2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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Re Billie possibly harming herself and his 911 Call:

"...I just felt obligated to call the police and let them know and maybe do a welfare check."


Is that the one where the dispatcher asks him if he knows that he has a warrant? ..and he answers ..yes. Do we know what that warrant was for? I'm so confused..I don't remember hearing that before...
OMG :furious:..poor wittle fellow...

I'm just tired of, you know, staying behind closed doors," said Adkins. "I'm just ready to get out there and live my life again."

I'm telling ya :furious:.."this mess" has just interrupted SA's and BD's lifestyle and imho neither bothers to hide that fact ...

Well allrighty then! IMHO I think this statement will be followed up with a move back into BD's home, and Hailey's room cleaned out -- so both can get on and live their lives again.

I can't help but think that Billy Dunn and Shawn Adkins = Karla Holmaka and Paul Bernardo. Well, from Shawn's statement alone anyway. I wonder if BD and SA were really expecting this kind of attention?


From the transcript:

Yes.That morning I drove to work,I quit my job, I turned in my belongings and I didn't speak to nobody at work. I stopped by this residence and nobody was here so I continued going towards C City. I got on I-20 and I went to Big Springs to my mother's house and I made calls on my cellphone to my mom letting her know that I quit my job and everything. I got to my mom's house that day. I got on the internet looking up unemployment to see if I could get, uh, you know, an unemployment check until I could get back on my feet and everything. That was my day. Then I came home around I guess like 3:00 I got there and Hailey was there watching tv in the living room and I went into e and Billie's bedroom and she came in there and told me she was going to her father's house and staying the night with a friend and then she left. And then I was there by myself for maybe an hour at the most. And then Dxxxx and a friend came over and they went to his room and they were playing video games and so forth. And Billie called me and told me that her relief got there and she was gonna get to leave a little early so I was up there at the hospital in Snyder around 6:00 to pick her up and then came back. And then we went to bed shortly after that.
Uhm, excuse me, but what the heck happened to the ATM trip?!
I have a question
from the transcript
SA (6:34) No, that's incorrect too. I had a talk with that uncle and he said he never said that either and I never said that.

I don't know a thing about law, but is it legal for a suspect to question a witness about his statement in an affidavit?
Well allrighty then! IMHO I think this statement will be followed up with a move back into BD's home, and Hailey's room cleaned out -- so both can get on and live their lives again.

I can't help but think that Billy Dunn and Shawn Adkins = Karla Holmaka and Paul Bernardo. Well, from Shawn's statement alone anyway. I wonder if BD and SA were really expecting this kind of attention?



mel, everything that we have heard the last couple of days from SA and BD has given me the impression that THAT'S what ALL of this is for! Not for Hailey..but to get their ducks in a row to move on with their life..to put this "mess" behind them..:furious:..Off into the sunset :rolleyes:...Happily ever after..:puke:..It's almost like they can't figure out why there should be any hold up..after all Ron and Misty did it..:scream:..and Hailey?..well she's gone so he can't be expected to let that stand in the way you know..:banghead:..after all that *can't be looked down upon* can it?

ETA & OT~ I still say that BD's comment on NG about comedies can't be looked down upon is one of the strangest of all time..and I have no clue why it came to mind typing this post..:crazy:
I have a question
from the transcript
SA (6:34) No, that's incorrect too. I had a talk with that uncle and he said he never said that either and I never said that.

I don't know a thing about law, but is it legal for a suspect to question a witness about his statement in an affidavit?

IANAL, but I think if SA had been formally charged, it might be considered witness tampering, depending on the circumstances of their conversation.

But since he hasn't been charged, I don't think so.
I have a question
from the transcript
SA (6:34) No, that's incorrect too. I had a talk with that uncle and he said he never said that either and I never said that.

I don't know a thing about law, but is it legal for a suspect to question a witness about his statement in an affidavit?


but just because the uncle tells the suspect he never said that, doesn't mean it's true that he didn't say it. Would you tell a murder suspect that was confronting you about snitching that you DID snitch? Doubtful.
exactly. picked her up at 6pm and in bed shortly after? I don't think so!

When is the last time any of us were able to get in bed at 7PM? Especially when or if we had kids of any age at home..That's funny!
While typing up the transcript, a few things popped into my head. (First one mainly being that SA has no knowledge of sentence structure and I feel my IQ may have lowered a little), but one thing that stood out to me that at NO time did SA mention the name of the friend that Hailey was supposedly going to spend the night with. He says just a friend.
2nd. Havent we heard that Hailey was in the living room when she told SA she was leaving? According to SA, she went into HIS bedroom.
from transcript:
Then I came home around I guess like 3:00 I got there and Hailey was there watching tv in the living room and I went into me and Billie's bedroom and she came in there and told me she was going to her father's house and staying the night with a friend and then she left.

but just because the uncle tells the suspect he never said that, doesn't mean it's true that he didn't say it. Would you tell a murder suspect that was confronting you about snitching that you DID snitch? Doubtful.

yeah, not too many peeps give LE damning info and then turn around and admit it to the suspect..especially when that someone is a suspect in a possible murder..I'd be like..h@ll no I didn't say that.have NO idea where that came from..gotta run...
When is the last time any of us were able to get in bed at 7PM? Especially when or if we had kids of any age at home..That's funny!
I've questioned that over and over again. According to BD they went to bed at 9 PM that Monday night. Yea, right. And I'm the Queen of England.

but just because the uncle tells the suspect he never said that, doesn't mean it's true that he didn't say it. Would you tell a murder suspect that was confronting you about snitching that you DID snitch? Doubtful.

I just thought maybe it could be considered harassment or something. Just seemed odd that SA could go around questioning people on what they told LE
I've questioned that over and over again. According to BD they went to bed at 9 PM that Monday night. Yea, right. And I'm the Queen of England.

LOL,I know! ..and she or Shawn expect the masses...or better yet, a jury to believe that? ..:floorlaugh:..
I just thought maybe it could be considered harassment or something. Just seemed odd that SA could go around questioning people on what they told LE

I agree with you!..Then again I believe Shawn IS odd!
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