2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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First, Misty's blanket washing story is bogus. I can't remember if the washing machine was broken or there was no laundry detergent in the house, but I haven't bought her detailed story of the blanket washing. Too detailed, so unnecessary.

Agree with you on the blanket. Personally, I laughed so hard at Misty's blanket story. Good little, liar. Brick, brick, brick. Sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Open door, open door, open door. Way too much detail on the blanket. Ditto - bogus.
Underlined by me. No disrespect xfiler, but this theory would mean that MC would have to actually have a heart...

MC has not shown any 'real' remorse in any of her interviews. If you notice, she's always talking about Haleigh as 'that little girl', sounding so removed, and unperson-able. MC's taking drugs was/is the only real love this girl feels. Even her 'love' for RC - is a twisted love, since I'm sure he is one of the 'ways' she was able to obtain drugs!

:waitasec: I agree redcar Notice in my post I never implied remorse, or grief factored in....however I do believe there was shock, disbelief, and a whole lot of panic, and self-preservation in play when Haleigh was found dead. I did imply there may have been some awareness at some point in time that made Misty think Joe could have been involved, then first realized by her, and her brother.
And maybe just maybe out of her lying mouth in the earliest of statements may have come alittle bit of truth. Just saying
Pat Brown has no logical explanations for why none of the Croslin's clan have pointed the finger at Ron. (Ron's threats cannot be more frightening than the certainty of LWP or the death penalty therefore, Ron didn't kill Haleigh. Simple deduction IMO.)

Spot on Pensfan

I don't know if you saw all of the under cover videos of the drug busts, but clearly IMO, Ron is the mastermind.
Misty is the mule. Ron has been doing this long before Misty was ever around him (see criminal record)
RC was bragging about getting UC harder drugs.

I can only assume you do not know Ron actually took a lie detector test. If he had failed I am sure he like Misty would still be considered a person of interest.

Joe take a damn lie detector and clear your name...if you are so innocent!

I can only assume you do not know Ron actually took a lie detector test. If he had failed I am sure he like Misty would still be considered a person of interest.

Joe take a damn lie detector and clear your name...if you are so innocent!


The only people I see saying that Ron has been "cleared" are the talking heads, LE sure as heck hasn't said it, nor have they officially named any persons of interest. Ron's own lawyer isn't saying it either, actually he says he is on the suspect list. The only person who ever claimed Ron passed an LDT was Ron himself and Mz. Nancy.

Do you know Joe has not taken an LDT ? He's not in jail and he certainly has not been named a person of interest to this point in time..
If Ron was the mastermind and MC and TO were so afraid of him that they're willing to cover for him and won't even speak up now and he's behind bars.......why would she have been fearless enough to call him and say Hey....I know I was supposed to be watching your kids, but I wasn't paying attention, and I think Haleigh is dead.
First of all, LE never confirmed that there were missing items from the trailer on the night that Haleigh went missing. Was her nebulizer missing? Your guess is as good as mine.

I thought the bolded portion of your post was interesting and did a little looking this morning and found that medicinal marijuana is taken with a nebulizer, or other breathing apparatus. Very interesting info about people crushing street drugs and attempting to inhale through a nebulizer machine. I am absolutely not saying this is what happened but find it interesting and troublesome that it is done.



Thanks I have been wondering if the nebulizer was missing. I wish we could find out if it has been found and tested.
Greetings Brwnigirl, If you read Tommy's lawyer report with a copy sent to NG,http://www.artharris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/James-Werter-Press-Release.pdf

You can tell Tommy was the one who first opened up to LE, I really think if Ron was at all involved he would have upped that information. Why not at this point he would have nothing to lose. Even in his conversation with grandma, and Misty's conversation with her the only other person named was Joe.

Hi exfiler:
We don't know what Tommy said to LE though, do we? I am really on the fence about his involvement, going back and forth, but too many things don't add up.
Pat Brown has no logical explanations for why none of the Croslin's clan have pointed the finger at Ron. (Ron's threats cannot be more frightening than the certainty of LWP or the death penalty therefore, Ron didn't kill Haleigh. Simple deduction IMO.)

How do we know they haven't? Isn't Granny H part of the Croslin clan? She sure is pointing the finger at Ron.
fwiw the 90 calls, if that's true, says a lot, and I don't believe RC made them, if the number is correct. He couldn't possibly have been working if his phone was in his hand the whole time. I do think someone else was using his phone and doing the calling, and he got it on his way home, which might make him the mastermind, if not the person who was doing the calling for him, b/c that puts him or rather puts his phone where he says he was, at work. moo

I don't think Ron is intelligent to think this through. Also, when you are in a panic situation you're not thinking clearly. I do think that TN would know about the ping-thing (because she had been a police dispatcher.) Maybe TN or GGM took RN's cell near his work and made all those calls. But why 90? To me that's overkill.

I'm so confused; think I'm losing my mind! :woohoo:
The only people I see saying that Ron has been "cleared" are the talking heads, LE sure as heck hasn't said it, nor have they officially named any persons of interest. Ron's own lawyer isn't saying it either, actually he says he is on the suspect list. The only person who ever claimed Ron passed an LDT was Ron himself and Mz. Nancy.

Do you know Joe has not taken an LDT ? He's not in jail and he certainly has not been named a person of interest to this point in time..

For the last time, RC, get outta my head.

And kudos to the thread-starter for the use of the word "mastermind" which made me guffaw and ran my kitty under the couch.

Intepret as you see fit.



aksleuth I thought I would add some clarification to your post
snipped for space
Haleigh Cummings Investigation: Is the 'Smoking Gun' a Soaking Blanket?

When police arrived at the Cummings home at approximately 3:25 a.m. February 10 to respond to the report that Haleigh Cummings was missing, the washing machine was running. If Misty Cummings, the only person over the age of 5 in the house, had been in bed sleeping from 10 pm until she woke up shortly after 3 am and discovered Haleigh missing, why was the washing machine on?

It is trueLE found no detergent in the house, or garbage. However there was no mention as to whether or not there was any dish soap in the house, if you get my drift..

Here's asnother Report
Misty Croslin Cummings reported finding a blanket and sheets scattered outside the door of the Cummings residence when she discovered Haleigh missing. Did the blanket and sheets scattered outside the trailer after Haleigh disappeared come from the bed in which Haleigh was sleeping? The washing machine was running, according to police...

to read entire article http://www.associatedcontent.com/ar...cummings_investigation_is_the_pg2.html?cat=47


Oh my! I now remember, after you so kindly pointed me in the right direction. Didn't she say at some point they used a blanket on the window, too? Reading these accounts brought the window to mind. Then she claimed one or two of their blankets were left in the van, right? I have that buried in my brain somewhere.

Between the blanket stories and her consistent ending of each recital with "And that's all I know" added with RC's insistent "I wuz at werk" every time someone asks him about that night, I'm ready to string them all up, and hope one confesses before the nooses get too tight. Bamboo shoots under the fingernails would probably be considered cruel and unusual. I don't know what's going to scare these people straight. I'd love to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's difficult to do knowing they put a child's life in danger for their self-preservation.

elle, thanks for the nebulizer information. What will they think of next? :eek:

kant, the title tickles my funnybone too. Ron the mastermind. Misty the mastermind. Tommy the mastermind? If I had to choose a mastermind from the "usual suspects", I'd have to go with GGS. She's tough, she's bossy, she's skeery! She's the only one I'd trust to carry out a drug trafficking scheme. Who'd cross her? :eek: I could see the uncover now, "GGS, spread 'em." "I, selling drugs? That's a crock!"
Originally Posted by Pensfan

Pat Brown has no logical explanations for why none of the Croslin's clan have pointed the finger at Ron. (Ron's threats cannot be more frightening than the certainty of LWP or the death penalty therefore, Ron didn't kill Haleigh. Simple deduction IMO.)

BBM I can think of a few.

But I'll bite my tongue and have a big bowl of shutty stew.

Dont make me quote the illustrious [snerk] immortal 2LC (oops i just dated myself. ouch)

In others words, I'll shutty as in.. "Dont start no **** ....Wont be no **** " - and im not lookin to start any. Just sayin. :-)

Hugs all.


I can't picture MC as the one to think of the cinder block propping open the door, but I can picture ToC or RC doing it....RC had to have known there were cinder blocks on the property.....the fact that he said he didn't know about them is a red flag to me. (JMOOOC)

I agree with you. MC would never go out in the dark to get cinder blocks.
Greetings Brwnigirl, If you read Tommy's lawyer report with a copy sent to NG,http://www.artharris.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/James-Werter-Press-Release.pdf

You can tell Tommy was the one who first opened up to LE, I really think if Ron was at all involved he would have upped that information. Why not at this point he would have nothing to lose. Even in his conversation with grandma, and Misty's conversation with her the only other person named was Joe.

Is it possible that RC told TC he would have somebody kill his wife, and kids if he implicated him?
The only thing I can't come to terms with is, if Ronald was involved, then how come at least Tommy or Joe haven't come forward with what they know about his part in it? I can kind of see why Misty wouldn't, she still loves him, but I cannot visualize Tommy or Joe being scared of him. And facing a life sentence or the DP for their part in it hardly seems like it would be more desirable than having Ron mad at them. He can't do much to them while he's sitting in jail himself.
Misty and Tommy pointing fingers at Joe, well, yeah... they think it will make their sentences shorter or get them out completely. But why not finger Ronald if he truly was in on it? Tommy obviously has no love for his former BIL, so I can see no good reason to keep quiet about it.

We aren't privy to everything.
Generally speaking I'm onboard with Pat Brown's thoughts on the case also. I'm not sure I'm set on an overdose theory altho acknowledged it's one possibility. Even Pat Brown says in her last sentence of her last paragraph (under Notes) This scenario also does not attempt to address every possible suspect and every piece of evidence as this is not a full analysis of the case.
The only people I see saying that Ron has been "cleared" are the talking heads, LE sure as heck hasn't said it, nor have they officially named any persons of interest. Ron's own lawyer isn't saying it either, actually he says he is on the suspect list. The only person who ever claimed Ron passed an LDT was Ron himself and Mz. Nancy.

Do you know Joe has not taken an LDT ? He's not in jail and he certainly has not been named a person of interest to this point in time..

You're wrong, but what the heck..Both Ron and Misty were given a lie detector test...only thing different between Ron and Misty..is Misty has been given multiple ones and failed.

You wrote.."Do you know Joe has not taken an LDT ? He's not in jail and he certainly has not been named a person of interest to this point in time"

Please give me a break if Joe had taken a lie detector test both him and his lawyer would be screaming the results from the highest tower. And you better believe he is a person of interest at this point. Is he a suspect...you betu he is...but you can't arrest a person based on suspiction..now can you?

Pat Brown has no logical explanations for why none of the Croslin's clan have pointed the finger at Ron. (Ron's threats cannot be more frightening than the certainty of LWP or the death penalty therefore, Ron didn't kill Haleigh. Simple deduction IMO.)

:clap: :clap:
If implicating Ron would bring the whole gang down, yes I can see why they wouldn't. It would be easy to blame Joe, because the story stops there-especially if Jo is somehow involved. He's on the outside & wants to keep it that way. He's not going to confess to anything. If Ronald was responsible, Tommy would have a hard time ratting, because then he, Linsey, Misty, his brother, Chelsea, & Jo, would all go down-maybe even Hank & Lisa. Tommy knows he's toast & has been for awhile. The best he can do is lie & minimize his own involvement-but give out enough details to blame it all on Joe. These people are all so involved, none of them want the real truth to come out.

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