2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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I was scratching my head when I heard CM say that ICA was in handcuffs when she was at Universal ... and wasn't mirandized ... that's why they want her interview tossed.

This motion should be good reading.

She was in handcuffs at Universal? News to me. If she were it must have been at the bitter end, because they told her repeatedly she was free to go, the only reason they closed one door was for privacy not to make her stay, etc. The interview stays, imo, but even if the Universal part gets tossed, she told lie after lie after lie in the inteview at home, and along the wild goose chase ride. Remain calm , there is no problem here. She was not under arrest
found it...she was NOT under arrest!
Those are not rookies there with her, those are three experienced detectives there. They know the rules.

What are we doing here?, Sgt. Allen asked of her

Because I brought you here, because I lied, she answered. Not only was she not under arrest, they were there at her request. Good luck with that one Baez and Cheney. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nig-ITwHAWM[/ame] Review the tapes of the interviews at least. Good grief!!!

"Obviously the door is not locked, we just closed it to have a little privacy, right?" Yuri asked her.
Casey's answer..."YES".
Did CM say that KC was walked down the hall at Universal in handcuffs, taken into a room and not read her miranda rights????

I was astonished that he dared to say that. You can hear Yuri right on the tape saying the door is open and she's free to go ... clearly an indication she was not handcuffed nor under arrest. She's also on tape saying she agreed to go with them "on the tour" as he called it, she wasn't brought there against her will. What on earth is this guy thinking?

(edited to say thanks to all those who responded as I did wayyy before I got there, thanks and sorry!)
An hour after the hearing:

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And my WS didn't hic-up once! Thanks to and all the mods!

HLN doing synopsis - for those who missed today. They normally repeat often! (I had to be on topic!LOL)
Cheney Mason just said that the courtroom did not belong to the public but to Ms. Anthony.

A question.....

Did she purchase the courtroom with one of Amy's stolen checks.....or one of Cindy's?????

I must have missed that real estate transaction in the public records.
How arrogant...and another blatant lie!
Lot's of eye rolling and head cocking by JB.

I missed most of the hearing and watching it now...

IMO Looks like Baez is barely listening as Ashton speaks and IMO the looks on his face indicate to me that he believes the Judge won't do anything to them..in regards to sanctions..

Is there a link to the video yet? I can't believe I missed this UGGGHHHGHGHGH

HHJP is tightening the screws very clearly and with a happy smile on his face. The chickens are coming home to roost today. I mean did he not basically just threaten CM that he was considering holding the lot of them in contempt at $500 a day.

Yep, that's what I heard. HHJP said that would be "the next step". And JB looked like he was about to have a heart-attack. lmao :floorlaugh:
Did CM say that KC was walked down the hall at Universal in handcuffs, taken into a room and not read her miranda rights????

That's what I think he said. The state didn't receive a copy of it until this morning and requested time to review it and respond.
Still catching up and only up to page 15 of this thread.

This thread was moving so fast during the hearing that I gave up following and just went to pages ahead to read, but now am going back through the thread and from everyone's comments, I see that I need to watch this hearing again, because I seemed to have missed alot. Thankyou to everyone who posted here, The hearing to me was confusing, but hopefully watching it again, I will understand more.

Just a comment I have: Mason needs to get his hearing aids updated, or he will be the one prolonging the length of the trial while all there have to repeat everything to him. Also, for an attorney who is supposed to be one of the best in Orlando, he doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the discovery...chit, even us non-professionals here have been able to keep up with it. What is wrong with this man?
This is ridiculous.CM. should either go on disability or retire.
HE CANT HEAR! LOL.HHJP was shouting at him and he still couldnt hear.
How can he be part of a defese team in trial when words are flying fast and furious.Give it up already!

I think some of the hearing issues are just an attempt to buy time while he thinks of his response or because his mind was so busy racing on how to react he mis-heard.
She was in handcuffs at Universal? News to me. If she were it must have been at the bitter end, because they told her repeatedly she was free to go, the only reason they closed one door was for privacy not to make her stay, etc. The interview stays, imo, but even if the Universal part gets tossed, she told lie after lie after lie in the inteview at home, and along the wild goose chase ride. Remain calm , there is no problem here. She was not under arrest
found it...she was NOT under arrest!

"Obviously the door is not locked, we just closed it to have a little privacy, right?" Yuri asked her.
Casey's answer..."YES".

Nice work!
Wait... Curtis Jackson says he knows who really killed Caylee, and CM is saying that they are not interested? Hm.

Was that HHJP having a little fun with CM/JB? Neither one of them had read this particular bit of discovery. Too busy on the blogs I guess.
Boy, if this wasn't the judge sticking it to them, I don't know what is.
IIRC, she mentioned the phone call in the written statement, in the statement she made to Yuri at the house, and possibly also in the 911 call.

Thank you. My memory on these things isn't very clear. I read them so long ago.
The hearing moved so fast today that I felt like I was in JB's "spinning chair" at the defense table.

I am ususally pretty good at keeping up (as I know you are too). I was typing in Word taking notes as fast as my fingers would fly and I KNOW I missed a lot.

I am gonna have to re-watch.

I will admit the whole "LOL" bit distracted me for a while. :lol:
Oh how I wish I knew what was said during the sidebar with the defense. As soon as they came back from it, CM stated he was done. Oh to be a fly on the wall!
My brief synopsis of today:

HHJP: I am livid with the Defense right now. Sanctions!!!! Wha ha!!!

CM: (mumble mumble) I wasn't there. This is not fair! All these internet posters, that we are having difficulty investigating due to them being anonymous, think Casey's guilty. I admit, I haven't read anything since I took on this case. I thought all I'd have to do is yammer about the unfairness of the trial, and the expense of it all and how unfair it all is and hopefully, save some brilliant lines for cross examination...and the jury...

JB: Echuta! U Kulle rad doe Kankee Kung!

HHJP and CM and the Prosecution and the entire courtroom: What???

Cindy: I have on Battle Red today. Red! Hope everyone notices. Red is not a cameo color.

Casey: I have a side ponytail. Yay! I wore blue. Blue is a nicer color than red. Blue! Yay! I hope they let me have crayons so I can doodle about how much I love doodling. Crud...CM just made me the microphone monitor...I hate responsibility. Day ruined...darn.
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