2011.01.06 Baez Slapped with Formal Sanction

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Embarrassing to say the least. This is real Court time, not play. The e-mail he sent to the state re the witnesses was beyond juvenile. It is hard to believe he would do this knowing that we have a Judge on this case who has repeatedly said he wants professionalism.

I shall once again refrain on my opinion of Mr. Baez.

AND DONE ON A NATIONAL STAGE....it's is amazing to me. It would be one thing to be in night court....but this case? geez
That expression of "I'm not with HIM! ->" so clearly on CM's face during yesterdays hearing is a sign that yeah he probably gets this now. Notice how he was not willing to stick his neck out when JB started fumbling about the report schedules? To be fair to CM it is doubtful that in those 40 years he has ever tried to try a case with another lawyer like JB. I would like to hope that JB is fairly unusual. Lets also not forget that after 40 years experience in that sort of profession you can drift out of the practice of doing it yourself, assuming that the more junior members of the team are picking up the slack on the day to day stuff. CM lent his name and reputation to this, but really hasn't been paying attention the way he obviously should.

Unfortunately for all involved neither CM nor JB can bail on this case. CM is limited because he is the required DP qualified attorney. In order to escape he needs to get someone equally qualified to replace himself. One speculation (and thats all it is is pure speculation) about why retired DP specialist Judge Eaton was in the courtroom on Monday, was that CM might have been trying to lure him onto the defense team.

It's even worse for JB. recent Florida law (enacted pretty much in anticipation of JB himself.) prevents a privately hired attorney, who has accepted payment to represent a client, from bailing on the case should the client be declared indigent. JB took his substantial portion of that ABC check. He's stuck until or unless KC fires him and the judge agrees.

Sorry, but the imagery is just too much...... CM shows up in Court wearing one of those T-Shirts that says 'I'm with Stupid'.
NO, I can imagine the FUME that Cindy and the rest of the family is in. He is like Casey, wondering how he can get out of this mess and still look good.

More and more I suspect that he is like his client in wondering how he can get out of this mess and avoid going to jail over the finances. I am still suspecting that a huge problem for JB producing these reports within the alloted time frame involves everybody getting paid. At some point in all of this the JAC is eventually going to kick over the right anthill and force some public revelations about where the money has been going.
i wouldnt take a CHECK from the DOOFENSE... cash plz.. he can get a receipt...
More and more I suspect that he is like his client in wondering how he can get out of this mess and avoid going to jail over the finances. I am still suspecting that a huge problem for JB producing these reports within the alloted time frame involves everybody getting paid. At some point in all of this the JAC is eventually going to kick over the right anthill and force some public revelations about where the money has been going.

One can only hope........
i wouldnt take a CHECK from the DOOFENSE... cash plz.. he can get a receipt...

OMG, can you just see Mr. Ashton going to HHJP and saying the check bounced like a rubber ball?
LOL (laughing out loud AND lot's of luck. haahaahaahaa):innocent:

or that it was stolen...LMAO
Maybe JB will ask KC if he can have a loan out of her snack fund to cover the expense.
I love it love it love it that Ashton figured it out to the cent.

Five hundred eighty-three dollars AND SEVENTY-THREE CENTS.

Don't forget the pennies, Baez.

Seventy-three cents. :floorlaugh:
Cannot wait to hear what State has to say about Cheney's motion to suppress tatoo evidence which he says was gotten two weeks after the child went missing July 2nd.

You can't make this stuff up. What is up with these two. Do they want to go down as the most inefficient lawyers known to man, because that is what is happening.
Talk about a picture being worth 1,000 words... thank you once again Red Huber for your masterful (and always legally-compliant) work with the telephoto lens!


So true!!!!! This is :eek:fftopic: but ICA and JB have aged 10 yrs since this case began. This photo really captures it.

Back on topic........ I believe HHJP has shown tremendous restraint by not imposing sanctions on other motions (not sure if SA has req'd them prior). I was just a lowly legal secretary and even I understand the value and importance of the expert process.
I was just thinking about Kathi Belich and Bill Sheaffer- for those WS'ers who live in the Orlando area- where are they lately? I haven't seen her questioning Baez outside court recently,as she has always done, nor any of her Q&A sessions with Bill Sheaffer...

Hey, haven't you heard? Baez is on a huge learning curve and he has learned two new words this month. They are "No Comment". :floorlaugh:

She has tried. Nums24 just posted an interview with our Bill S. in Today's News commenting on the sanctions. Worth the chuckle to listen to. Bill is - forcing - himself - not - to - be - unprofessional - however it could just have been my video but I noticed there was a little blip in the middle of what he was saying about Baez - could have been a quick "edit". LOL
That expression of "I'm not with HIM! ->" so clearly on CM's face during yesterdays hearing is a sign that yeah he probably gets this now. Notice how he was not willing to stick his neck out when JB started fumbling about the report schedules? To be fair to CM it is doubtful that in those 40 years he has ever tried to try a case with another lawyer like JB. I would like to hope that JB is fairly unusual. Lets also not forget that after 40 years experience in that sort of profession you can drift out of the practice of doing it yourself, assuming that the more junior members of the team are picking up the slack on the day to day stuff. CM lent his name and reputation to this, but really hasn't been paying attention the way he obviously should.

Unfortunately for all involved neither CM nor JB can bail on this case. CM is limited because he is the required DP qualified attorney. In order to escape he needs to get someone equally qualified to replace himself. One speculation (and thats all it is is pure speculation) about why retired DP specialist Judge Eaton was in the courtroom on Monday, was that CM might have been trying to lure him onto the defense team.

It's even worse for JB. recent Florida law (enacted pretty much in anticipation of JB himself.) prevents a privately hired attorney, who has accepted payment to represent a client, from bailing on the case should the client be declared indigent. JB took his substantial portion of that ABC check. He's stuck until or unless KC fires him and the judge agrees.

BBM If so, wonder if we can deduce by his (Judge Eaton's) premature exit from the sanction's hearing that the answer is 'Don't call me, I'll call you.' :seeya: :seeya: :seeya:
Thank you so much for this precise information ThinkTank - and I believe this is coming from CM, rather than Baez. I noticed at the last hearing when Baez said we don't have to supply an expert report and now we do, he turned to look very pointedly at Mason, as if to say, nod and back me up here cause you told me this was true.

I also think HHJP has not included CM in the sanctions because he suspects CM has something else to try to put over on the court re these experts, and he's playing a bit of warning and double-dare ya here.

Interesting. I was thinking Perry is being very kind towards Mason on this matter and is merely acknowledging that he (Perry) knows where the problem really lies. And I suspect he is right.

What I am frustrated with is the defense insisting that this required disclosure "report" is NOT the same thing as a formal expert report that is often produced as part of normal defense preparation. Even with no formal report from normal preparation the defense STILL has a reciprocal discovery obligation to provide the information to the state in lieu of that type of report.

Judge Perry gave him another option to provide that discovery in lieu of the usual expert reports (as in: author your own document, Baez), but he refused and is in contempt.

I was just thinking about Kathi Belich and Bill Sheaffer- for those WS'ers who live in the Orlando area- where are they lately? I haven't seen her questioning Baez outside court recently,as she has always done, nor any of her Q&A sessions with Bill Sheaffer...
Bill Sheaffer used to attend the hearings, but haven't seen him lately. Kathi is at every hearing.
I don't know why they seem silent lately.
It was interesting to see how much Bill Sheaffer seemed to be restraining himself from being a lot more critical of Baez. When he talks about CM he seems to be talking about a completely different person than the one we have seen though- CM obviously has a good reputation in that area among Attorneys who have watched his work over many years ; makes you wonder what has happened to him? Has he been infected by Baez' buffoonery or is he really just past it?
Hey, haven't you heard? Baez is on a huge learning curve and he has learned two new words this month. They are "No Comment". :floorlaugh:

She has tried. Nums24 just posted an interview with our Bill S. in Today's News commenting on the sanctions. Worth the chuckle to listen to. Bill is - forcing - himself - not - to - be - unprofessional - however it could just have been my video but I noticed there was a little blip in the middle of what he was saying about Baez - could have been a quick "edit". LOL
You're right, there is a blip in the middle which seems like an edit moment!
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