2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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If I were Judge Perry not one second past the seven days would be extended to Baez. He has had over 2 years and over $200,000.00 to do what needed to be done, plus court orders to do so, Baez has choosen to do whatever he wants when he wants and deserves much more then he got today.
How many of you think his experts have never written a report? It just dosen't even make sense to me. Color me stupid I guess.

I hear ya, Dasiy!! Love your avatar!
As I see it, the only good point and/or advantage that came out of todays hearing for the defense is this:

They got to preview ICA's new look for the trial and will adjust upon review of the "bloggers" for future bi-monthly hearings.

Not true!


Today was a major win for them! Quick call Geraldo!
Yes!!!!!...Baez sanctioned.....nice little thing to have on his resume and performance review.

I liked the way he was trying to "teach"them about the off/on buttons on mikes!:great:

And how they were so desperate to "win" something they settled to just sit at the little kid table so the "telephoto" lens couldn't watch Casey scribbling. You'd think there wasn't a death penalty looming. Never ceases to amaze me what the defense seems to think is important.
I just saw a picture of Casey walking into the hearing - it hit me that they are trying to make her look like a college student now. Side ponytail, collared shirt, and was that jeans she was wearing? She looked like she was walking into a classroom, not a court room. How ironic for someone who never went to college and lied about going to college!
So the defense has seven days to produce the expert testimony discovery and reports or it wont be heard.

The bulk of the motions will be heard in 15 or so days once the state has sufficient time to file a response. State does not care about the knife or the Jib Jab video.

The only one I have a question regarding is whether or not the defense will be allowed the Kronks prior bad acts motion? We knew at the last hearing that they had no intention of meeting that deadline, even when HHJP brought it up stating that he thought Baez had given up on it because he hadnt requested a hearing on it....
He's lying..he mentioned "googling" something.

Agreed. It's the 21st century now and even people who don't like technology can manage the simple things. It's not like you have to be a programmer to know how to do most of the things we do now.

Also, what's with all the ego centric self indulgent nonsense? Mason implying he wanted to rumble with a blogger who dared insult him online, the obsession with people criticizing them? The parallels between the defense and the Anthony family are simply astonishing.
I just saw a picture of Casey walking into the hearing - it hit me that they are trying to make her look like a college student now. Side ponytail, collared shirt, and was that jeans she was wearing? She looked like she was walking into a classroom, not a court room. How ironic for someone who never went to college and lied about going to college!

She's "reviewing cases" now though...and she still has Depaul Law school to look forward to (after she gets a bachelor's degree that is). Lots of luck.
So the defense has seven days to produce the expert testimony discovery and reports or it wont be heard.

The bulk of the motions will be heard in 15 or so days once the state has sufficient time to file a response. State does not care about the knife or the Jib Jab video.

The only one I have a question regarding is whether or not the defense will be allowed the Kronks prior bad acts motion? We knew at the last hearing that they had no intention of meeting that deadline, even when HHJP brought it up stating that he thought Baez had given up on it because he hadnt requested a hearing on it....

Was that the one that HHJP asked Cheney twice why he should bother to hear it because it was past the deadline? Did he turn that one down or is it still possible it will be heard?
Yes, I think that HHJP referred to them as "police agents--the Anthony family," or something very close to that.

The only thing is I cannot remember (or rather, did not hear) in what context HHJP used this term.

IIRC, HHJP was trying to ascertain which motion CM wanted to address -- the one that he wasn't able to dictate and submit until this morning(!) (Universal/Miranda) or the one that addresses (and I think this is exactly how he referred to it) the "so-called police agents -- the Anthony family." So-called. Ain't it the truth.
Was that the one that HHJP asked Cheney twice why he should bother to hear it because it was past the deadline? Did he turn that one down or is it still possible it will be heard?

Yes-you and I are on the same page...I didnt get whether or not it would be heard anyway.
I'm still about 7 pages behind in this thread, so someone may have already posted this, but it was my understanding from what CM and HHJB were referring to, during the hearing, that there was a response filed recently by LDB addressing each of these motions of CM. Because they kept referring to section D, section small r, etc. Hopefully when we get her response, we will have a better understanding what still needs to be seen in a future hearing.
Me GOT the impression that CM was attempting to intimidate Judge Perry..and that did NOT work!..Judge Perry has been around the block or three..and has figured out what the defense stragedy is..Delay, deny and complain about their RIGHTS!!..

I will refrain from adjectives..dont want to violate TOS..but suffice to say..the gauntlet has been thrown down by ALL Sides!! :croc:..and it will be to their (Defenses's) detriment IF they continue with this game!!:worms:

We need a smiley of that can with the words "Woop-A$$" on it! :crazy:
Are you talking about the witness Jackson? Some prisoner stated he had credible information for the defense in that it would prove ICA is innocent. He is well known and has done this in other cases too. CM stated He just wants a day out of jail. They all laughed because apparently he is known in the court.

However the Judge wanted I believe to be put on record so on appeal the Defense cannot try and use this in any sort of way.

I am NOT an attorney but........

Given KC's alleged jail house buddies statements are in discovery........I think Judge Perry was indeed getting it on the record that the defense was aware that Curtis Jackson claimed to have info that would free KC.

KC was present in court and could have asked her counsel to state that they would look into it. Mason dismissed it promptly and KC did not complain.

Clever and efficient Judge Perry did NOT let that "sneak" past him.

For those who have wondered if he is aware. Bear in mind........nothings gets past him.
Not true!


Today was a major win for them! Quick call Geraldo!

Ok, I was being sarcastic, but now I do have a question.

Didn't Linda state during the reading of these 20 some odd motions that the State was not intending to use the "items" listed in many of the motions? And that motions 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23 and 24 were going to be Frye hearings? I may be wrong on these numbers so correct me if I am :innocent:

Anyhow, I certainly don't see a win for the defense on any of the motions if the state says they weren't planning on using them for trial anyway. Even if these motions were created to preserve the appeal process, I guess my comment is why the dickens didn't JB coordinate with the SAO prior to creating them? So this is why HHJP sanctioned JB, for the wasted work and time the state incurred. I hope the time for the staff and utilities are included.
You guys know what? I kind of have a feeling that after today, JB will be really pushing casey to plea. Here's why, and it's JMO: the bottom line is, Baez is lazy. This case has run its course for him to benefit from it, and there's nothing left in it for him except hard, hard, unpaid work on a losing case. He's milked the media already, and now the case has started personally costing him financially as well as professionally (sanctions, deposition travel, etc). Until today, he was just coasting past deadlines and work, but now he's been taken to task and I'm guessing he'd rather have casey plea guilty than put in the work that's required of him now.

I went to law school with a couple people like Baez, and they really sucked. Had one guy on my moot court team that coasted and put everything off until the last minute, didn't carry his weight, but carried a monogramed briefcase and wore his law school sweater almost everywhere so people would know he was in law school, and when push came to shove, he relied on us, his teammates, to give him notes and basically do his work for him. People like that will do almost anything to avoid actually getting down to work. They try to slip under the radar constantly. He eventually flunked out. I'm seeing a lot of this in Baez, and I'm guessing that now, more than EVER, he's going to be pushing casey to consider pleading guilty.

JMO of course.

I think you are very close to the truth here. I've really been wondering if we are looking at a very slow plea. Moreover, if you've taken a look at the Clerk's site, it would appear that this case is not helping his career in any way, shape, or form He hasn't got many cases and what he has is pretty piddling stuff, in my very own, unprofessional, and personal opinion. This case may be very costly in terms of his career. I think he may have to move.
I have to thank everyone who posted here on this hearing..and maintaining Civility..well..mostly :)..anyway..as to the defense wanting to suppress statements made my CA..actually makes me LOL..as Ms Casey has been caught in so many lies, I dont think the Pros. has to push to admit alot..but this trip to Universal is not ONE of them..Casey at that point was a cooperating witness and offered to back up her assertions she was working at Universal..thus needed the NANNY..and so on..and It wasnt until LE called her on it that she folded just before she got to the offices...No handcuffs, no forced anything!!..so dont see that as an issue..however, not sure Pros. even needs this example of CA's lying and avoiding the truth..

IF Defense keeps this up, they are going to force Casey to have to get on the stand and deny, refute such information..which they wont, or shouldnt do.I agree..Casey needs to plea.to full count..and thats the only way she will avoid the DP..

Judge Perry indicated by his persona that he knows just whats going on..and that enough is enough..The defense has done very little homework..that Jackson statement "Knowing Casey didnt do this and can prove it..etc" neither CM or Baez..knew squat about this..Yet sightings of Caylery were broadcasted to the skies!! Man oh Man Casey is in so deep..she best give it up and get use to her enviornment!!
As far as the jib jab video.....recall that the defense motion accused / alleged that the video was created by the State???

Yet in open court Mason said it was made by "someone".

Just another example of the petty games that people play.
Let's see.....Mason didn't know what LOL meant. Wonder if he thought it was

Losing our License?
Losing our lunch?
Leaking our lies?
Lying and laughing?
Late and left out?
Listen and Learn?
Learn our Lesson?

The possibilities are as infinite as the mind of a genius blogger.

I wonder if he knows what SOL means...cause that's pretty much what he and the defense were today...SOL :great:
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