2011.02.07 Shawn Adkins speaks out: 10pm Central KTAB

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why does he always have that creepy smirk on his face?

Perhaps, cause he's being filmed, and finds that pleasurable. Just couldn't see his smirk when he was starring in the YouTube videos because he was wearing his slasher mask.
Did anyone else catch his sketchy wording when he said something like...

they never asked the routes taken on the day she 'supposedly' disappeared.

SUPPOSEDLY ??? Poor choice of words on his part, imo

"They never asked specific places I went," said Adkins. "They go, 'where did you go Monday when Hailey supposedly disappeared' and I told them I went to Big Springs which is where I was at. They didn't ask did you go to your mom's house or anything like that? They just asked where I was so they could verify that," added Adkins.

My interpretation of that? He hoped they would ask him easy leading questions so he could give them exactly what they wanted to hear.

Instead, they asked vague questions to see what he would tell them, and then he found out they were checking what he said against the cell phone pings. Busted!

So he's ticked that they were so hard on widdle him and didn't ask if he went to Mommy's house. Instead, he couldn't decide whether to lie or tell the truth, and that made it more difficult for him. :crazy: :loser:

ETA: And the quote "supposedly disappeared" seems to have come from LE, which means they didn't buy his story from the beginning. And that bothers him so he keeps using that phrase to make the point that he is royally peeved about it. JMO
Perhaps, cause he's being filmed, and finds that pleasurable. Just couldn't see his smirk when he was starring in the YouTube videos because he was wearing his slasher mask.

Scott Peterson was famous for his smirk, even in court. It wasn't until after Laci disappeared that her father came forward and said Scott's expressions always bothered him, but no one would ever listen to him.
I have really been on the fence about this case but this interview really makes me think he did it.

He thinks he is smarter then LE and smarter then his lawyer. The lawyer told him to keep his mouth shut for a reason.

Now all he can do is testify against himself and give the prosecution a heads up on his defense. Which I find very weak. If LE ask you where you went a certain day a reasonable person would assume they wanted to know each place you went that day not just the place you ended up come nightfall. It is lying if you don't.

So he gets on camera and confirms he lied. Nice backup video for a trial. Him comparing collecting horror mask and making videos with big knifes and stuff with star wars collecting will go over good with the jury too.

Can't wait for tomorrows testimony against himself.
The bottom line is what LE has said all along.

at the end of the interview the reporter had this to say :)

"According to Adkins majority of the information released has been inaccurate..... but investigators stand by their documents and continue to name him as the only suspect in the case"
Or "Knock him down a peg" as they used to say as well, lol...That's a comin'...all in due time...Not soon enough for us, but we'll just have to try and be patient..and hope they both keep talking..

"Too big for his britches..."
Look, he did what BD demanded, so now, as soon as "this mess" is cleared up, he can move back in, maybe for Valentine's Day. They've been talking on the phone. Their love is going to survive. Oh, wait, Hailey's still missing.
Shawn: Incorrect. I never made any threats towards H. Just Billie.

(Re true crime cases in home)Shawn: No difference between that and collecting Star Wars memorabilia.

Was he comparing himself to Lee Anthony? ODD comment!
This is good news though. I have a lot of friends/relatives in LE.

The one thing they HATE is violent perps who think they are smarter then the cops and think they cannot get caught cuz the cops are too stupid. Act that way towards them and you are assured of eventually being arrested and prosecuted. LOL

His entire interview was Shawn being all cool and untouchable , smirking in his cheap shades. I have never until now, been so certain that he is going to face trial.

BBM. hahahaha. funny. BTW, where is his attorney? It is inconceivable that one would allow him to speak publicly or in the least be present with him during the interview. Does he really have one? Thinks he's so da** smart. He is an idiot and I hope he keeps talking. Hook, line, sinker, DONE.
Only threats toward Billie? I guess we should be glad Billie isn't missing now too, huh?
Oh his lawyer isn't going to like this if he's still representing SA. Now Shawn can outsmart the media, LE and his attorney?

Sunglasses and now a beard... yes, he's definitely hiding something.
does he really even have an attorney? the name of this alleged atty. has never been revealed has it? well, if he really does have one i bet he wont have him for long if he(sa) keeps giving these interviews... but, remember josh powell? and he is still out free...grrr...
I'm really beginning to think that Shawn is just to stupid to have done something to Hailey and be getting away with it.
does he really even have an attorney? the name of this alleged atty. has never been revealed has it? well, if he really does have one i bet he wont have him for long if he(sa) keeps giving these interviews... but, remember josh powell? and he is still out free...grrr...

That is the question I have been asking all along.
The first time SA has a lawyer came up a reporter knocked on mom or grandma's door and they said legal advice prevented them from answering questions. I thought it was a brush off then, but I certainly do not recall hearing a name and absolutely haven't seen an attorney make a statement, or try to use the Billie Show to his clients benefit.
Shawn: Incorrect. I never made any threats towards H. Just Billie.

(Re true crime cases in home)Shawn: No difference between that and collecting Star Wars memorabilia.

Momma always said, " If ya lay with dogs, ya get fleas...".
I'm really beginning to think that Shawn is just to stupid to have done something to Hailey and be getting away with it.

I have yet to identify the mastermind in the Cumming case and they haven't found her or filed a single related charge.

Adam Baker is still walking around.

I am starting to think the ones that think they are smart and overthink it get caught. The ones that are less clever, shall we say, seem to be harder to catch.
I have yet to identify the mastermind in the Cumming case and they haven't found her or filed a single related charge.

Adam Baker is still walking around.

I am starting to think the ones that think they are smart and overthink it get caught. The ones that are less clever, shall we say, seem to be harder to catch.

BBM-I have to agree with you. I also theorize that as a collective whole, these folks are not the brightest crayons in the box. I have said (to myself of course because my family is tired of listening to me) "that's illogical, normal people wouldn't do this or that. That's just stupid....on many of the scenarios on this case". Maybe that is the problem....these folks are wreckless, irresponsible, dishonest, egotistical etc. so maybe it is true, we are going to have to sleuth this case in a backwards kind of way.
AND...the sunglasses were stupid!:cool:
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