2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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We saw the two of them in the undercover tapes. He didn't seem to be the mastermind, it was obviously Misty. He didn't seem to be acting all tough and bad. He would have to be totally ruthless with no feelings if he did what Pat Brown alleges. The tears of anguish for his daughter, and his pleas for her to be returned seemed genuine to me, and the pictures we saw of him and Haleigh showed a loving relationship. I do not think he had anything to do with her death, or coverup.

I don't know if you saw all of the under cover videos of the drug busts, but clearly IMO, Ron is the mastermind.
Misty is the mule. Ron has been doing this long before Misty was ever around him (see criminal record)
RC was bragging about getting UC harder drugs.
At this point and time I really don't think RC had anything to do with this coverup. However I do believe Pat is partially right in her opinions. It is somewhat close to my own assumptions, and opinions.

If you have listened to recordings made from jail...didn't Misty say words to the effect, they're in jail and the person responsible is out free. well I don't think she would have made that remark if rc was involved since he too was in jail.

In my opinion
Joe had Tommy's Van comes over to smoke some dope with Misty, finds Misty gone
and molested Haleigh, and Haleigh being under the influence of narcotics given to her earlier by Misty aspirated vomit during the attack and died.

Misty comes home and Joe is there, he tells her he found Haleigh dead, or let's Misty find that out for herself. Misty panicked ,and of course Joe offered to help her dispose of Haleigh, and in doing so he was actually protecting himself from authorities finding out she had been molested by him.

Misty feeling solely responsible at that point, and acting out of panic, and self preservation for having medicated Haleigh Freaked!

I think Misty may have realized after helping to dispose of Haleigh that Joe may have been involved in Haleigh's death. Perhaps she saw something on Haleigh or bed e.g blood,or semen stain on bedding. Remember when the police came upon the scene the washer was in use. with or without laundry detergent, Misty could have thrown dish detergent in the washer) to get rid of the vomit when Haleigh aspirated, and the incontinent urine.
(Misty may have been concerned the urine/vomit in bedding could have been checked for drugs) and then saw something else like semen, and connected the dots.

I say this because in her first statements/ramblings and I guessing she may have been in somewhat of a shocked state did implicate Joe, and stated he was a child molester. I think in her ramblings a little bit of true actually came out

In closing I can only add If Joe is innocent like he maintains why hasn't he volunteered to take a lie detector test? hmm
Instead of lawyering up.

In my opinion I think Tommy's involvement was a feeble act to protect/help his sister, after which they both realized they may have been used by Joe, to protect himself.

In my opinion I think the two main characters in this debacle are mc and j.
I thought it was an interesting comment on Pat Brown's comidents that the nebulizer was missing. The theory was that other people had been using Hayleigh's nebulizer and that Hayleigh od'd when she need to use it and there were left over drugs in there.

Can anyone confirm this equipment was missing that night?

Initially. I did not think Ron was involved. The more I saw that video where he talks about his "little girl" he appears to be whining and not crying any real tears. I just didn't find him genuine, he always appears to be overacting.

Hope I am wrong.
I thought it was an interesting comment on Pat Brown's comidents that the nebulizer was missing. The theory was that other people had been using Hayleigh's nebulizer and that Hayleigh od'd when she need to use it and there were left over drugs in there.

Can anyone confirm this equipment was missing that night?

Error check last post
I thought it was an interesting comment on Pat Brown's comidents that the nebulizer was missing. The theory was that other people had been using Hayleigh's nebulizer and that Hayleigh od'd when she need to use it and there were left over drugs in there.

Can anyone confirm this equipment was missing that night?

Initially. I did not think Ron was involved. The more I saw that video where he talks about his "little girl" he appears to be whining and not crying any real tears. I just didn't find him genuine, he always appears to be overacting.

Hope I am wrong.

see next post
I thought it was an interesting comment on Pat Brown's comidents that the nebulizer was missing. The theory was that other people had been using Hayleigh's nebulizer and that Hayleigh od'd when she need to use it and there were left over drugs in there.

Can anyone confirm this equipment was missing that night?

Initially. I did not think Ron was involved. The more I saw that video where he talks about his "little girl" he appears to be whining and not crying any real tears. I just didn't find him genuine, he always appears to be overacting.

Hope I am wrong.

Greetings Brwnigirl, If you read Tommy's lawyer report with a copy sent to NG,http://www.artharris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/James-Werter-Press-Release.pdf

You can tell Tommy was the one who first opened up to LE, I really think if Ron was at all involved he would have upped that information. Why not at this point he would have nothing to lose. Even in his conversation with grandma, and Misty's conversation with her the only other person named was Joe.
I was just reading Pat Brown's articles and came across this one "Ronald Cummings, The Mastermind", so like a good Websleuth, I came here to make sure someone had started a link. :clap:

I haven't read through the thread, so please forgive me if I repeat what someone else has said (I'll read it in a bit).

I think her theory is good, but I take exception to Haleigh ingesting drugs and vomiting on the blanket.

First, Misty's blanket washing story is bogus. I can't remember if the washing machine was broken or there was no laundry detergent in the house, but I haven't bought her detailed story of the blanket washing. Too detailed, so unnecessary. Also there was a clean that one or more of their blankets ended up in the van, per Misty.

Second, if Haleigh swallowed drugs that may have killed her, it was probably drugs that were given to her to calm her down or make her go to sleep. She was in somebody's way. Or, she may have been given drugs over time for these purposes and her little body could no longer tolerate them. No matter, this little girl didn't get into those drugs by herself. Like was discussed on an earlier thread, someone could have been using her nebulizer to get high on stuff, and Haleigh used the machine and inhaled some residual drug into her system.

I tend to think Haleigh was dead or near death (comatose) before Ronald left for work. Could they have given her something right after getting home from school and she went into shock or seizure, then coma?

The rest of Pat Brown's theory works for me.

The van. Timmy and Chelsea had borrowed Tommy and Lindsey's van. By any chance did Tommy go to Timmy's house and get the keys from Joe, who was staying with Ti & C, then take the van back to the MH to get Haleigh to bring to the river? Sounds likely to me. Joe's involvement? Handing Tommy his own van keys. Could he have gone to help? Possibly. Possibly not. Did Timmy help? Again, maybe, maybe not.

Did Teresa know? I'm sure she did. I think she was right there assisting with the alibi. What about GGS? Well, yes, she had to make her clean laundry/kids eating on the porch story plausible, so everyone would think Haleigh was OK after 7 PM. :banghead: Anything to save Ronald.

Although I do wonder if Teresa was the one talking care of the kids that night??? But why would Misty and Tommy cover for her?
I disagree with Pat Brown's theory..Hopefully, I am allowed to state mine here in this thread..

IMHO.. The incident didn't happen in the MH and Haleigh did not ingest any of Ron's pills before or after he went in to work..

I maintain my stance I think she was accidentally shot during an altercation he had with Misty or with someone else.. I'm now wondering IF at some point Haleigh wasn't even used as a protective shield..That scenario would certainly make more than one person culpable..

Ronald Cummings and (I suspect) someone in HIS family orchestrated a plan that served a two fold purpose...
The first... stage an abduction scene.
The second... Set up Misty, and members of her family (those that were perhaps at the scene or had been told and knew what had happened)

And since I believe TN and GGMS were both informed almost immediately as to what had happened and knew Haleigh was deceased they helped orchestrate the plan..

I maintain my stance TN and GGMS would have never allowed Haleigh to be dumped in the river..

NOW I am going to ramble so hopefully you understand what I am trying to say..

IF it is discovered those two cinder blocks pulled from the water are connected to the MH.. I suspect Ron C told Tommy and Jo they needed to take two cinder blocks like the one used at the door, and put them in the water... Tommy and Jo would think doing this would go along with the plan of Haleigh being abducted by someone... And IF the blocks were ever discovered it would look like she was killed and dumped there...

There is a possibility Ron told Jo...Tommy was going to take care of that..
There is a possibility Ron told Tommy..Jo was going to take care of that.

I suspect Ron told Misty that Tommy and Jo put Haleigh in the river...

I do agree with Pat Brown when she said..
Ronald Cummings is a controlling, lying psychopath who knows exactly what happened to his daughter. I hope the police figure this out.

Ron had help that night, not only from the Croslins, but from his family.. He and his family know what they did with Haleigh's remains...I suspect they arranged it so Haleigh would never be found....


I'm still thnking through all this, so I'm certain more will come to mind ..

Excellent theories. Like you, I believe wholeheartedly that TN and GGS were in on something, most likely the cover-up.

The only thing I question about your theory is Haleigh being shot. Where? Would no one have heard it? No one reported hearing a shot? Did they use a silencer? Did no one care? Did they think "oh, it's just some drug deal gone bad"?

Another question I have for all of our scenarios, what about Junior? We know of the stories about the bouncing couch and the men/man in black, but where was he the whole time during the cover-up, the 911 call, when the police appeared? I've never read anything about where he was during all that. :waitasec:

The river could definitely be a smokescreen.
I disagree with her basically saying that because RC had cinder blocks at his house and cinder blocks have been mentioned and cinder blocks were found at this latest crime scene then RC had to have known about Haleigh and proves he is the mastermind....i think it's ridiculous to even say that. I'm going to use this as an example because I worked in my yard today....I have a pile of limbs in my yard that I need to turn into mulch...I KNOW they're there but if someone takes one of the limbs while i'm not home and bashes someone in the head with it (even if it's someone in my household GOD FORBID), that doesn't mean I did it or I know who did it...or even that I know that one of the limbs were used...there's an awful lot of limbs out there and I doubt I would notice if 1...or 10 is missing. (ok, am freaking myself out with the limb story now so fyi....they will be mulched first thing in the morning lol) It hasn't been proven that RC wasn't at work, as a matter of fact LE said they were satisfied with his alibi. It was stated that HC was last seen at 7 pm...to my knowledge that hasn't been disproven (is that even a word??? LOL). I have stated quite a few times that I believe RC has no idea what happened that night...as of now, I will continue to stand by that until something convinces me otherwise. I am prepared to eat crow if needed...wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last LOL.

fwiw the 90 calls, if that's true, says a lot, and I don't believe RC made them, if the number is correct. He couldn't possibly have been working if his phone was in his hand the whole time. I do think someone else was using his phone and doing the calling, and he got it on his way home, which might make him the mastermind, if not the person who was doing the calling for him, b/c that puts him or rather puts his phone where he says he was, at work. moo
Another question I have for all of our scenarios, what about Junior? We know of the stories about the bouncing couch and the men/man in black, but where was he the whole time during the cover-up, the 911 call, when the police appeared? I've never read anything about where he was during all that. :waitasec:

The river could definitely be a smokescreen.
rspectfully snipped

I couldn't agree more with the bolded part. Any worthy theory has to provide a logical and credible explanation for Jr.'s whereabouts. Nothing I've read has given the slightest indication that he was anywhere except in the trailer that night. Further, I think he is old enough to have said to Crystal or Marie that he was at GGS's house or TN's house. There are ways to get information from little ones without asking direct questions, for instance, asking about what they ate and who fixed it for them. In that case, I don't think we would've heard about the bouncing couch.
I have absolutely nothing to add to this discussion, but I must say that every time I come across the title of this thread I get a chuckle.
Excellent theories. Like you, I believe wholeheartedly that TN and GGS were in on something, most likely the cover-up.

The only thing I question about your theory is Haleigh being shot. Where? Would no one have heard it? No one reported hearing a shot? Did they use a silencer? Did no one care? Did they think "oh, it's just some drug deal gone bad"?

Another question I have for all of our scenarios, what about Junior? We know of the stories about the bouncing couch and the men/man in black, but where was he the whole time during the cover-up, the 911 call, when the police appeared? I've never read anything about where he was during all that. :waitasec:

The river could definitely be a smokescreen.
Could have been at the Croslin home on Magnolia or close by.. Sheriff Hardy did state there is a good possibility the crime was committed in that general area..My understanding is the home they were living in at the time was relatively close to the Shell Harbor dock..

Also, I do not know too much about guns, but I do recall hearing what I thought was a car backfiring and my husband corrected me and told me it was a gun shot..All just my opinion
I just read through this thread and saw lots of questioning on why none of the players are pointing the finger at RC if he was the mastermind or if he was involved in any way. Good question. How do we know they aren't? Have their statements been released and I missed them? Assuming no statements have been released, and assuming Ronald is guilty, why no finger-pointing?

Could it possibly be that MORE than Misty, Tommy, Ronald, and possibly Joe were involved? Who else could know or have been there that night? Teresa, GGS, Timmy, Chelsea, Lindsey, Lisa, the A/C guy (or maybe he was really the heater guy - after all, it was February). Anyone else? Other relatives. Drug dealers, dope heads..... The list is endless.

Assuming drug dealers or dope heads were there, could it be gang related and they are threatening everyone? I hear dope gangs can be brutal.

What if there are more family members involved (Cummings, Croslin, Sykes, Neves, etc.) and they're all protecting each other as well as themselves. Obviously, there's a LOT of drug use going on with this bunch. We can't use logic and rationalization in the usual manner in this case. We have to step outside the box. Did we learn nothing from the Anthony case? Some people do not fall into the norm. I have to say, I think the Satsuma crowd has the Anthonys beat by miles! :eek:

We think logically. Parents put their children's safety first. They check for broken glass in the yard, make sure the house is locked at night, are mindful of who comes in and out of the house because young children are present.... But we know they had people in and out, they did drugs and they trafficked them, there were weapons in the home, RC allowed a drugged up teen to watch his children, a girl who was clearly reluctant to do so and one who went on three day drug/sex binges. We know Teresa told Misty to watch the kids that night, by her own admission. We know RC has a criminal record. We know he has a violent nature. Many people have testified to that and we've seen it and heard it. We can't use logic here, it won't work.

Suppose all these family members knew about what went on and covered it up. They could all be locked up for their part. ALL of them. They all have something to lose. Satsuma would be practically a ghost town. They aren't just afraid of Ronald, they're afraid for themselves.

LE isn't telling us much. How do we know who's being implicated?
IMO (of course); I see many people asking "why" Ron would marry the person most likely responsible for his "missing child", I believe he thought that if MC believed that he loved her enough to marry her, she would love him enough to tell the truth to him and, if they were married, he couldn't/wouldn't have to testify against her. I do believe that RC loved Haleigh, more than anything; and in his mind, he thought that possibly, by marrying Misty, she would be more willing to tell him "everything", when that didn't happen, he divorced her. I also believe that RC has many "issues/problems" prior to his daughter's disappearance, however; in his own way, he loved her and was willing to do whatever he had to do to try to find out what happened to her. I don't think MC ever truly believed that RC loved her more than Haleigh and that's why she never "cracked". I also believe that this entire "search" is a "red herring"...MC & TC want out of jail, and they know they aren't getting out until LE finds out what happened to Haleigh. Since both of them know that a body could never be found in that river 14 months later, they are "safe" with the story and pointing their fingers at JO, hoping this will at least allow them to get "bonded out" if LE "buys" into their story. I believe Haleigh is deceased, but I do not believe she is in that river! This is just another "lie" manufactured and directed by MC!!! JMHO!
IMO (of course); I see many people asking "why" Ron would marry the person most likely responsible for his "missing child", I believe he thought that if MC believed that he loved her enough to marry her, she would love him enough to tell the truth to him and, if they were married, he couldn't/wouldn't have to testify against her. I do believe that RC loved Haleigh, more than anything; and in his mind, he thought that possibly, by marrying Misty, she would be more willing to tell him "everything", when that didn't happen, he divorced her. I also believe that RC has many "issues/problems" prior to his daughter's disappearance, however; in his own way, he loved her and was willing to do whatever he had to do to try to find out what happened to her. I don't think MC ever truly believed that RC loved her more than Haleigh and that's why she never "cracked". I also believe that this entire "search" is a "red herring"...MC & TC want out of jail, and they know they aren't getting out until LE finds out what happened to Haleigh. Since both of them know that a body could never be found in that river 14 months later, they are "safe" with the story and pointing their fingers at JO, hoping this will at least allow them to get "bonded out" if LE "buys" into their story. I believe Haleigh is deceased, but I do not believe she is in that river! This is just another "lie" manufactured and directed by MC!!! JMHO!

Sooooo...Ron married Misty "to get to the truth"-divorced her because he couldn't "get to the truth" but yet told the public it was because "people were staring at them-Ron warned Misty about Donna B being a snitch-Ron payed for Misty tattoo-AND THEN they get caught TOGETHER in a drug bust....

It sure don't seem like Ron was trying to get the truth out of Misty...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words...and his actions told me that this is all a game to Ron. People saying that he was trying to get the truth out of Misty, he clearly shows everyone that he was not concerned about the truth-had he been, we would not see him sitting behind bars TODAY with the "KEY" to this whole investigation....Misty..His actions AFTER the divorce tells it all.

Ron trying to get at the truth????? It doesn't make sense....AT ALL.
The only thing I can't come to terms with is, if Ronald was involved, then how come at least Tommy or Joe haven't come forward with what they know about his part in it? I can kind of see why Misty wouldn't, she still loves him, but I cannot visualize Tommy or Joe being scared of him. And facing a life sentence or the DP for their part in it hardly seems like it would be more desirable than having Ron mad at them. He can't do much to them while he's sitting in jail himself.
Misty and Tommy pointing fingers at Joe, well, yeah... they think it will make their sentences shorter or get them out completely. But why not finger Ronald if he truly was in on it? Tommy obviously has no love for his former BIL, so I can see no good reason to keep quiet about it.
Originally Posted by mommabear
IMO (of course); I see many people asking "why" Ron would marry the person most likely responsible for his "missing child", I believe he thought that if MC believed that he loved her enough to marry her, she would love him enough to tell the truth to him and, if they were married, he couldn't/wouldn't have to testify against her. I do believe that RC loved Haleigh, more than anything; and in his mind, he thought that possibly, by marrying Misty, she would be more willing to tell him "everything", when that didn't happen, he divorced her. I also believe that RC has many "issues/problems" prior to his daughter's disappearance, however; in his own way, he loved her and was willing to do whatever he had to do to try to find out what happened to her. I don't think MC ever truly believed that RC loved her more than Haleigh and that's why she never "cracked". I also believe that this entire "search" is a "red herring"...MC & TC want out of jail, and they know they aren't getting out until LE finds out what happened to Haleigh. Since both of them know that a body could never be found in that river 14 months later, they are "safe" with the story and pointing their fingers at JO, hoping this will at least allow them to get "bonded out" if LE "buys" into their story. I believe Haleigh is deceased, but I do not believe she is in that river! This is just another "lie" manufactured and directed by MC!!! JMHO!

I do believe this is how he was thinking, MommaBear..he knew how to manipulate MC into thinking he believes her, hoping to get more out of her, maybe pillow talk??? As far as his involvment, physically, I don't see he is. In his decison to leave his children with MC who clearly wanted to be somewhere else, yes, he's guilty of that. In his decision to be dealing/using drugs, he's guilty. Satsuma is saturated with drugs/guns/violence/RSO's/So's. No child could be safe in this environment/community, JMHO

LE has not stated RC is a POI or a suspect. He's taken a LDT and it keeps going back to, Misty is the key...if MC/ToC think they can place themselves at a homicide and get out on bond, they are mistaken. Why would you put yourself in a situation of being at a homicide or disposing of a body and think you'll walk. I believe they are hoping their story gets hitched to JO but they have knowledge of before and after the fact and will go down just as culpable as JO might be...

I'm sure they've spoken with their attorney before taking that ride to the river. If they are trying for immunity or limited immunity, they must have the goods to back up their claims. LE are NOT just taking their word on it, they want proof, which is why they were in that river for three days. If they weren't trying to find evidence of HaLeigh they were looking for a murder weapon or both...Sheriff Hardy did say, this is a crime scene. I do think they did the unthinkable but I feel it's MC who is the guilty party and the other two helped cover up, either way, all three will go down..for murder..JMHO

LE must be satisfied RC was at work. They checked with management, I'm sure. I don't understand the need to say RC is physically responsible for what happened to HaLeigh when clearly he was at work? I know many don't like RC or approve of his lifestyle, I surely don't but I do not think he did anything to cause HaLeigh's demise..JMHO

Justice for HaLeigh
I was just reading Pat Brown's articles and came across this one "Ronald Cummings, The Mastermind", so like a good Websleuth, I came here to make sure someone had started a link. :clap:

I haven't read through the thread, so please forgive me if I repeat what someone else has said (I'll read it in a bit).

I think her theory is good, but I take exception to Haleigh ingesting drugs and vomiting on the blanket.

First, Misty's blanket washing story is bogus. I can't remember if the washing machine was broken or there was no laundry detergent in the house, but I haven't bought her detailed story of the blanket washing. Too detailed, so unnecessary. Also there was a clean that one or more of their blankets ended up in the van, per Misty.

Second, if Haleigh swallowed drugs that may have killed her, it was probably drugs that were given to her to calm her down or make her go to sleep. She was in somebody's way. Or, she may have been given drugs over time for these purposes and her little body could no longer tolerate them. No matter, this little girl didn't get into those drugs by herself. Like was discussed on an earlier thread, someone could have been using her nebulizer to get high on stuff, and Haleigh used the machine and inhaled some residual drug into her system.

I tend to think Haleigh was dead or near death (comatose) before Ronald left for work. Could they have given her something right after getting home from school and she went into shock or seizure, then coma?

The rest of Pat Brown's theory works for me.

The van. Timmy and Chelsea had borrowed Tommy and Lindsey's van. By any chance did Tommy go to Timmy's house and get the keys from Joe, who was staying with Ti & C, then take the van back to the MH to get Haleigh to bring to the river? Sounds likely to me. Joe's involvement? Handing Tommy his own van keys. Could he have gone to help? Possibly. Possibly not. Did Timmy help? Again, maybe, maybe not.

Did Teresa know? I'm sure she did. I think she was right there assisting with the alibi. What about GGS? Well, yes, she had to make her clean laundry/kids eating on the porch story plausible, so everyone would think Haleigh was OK after 7 PM. :banghead: Anything to save Ronald.

Although I do wonder if Teresa was the one talking care of the kids that night??? But why would Misty and Tommy cover for her?

First of all, LE never confirmed that there were missing items from the trailer on the night that Haleigh went missing. Was her nebulizer missing? Your guess is as good as mine.

I thought the bolded portion of your post was interesting and did a little looking this morning and found that medicinal marijuana is taken with a nebulizer, or other breathing apparatus. Very interesting info about people crushing street drugs and attempting to inhale through a nebulizer machine. I am absolutely not saying this is what happened but find it interesting and troublesome that it is done.


I was just reading Pat Brown's articles and came across this one "Ronald Cummings, The Mastermind", so like a good Websleuth, I came here to make sure someone had started a link. :clap:

I haven't read through the thread, so please forgive me if I repeat what someone else has said (I'll read it in a bit).

I think her theory is good, but I take exception to Haleigh ingesting drugs and vomiting on the blanket.

First, Misty's blanket washing story is bogus. I can't remember if the washing machine was broken or there was no laundry detergent in the house, but I haven't bought her detailed story of the blanket washing. Too detailed, so unnecessary. Also there was a clean that one or more of their blankets ended up in the van, per Misty.

aksleuth I thought I would add some clarification to your post

Haleigh Cummings Investigation: Is the 'Smoking Gun' a Soaking Blanket?

When police arrived at the Cummings home at approximately 3:25 a.m. February 10 to respond to the report that Haleigh Cummings was missing, the washing machine was running. If Misty Cummings, the only person over the age of 5 in the house, had been in bed sleeping from 10 pm until she woke up shortly after 3 am and discovered Haleigh missing, why was the washing machine on?

In a Today Show interview in March, Misty Croslin Cummings said that she washed Haleigh's blanket 7 ½ hours earlier- at 8 pm- and put the clean blanket on a sleeping Haleigh about 10 pm when Misty went to bed herself.

In the August stress test, Misty Croslin Cummings said that she had turned on the washing machine to wash her own blanket and Haleigh's blanket "after dinner" and that she put Haleigh to bed at 8 p.m. February 9.

It is trueLE found no detergent in the house, or garbage. However there was no mention as to whether or not there was any dish soap in the house, if you get my drift..

Here's asnother Report
Misty Croslin Cummings reported finding a blanket and sheets scattered outside the door of the Cummings residence when she discovered Haleigh missing. Did the blanket and sheets scattered outside the trailer after Haleigh disappeared come from the bed in which Haleigh was sleeping? The washing machine was running, according to police... Did someone strip the bed again that night because Haleigh wet the bed? Haleigh did wet the bed often, according to media reports.

Initially, Misty claimed that Haleigh was sleeping in bed with her. Later, she changed her story to say Haleigh was in a bed in the same room with her. Was that change motivated by the whereabouts - or the condition- of the bed sheets and blanket? It would hardly be credible that someone grabbed a child, bedding and all, if that action required pulling the bedding out from under the adult sleeping next to her. And if the sheets and blanket were soaked, their wetness would cast doubt on Misty's claim to have been sleeping in the same bed with Haleigh and not waking up until 3 am.

to read entire article http://www.associatedcontent.com/ar...cummings_investigation_is_the_pg2.html?cat=47

At this point and time I really don't think RC had anything to do with this coverup. However I do believe Pat is partially right in her opinions. It is somewhat close to my own assumptions, and opinions.

If you have listened to recordings made from jail...didn't Misty say words to the effect, they're in jail and the person responsible is out free. well I don't think she would have made that remark if rc was involved since he too was in jail.

In my opinion
Joe had Tommy's Van comes over to smoke some dope with Misty, finds Misty gone
and molested Haleigh, and Haleigh being under the influence of narcotics given to her earlier by Misty aspirated vomit during the attack and died.

Misty comes home and Joe is there, he tells her he found Haleigh dead, or let's Misty find that out for herself. Misty panicked ,and of course Joe offered to help her dispose of Haleigh, and in doing so he was actually protecting himself from authorities finding out she had been molested by him.

Misty feeling solely responsible at that point, and acting out of panic, and self preservation for having medicated Haleigh Freaked!

I think Misty may have realized after helping to dispose of Haleigh that Joe may have been involved in Haleigh's death. Perhaps she saw something on Haleigh or bed e.g blood,or semen stain on bedding. Remember when the police came upon the scene the washer was in use. with or without laundry detergent, Misty could have thrown dish detergent in the washer) to get rid of the vomit when Haleigh aspirated, and the incontinent urine.
(Misty may have been concerned the urine/vomit in bedding could have been checked for drugs) and then saw something else like semen, and connected the dots.

I say this because in her first statements/ramblings and I guessing she may have been in somewhat of a shocked state did implicate Joe, and stated he was a child molester. I think in her ramblings a little bit of true actually came out

In closing I can only add If Joe is innocent like he maintains why hasn't he volunteered to take a lie detector test? hmm
Instead of lawyering up.

In my opinion I think Tommy's involvement was a feeble act to protect/help his sister, after which they both realized they may have been used by Joe, to protect himself.

In my opinion I think the two main characters in this debacle are mc and j.

Underlined by me. No disrespect xfiler, but this theory would mean that MC would have to actually have a heart...

MC has not shown any 'real' remorse in any of her interviews. If you notice, she's always talking about Haleigh as 'that little girl', sounding so removed, and unperson-able. MC's taking drugs was/is the only real love this girl feels. Even her 'love' for RC - is a twisted love, since I'm sure he is one of the 'ways' she was able to obtain drugs!


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