2011.01.03 - Motions Hearing

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You guys know what? I kind of have a feeling that after today, JB will be really pushing casey to plea. Here's why, and it's JMO: the bottom line is, Baez is lazy. This case has run its course for him to benefit from it, and there's nothing left in it for him except hard, hard, unpaid work on a losing case. He's milked the media already, and now the case has started personally costing him financially as well as professionally (sanctions, deposition travel, etc). Until today, he was just coasting past deadlines and work, but now he's been taken to task and I'm guessing he'd rather have casey plea guilty than put in the work that's required of him now.

I went to law school with a couple people like Baez, and they really sucked. Had one guy on my moot court team that coasted and put everything off until the last minute, didn't carry his weight, but carried a monogramed briefcase and wore his law school sweater almost everywhere so people would know he was in law school, and when push came to shove, he relied on us, his teammates, to give him notes and basically do his work for him. People like that will do almost anything to avoid actually getting down to work. They try to slip under the radar constantly. He eventually flunked out. I'm seeing a lot of this in Baez, and I'm guessing that now, more than EVER, he's going to be pushing casey to consider pleading guilty.

JMO of course.

You have JB pegged perfectly. It's why he decided to start his own "private" practice. Any other firm would require that he actually put in hard work.
I wonder if he knows what SOL means...cause that's pretty much what he and the defense were today...SOL :great:

It is very SAD indeed when any defense team has to resort to blamming bloggers for anything..It just shows you..they have not got their eye on the task at hand..just worried about spinning...Maybe they should hire a "Fox Representative"?...

Having said that..Casey, even tho she has been represented by very high power lawyers..LKB, Andrea Lyons, and NOW CM..Baez being the constant..makes you realize..their defense is Nadda..nothing else they can do save supress evidence and call fault in investigations..yet they dont seem to be uptodate...In fact I venture to say..Baez leaves all venting of documents to underlings..doesnt spend much time doing anything..course one has to realize he has very little experience in high profile cases (any cases as far as that is concerned) :rocker:
My brief synopsis of today:

HHJP: I am livid with the Defense right now. Sanctions!!!! Wha ha!!!

CM: (mumble mumble) I wasn't there. This is not fair! All these internet posters, that we are having difficulty investigating due to them being anonymous, think Casey's guilty. I admit, I haven't read anything since I took on this case. I thought all I'd have to do is yammer about the unfairness of the trial, and the expense of it all and how unfair it all is and hopefully, save some brilliant lines for cross examination...and the jury...

JB: Echuta! U Kulle rad doe Kankee Kung!

HHJP and CM and the Prosecution and the entire courtroom: What???

Cindy: I have on Battle Red today. Red! Hope everyone notices. Red is not a cameo color.

Casey: I have a side ponytail. Yay! I wore blue. Blue is a nicer color than red. Blue! Yay! I hope they let me have crayons so I can doodle about how much I love doodling. Crud...CM just made me the microphone monitor...I hate responsibility. Day ruined...darn.

Thank you! So much clearer now! :floorlaugh: :great:

So CM :panic: :doorhide:
What do sanctions mean, exactly? Any fines involved?
S..... Out of Luck..LOL:woohoo:

Haha yes I knew that...just having some fun at the expense of "Lots of Luck" Mason. ;)

O/T, though, I do use "SOL" to stand for "Statute of Limitations" in my practice...kind of to remind myself of the importance of those dates. :)

Mason is now thumbing through his texting dictionary for "O/T"...
What do sanctions mean, exactly? Any fines involved?

Sanctions mean any bad thing a judge does to you because you disobeyed the rules or his orders. In this case, it means that JB will have to pay attorneys' fees and costs to the State to make up for wasting everyone's time with his smarta$$ expert witness disclosures.
I must have missed the post hearing interviews. Anyone have a link??

Hal Bodeker's article said the defense did not give any post-hearing interviews:

WFTV’s Kenneth Moton said that the Anthony attorneys wouldn’t comment outside the courthouse about what Perry’s sanctions would mean to Anthony’s defense. Moton said, “The judge says Florida has strict laws when it comes to no surprises in court. So if it’s not detailed in a report, then it will not be allowed at trial.”

What do sanctions mean, exactly? Any fines involved?

If I understand correctly sanctions (this time) are the actual costs to the state for the delays (filing fees).

thanks nums
4 part video and a slideshow...well it's going to be a long night for me..I'm only 1/2 way thru the 2nd video and I must stop to feed the family...the nerve of them..I offered to order pizza and they want me to make pasta instead.....pasta it is...
You guys know what? I kind of have a feeling that after today, JB will be really pushing casey to plea. Here's why, and it's JMO: the bottom line is, Baez is lazy. This case has run its course for him to benefit from it, and there's nothing left in it for him except hard, hard, unpaid work on a losing case. He's milked the media already, and now the case has started personally costing him financially as well as professionally (sanctions, deposition travel, etc). Until today, he was just coasting past deadlines and work, but now he's been taken to task and I'm guessing he'd rather have casey plea guilty than put in the work that's required of him now.

I went to law school with a couple people like Baez, and they really sucked. Had one guy on my moot court team that coasted and put everything off until the last minute, didn't carry his weight, but carried a monogramed briefcase and wore his law school sweater almost everywhere so people would know he was in law school, and when push came to shove, he relied on us, his teammates, to give him notes and basically do his work for him. People like that will do almost anything to avoid actually getting down to work. They try to slip under the radar constantly. He eventually flunked out. I'm seeing a lot of this in Baez, and I'm guessing that now, more than EVER, he's going to be pushing casey to consider pleading guilty.

JMO of course.

Of course I can't find it now I want to quote it, but I have read online that Baez was placed 181 in a class of 183. Can't say I'm surprised. He's still at the bottom of the heap.
Do I recall that Judge Perry complimented Ann Finnell for her "efforts"? Am I crazy??

I need to go back and relisten, but I believe JA commended AF for being the only member of the defense team to live up to her commitments.
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