2010.12.22 Prosecutors Call for Sanctions Against the Defense

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I wonder where the media is getting the information that they are releasing.

The hearing notice for Jan. 3 and JA's new motion have not yet been listed on the court docket. I guess the docket is not a "real time" kind of web page. Maybe later this morning they will update it. I'll keep an eye on it.

. . . and there's really not all that much media coverage on this, is there? Are the rest of the news peeps waiting to see the court docket updated before they cover this too, or is it because it's so close to Christmas? I was expecting to pop in here this morning and see our WS news thread stacked full of links.

What's going on (or not)?
I wonder where the media is getting the information that they are releasing.

The hearing notice for Jan. 3 and JA's new motion have not yet been listed on the court docket. I guess the docket is not a "real time" kind of web page. Maybe later this morning they will update it. I'll keep an eye on it.

Updates to the court docket seem to experience some delays around holidays. Perhaps a skeleton crew staff. And, once a holiday is over, sometimes it does take a few days for them to get caught up.
I think B knows exactly what he is doing, he isn't just trying to delay but at his peril he is trying to get the case so convoluted that it won't ever go to trial again. Can the JUDGE fire B? Call him incompetent, and fire his butt and appoint another one?

I think B wants the Judge to get so angry that he will say or do something...perhaps B is trying to remove the judge too

I don't know if Judge Perry does get angry. He's hinted enough that if someone is not following the rules, he believes in sanctions. So, let's see him SANC someone.

The man knows the law and he wants it followed to a T. IMO
Updates to the court docket seem to experience some delays around holidays. Perhaps a skeleton crew staff. And, once a holiday is over, sometimes it does take a few days for them to get caught up.

Cherishtoo has just put the updated trial docket in Todays News showing the request for sanctions motion. Hopefully we will get to see the actual motion "shortly".:woohoo:
I also must say that I am impressed that Mr. Nejame never officially filed for sanctions.

JB offered TES volunteers up as a sacrificial herd of lambs. He failed to view TES records docs in a timely manner citing difficulties and lack of cooperation from TES counsel. From what we have seen, these docs were at the ready for quite some time and JB failed to take time to examine them.

Mr. Nejame has been VERY patient and forgiving. Whereas he certainly had grounds to file for sanctions after having to take time to respond to JB's motions regarding TES's "failure to provide records" and to appear in court on those motions, he chose to take the high road.

Mr. Nejame knew this was not HIS fight. He carried on and left the "fight" to the State of Florida. A class act IMO.

I totally agree.
Holy smokes! Don't have time to read this thread but just wanted to say just when you think the day's news is done, you come in the next morning to something like this. JB reminds me a lot of my ex....he plays the same stupid court-wasting nyah nyah nyah games with custody. I hope the judge puts him in his place (JB not my ex...well both) and tells him to cut the cr*p.
Something just dawned on me! :idea:

Again...the timing...

Wasn't JA supposed to depose Dr. Fairgrieve yesterday? Or was it Dr. Bock? I am wondering if during that depo JA didn't discover while deposing the witness a few surprises and docs/info that the defense did not turn over to comply with Judge Perry's order. whooweee! I want to see that motion!

ohhh! That makes sense! I was wondering why the SA pulled this out yesterday. didn't the judges order maintain that JB have all of his paperwork in order by the 23rd not the 22nd? But if they went into a depo and found so much as a single piece of paper that they did not have prior that probably would have pushed the SA over the edge.
Seriously - I recently read CM was sitting on a beach some where tropic for three weeks.....So maybe this last week can't be put down to him specifically. Although he did write those motions before he moseyed out of town.

I'm sitting here, with my best JB smirk on my face, thinking about CM sitting in a cabana...with one of those drinks in a coconut (complete with a cute paper umbrella)....rolling over and finding Kathi Belich on a chaise lounge next to him, with a big floppy hat and over sized sun glasses....asking him what is his response to the latest motion by the prosecution....
Jeff Ashton is fed up with Baez and his tactics, IMO...Each time Baez has a chance, he states, my client is innocent of these charges or my client is 100% innocent, or it was someone else how dumped the body while my client was in jail...or my client will be acquitted of these charges...Is he trying for a mistrial? But it's only pretrial so I am at a loss...

How many times has the SAs asked for Baez to produce this evidence? Since the days of Todd Mac..it's an ongoing struggle for him and in the words of Judge Strickland, this is getting old.

Things between Baez and Ashton seem very personal and I don't understand why? Have they gone head to head on other cases? Is Baez intimidated by the SA's experience? Is Baez just reflecting the hatred ICA carries for him? I noticed how she looks at the SA's...as if to say, how dare they try to blame me for being a child killer and want to put me to death! How dare they!

I believe Baez has not learned a thing since his being held back those 8 long years from being sworn in for his unethical matters...he's still the same attorney now as he was back then.

I hope His Honor puts a stop to Baez' madness. It's just so unprofessional...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I really don't think it's personal. I feel sure JA has a good working relationship with many other Attorneys, but finds Baez' incompetence and contemptuous behavior too much to tolerate. It's not asking too much to expect JB to observe propriety and follow court orders...
JB has been pushing the envelope and taking jabs at the Prosecution for far too long. I believe he was/is doing it purposefully in order to provoke so he could say 'see?! they're picking on my client/me!' It is high time it has come to this, IMO. Kudo's to JA for putting up with JB's c*$& for this long.
I really don't think it's personal. I feel sure JA has a good working relationship with many other Attorneys, but finds Baez' incompetence and contemptuous behavior too much to tolerate. It's not asking too much to expect JB to observe propriety and follow court orders...

I thought he made an excellent point that baez's failure to comply with the court's ruling is having an effect on his client's right to a fair trial. That alone should spur Judge Perry into punitive action, imo.
At the 5 p.m. hearing that JA requested, I could tell that JA was highly miffed then. However, JA was still very professional in his speech and requests to the judge. Looking at JB, he sat with that *&%$#@# grin on his face. It is so clear that he is deliberately not complying with the court.

When I read what JB submitted to the State as his lists of experts, their CV's, and the "subject matter" of what they would testify to, I thought then this was a joke, he's still going to try to get away with as much as he can - for whatever reason.

I truly hope JP rules for the state and approves sanctions against JB. This has gone on too long! Mr. Ashton is correct - it's "laughable." And IMHO - JB is "laughable." It's ridiculous!! The state is trying to prepare accordingly and proceed for the trial. JB obviously has no defense so he's "hindering" the trial moving forward appropriately and expeditiously.

Go Ashton!!
I really don't think it's personal. I feel sure JA has a good working relationship with many other Attorneys, but finds Baez' incompetence and contemptuous behavior too much to tolerate. It's not asking too much to expect JB to observe propriety and follow court orders...

I think it's on the verge of becoming personal. Baez has attacked Ashton so many times that it's wearing thin. There's fair fighting and there's outright nastiness, and Baez has crossed the line.

Correction: I don't think Baez has ever been on the side of fair fighting, so I guess he has not crossed the line. Maybe he should give it a try someday.
Hmm, I don't think JA wanted to go this route, I think his hand has been forced by the defense teams inability to pull together an adequate defense for KC.

This is a double edged sword and although we are pleased someone called shenanigans, this also means the fact that KC's defense team is less than steller, is now part of an official record.

The fact that Mr. Baez's response to the court seems always less than adequate, is late and always accompanied by a feeling of personal peevishness, has finally bought results. I hope he is enjoying the fruits of his labor, well deserved.
I think it's on the verge of becoming personal. Baez has attacked Ashton so many times that it's wearing thin. There's fair fighting and there's outright nastiness, and Baez has crossed the line.

Correction: I don't think Baez has ever been on the side of fair fighting, so I guess he has not crossed the line. Maybe he should give it a try someday.

I think Baez is to Ashton as a flea is to a dog. No matter how much Ashton tries to scratch and get rid of him, he won't go away and keeps making Ashton itch (probably twitch by now).

I praise Ashton and LDB for putting up with Baez for over two years and not becoming homicidal. They have far more willpower, professionalism, and guts than I ever could have. Two and half years of this crap. How they are sane at this point is just a miracle. I'm sure Ashton wants Baez thrown off of the case and maybe deported from the country at this point, but to just ask for sanctions at this point is extraordinary.

And I know they've dealt with other lawyers before this, but Baez has to be the worst they've run into. Bravo to them for keeping Caylee their center and their fight and not letting Baez drag them down to his level.

Keep on keepin' on, Ashton and LDB!!!! We've got your back all the way! JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE!

ETA: I'm right there with them. I just keep thinking, six more months, just six more months...(almost five now). Like them, I have to see this through. I've come this far and waded through a swamp of Baez crap, so I just have to finish and see justice for Caylee finally served!
Has the Motion been posted yet?
I have looked but have been unsuccessful.

Also, is the Orlando sentinel the only media outlet to have reported Ashton's Sanction Motion?
WFTV, WESH, FOX etc.. have nothing reported...unless I have missed something.
I really don't think it's personal. I feel sure JA has a good working relationship with many other Attorneys, but finds Baez' incompetence and contemptuous behavior too much to tolerate. It's not asking too much to expect JB to observe propriety and follow court orders...

It's not just that, but the trial is only 4 1/2 months away. It's down to the wire. The State needs this information to prepare for trial. The State has done everything in their power to make sure the defense has the information they need in a timely mannor so that they can properly prepare for trial. The defense, on the other hand, has done nothing but try to stop the State from being able to properly prepare for trial. It also seems to me that JA is more concerned with Casey getting a fair trial than her own defense is.
I think Jeff Ashton and LDB see JB and CM as a blight on a profession that I'm sure they are very proud to be a member of and has great respect for many defense lawyers that act professionally and according to the rules of the court -especially at the expense of Florida taxpayers money!! Way to go Jeff and Linda!!:croc:
Am I wrong in suspecting that the bulk of the judges ire on this one will probably come down on CM? He is the required DP qualified attorney. he is the one that has experience in these cases and is supposed to know how this all has to go. HHJP is not himself going to force changes to the defense team. Rather he is going to slam CM, not JB . It is probably all but pointless for the judge to directly slam JB as he does not seem to really take the hint. But if he slams CM it will force him to step up and take charge of the mess or face personal consequences. A good opportunity for some skillful human engineering. Force somebody else to solve your problem rather than waste time waging the fight yourself.
I find Baez' attempts to cirvumvent rules and get one up on JA just despicable.
It is as if it's a game to him, he has forgotten that there is a dead child at the heart of this
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