2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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Or it could be that both of them are telling the truth about what happened with his job.
If my husband walked out of a perfectly good job, he wouldn't want to tell me either because he knows I would be angry. And he knows that if he told me he was fired, my anger would be directed at his boss, not at him.
Shawn apparently wanted Billie to be mad at the boss for firing him... not at him for quitting.

To me it's about showing him as a liar. He obviously does what he wants, how he wants, and when he wants with no regards to anyone, even someone he says he loves. JMO
Or it could be that both of them are telling the truth about what happened with his job.
If my husband walked out of a perfectly good job, he wouldn't want to tell me either because he knows I would be angry. And he knows that if he told me he was fired, my anger would be directed at his boss, not at him.
Shawn apparently wanted Billie to be mad at the boss for firing him... not at him for quitting.

Or it could be that as usual, SA is lying....

According to ADKINS, he was fired from his job at WSI in Snyder on Monday, 12-27-20l0. ADKINS later informed investigators he quit his job after an altercation with his supervisor. Investigators were informed by ADKINS employer that ADKINS was a good employee and had not been fired. Investigators were also informed that ADKINS did not have any altercation with supervisors on Monday, 12-27-2010, and further stated ADKINS arrived on the premises according to their records at 6:00am on Monday, 12-27-2010; went into the break room and purchased a Dr. Pepper out of the vending machine, looked at the supervisor without saying a word, and then left the premises at 6:10am.


According to the affadavits he originally told investigators he was fired and later changed it to he quit when that story didn't pan out after LE spoke with the employer.
Or it could be that both of them are telling the truth about what happened with his job.
If my husband walked out of a perfectly good job, he wouldn't want to tell me either because he knows I would be angry. And he knows that if he told me he was fired, my anger would be directed at his boss, not at him.
Shawn apparently wanted Billie to be mad at the boss for firing him... not at him for quitting.
And that's supposed to make it okay to lie? So, following through with that logic, SA kills Hailey, but it's okay to lie about it because he doesn't want to go to prison. Okay, SA, we understand...free pass.

Liars are liars. If they lie about the smaller things, they'll certainly lie about the bigger ones.

As for both of them telling the truth...BD has told both versions, so are both of them the truth? She's stated that SA told her his version, and she's stated his version as fact. Relating a lie told to you when you think it's fact...okay. "Owning" the lie...knowing it's a lie...and spreading it as fact...makes you a liar too.
IMO, the reason why SA is willing to talk to media now is because he feels like the timeline and other information regarding the events of those two days, that BD spent so much time and effort getting out in the media, is now firmed up between the two of them so he can now start to speak the lies and try to wiggle his way out of this.

It's a very effective tactic in these types of investigations if you can keep people apart. Having one in custody is the best case scenario because their communication is really cut off. Unfortunately in this case they didn't have any cause to hold either of them so they've been free to get information to each other in any way they can. And most of it was done through the media since they must be paranoid about phone monitoring. But I'm sure there are other family members relaying info.

So SA has sat glued to a couch for the past month reading everything he can about this case, watching and rewatching every interview BD has done and since there is a lull in the case right now and nothing more to learn really, he's ready for his big media debut. Oh and of course to finally talk to the FBI, the one's who have been silently working behind the scenes putting that electronic data together. They are the ones you have to convince more than anyone.

So it appears that they are finally satisfied with the timeline and the story of what happened those two days and BD has nicely put it out there in the media, all typed up and everything, in a "press conference" that was nothing more than reading it word for word from a piece of paper. And once again for good measure on the blogtalk show the other night. So SA is confident now that they've both got the story straight and he's ready to get back to "living his life".

And just like BD, he's going to bypass all that "messy" stuff in the affadavits. Never happened...nope. I have no idea where those crazy LE get these ideas. :waitasec: Which really bothers me because while I realize this is a very small town with a very small police force, they must be pretty confident that none of those initial interviews were recorded in any way.

I have a sneaking suspicion SA can't afford that lawyer... mo
Yes, that's the same call where he says he worried she's suicidal, and that she filed a report against him for threats...don't know what the warrant was for.

What I have a hard time understanding is HIS drugs left behind. They broke up a couple of days before the 14th, yet she has taken..or threatened to take HIS medication for anxiety. ???? Maybe this was the reason for him wanting to go there, if true or was this over the oz of coke he supposed did in. (I can't believe someone alone could put that much away in a day and still be walking around.) Maybe she was protecting her own stash she had of whatvever drugs. TV and Xbox....I'm not buying it.

They played games with each other. She calls LE because she doesn't want him in her house, but leaves everything unlocked. Then she prolly texts him that she has called LE and they are watching the house, blah, blah. He texts back the threats.....etc, etc. and it just keeps going.
They prolly got back together by 7PM and were in bed!!!! jmo

ETA: The warrant was for public intoxication, IIRC.
Looks like maybe Shawn and Billie are getting antsy and talking, talking, talking. I think this is what LE wants. Let them talk their heads off.

Maybe SA got jealous when he saw BD getting so much attention, a van, donations...

Just sayin'...

Keep on talkin', folks. Hailey's counting on it.
Plus he compeltely left out the ATM wihdrawals AND the lil "party supplies" stop.

It took him 6 hours to search out unemployment bennies. 8-2.....along with the 11 calls to ???. That's what he did that day. (paraphrasing)

Also, the way this kid talks....his "I love my gf" instead of using her name....is off to me.
Stay tuned for Part III - SA and BD living happily ever after together even tho HD is still missing.

Seems that interview was edited, the whole 3 something minutes of it *banging head* Now SA will complain that the interview was cut and paste.

Just wish we could get our hands on the recordings from the interviews LE had with all members involved. Does anyone know if/when LE might release these interviews to the public or when they may show up on YTube?

Prolly not until court. LE uses the media too very wisely and I think this set of interviews and questions were scripted. Some regular questions and then a zap....one not expected. Most of the time he answers with only what is needed to satisfy the questioner, and doesn't offer more.

After all this poor me bs, I'm ready to say let them both be as for as any media and just try to find Hailey. Let the locals, co-workers, friends etc put the screws to them..if they care about finding Hailey more than the inconvenience these two are bearing. But I know we need to keep her face out there and this sensationalism is great for that. They haven't been on Dr Phil's yet!
In my own opinion, even though he is wearing sunglasses, he looks or sounds a little like the "fog has lifted' since we last saw him in any interviews. I have wondered if he really hired an attorney (as he has no job now and how could he afford one) or if he just sought advice from an attorney once or twice. I also have wondered just how heavily he was "into" drugs and if the time spent behind closed doors was also used to do a little detoxing, as again, in my own opinion, he seems a little less "foggy" even with sunglasses on now. I am not insinuating he was in any kind of a drugged stupor but just seems somewhat more in-tuned to the reporter's direct questions now.
Prolly not until court. LE uses the media too very wisely and I think this set of interviews and questions were scripted. Some regular questions and then a zap....one not expected. Most of the time he answers with only what is needed to satisfy the questioner, and doesn't offer more.

After all this poor me bs, I'm ready to say let them both be as for as any media and just try to find Hailey. Let the locals, co-workers, friends etc put the screws to them..if they care about finding Hailey more than the inconvenience these two are bearing. But I know we need to keep her face out there and this sensationalism is great for that. They haven't been on Dr Phil's yet!

i agree, im torn between feeling that their pizz poor attitudes are causing people/searchers to become disgusted or choose not to look -OR- will it cause people to go out of their way to find her and what has happened?? i know it is causing me to want to inquire more about it even tho they are ticking me off...
Looks like maybe Shawn and Billie are getting antsy and talking, talking, talking. I think this is what LE wants. Let them talk their heads off.

Maybe SA got jealous when he saw BD getting so much attention, a van, donations...

Just sayin'...

Keep on talkin', folks. Hailey's counting on it.

Totally agree, it's the only way to clear themselves. Talk and then hook-up to polygraphs for veracity of statements. Maybe they finally realize they need to be cleared first.

From SA: "I'm just tired of, you know, staying behind closed doors," said Adkins. "I'm just ready to get out there and live my life again."

Was wondering if any legal experts are available to answer a question about reporters/LE. Would it be legal for LE to work with a reporter to get them to ask a POI/suspect certain questions. Also, would it be unethical for a reporter to do this?

Quoted from a post by lynnb-- Interview with Tiffany Tatro 2/8/2011-1st part

See area above that was bolded by me. Notice how SA's statement mirrors the statement by BD about how (I paraphrase because I cannot find to original link) their relationship has been "awesome" for the last 6 months.

IMO I can't imagine that the thought "I don't want to ruin the peace that has been happening over the past 6 months" was what was going through SA's head when he gave BD a different story than LE. This statement does lead me to believe that he (and maybe he and BD) are modifying the facts to fit what has been said by BD. It shows me that they are working together on what is now going out to the public. MOO!

I'm praying they have them both bugged up the ying yang. :great:
Was wondering if any legal experts are available to answer a question about reporters/LE. Would it be legal for LE to work with a reporter to get them to ask a POI/suspect certain questions. Also, would it be unethical for a reporter to do this?

I'm not a legal expert but I have been the videographer for a reporter whom has worked with LE to solve murder cases. I have worked under ethics guidelines and do not recall this restriction. First I give the reporter credit for getting the interview. Second she seems very up and knowledgeable about the case. I think she was just prepared and hitting on all 8 cylinders during the interview. I see no ethics violation from my standpoint even if she did.

I think she did an outstanding job and SA should speak to any other questions raised in a follow-up interview.
FYI...I'll transcribe the 2nd part of the interview later today after it airs and post it later tonight.
I'm not a legal expert but I have been the videographer for a reporter whom has worked with LE to solve murder cases. I have worked under ethics guidelines and do not recall this restriction. First I give the reporter credit for getting the interview. Second she seems very up and knowledgeable about the case. I think she was just prepared and hitting on all 8 cylinders during the interview. I see no ethics violation from my standpoint even if she did.

I think she did an outstanding job and SA should speak to any other questions raised in a follow-up interview.
Thanks. You answered my question perfectly. ITA about this reporter. She definitely nailed it and I wish she could spend about 10 hours interviewing him and BD (separately or course) LOL.
IMO, the reason why SA is willing to talk to media now is because he feels like the timeline and other information regarding the events of those two days, that BD spent so much time and effort getting out in the media, is now firmed up between the two of them so he can now start to speak the lies and try to wiggle his way out of this.

It's a very effective tactic in these types of investigations if you can keep people apart. Having one in custody is the best case scenario because their communication is really cut off. Unfortunately in this case they didn't have any cause to hold either of them so they've been free to get information to each other in any way they can. And most of it was done through the media since they must be paranoid about phone monitoring. But I'm sure there are other family members relaying info.

So SA has sat glued to a couch for the past month reading everything he can about this case, watching and rewatching every interview BD has done and since there is a lull in the case right now and nothing more to learn really, he's ready for his big media debut. Oh and of course to finally talk to the FBI, the one's who have been silently working behind the scenes putting that electronic data together. They are the ones you have to convince more than anyone.

So it appears that they are finally satisfied with the timeline and the story of what happened those two days and BD has nicely put it out there in the media, all typed up and everything, in a "press conference" that was nothing more than reading it word for word from a piece of paper. And once again for good measure on the blogtalk show the other night. So SA is confident now that they've both got the story straight and he's ready to get back to "living his life".

And just like BD, he's going to bypass all that "messy" stuff in the affadavits. Never happened...nope. I have no idea where those crazy LE get these ideas. :waitasec: Which really bothers me because while I realize this is a very small town with a very small police force, they must be pretty confident that none of those initial interviews were recorded in any way.


I have never seen a case where the suspect and the parent of a missing child work together to create timelines and to fit their story to a police affidavit.
Had those affidavits not been released I wonder what the stories would be since BD and SA would not have the info. to match to their statements.

SA has 24/7 to read the forums to see what is being said. I bet his mommy is helping him too. BD has her friend that is on every forum that has anything to do with Hailey reporting back to BD and assisting her with timelines and the dissemination of information.

I really hope a break in this case comes soon because I am sick of all of them using the internet and the media for their own personal self serving gain.
Is there somewhere else to watch SA's interview? For some reason I cannot view the ones on the Big Country page. TIA
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