2010.4.16 Pat Brown: The Daily Profiler-Topic of the Day: Ron the Mastermind

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I can't wrap my mind around Ron telling Misty, Tommy or Joe to dump Haleigh's body in the river for the gators to feed on. That's just sick. I don't think even Ron is that cold, but I don't know. And I sure can't picture TN or GmaS agreeing to that. MOST grandmas are more protective of their little grandkids than they are the adult kids, but these families aren't exactly typical, so what do I know?
I know sometimes people don't think things through when they do crimes, but seems to me that risking the cops finding drugs in his house, or Haleigh dead from some kind of accident would have FAR LESS consequences than being found guilty of killing your child or even disposing of the body. They can sentence a person to life as an accessory, so while it's probable that Misty wouldn't understand that, I'm pretty sure Ron would.
Heck, I don't know anymore... this whole thing has just gotten crazier by the minute.
Catch up Pat Brown, we've been saying this from day one.
On the contrary Whisp, it is a more than likely scenario that Haleigh could have found a pill (on the couch, on the porch, somewhere) and thought it was a piece of candy, ingested it and died while watching her movie that evening. Oxy deaths are becoming more and more a common event with its' rampant use. <<snip>>

Since we've all witnessed RC popping a pill like it was candy, I'm pretty sure Haleigh had witnessed it more than once. MC is still covering. She has to .

It is possible that they have given Haleigh drugs before to induce sleepiness so they can do whatever it is they want without having to look after a 'difficult' child. If they had given Haleigh Oxycontin before, I believe when Haleigh was home from school, Misti and Ron might have each given Haleigh an Oxy without realizing the other already had done so until too late. Then they might have decided to just let her 'sleep it off' and see if she'd be ok. Remember, these are the same people who did NOT take her to her very important doctor's appointments for a disorder that would affect her development for LIFE; they are NOT your average concerned and responsible parents. Ron's obsessive phone calls that night might have been to check on how Haleigh was doing. When Misti didn't answer, he might have REALLY started worrying about what was going on. Then they all covered for each other because they all shared culpability.

Could it also be possible that TN and AS were called in early after Haleigh's death and they helped "cover" because they thought it would 'just kill' Ron to know he had accidentally OD'd his daughter and caused her death. Maybe Misti and TN shared that little secret and kept it from Ron? If the 'grandmothers' have a history of drug abuse also, their level of rational thinking is probably also pretty messed up. If Ron began doing Oxy in his early teens because his own mother was and had it readily available around the house, and she did not disapprove his use back then, and then she began to like his ability to get it for HER as he started dealing.....

Maybe the massive coverup all the way around has to do with massive amounts of guilt from all people involved.....
ITA with Pat Brown..............I have many of her same thoughts in my head.
That is why TN, GGS lied for RC, their golden boy.
MC and Tom did cover up at RC request.
Those 5 are quilty! They all let that baby down.
TN, GGS still looking for an alive Haleigh...........rubbish, hey knew!
MC covered for love and involvement.
Tom was a zoombie he did anything he was told.
******* was so TC would never tell................
Blood is thicker than water, if Ron had something to do with this Misty, Joe and Tommy would have already pointed all 10 of their fingers at him.

There has been NO mention of Ron from any of them. As much as you all say, "Why is Misty afraid of Joe, he is in another state" I ask you.. Why at this point would Misty be afraid of Ron, since he is facing some serious jail time and if he killed his daughter even more.

I don't agree that he was involved at all. It upsets me that people are pointing fingers at him.
Blood is thicker than water, if Ron had something to do with this Misty, Joe and Tommy would have already pointed all 10 of their fingers at him.

There has been NO mention of Ron from any of them. As much as you all say, "Why is Misty afraid of Joe, he is in another state" I ask you.. Why at this point would Misty be afraid of Ron, since he is facing some serious jail time and if he killed his daughter even more.

I don't agree that he was involved at all. It upsets me that people are pointing fingers at him.

It upsets me that Haleigh is dead. I don't give a flying flippity flip who gets what finger pointed at them if it solves this case and that Angel can finally have Justice.
It upsets me that Haleigh is dead. I don't give a flying flippity flip who gets what finger pointed at them if it solves this case and that Angel can finally have Justice.

It upsets me that she's dead too. Why would you say that? It's as if you're implying that it doesn't.
IMO, the biggest roadblock to a good theory is LOGIC....we all try to put 2 & 2 together as non-violent, caring parents living lawful, non-criminal lives.

Throw drugs &/or alcohol into the mix & logic goes out the door.

Perps every day kill someone over illogical reasons - shoot a cop during a traffic stop because they have a warrant out & don't wanna goto jail.....now - a perp who's only had drug charges is a cop-killer, so where's the logic, right?

IMO, RC & his guns & drugs makes for a dangerous combination....maybe the Croslins are all pointing a finger @ JO because they're actually more afraid of RC than JO....he's the one who was living among them, making threats to kill people & not care if he goes to jail, putting headless rats in mailboxes & chasing after people waving a gun.

I can see where he wouldn't want LE snooping around & digging into his lifestyle, and consequently staging a SODDI crime scene (staged abduction) -- even if it's to divert attention from ToC or MC.

So I can accept PB's theory on some level....and I've always wondered if she knows some insider info....she has not let up on finger-pointing towards RC -- so I wonder why.
No Bobbie, I'm sure you care, or you would not be here. I'm just stating my opinion of why it does not bother me to see fingers being pointed.

You are so right....come what may for Ron....the fingers will and SHOULD be pointed directly at him. He left his children with an underage known drug user who had made it clear to a number of people that on that night she did NOT want to take care of them. He maintained a home where drug use and sales were known and common. He kept loaded guns in a home with small children--unlocked and unsecured (witnessed by Tim Miller). He placed his kids safety on a NO priority list--even going out for cigs, beer and peanuts when he "supposedly" had no idea whether they were at home or safe at 3 am. The list goes on, so no matter what, Ron is guilty at the very least of neglect and endangering the welfare of a child and he BETTER get charged with that at a minimum.

IMO, the biggest roadblock to a good theory is LOGIC....we all try to put 2 & 2 together as non-violent, caring parents living lawful, non-criminal lives.

Throw drugs &/or alcohol into the mix & logic goes out the door.

Perps every day kill someone over illogical reasons - shoot a cop during a traffic stop because they have a warrant out & don't wanna goto jail.....now - a perp who's only had drug charges is a cop-killer, so where's the logic, right?

IMO, RC & his guns & drugs makes for a dangerous combination....maybe the Croslins are all pointing a finger @ JO because they're actually more afraid of RC than JO....he's the one who was living among them, making threats to kill people & not care if he goes to jail, putting headless rats in mailboxes & chasing after people waving a gun.

I can see where he wouldn't want LE snooping around & digging into his lifestyle, and consequently staging a SODDI crime scene (staged abduction) -- even if it's to divert attention from ToC or MC.

So I can accept PB's theory on some level....and I've always wondered if she knows some insider info....she has not let up on finger-pointing towards RC -- so I wonder why.

I also think that MC and ToC are on RC's side and they fear a something else a more dangerous element. I also think the actual disappearance was days after the 911 call but i think everyone is finger pointing so noone will actually know where to look I also think they all were involved in a cover-up and thus knows what really happened THAT night lies ....
You are so right....come what may for Ron....the fingers will and SHOULD be pointed directly at him. He left his children with an underage known drug user who had made it clear to a number of people that on that night she did NOT want to take care of them. He maintained a home where drug use and sales were known and common. He kept loaded guns in a home with small children--unlocked and unsecured (witnessed by Tim Miller). He placed his kids safety on a NO priority list--even going out for cigs, beer and peanuts when he "supposedly" had no idea whether they were at home or safe at 3 am. The list goes on, so no matter what, Ron is guilty at the very least of neglect and endangering the welfare of a child and he BETTER get charged with that at a minimum.


Now this I agree with 150%. I don't believe he played a physical part in his daughters disappearance, but I wholeheartedly pray he is at the very LEAST charged with child endangerment. Had it not have been for his lifestyle choices, Haleigh would still be here- and Junior would still have his sister. Between Ron, Crystal, the whole Cummings and Croslin clan- that poor baby never had a chance... :(
Blood is thicker than water, if Ron had something to do with this Misty, Joe and Tommy would have already pointed all 10 of their fingers at him.

There has been NO mention of Ron from any of them. As much as you all say, "Why is Misty afraid of Joe, he is in another state" I ask you.. Why at this point would Misty be afraid of Ron, since he is facing some serious jail time and if he killed his daughter even more.

I don't agree that he was involved at all. It upsets me that people are pointing fingers at him.

I think you are forgetting something that is way more powerful then blood.

I think Misty is in love with Ron.

I think Ron and Misty and Tommy knew Haleigh was dying and did nothing about it.

They are all three just a culpable therefore they will not tell on each other.
I think you are forgetting something that is way more powerful then blood.

I think Misty is in love with Ron.
I think Ron and Misty and Tommy knew Haleigh was dying and did nothing about it.

They are all three just a culpable therefore they will not tell on each other.

I think Misty thinks she is in love with Ron..
However, IMHO, none of the people are capable of loving anyone, due to the fact they have no love or respect for themselves...JMO
I maintain my stance I think she was accidentally shot during an altercation he had with Misty or with someone else.. I'm now wondering IF at some point Haleigh wasn't even used as a protective shield..That scenario would certainly make more than one person culpable..


I maintain my stance TN and GGMS would have never allowed Haleigh to be dumped in the river..

Ron had help that night, not only from the Croslins, but from his family.. He and his family know what they did with Haleigh's remains...I suspect they arranged it so Haleigh would never be found....

You know, I don't actually believe RC was involved myself, but your post just gave me an idea ... anyone think it's possible that RC and his family took Haleigh and buried her somewhere, thinking in some twisted way that that was the best they could do for her or that it was okay? You could then also throw back in your thoughts about telling Tommy that Joe put her in the river and telling Joe that Tommy put her in the river, and telling Misty who knows what (assuming she wasn't there - I think they would shut her out on that, especially if she caused Haleigh's death). Now everyone's covering for everyone else because they're all responsible for something, right?

I don't think I buy the accidental gunshot idea, though, at least not if it happened in the MH. Even if these people could clean up that well, did LE never do any luminol testing in the process of investigating?
Wow. Just. Wow.

I guess it's hard for me to believe a father could be so heartless after his daughter just died that he could orchestrate this kind of plan.
Then again it's not hard for me to believe when it comes to him. There has always been something about him and his overall demeanor that makes me think he knew what happened or knew soon afterwards. He's always seemed like top dog in this whole fiasco, he runs the show and is the alpha male. People may be talking now only because he's in jail and can't do anything about it.
I'm anxious to hear the TRUTH in the end and finally find out what really happened.

We saw the two of them in the undercover tapes. He didn't seem to be the mastermind, it was obviously Misty. He didn't seem to be acting all tough and bad. He would have to be totally ruthless with no feelings if he did what Pat Brown alleges. The tears of anguish for his daughter, and his pleas for her to be returned seemed genuine to me, and the pictures we saw of him and Haleigh showed a loving relationship. I do not think he had anything to do with her death, or coverup.
I highly suspect IF and when the whole truth is ever exposed we will find out the
Cummings Clan are as involved as the Croslins....JMO

I don't agree. Neither of TN or GMS show signs of guilt in this, in my opinion. There is genuine anguish and grief.
You are so right....come what may for Ron....the fingers will and SHOULD be pointed directly at him. He left his children with an underage known drug user who had made it clear to a number of people that on that night she did NOT want to take care of them. He maintained a home where drug use and sales were known and common. He kept loaded guns in a home with small children--unlocked and unsecured (witnessed by Tim Miller). He placed his kids safety on a NO priority list--even going out for cigs, beer and peanuts when he "supposedly" had no idea whether they were at home or safe at 3 am. The list goes on, so no matter what, Ron is guilty at the very least of neglect and endangering the welfare of a child and he BETTER get charged with that at a minimum.


I agree that his lifestyle put the children at risk. It is surprising that the courts gave him custody given these facts. Yet, a home study was done, DFCS (?) investigated him on several occassions, yet they found the children were in a safe environment. It is all so strange. Even though the above is probably true, I still don't think he killed Haleigh, or directed the perpetrators to dump her in the river with a cinder block. I think the fact he stopped on the way home that night to buy items shows he wasn't concerned, and assumed his children were home safe in bed, MOO.
It upsets me that Haleigh is dead. I don't give a flying flippity flip who gets what finger pointed at them if it solves this case and that Angel can finally have Justice.

I agree with you 150%!!! I don't care who did it as long as the TRUTH comes out...the REAL truth...not what people on here or anyone else thinks is the truth (including myself)...the honest to goodness REAL truth. Haleigh is all that matters now. I don't care if it was MC, JO, ToC, RC, or Santa Claus himself....the fact is Haleigh is gone and whoever it was needs to be held accountable. I said this on another thread but I'm going to say it here also...I hope WHOEVER did this to Haleigh is haunted by the look on her face just before she died....for the rest of their miserable life!!!

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