2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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KTAB interview part 2 -aired 2/8 @10 pm-Tiffany Tatro
Adkins Addresses Horror “Hobby”

TT: We’ve seen a lot of things, we have, we’ve seen videos, we’ve heard all kinds of things. Can you talk kind of about those videos? I mean, we’ve seen you dressed in a mask, acting out serial killers…horror movies. Tell me about that.
SA :)15) Yeah I took those pictures for Halloween. It was me and a family member taking those pictures and that was just simply for Halloween. I don’t dress up like that everyday and like I said, you know, I like horror movies and I collect horror movie memorabilia. And I don’t see the difference in me collecting that and some one that’s collecting, you know, Star Wars memorabilia or anything else. It’s just a hobby.
TT :)39) Also in the affidavits we know there was a lot of printouts on serial killers, on disappearances, on that type of thing. What is the fascination with that?
SA :)47) Well, me and Billie, that’s just something that catches our attention, you know. Nothing more. It’s not like an obsession or anything like that. It’s just something that we like to read up on. We watch Nancy Grace as well. Like the shows on there. Um..other shows too. It’s just something that we’re interested in.
TT (1:08) Now that’s something that people would say would give you the knowledge and how to on how to make somebody disappear or how to execute a murder or something like that. What do you say to that?
SA (1:19) Well, that’s just what people think, but I know myself and I would never do nothing like that. That’s not why I look at stuff like that or why I watch horror movies.
TT (1:30) So now let’s just kind of go back to the mask and everything. A lot of people would say that that reflects on your character. The type of person that you are. Even if it’s just like you say, Halloween. It’s kind of odd, you have to admit it’s odd. And people are gonna draw their conclusions. Would you say that it does reflect on your character?
SA (1:50) I wouldn’t say it does, at all. Um, there’s plenty of my friends that I talk to on the internet, and you know, they’re into the same thing. They take pictures like they found of me, they take pictures like that everyday. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong like that. It’s just who they are. And, but, I’m not like that tho. The pictures that they found of me, those were from around Halloween and I took those with a family member
I sure hope Shawn's statement, at the end of video 1, "I'm not a monster," is true.
Joseph Fritzl made that same statement, he sure as hello is a monster.
KTAB interview part 2- aired 2/9 @12:00
Adins' Rocky Relationship with Billie

TT: What has life been like for you? What have you been up to?
SA :)03) Um...I just been mainly, you know, just staying quiet. You know, staying out of the limelight, cuz a lot of negative things are being said about me. I'm just trying my hardest not to let it get to me, although it does sometimes. And you know,I'm just, the number one thing, I'm just still trying to keep hope that we'll bring Hailey home one day.
TT :)25) So this far into you are still hopeful that she's going to be brought back?
SA :)29) Absolutely
TT :)30) And tell me just a little bit about what it's been like for you, this past almost 2 months now.
SA :)35) It's been a little chaotic, you know, people have drove by this residence and screamed obscenities to me and it's been really hard. I don't know, I'm just, I don't know, tired of, you know, staying behind closed doors, you know and I'm just ready to get back out there and live my life normally again
TT :)59) Is that why you decided to do this interview today?
SA (1:00) Yes
TT (1:01) What is the main thing you want people to know?
SA (1:04) One thing that I want them to know is that I have nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance. I love Hailey with all my heart and she means a lot to me. Even though I've known her for only 2 1/2 years, I would never do nothing to her and like I said, I just hope for her safe return.
TT (1:23) Now it is kind of the stereotype situation here, this is common in disappearance, you know, a lot of times it is, in a lot of cases it is the boyfriend that gets the blame and in a lot of cases it is actually the boyfriend that has something to do with it. Do you think that it's just a stereotype that's going on or do you think there's actual reasons?
SA (1:43) I feel like it's a stereotype. My main thought on it is that it's a witch hunt. Cuz I've been watching a lot of news shows. They've been so focused on me and they just, I feel like they just push Hailey to the side because they've been so focused on me. And a lot of people have feel that way too. And yeah, that's how I feel about that.
TT (2:06) Why do you think you're being looked at as a suspect?
SA (2:08) Mainly because I was the last one to see her and because of my polygraph results. Those are the 2 main things I can think of.
TT (2:20) Let's talk a little bit about the polygraph. Now you have openly said and Billie said, that both of you guys failed those
SA (2:26) Um hmm
TT (2:26) Do you think that that means anything and why haven't you taken another one?
SA (2:29) I haven't taken another one cuz they haven't asked me to take another one and my lawyers have been pretty,you know, persistent on me, just, you know, staying quiet for now until everything dies down. And then, like I said, I just felt like, you know, I think that things have died down enough to where I can put my word out there
TT (2:51) Alot of her friends have told us that she was actually afraid of you, that she felt uncomfortable with you in the house. I mean, tell me why are they saying that?
SA (2:59) I have no clue why they would say that cuz me and Hailey, I mean,her mom and her brother can also say that me and Hailey got along fine. We always joked around with each other. Sure, at first, when me and her mother started dating, we, she really didn't like me cuz she felt like I was taking her dad's place and I told her one day, Hailey, I'm just here to be your friend not your dad. Nothing more. And ever since we had that talk we got along just fine.
Me and Billie had a rocky relationship, but , you know, we'd always work things out and I don't know if Hailey or Dxxxx witnessed it, that might have, but like I said, me and Billie have had a rocky relationship but, over the past 6 months me and Billie had a fantastic relationship.
TT (3:48) So the frustration ,you know, from your fights with Billie, from that, that was never taken out on Hailey or anything?
SA (3:53) Never
TT (3:54) Any words or anything ever said to her?
SA (3:56) Never
TT (3:58) So now let's kind of talk..well first of all talk about Hailey...you said there was never anything taken out on her, but yet back to the affidavit, you admitted that there was a threat made to Billie and to Hailey.
SA (4:09) No. In those affidavits, I read those. That was incorrect. I never made any threats toward Hailey, it was just towards Billie.
TT (4:18) So you're saying the affidavits are incorrect?
SA (4:20) Absolutely
TT (4:21) There is a lot in those affidavits, so you're saying the threatening, the threats...even Billie admitted, well in the affidavits, that the threats were made. You're saying that that's not true at all?
SA (4:32) Uh no, just me threatening Billie, that was true. I never threatened...I never said I threatened Hailey as well.
TT (4:40) Tell me a little bit about those 911 calls that were released
SA (4:43) Those were made, probably like a year and a half ago. Me and Billie were split up but, you know, still had feelings for each other but a lot of things were just not working out. Things got bad sometimes , and that was one of those times that got bad.
TT (5:04) Now in the 911 call, one of them that was released, Billie said that you were going to go to her house and that she wanted an officer there because she didn't trust you to be in her house when Dxxxx was there, so if she's not trusting, there has to be a reason. Why wouldn't she want you there when she's not there?
SA (5:19) Dxxxx wasn't there. She didn't want me going over there to get my stuff without her there. I was just wanting to pick up some of my belongings , so that's why she didn't want me over there. She was afraid I would take something that I wasn't supposed to. So...
TT ( 5:38) What else can you tell me about those 911 calls? You said that Billie was gonna kill herself, tell me just a little more about those.
SA (5:44) Yeah, Billie and I were having problems. That was that same day I do believe and we were just having problems and , you know, I just felt like Billie was gonna harm herself. And I just felt obligated to call the police and let them know. Maybe do a welfare check cuz I was worried about her.
TT (6:06) Is that a common thing in the house?
SA (6:08) No. That was jut the worst of the worst right there. Billie, uh,she wasn't living at her house at the time. You know, we were just going through a lot of hardships.
TT (6:21) I know interviewing people out here, a lot of them won't even talk to me because they're afraid of what you're going to do to them. Why are people so afraid of you right now?
(Laughter is heard in the background, someone says "Oh God" and you hear a door slam)
SA (6:29)Um...I guess cuz of what they've heard on Nancy Grace...ummm. that they heard in the affidavits, but those are people that I don't even know and people that know me know that I would never do anything to them or to anybody. So nobody has nothing to worry about. I don't hold no grudges toward anybody.Despite what's being said about me. I know that sooner or later this is gonna blow over and life will go on. I'd just like to say something to Hailey. If she's out here watching. Hailey, I hope you come home safe really soon. You've been gone for way too long . We just really all miss you and we love you
"And then, like I said, I just felt like, you know, I think that things have died down enough to where I can put my word out there."

I think this about sums it up.
KTAB interview part 2- aired 2/9 @12:00
Adins' Rocky Relationship with Billie

TT: What has life been like for you? What have you been up to?
SA :)03) Um...I just been mainly, you know, just staying quiet. You know, staying out of the limelight, cuz a lot of negative things are being said about me. I'm just trying my hardest not to let it get to me, although it does sometimes. And you know,I'm just, the number one thing, I'm just still trying to keep hope that we'll bring Hailey home one day.
TT :)25) So this far into you are still hopeful that she's going to be brought back?
SA :)29) Absolutely
TT :)30) And tell me just a little bit about what it's been like for you, this past almost 2 months now.
SA :)35) It's been a little chaotic, you know, people have drove by this residence and screamed obscenities to me and it's been really hard. I don't know, I'm just, I don't know, tired of, you know, staying behind closed doors, you know and I'm just ready to get back out there and live my life normally again
TT :)59) Is that why you decided to do this interview today?
SA (1:00) Yes
TT (1:01) What is the main thing you want people to know?
SA (1:04) One thing that I want them to know is that I have nothing to do with Hailey's disappearance. I love Hailey with all my heart and she means a lot to me. Even though I've known her for only 2 1/2 years, I would never do nothing to her and like I said, I just hope for her safe return.
TT (1:23) Now it is kind of the stereotype situation here, this is common in disappearance, you know, a lot of times it is, in a lot of cases it is the boyfriend that gets the blame and in a lot of cases it is actually the boyfriend that has something to do with it. Do you think that it's just a stereotype that's going on or do you think there's actual reasons?
SA (1:43) I feel like it's a stereotype. My main thought on it is that it's a witch hunt. Cuz I've been watching a lot of news shows. They've been so focused on me and they just, I feel like they just push Hailey to the side because they've been so focused on me. And a lot of people have feel that way too. And yeah, that's how I feel about that.
TT (2:06) Why do you think you're being looked at as a suspect?
SA (2:08) Mainly because I was the last one to see her and because of my polygraph results. Those are the 2 main things I can think of.
TT (2:20) Let's talk a little bit about the polygraph. Now you have openly said and Billie said, that both of you guys failed those
SA (2:26) Um hmm
TT (2:26) Do you think that that means anything and why haven't you taken another one?
SA (2:29) I haven't taken another one cuz they haven't asked me to take another one and my lawyers have been pretty,you know, persistent on me, just, you know, staying quiet for now until everything dies down. And then, like I said, I just felt like, you know, I think that things have died down enough to where I can put my word out there
TT (2:51) Alot of her friends have told us that she was actually afraid of you, that she felt uncomfortable with you in the house. I mean, tell me why are they saying that?
SA (2:59) I have no clue why they would say that cuz me and Hailey, I mean,her mom and her brother can also say that me and Hailey got along fine. We always joked around with each other. Sure, at first, when me and her mother started dating, we, she really didn't like me cuz she felt like I was taking her dad's place and I told her one day, Hailey, I'm just here to be your friend not your dad. Nothing more. And ever since we had that talk we got along just fine.
Me and Billie had a rocky relationship, but , you know, we'd always work things out and I don't know if Hailey or Dxxxx witnessed it, that might have, but like I said, me and Billie have had a rocky relationship but, over the past 6 months me and Billie had a fantastic relationship.
TT (3:48) So the frustration ,you know, from your fights with Billie, from that, that was never taken out on Hailey or anything?
SA (3:53) Never
TT (3:54) Any words or anything ever said to her?
SA (3:56) Never
TT (3:58) So now let's kind of talk..well first of all talk about Hailey...you said there was never anything taken out on her, but yet back to the affidavit, you admitted that there was a threat made to Billie and to Hailey.
SA (4:09) No. In those affidavits, I read those. That was incorrect. I never made any threats toward Hailey, it was just towards Billie.
TT (4:18) So you're saying the affidavits are incorrect?
SA (4:20) Absolutely
TT (4:21) There is a lot in those affidavits, so you're saying the threatening, the threats...even Billie admitted, well in the affidavits, that the threats were made. You're saying that that's not true at all?
SA (4:32) Uh no, just me threatening Billie, that was true. I never threatened...I never said I threatened Hailey as well.
TT (4:40) Tell me a little bit about those 911 calls that were released
SA (4:43) Those were made, probably like a year and a half ago. Me and Billie were split up but, you know, still had feelings for each other but a lot of things were just not working out. Things got bad sometimes , and that was one of those times that got bad.
TT (5:04) Now in the 911 call, one of them that was released, Billie said that you were going to go to her house and that she wanted an officer there because she didn't trust you to be in her house when Dxxxx was there, so if she's not trusting, there has to be a reason. Why wouldn't she want you there when she's not there?
SA (5:19) Dxxxx wasn't there. She didn't want me going over there to get my stuff without her there. I was just wanting to pick up some of my belongings , so that's why she didn't want me over there. She was afraid I would take something that I wasn't supposed to. So...
TT ( 5:38) What else can you tell me about those 911 calls? You said that Billie was gonna kill herself, tell me just a little more about those.
SA (5:44) Yeah, Billie and I were having problems. That was that same day I do believe and we were just having problems and , you know, I just felt like Billie was gonna harm herself. And I just felt obligated to call the police and let them know. Maybe do a welfare check cuz I was worried about her.
TT (6:06) Is that a common thing in the house?
SA (6:08) No. That was jut the worst of the worst right there. Billie, uh,she wasn't living at her house at the time. You know, we were just going through a lot of hardships.
TT (6:21) I know interviewing people out here, a lot of them won't even talk to me because they're afraid of what you're going to do to them. Why are people so afraid of you right now?
(Laughter is heard in the background, someone says "Oh God" and you hear a door slam)
SA (6:29)Um...I guess cuz of what they've heard on Nancy Grace...ummm. that they heard in the affidavits, but those are people that I don't even know and people that know me know that I would never do anything to them or to anybody. So nobody has nothing to worry about. I don't hold no grudges toward anybody.Despite what's being said about me. I know that sooner or later this is gonna blow over and life will go on. I'd just like to say something to Hailey. If she's out here watching. Hailey, I hope you come home safe really soon. You've been gone for way too long . We just really all miss you and we love you

I really don't like the way he says "dies down" and "died down".
Maybe that's just how he talks, but it freaks me out a little.:waitasec:
I think this is all to soften the blow to the public when he moves back into Billie's. mo
I have to say after watching SA's full interview that he doesn't seem the least bit worried. The sunglasses are a little odd. Reminds me of a poker player not wanting to let the other players see his eyes.
He doesn't seem very scary either. Really kinda childish.
I guess he could really just be a good liar who knows how to stay calm.
Or perhaps a sociopath?
I said this once before, but I will just throw this out there again.
I know of one class of drugs that can, among many others, make a person calm in almost any circumstance: betablockers (like atenolol).
I used to have to take this for a heart condition. It blocked the adrenaline in my body to the point that no matter what happened I was calm as a cucumber.
A drunk driver pulled out in front of me and my husband.
He was killed instantly. We weren't hurt.
My then-husband passed out. I gained entry to the vehicle and tried to calm him in his dying moments.
This class of drugs is not really kept locked up in most small hospital/clinic settings, though it does take a prescription and therefore should be.
It isn't a drug of abuse, so low on the scale of keeping inventory of it.
In high enough doses, it could stop the heart.
In just the right dose, say under the supervision of a nurse with knowledge, it can calm a person enough to pass a lie detector test.
And not break a sweat.
Hailey dear, please hold on if you can. We are all praying for you in our own ways.

I take Inderal a beta blocker for panic attacks.
It controls the physical symptoms of panic attack like the racing heart, sweaty palms etc. Before the inderal my heart would beat really fast when I had an attack.. Now it just stays the same.
"And then, like I said, I just felt like, you know, I think that things have died down enough to where I can put my word out there."

I think this about sums it up.

:banghead:Exactly, I am afraid his words mean more than he realizes:(
I take Inderal a beta blocker for panic attacks.
It controls the physical symptoms of panic attack like the racing heart, sweaty palms etc. Before the inderal my heart would beat really fast when I had an attack.. Now it just stays the same.

I also used to suffer from horrible panic attacks.
The atenolol stopped them.
In high enough doses, it can probably keep one very calm.
Would you agree?
I also used to suffer from horrible panic attacks.
The atenolol stopped them.
In high enough doses, it can probably keep one very calm.
Would you agree?

Yes definitely. I take 10 ml in the morning before I go to work and about 2:00 I take another 10ml. It makes a world of difference.
If they base polys on heartbeats it would definitely make a difference. Mine doesnt race now no matter how scared I am.

(panic attacks are hell)

I so wanna know his LDT specifics..I wish that we could see the specifics{and yes i KNOW THIS IS NOT GONNA HAPPEN}..but GOOD GOD..if I could see the questions and his answers and what the LDT registered for those..it would let us have a so much clearer pic{IMO}..

Cuz tho LDT are not 100% accurate and 100% reliable..they are however 100% helpful by just showing what specific issues "set off" within the person taking the test..They really really can give you an entire insight into this person and his degree of involvement..insight that we presently do NOT HAve..

Like I said I know this isn't gonna happen{seeing LDT results if EVER}..but oh what a treasure trove and wealth of knowledge it would be for us..a girl can dream can't she?..lol
from transcript
SA :)03) Um...I just been mainly, you know, just staying quiet. You know, staying out of the limelight, cuz a lot of negative things are being said about me.

The limelight? WTH does this mean?
Yes definitely. I take 10 ml in the morning before I go to work and about 2:00 I take another 10ml. It makes a world of difference.
If they base polys on heartbeats it would definitely make a difference. Mine doesnt race now no matter how scared I am.

(panic attacks are hell)

I hated panic attacks!!!
I also believe that polys detect galvanic skin responses, i.e. sweating.
Just saying, and thanks for answering!
Thanks, lynnb, for the transcript!

Yes definitely. I take 10 ml in the morning before I go to work and about 2:00 I take another 10ml. It makes a world of difference.
If they base polys on heartbeats it would definitely make a difference. Mine doesnt race now no matter how scared I am.

(panic attacks are hell)

They should hook him up, then give him a big BOO! :abnormal:
I hated panic attacks!!!
I also believe that polys detect galvanic skin responses, i.e. sweating.
Just saying, and thanks for answering!

The betas take care of that too. My heart would pound so hard, my hands would sweat Id get shaky and feel like I was going to pass out altho I never did. The betas control all of the physical symptoms so you are able to talk yourself thru it and rationalize.

I definitely see where you could pass a poly on beta blockers.
from transcript
SA :)03) Um...I just been mainly, you know, just staying quiet. You know, staying out of the limelight, cuz a lot of negative things are being said about me.

The limelight? WTH does this mean?

:waitasec:Hmmm...maybe referring to BD?
Or as in the "limelight" that (gag) seems to surround notorious murder/ers?
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