2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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Hi exfiler:
We don't know what Tommy said to LE though, do we? I am really on the fence about his involvement, going back and forth, but too many things don't add up.

We do know he is the one to point LE to the River.
Haleigh deserves justice no matter who's guilty. She was only a little child who never got to live her life. The ultimate outrage in my opinion.

We have no proof Haleigh was alive except when she left school that day.

If GGS saw her alive in the seven o'clock hour (approx) why would she wait 3 weeks to say so. And then blurt it to a reporter? And then only after being prodded? (there's a youtube video of the incident). She turned around angrily and blurted out that she saw the child alive after her grandson went to work.

Especially since FBI Child Crime Unit was there from day 1 and timeline was critical in solving this crime.

I'm not covering for or condoning anyone. I long for truth on haleigh's behalf. But truth and these people seem to be strangers.
Is it possible that RC told TC he would have somebody kill his wife, and kids if he implicated him?

Cat sure that is a possibility, but think about, since there is no fear at this point since rc is in custody, and not likely to get out for a long long time what's to fear? I can't imagine anyone liking rc enough to off a family...its not like it would be a paid hit.
I agree with this:

"What is wrong with this picture? Ronald has a bitter argument with the woman watching his children, he can't get through to her, he gets so worried that he calls her brother to go check on her and the kids, the brother finds the house dark, and Ronnie STAYS AT WORK until 3 AM and then stops at a convenience store on the way home to buy beer, snacks, and cigarettes.



"Ronald finishes his shift so he keeps his alibi solid"
Oh my! I now remember, after you so kindly pointed me in the right direction. Didn't she say at some point they used a blanket on the window, too? Reading these accounts brought the window to mind. Then she claimed one or two of their blankets were left in the van, right? I have that buried in my brain somewhere.

Between the blanket stories and her consistent ending of each recital with "And that's all I know" added with RC's insistent "I wuz at werk" every time someone asks him about that night, I'm ready to string them all up, and hope one confesses before the nooses get too tight. Bamboo shoots under the fingernails would probably be considered cruel and unusual. I don't know what's going to scare these people straight. I'd love to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's difficult to do knowing they put a child's life in danger for their self-preservation.

elle, thanks for the nebulizer information. What will they think of next? :eek:

kant, the title tickles my funnybone too. Ron the mastermind. Misty the mastermind. Tommy the mastermind? If I had to choose a mastermind from the "usual suspects", I'd have to go with GGS. She's tough, she's bossy, she's skeery! She's the only one I'd trust to carry out a drug trafficking scheme. Who'd cross her? :eek: I could see the uncover now, "GGS, spread 'em." "I, selling drugs? That's a crock!"

aksleuth....I don't know how to do that partial post snippy thing....so Your Welcome...: )
You're wrong, but what the heck..Both Ron and Misty were given a lie detector test...only thing different between Ron and Misty..is Misty has been given multiple ones and failed.

You wrote.."Do you know Joe has not taken an LDT ? He's not in jail and he certainly has not been named a person of interest to this point in time"

Please give me a break if Joe had taken a lie detector test both him and his lawyer would be screaming the results from the highest tower. And you better believe he is a person of interest at this point. Is he a suspect...you betu he is...but you can't arrest a person based on suspiction..now can you?


Please provide one direct quote from LE that totally absolves Ronald Cummings in Haleigh's disappearance. Please explain why Ron's own lawyer says Ron has not been removed from the suspect list. You say the only difference between Ron and Misty is that Misty was given multiple LDTs and failed - so Ron took one that we know of, your point is he failed or he just took one that we know of ? LE has never said Ron or Misty passed or failed so you really do not know if the difference is simply multiple tests or pass/fail.

Please give me a break, your assumptions concerning Joe taking an LDT are just that - your assumptions, as is your assumption he is a suspect. To this point in time, we do not know if Joe has taken an LDT or not. We also do not know if LE considers him a suspect or person of interest or anything at all. Fine if you want to go there, but the only ones pointing at Joe are sitting in jail trying to figure out how to get out of drug trafficking charges and or involvement in Haleigh's demise. In other words, well proven liars.
Speaking of polys -

I just posted this in the NG thread - found it in the current news thread


Breaking News: Misty Croslin reportedly flunks another poly!
April 23, 2010
Breaking developments in the Haleigh Cummings case! Urgent report surfaces that Haleigh's former babysitter/stepmom Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph! What does this mean for the investigation and the newly released details that cops have NOT found Haleigh's remains in the St. Johns river? Nancy Grace has all the latest, breaking developments on at 8 & 10 PM E.T. on HLN.


SO, MC had flunked #5 now?
Honestly, they still bother to polygraph her...? And she still agrees to take the tests? Is she nuts or is this some kind of bright strategy by Robert Fields, who is hoping that once she flunks enough polygraphs it is proven that she just is anatomically unable to ever pass one.

Yawn... wake me up when she passes a polygraph test... Now that's what I'd call breaking news...
Breaking news - that would be a major BOMBSHELL !!!

Too funny Donjeta :D
I don't think Ron is intelligent to think this through. Also, when you are in a panic situation you're not thinking clearly. I do think that TN would know about the ping-thing (because she had been a police dispatcher.) Maybe TN or GGM took RN's cell near his work and made all those calls. But why 90? To me that's overkill.

I'm so confused; think I'm losing my mind! :woohoo:

I've always wondered if the number is so high because it was set to auto-redial.
I too keep asking myself why they keep bothering to polygraph Misty. I think maybe...LE are using the test as an investigative tool and perhaps one or more questions that they ask her have registered truth:waitasec:....I don't know. I have to wonder when she took this test and who exactly is reporting that it was failed.
I've always wondered if the number is so high because it was set to auto-redial.

BWHAHAHAHAHA! I read this after Elle's comment which follows this one.....and somehow in my head it connected to the LDT's they keep giving Misty and well.....a LDT set to re-dial.....just struck me funny.
Are they going to keep giving them to her UNTIL she passes one?????????
BWHAHAHAHAHA! I read this after Elle's comment which follows this one.....and somehow in my head it connected to the LDT's they keep giving Misty and well.....a LDT set to re-dial.....just struck me funny.


I'm positive Misty would flunk 90 in a row!
BWHAHAHAHAHA! I read this after Elle's comment which follows this one.....and somehow in my head it connected to the LDT's they keep giving Misty and well.....a LDT set to re-dial.....just struck me funny.

lol....okay it took my blond self a minute but I got it...lol
Pat Brown thinks Ron's attorney is working on a defense for a murder trial.


Seems more like the defense lawyer is working overtime to paint Ronald as a victim and sympathetic figure. He is giving too much information which leads me to believe he is working on a defense in a murder case, not a drug dealing case.

Maybe I am wrong and we will find out the Ronald Cummings really did spend the year helping the police nail Misty. If this turns out to be the case, Ron can play himself in the movie because he is one hell of an actor and I will pay the $12 to be there on opening night.
I don't think Joe has been asked to take a LDT. I think LE is smart enough to know this scenario is too far fetched to be true.

Just my opinion, and I am allowed to have one!
Honestly, they still bother to polygraph her...? And she still agrees to take the tests? Is she nuts or is this some kind of bright strategy by Robert Fields, who is hoping that once she flunks enough polygraphs it is proven that she just is anatomically unable to ever pass one.

Yawn... wake me up when she passes a polygraph test... Now that's what I'd call breaking news...

Could be they did a LDT to see if what she states about the river is truthful or not. Same with ToC...JMHO
I can only assume you do not know Ron actually took a lie detector test. If he had failed I am sure he like Misty would still be considered a person of interest.

Joe take a damn lie detector and clear your name...if you are so innocent!


I'm not aware of a list of names on the POI list that LE has commented on. As far as I know LE has not named anyone. And yes, I as well as many others on this site know that Ron took a Lie Detector Test. Absolutely no where is there any information from LE what the results are. Ron is the only one who has stated that he passed with flying colors. LE doesn't give LDT results. The only results that have been publicized were Misty's because it was done by a private firms and the results were then publicized. The poly results given by LE at the beginning of this case were not made public. The same as with Ron's.

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