after the interview said...No not that, no you cannot use that...blah blah blah.
Welp I guess that solves the case then. He's innocent because he says so!

Hey AB, I dont think they'll allow you to "take Zahra with you" to jail but good luck with that one.
THANK-YOU Sherlockhomey :hug:

AB didn't say he didn't dismember her :banghead: , but it seems he's implying EB did the killing, IMO.

I can't believe he wants Zahra's remains!!!!!!!!!
I guess he told Emily he wanted to take Zahra home with him.
It took them 90 minutes to get that out of him? I thought they did a 90 minute interview?
what a sociopath! It took him this long, coaching I bet to show any emotion..and he wants to take Zahra with him...what his trophy! I'm way mad!
Not even one mention of his daughter's birthday today?!
Keep an eye on the website for video, and possibly any "web extras" of extra footage or extra transcripts, just in case.
Well, if that was he and his attorney's attempt at damage control, I'd say they failed miserably. Just makes me hate him more, if that were even possible.
still not ready. That was the big statement? I thought all day this interview was hyped as "AB finally answers questions"? Did any question really get answered?
IMHO he won't be going anywhere any time soon. Just prison.

That is what I think too. Just trying to look like an innocent man and trying to zing Emily in my opinion. He had to have seen her hurt on the news. jmo
Glad it's only 8:00 here, Ida been pizzed if i stayed up until 11:00 for that.
still not ready. That was the big statement? I thought all day this interview was hyped as "AB finally answers questions"? Did any question really get answered?

Why yes, TL...he told us he didn't kill his daughter. Case closed. Everybody can go on home now. Nothing more to see here. *insert eyeroll*
According to his story, EB (or the kidnappers, mmhmm) had THREE hours to kill Zahra, dismember her body, drive around the town and throw pieces, DIG a hole, come home, set a fire and write a ransom note. Man, EB is way more powerful than I thought! And we know she couldn't have done this AFTER 5 am because the police seized the vehicles.

But wait, why buy a new mattress DAYS before EB did all of this Adam? Oh yeah, that's right, because YOU were involved and you're playing the victim.

Z was killed and dismembered days (maybe even weeks, who knows?) before October 9th and everyone knows it. So, AB couldn't have possibly "seen" or "checked in" on Zahra at 2 AM.

MAN, he is making me more mad than EB does! At least she acknowledges she's evil.
I understand the economy stinks and I understand ratings and I even understand putting a teaser out there, but


I hope they will release more and release it soon. That community as well as the world have suffered and they are tired of holding their breath for answers. Basically AB and EB have victimized everyone in the community and beyond. None of our lives will ever be the same and Zahra no longer has one. Maybe the interview doesn't hold all of the answers but I think it's in ill taste to hold the community hostage for more ratings.


/end rant
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