2010.4.19 AH Reports yellow rope found

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I would think that bricks and rope are only useful if there is something from a lab that shows fiber or hair. If this was used on a child's neck, ithey could have caught onto some of her hair.

But now we have 2 more clues that point to ToC. It was his van, and he did have some yellow rope.
I would think that bricks and rope are only useful if there is something from a lab that shows fiber or hair. If this was used on a child's neck, ithey could have caught onto some of her hair.

But now we have 2 more clues that point to ToC. It was his van, and he did have some yellow rope.

God, I hate to say this...there could perhaps be hair tied up in the rope if found. And all they need is one strand of hair. <thud>
I could see where yellow nylon rope might be classified as evidence but only if it was still attached to a cement block--or showed evidence of having been attached to one. If it was still tied in a loop that would have fit around a small child or something like that it would definitely be a possibility, but otherwise I'll bet there are quite a few pieces of rope out in that river.
I don't think it's a far stretch to believe part of the rope they used would still be in the home. Think of all the stolen items have been found in their homes.

I also don't think they could tie this all together just with some coincidental yellow rope and cinder blocks. It seems pretty common in this area. With all their boats, trucks, 4 wheelers, construction & tree-trimming businesses, it should be a given. We also know RC pulled someone (NayNay?) out of the mud right before Haleigh went missing. I do think, though, that they'll be able to match these ropes in some form.

But, here we have MC saying Haleigh was tied to two cinder blocks with a yellow rope and tossed right here. Then, they find two cinder blocks and yellow rope right there. To me, that's definitely damning. Not saying who's guilty of what exactly, but it obviously shows involvement.
The only thing that gives some credibility to the yellow rope is even though it is common item found in many homes and around boats- everyone else who owns yellow rope does not have a Grandmother who went public about yellow rope BEFORE it was found by LE- (and let's be honest is granny really smart enough to think that far ahead)
as far as keeping some of the same rope...he could have used a length of it to tie something to his truck and put the remainder of it away, reusing the length he kept in the truck.

He used it in the crime....but forgot that he had the remainder of the package of rope at home. Or even if he remembered he couldn't find it.
Maybe the workboots that Lindsay says she threw away was really yellow rope, and she did not get rid of it.
by the way, I just watched an HLN piece today with video clips from the search at the Shell Harbor boat ramp. LE is also using...................a yellow rope.
The only thing that gives some credibility to the yellow rope is even though it is common item found in many homes and around boats- everyone else who owns yellow rope does not have a Grandmother who went public about yellow rope BEFORE it was found by LE- (and let's be honest is granny really smart enough to think that far ahead)

And why would she want to? That is, what she is saying implicates her own family members. Unlike, say, Misty, the grandmother has no reason to throw anyone under the bus. She may be wrong or mistaken in some areas (as she is relaying what she hears from Tommy and Misty) but I think she is telling what she knows.
Didn't one of the reports earlier that mentioned the cinder blocks & rope also mentioned Haleigh was wrapped? Wrapped with what it did not say. If she was wrapped before being tied I would assume in a blanket. We have heard enough about blankets to know there must be some significance. I would not be surprised at all.
Apologies for this visual: If Haleigh was still alive when she was thrown into the river (which I just can not fathom and don't believe) but would the rope and/or cinderblock be the murder weapon? TIA
Do you know how many yellow, White, Blue ropes I have at my house. I don't see how a yellow rope being found at TC house proves anything. There was also rope found in the woods with the homemade wood chair and shovel..... I'm just not seeing the significance here, I bet every person on this forum has rope at their home. Not to say I don't think Tommy is involved because I believe he is, but to report on a yellow rope being found at his home as though it is THE murder weapon is ridiculous to me. JMO
I am wondering what the hold up is on if they found her remains or not?

I understand they have to be careful and do the forencis , however, for now it seems we havent learn a whole lot more than orginally..just a bunch of nuts blibbering about ( Joe,MC,TC) . grrrrr. Poor little Haleigh. :(
I am wondering what the hold up is on if they found her remains or not?

I understand they have to be careful and do the forencis , however, for now it seems we havent learn a whole lot more than orginally..just a bunch of nuts blibbering about ( Joe,MC,TC) . grrrrr. Poor little Haleigh. :(

I think in it took 8 days in Caylee's case for them to positively identify her, she was found on Dec 11 but I beleive it was Dec 19 that they made the identification, even though we all knew.

If parts of bones were found and nothing complete like hair and the skull in Caylee's case it may take longer but I don't know.

It may be that while they are trying to identify bones, that they are trying to pin down the suspect and will not make an arrest until they are sure that it is remains and that they are Haleigh's, and so at this point LE is not going to state remains were even found, because if the perp is still free because they dont have enough to arrest him on (Joe) except the word of two known liars, then they would not want that information released if remains were found. JMO
Hey guys, just a thought, if rope that was used was than thrown into the dumpster would dogs hit on it? What if she was in a garbage bag for awhile than put in the river instead. If they threw that bag into the dumpster would dogs hit on it?
IFf I heard correctly HLN just reported that the blocks were tied around Haleigh's waist.
All I can say is I can't eat my dinner................
Well, if the rope found in the river turns out to match the one found at Tommy's place, at least he can always say that it's not his, he stole it.
I remember several months ago the topic arose of the rope seen on the screen door. I find this quite a coincidence that suddenly, after all this time, that rope begins to be a part of the narrative of what happened to Haleigh.

I'm just saying. It seems a coincidence.

One thought about it, IF LE actually found cinder blocks and rope, and either can be tied back to items from either Green Lane or Tyler St, it pretty much throws out Misty's claim that Joe took Haleigh if you think about it.

What did he do, take Haleigh, then decide he needed to come back and get some cinder blocks and rope ? Now that would be a real coinicidence wouldn't it ?
So if the yellow rope matches rope found at Tommy's house, so what? If it's tied to cinder blocks, so what? I don't see how this proves that Haleigh was thrown off that dock. It's not that I don't believe it, I just don't know how it PROVES it in a court of law. They've got to find something that ties Haleigh into this site IMO.

In the Caylee Anthony case, they found the same duct tape on Caylee's mouth. They tied the duct tape from the home to the crime scene.

I'm just beyond frustrated in this case. :banghead:

If I rememeber correctly (could be off) I think the evidence they are finding in the river isn't necessarily being used to show who dunit, I believe LE stated that the evidence they were recovering was being used to cooberate an eyewitness' story. I'm assuming that if this eyewitness told them that Haleigh was tied to a cinder block with a yellow rope and thrown in the river, then if LE finds a cinder block with a yellow rope attached (body gone due to elements) that would prove the eyewitness is telling the truth.
Joe is not a big person at all. I'd think he'd need some help to throw a 45 pound child plus a cinder block, possibly two out far enough to sink. I think Haleigh is buried somewhere and the blocks were planted there by the real killer.

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