2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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Oh, did you see that as CM defending JB? Cause I saw it as Ole Jose too darned chicken to get up before the judge. Definitely - did not have the cajones.

I think JB was cowering in fear. He knew the judge wasn't happy with his failure to comply with court orders.

The way I see it...............JP gave him an out when he ask JB if he knew he wasn't going to make the deadline, did he consider asking for an extension. JB didn't respond yes or no to that question, just tried to explain why he missed the deadline.

Maybe it went over JB's head, but what JP was saying was if he knew he couldn't make the deadline, JB should have immediately informed the court and requested another 24 hours. In all likelihood that extension would have been granted. But JB simply took matters into his own hands......missed the deadline, and thought he could explain it away in court.
IIRC, she mentioned the phone call in the written statement, in the statement she made to Yuri at the house, and possibly also in the 911 call.

Do you know if she indicated anything about that alleged July 16th phone call from Caylee in her written statement?

She does talk about the phone call that never happened in her written statement. Weird, I had forgotten that she also writes that she "received a quick call from Zenaida" on June 12th, 3 days after Zenaida supposedly took Caylee?? (remember, the original date given was June 9th). Just another detail that has been disproven..... :liar:
I heard him say 'Julie' when he was talking about this - said she taught him to use the computer, and that she brought the hatchet to keep him from asking for paper.

I was ROFL

I'm not sure if he was referring to her, but his Judicial Asst.'s name is Jill Gray.
During Ashton's speech..
IMO Mason was definitely listening...it may have looked like he wasn't but he most certainly was and jotting down notes...Baez on the other hand...was partially listening, smirking, smiling, writing back to Casey, acting like there was not a care in the world...Ashton's words meant nothing and the Judge won't punish him either...
He let them know what time it was at that side bar. It was to be so much so that he did not invite the other side up, which is rare, indeed. That is how I took it. Kind of a don't make me give you something to cry ABOUT little talk. MOO
I think JB was cowering in fear. He knew the judge wasn't happy with his failure to comply with court orders.

The way I see it...............JP gave him an out when he ask JB if he knew he wasn't going to make the deadline, did he consider asking for an extension. JB didn't respond yes or no to that question, just tried to explain why he missed the deadline.

Maybe it went over JB's head, but what JP was saying was if he knew he couldn't make the deadline, JB should have immediately informed the court and requested another 24 hours. In all likelihood that extension would have been granted. But JB simply took matters into his own hands......missed the deadline, and thought he could explain it away in court.

I got the impression early on that CM and JBP have a friendly working relationship. They probably figured if his good buddy spoke, they might get out unscathed.
With answers like, "I dunno. I have no idea. But, instead of answering your question, I wanna talk about the injustice of having to pay for a hotel room...what? I'm sorry, these dadburned hearing aids...
I think some of the hearing issues are just an attempt to buy time while he thinks of his response or because his mind was so busy racing on how to react he mis-heard.

Kind of like the Twix commercial...."Need a minute?"
My brief synopsis of today:

HHJP: I am livid with the Defense right now. Sanctions!!!! Wha ha!!!

CM: (mumble mumble) I wasn't there. This is not fair! All these internet posters, that we
are having difficulty investigating due to them being anonymous, think Casey's guilty. I admit, I haven't read anything since I took on this case. I thought all I'd have to do is yammer about the unfairness of the trial, and the expense of it all and how unfair it all is and hopefully, save some brilliant lines for cross examination...and the jury...

JB: Echuta! U Kulle rad doe Kankee Kung!

HHJP and CM and the Prosecution and the entire courtroom: What???

Cindy: I have on Battle Red today. Red! Hope everyone notices. Red is not a cameo color.

Casey: I have a side ponytail. Yay! I wore blue. Blue is a nicer color than red. Blue! Yay! I hope they let me have crayons so I can doodle about how much I love doodling. Crud...CM just made me the microphone monitor...I hate responsibility. Day ruined...darn.

LOL LOLOL I cant stop laughing~! Although if anyone speaks huttese it's Mason! I think of him as MMM or triple M ... But i wont post the full name here, so as not to break any TOS ;) but mushy peas come to mind
CM: those who have never defended dont comprehend the problems we are still tryin to play catch up (oh boo hoo)

Here's a clue Mason...Baez is the reason the Defense is playing catch up...or is that ketchup or catsup :croc:
so the purpose of the Judge bringing out Jackson in court was to put on record there was a so called witness for the defense. This way on appeal the Defense doesn't try to use, we had a witness but blah blah blah

Oh yeah. That was brilliant. and you could see just how much HHJP was enjoying that moment. You could also tell that JA and even CM knew exactly what was going on. JB did not have a clue. By handing it to the defense that way he did a lot of subtle and fun things. He insured that they knew of yet another possible defense witness, within a timely manner, so as it could not be used to delay trial. He also rather clearly communicated that he is fully aware that the witness is a worthless jail bird hoping for a day out of prison, so no real weight or benefit will be given to him. He was spinning the defenses wheels and having fun doing it. It was a great fun moment.

Something similar was going on when HHJP pointed out that CM's friend the judge had left, much to CM's consternation and dismay. Can anyone else think why CM might have had a judge in the gallery? All I can think is he was trying to set up some sort of complaint for a charge of prosecutorial or judicial misconduct regarding the sanctions motion, and apparently his friend the judge took one look and left in disgust. I think CM was trying to be clever and setup the "Kronk'ing" of another judge. And HHJP is a much better chess player. I am thinking that that more than anything else is what some of the later HHJP comments or rulings was about. Particularly the "Not afraid to try it twice to prevent abusing the system" and whether to hold CM in contempt at $500/day.
I am ususally pretty good at keeping up (as I know you are too). I was typing in Word taking notes as fast as my fingers would fly and I KNOW I missed a lot.

I am gonna have to re-watch.

I will admit the whole "LOL" bit distracted me for a while. :lol:

Let's see.....Mason didn't know what LOL meant. Wonder if he thought it was

Losing our License?
Losing our lunch?
Leaking our lies?
Lying and laughing?
Late and left out?
Listen and Learn?
Learn our Lesson?

The possibilities are as infinite as the mind of a genius blogger.
Judge: I only want to try this case one time...but I don't mind trying it twice.

Eluding to civil lawyers making money suing lawyers to recover costs for JAC.
I'm thinking JP doesn't take kindly to veiled threats.
John Morgan and Keith Mitnik must have come crossed their minds....

Now wouldn't that be just GRAND :great: if Morgan and Morgan was hired to sue Baez and Mason

Judge Perry also said that these civil attorneys could, and WOULD go after them for all of the states costs that have been paid out, for both sides for reimbursement.

That had to have given them a double gulp ~

I think that Judge Perry will continue to let them get into the state "kitty", because he fully anticipates that this will go to trial again, but, possibly not for the all of reasons that have thought.

When he made that announcement, he looked and spoke directly to Casey, IMO.
Giving her a little head's up, so to speak.

And, you can bet that the thought has not escaped Cindy either, and once this is over, Casey will allow visits with her parents, and, they'll be on to plan B, which is Judge Perry described today.
Again, IMO.
If there is anyway to make a buck, they'll grab it by the horns and run with it.
This may also be another reason that we haven't seen any more new pictures or videos of Caylee.
They need to keep something "banked" for the next round to get off the ground.
Shouldn't Baez be answering this? I almost feel sorry for CM to have to be the one to do it!

I would agree.
The lead lawyer/ the one in charge should be the one responding..right?
So is it Baez OR is it really Mason...Mason is the one responding to the SAO's motion on sanctions...
I think some of the hearing issues are just an attempt to buy time while he thinks of his response or because his mind was so busy racing on how to react he mis-heard.

I think you are absolutely right. Will have to watch again to check on this, but I have a hunch that there will be a clear pattern of him going deaf when the judge is saying things that are not good for the defense, or is calling the defense on the carpet.

Just like when we were kids--we could ALWAYS hear the ice cream truck coming from 5 blocks away, but when Mom called us in for dinner from three houses down.... sudden extreme hearing loss!
I seem to see CM trying to act like a Gregory Peck(To Kill A Mockingbird) wanna be, using his best southern gentleman affect. Maybe he was pandering to Judge P.'s exquisit southern charm in putting CM & crew in their place. Then of course we have J.B. appearing to look like Whimpy of Popeye fame wanting to gladly pay the honorable Judge Perry Tuesday for an "exception" today. Last but not least is KC sitting in her ivory tower like Rapunzel (she may want to rethink that ponytail if & when she is incarcerated) waiting for someone to rescue her. Then there is CA still trying to man the helm in her red captains outfit! They still persist at wanting a nautical theme! The ship is sinking but she looks good! No Oscar's today!
I also had this thought.

Judge Perry has offered VERY often that he is available for hearings at 5 PM. Given the defense complaints of too much media interest....perhaps they should have taken a hint.

In Session stops their coverage at 3.
Local news has to do the nightly broadcast at 5, 5:30 and 6 PM.
Reporting would likely be delayed until 11PM or the next days news cycle.

As much as I enjoy hearings.......IMO it is really clear that media is NOT a major issue for the defense. It is only the media coverage that they don't like.

If the media was really an issue......would we EVER EVER EVER have a post hearing interview to watch????

Ducking now.

Additionally......I can not and should not be held in civil contempt by WS members should the defense choose to request late hearings in the future.
JB wants a clarification on sanctions since it will be cutting into his $3 and hour hahahaha
How rude!

ETA: no one told you to A) take the case, and/or B) spend all your dough!!!
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