2011.01.09 Front page Orlando Sentinel: Is Baez in over his head? *UNDER REVIEW*

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Love this article! :takeabow::tyou::silly: to the OS!

Made me think of the old saying- if one person says you're a jackass- ignore him, if two people say it- think about it, if three people say it- just go buy yourself a saddle.......

Hee, haw, JB!

JMO as always
"He added, "Do you have something to offer my client? It's a two-way street. … The door is open if you can assist me or my client." He hung up the phone, called back minutes later and said that conversation was off the record. Told that the conversation was not, Baez responded by saying, "You're lying and being unethical.'"


I love reading that part over and over. :floorlaugh:

How juvenile.
Ya know, I was thinking the other day, that if I were the State, part of my closing argument would be video of JB. I would play clip after clip of him telling us that we would all understand...that there is a reasonable explanation. Maybe play clips of CA as well with her MOTY talk. Then I would say...do you understand? Do you have your explanation?
Cudos to Anthony Colarossi, Orlando Sentinel! :tyou: for putting in ink (locals, was it really on the front page?) what many have been posting and thinking for years.

Could the fact that this exposé (of sorts) is finally in a respected newspaper have any significant positive or negative effects on any legal issues in the case?

Yep, front page, top of fold, left headline with pic.
"I did not say what you're gonna say I just said."

"Well, Jose, yes, you did."

"LIAR! LIAR! PANTS ON FIRE! So, you, like, got anything that can help my girl?"

While I feel validated that the rest of the world seems to be in agreement with us here at WS regarding Baez's compentency, this give me pause.

Simply more grounds for appeal based on innefective counsel in the long run :(
Having watched trials on and off since OJ, I'm trying to think of another case where the defense attorney has had such bad press.

Closest I can come is Mark Geragos of Scott Peterson infamy. He pulled the "stupid boat trick" which backfired when Laci Peterson supporters turned in into a flower-filled shrine. He wasn't there when the jury came in with the verdict. He admitted that he was so sure he would win, he hadn't prepared for the penalty phase.

At least the defense is preparing for the penalty phase.

Yes, but I think it's only due to the DP qualified attorneys that have been present. T Lenamon tried by implying in his petition that it was an accident committed by a mentally unstable KC; I give AL credit for creating the framework in which mitigation became a formal objective, and CM for seeing it through.

I have a feeling all 3 attorneys were agog and aghast by the silly SODDI machinations that JB was pulling and tried to discourage it. CM seems to sit out on most efforts to deal with that like the RK and TES nonsense. I'm sure that AL was appalled by the JK interview debacle in which that skeevy PI of JB's led the way, even thought her own MS was involved. I don't think she had anything to do with circumventing discovery the way he did by attaching the video to a "motion" and releasing it directly to the press. That had JB all over it. And I can't help think that had a great deal to do with her decision to leave. JB is a loose cannon and even KC's parents knew he was a hack.

Frankly I think that the other attorneys have tried to ignore or stifle all the ridiculous SODDI efforts that JB has implemented thus far, seeing them as devices that are most likely to backfire with a jury. And that's why the strategy seems so fragmented. JB has insisted on casting aspersions on innocent people and neglected the actual evidence and the importance of mitigation. The only reasonable doubt they can even try to create is with the scientific evidence, and good luck with that.

Yeah, mitigation is the only real hope KC has of staying alive, imo. And good luck with that one, too. The family members willing to help have no credibility whatsoever at this point; they've lied as often as their daughter.
The letter from JS that is quoted: was that public before? I knew there was talk that JS had reported JB but I didn't know that his report was made public, or what it said?
That article and comments are interesting to read.
One comment sounds like CA (no evidence) and one like JB (defense not being treated fairly).
One part of the article that stands out -

When reached last week to respond to the criticism and the management of the case in light of Perry's sanction, Baez said, "I don't have to answer any questions. Who are you?"

He added, "Do you have something to offer my client? It's a two-way street. … The door is open if you can assist me or my client." He hung up the phone, called back minutes later and said that conversation was off the record. Told that the conversation was not, Baez responded by saying, "You're lying and being unethical."

He threatened to stop discussing the case altogether, an approach he has at various times taken with other Central Florida reporters.

I guess The Baez Law firm had to let go of their PR person. :floorlaugh:
Mr Baez seems to be suffering from the $3.00 dollar an hour pre-trial blues.
I could almost feel sorry for him..........then I think of Roy Kronk sitting on his rainbow.
We should all pitch in on a case of Pepcid :)

Well, I wouldn't go that far, however, I have free sites that send samples of Previcaid that we could all sign him up for.....that and maybe some hemoroid creme cause it is clear he has done nothing but sit on his arse for a long time.:floorlaugh:
I like the part about praises for Amy H's atty Kirk Kirkconnell !!


"Sheaffer said comparing the Casey Anthony defense to the handling of the James Robert Ward murder case reveals Baez's lack of difficult criminal-defense work and the considerable skills of another veteran attorney with many years of experience, Kirk Kirkconnell".

"Ward's case — the shooting death of his wife inside their Isleworth mansion — had all the elements of a media circus, Sheaffer said, but Kirkconnell has managed to keep the case, well, managed."

""Kirkconnell does everything that he should do, and he does it right," said Sheaffer. "Mr. Baez has stepped on land mine after land mine and continues to so do."
In particular, Sheaffer said, Baez appears unwilling or unable to take "criticism in a constructive vein, even from the bench.""
Kirk N. Kirkconnell – Kirkconnell, Lindsey, Snure & Yates, P.A. Criminal Defense Lawyer in Winter Park, FL representing Amy J. Huizenga.

I was sitting here at 12:30 am my time, which is about three hours behind most of you, just poking around catching up on the threads, and casually looked at new post cherishtoo slipped into Todays News - No Discussion.

I could not believe what I was reading!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::silly:
I kept thinking - Everybody - wake up - you have to see this!

I watched Sheaffer's clip the other day when he gave that stilted tsk tsk statement, obviously really holding himself back and trying very hard to maintain a professional demeanor, but this takes it over the top!

The article is full of gems like ThinkTank has mentioned above, and I wondered just what was the final straw - what was it that pushed the OS over the edge so they finally took the gloves off and not only penned this article but put in on the front page of their Sunday paper.

Ok so I pictured Baez stumbling to the front door in his too short terry towel robe, bending over, picking up the paper, glancing at the front page and :maddening:.

So now Kathy Belich looks like a sweet little kitten that's been declawed.
Great article.

I have often pondered if JB has some sort of mental "deficiency" and reading his reply that sounds like a bratty 8yr old girl really has me wondering. He isn't all there IMO. It sort of makes me feel bad for him, and I hate that lol.

He and his client are so eerily similar in the sense that they do not think before they speak and their minds never matured past the age of 12. I think I read yesterday from gitana that clients tend to flock towards attorneys with the same moral ethics. Talk about an understatement!

ETA: I wish we would have heard other attorneys opinions besides Bill Sheaffer (sp?). Not trying to be rude because I respect what they have to say, but I would like other choices besides him and Richard Hornsby.
While I feel validated that the rest of the world seems to be in agreement with us here at WS regarding Baez's compentency, this give me pause.

Simply more grounds for appeal based on innefective counsel in the long run :(

But, what differance does it make??
If she is convicted, she will get an automatic appeal anyway, right?

So, if that's the case, Baez will be out the door before the court room clears out, someone else will step in and take over.

She'll have her good scare, and maybe, just maybe, get with the program.

Everyone's evidence is going to be "out there", it can be done over, and the outcome will still be the same, IMO.
The only differance will be that it is going to be the next time, in a professional, on point manner that is not going to insult the state of Florida and the many people that have followed this from the start.

Someone will come along, and surely take care of Baez and his antics. Judge Perry as much as said so in the one hearing last week.
"There are attorney's out there now that make their living by sueing other attorneys".

He's been fore warned, only this time, we actually heard it; because I can't imagine that someone hasn't warned him before.
All those high profile attorney's didn't fly out of Florida because they couldn't "afford" to stay.
We have been discussing JB's ineptitude since day 1 (day 31). Not sure this is really "news" to anyone. KC has been enamored of JB and JB of her and they will not "leave" each other. The relationship has all of the signs of codependency and even if it destroys both of them they will not let it go. KC has thoughts of walking out arm in arm with JB a free woman...they are both delusional and that will be the end of both of them. The "chemistry" between them is obvious each time they walk in to court. It will not be missed by the jury either. This has been my assessment of those two since the early days and it continues to be reinforced each time I see them together. In the end, justice for Caylee will be achieved! IMO :-)

I agree. I truly believe that Casey is the only support he has left. Consider the recent sanctions and CM's demeanor toward him at the hearing re. JJ photos .... JB is a lonely man. The question is...does he even realize it?

No snark...sincerely, he needs to take a back seat for the sake of the case and himself. Do yourself and your client a favor, JB. Move over and let someone else drive this bus.

He isn't all there IMO. It sort of makes me feel bad for him, and I hate that lol.

Me too! It is such a foreign feeling...
...and the answer to that question is a resounding Yes!

Loved this part...

Yes indeed Casey..."Why are you sticking with this guy?" Although I must admit, I don't think her case would be nearly as entertaining if not for Jose...and his antics.

I agree..especially the National media appearances he has done...and we'll include the A's in that...

I remember Judge Strickland asking Casey in court if she is happy with her lawyer and how she is being represented...she answered to the affirmative...

Casey called Jose, she hired him, she (for all we know) is pleased with his performance in representing her....so GOOD LUCK..you'll need it.
The Scene: Sunday morning in Orlando Florida.

We hear: Ring...Ring...

HHJP: Hello Stan? Perry here....
HHSS: Hey B. What's up?

HHJP: Just calling to say, check out the BiG Fat Rainbow on the Front Page of the Orlando Sentinel!
HHSS: Bwaahaaahaaa!
Yes, but I think it's only due to the DP qualified attorneys that have been present. T Lenamon tried by implying in his petition that it was an accident committed by a mentally unstable KC; I give AL credit for creating the framework in which mitigation became a formal objective, and CM for seeing it through.

I have a feeling all 3 attorneys were agog and aghast by the silly SODDI machinations that JB was pulling and tried to discourage it. CM seems to sit out on most efforts to deal with that like the RK and TES nonsense. I'm sure that AL was appalled by the JK interview debacle in which that skeevy PI of JB's led the way, even thought her own MS was involved. I don't think she had anything to do with circumventing discovery the way he did by attaching the video to a "motion" and releasing it directly to the press. That had JB all over it. And I can't help think that had a great deal to do with her decision to leave. JB is a loose cannon and even KC's parents knew he was a hack.

Frankly I think that the other attorneys have tried to ignore or stifle all the ridiculous SODDI efforts that JB has implemented thus far, seeing them as devices that are most likely to backfire with a jury. And that's why the strategy seems so fragmented. JB has insisted on casting aspersions on innocent people and neglected the actual evidence and the importance of mitigation. The only reasonable doubt they can even try to create is with the scientific evidence, and good luck with that.

Yeah, mitigation is the only real hope KC has of staying alive, imo. And good luck with that one, too. The family members willing to help have no credibility whatsoever at this point; they've lied as often as their daughter.

I'm not so sure about the 3 attorney's not going along with the story that Baez was/is still trying to sell the public.

Linda Kenny-Baden went on tv and said that Casey didn't do it a number of times.

Andrea Lyon said, "She didn't kill her kid".

Todd Macalucha said in open court, very loudly and proudly that they had proof that she didn't do it, that someone else did.

They all towed the party line when it was to their benefit, IMO.

I think the reason that they left was that Baez became increasingly more arragant and "out there" with each passing day, and it was just not something that could be ignored anymore, or, serve in their best interest.

They saw the writing on the wall ~ And it was done in color coded charts.
Good article, but the only thing that made me frown was that some lawyers still think Baez is going to pull a My Cousin Vinny. Really? Seriously?

Baez couldn't pull a My Cousin Vinny if Joe Pesci was hired to play him in court with a good script. It really bothered me in that great article that some lawyers think Baez could still pull a miracle in court in May.

They must NOT have watched this case like some us for almost three years now. But yeah, other than that, the rest of the article makes him look like an incompetent boob, so I can live with it, LOL.

ETA: You know, I just thought about it, and I realized that some lawyers, I think, feel so bad for him that they're trying to be nice. Not bad as in sorry, but bad as in geez, this guy can't get worse, can he? Maybe that's why one said the My Cousin Vinny thing?
From what I understand Baez cannot drop his client. Is he perhaps intentionally (on the advice of Mason) trying to get himself booted from the case at this point? His reputation is already clearly ruined though and anyone that can defend Baez and his abilities at this point must be visiting from another planet. JMO but perhaps this has all been planned from the start but it still leaves ICA sitting in jail for all this time. The poster on the Orlando site that said it was not the fault of the defense and that the State lacked evidence is mind boggling. That the State is prepared and has plenty of evidence is obvious to anyone who has followed this circus.

Again JMO
Good article, but the only thing that made me frown was that some lawyers still think Baez is going to pull a My Cousin Vinny. Really? Seriously?

Baez couldn't pull a My Cousin Vinny if Joe Pesci was hired to play him in court with a good script. It really bothered me in that great article that some lawyers think Baez could still pull a miracle in court in May.

They must NOT have watched this case like some us for almost three years now. But yeah, other than that, the rest of the article makes him look like an incompetent boob, so I can live with it, LOL.

ETA: You know, I just thought about it, and I realized that some lawyers, I think, feel so bad for him that they're trying to be nice. Not bad as in sorry, but bad as in geez, this guy can't get worse, can he? Maybe that's why one said the My Cousin Vinny thing?

Nah, no worries Aedyrs! Every article needs a little comedic relief!:rocker:
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