2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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My thoughts on that are simple...too bad! Desiree is not nor ever will be responsible for Terri's older son future well being. Terri did that to her son and her parents the day she stepped foot back into Roseburg.

Isn't it pathetic to have to watch a mother who can sit there while all around her have to be effected by her actions...and there she selfishly sits.

Terri have mercy on your family and above all one little boy, Kyron and let him come home to those who DO love him!

I cannot, CANNOT imagine that Kyron would want the brother he loved harrassed (or worse), however "well intentioned" the harrassers.
I cannot, CANNOT imagine that Kyron would want the brother he loved harrassed (or worse), however "well intentioned" the harrassers.

Nor would he want the stepmother that killed him living a normal life while he's still missing. Terri brought this on herself. She wants her son living at her parent's home with her. If he gets harassed, it's Terri's fault, not Desiree's or anyone else's. Kyron would be mad at Terri for putting her family through this, not his mom for continuing to stand up for him.
Nor would he want the stepmother that killed him living a normal life while he's still missing. Terri brought this on herself. She wants her son living at her parent's home with her. If he gets harassed, it's Terri's fault, not Desiree's or anyone else's. Kyron would be mad at Terri for putting her family through this, not his mom for continuing to stand up for him.

That's not even what I'm addressing, though, Aedrys. I don't think innocent people should be harassed. Period. I don't think anyone would dispute that J**** is innocent. He is also a child. Topic is not, to me, who is to blame. If anyone is to blame for harassing an innocent, it would be the harasser. As this is a publicly viewable forum, I would like to urge anyone reading and considering this option NOT to take it upon themselves to bring the other children into this situation. They are also victims and should be treated accordingly: with sympathy. Surely, no matter how much we disagree on other matters, we can all agree on that!
Hi, Billylee. I saw a report from a Medford TV station showing a DY volunteer who had been asked by a business to desist from distributing the flyers after numerous customer complaints. Out of curiosity, what's your take on the local reaction to DY's latest activity?

Most of the people I know have suspicion about Terri, as do I, but like myself, they feel there has not been enough evidence provided by LE to make an opinion as to her guilt or innocence. I do not know Terri's family personally, but they are respected, and therefore, people are tending to leave them alone and let LE handle the situation. I didn't see the report about the business asking Desiree to desist. Perhaps it was someone who knows Carol and Larry Moulton and out of respect for them does not want them harassed?

To the best of my knowledge, J**** is living with his father and stepmother, not Terri, but he still has to go to school here and many people worry about him as well. I wanted to make it clear that the citizens of Roseburg are not hiding under some rock, or being misinformed by anyone, everyone around here is well aware of what is going on and wants the same thing that everyone else does......Kyron found and justice served. I just wanted to post that there are lots of "missing" Kyron posters posted around these parts already and that Desiree's intention was not to spread missing Kyron posters. It was to harass Terri Horman. That and the consequences thereof, are Desiree & Tony Young's decision to live with.

"I want to put enough pressure on her to make her uncomfortable", Young said.

Our local paper reported Sunday that Young also said she felt Roseburg was unaware of Moulton-Horman in the community and the ongoing search for her son. (I would link it, but you have to subscribe to the online version and I already subscribe to the paper.) Anyway, this could not be further from the truth. I just wanted to clear that up here. And, as I said upthread, I can understand Desiree's frustration in the process of finding Kyron, but I don't think this will help. JMO
Does anyone have a link in which it is stated that Desiree asked that a minor be harassed? I don't think anyone here is stating or advocating that a minor be harassed.

But rather stating, that TH brought the public scrutiny squarely down on the head of her family, and not Desiree.

I am so amazed that we cannot stay on topic.
DY requested that the public ask TMH "Where is Kyron". She did not request that JM be harassed on behalf of his Mother nor her parents. I believe DY has made comments regarding JM throughout this ordeal that shows she has compassion and concern for his well being as well as KH's.

That some consider what she is doing harassment, well I guess we are all going to have to agree to disagree. DY is coming from a place of sheer desperation. It's been nine months and she still does not know where her son is. I trust that she has knowledge that we the public do not. She's not grasping at straws folks, it's just a matter of ensuring the case is strong enough for prosecution.

I have compassion for JM, his Father and Step-Mother. TMH is not the one who is trying to keep his world together right now, she is the cause of his problems. I trust that his caretakers are getting him the support and help that he needs.

ETA; Billylee, while I do not agree with you I appreciate your POV.
Does anyone have a link in which it is stated that Desiree asked that a minor be harassed? I don't think anyone here is stating or advocating that a minor be harassed.

But rather stating, that TH brought the public scrutiny squarely down on the head of her family, and not Desiree.

I am so amazed that we cannot stay on topic.

That's what I was saying. I don't understand how this has turned into worry and fear for TH's family. So far, this has been a peaceful demonstration. Asking people to question to TH is not asking them to harass her or do any violence against her. If she's so innocent, she should answer the question and get the heat off of her own family, not continue to let them suffer. This is all on TH's head.

I do agree no one should be harassed, but I don't see where anyone is advocating that the family be made an example of, or their lives made hell. She is simply asking people to put the heat on TH and TH only as to where Kyron is, and TH deserves that, not bar hopping and enjoying family holidays. If her family does get harassed, it's because she won't answer the question and won't protect her family from harassment, not because Desiree wants to know where her son is, which is a perfectly valid question to someone not willing to speak or do anything to incriminate herself. TH has backed herself into this corner. Desiree is making sure she remains trapped and uncomfortable there.
grandmaj, how are we off topic? Desiree did not specifically target any minors any more than she targeted any gender to do her bidding, I don't recall anyone here saying she did.

She was very general, she asked the "public" to step up to Terri Horman whenever they should see her and ask "Where is Kyron?" She certainly didn't exclude minors nor anyone else. This isn't a private request that Desiree made in the confines of her emails or personal phone calls, this was a public press conference, which to the best of my knowledge, did not exclude anyone. I think the consequences of this action can be detrimental, and I know there are some who disagree with me, but I particularly worry about some teenagers grabbing this public request and running with it....directly at J****. IYKWIM?

If this is not within the topic of the controversy questioned by the original poster then please remove this post.
BillyLee...since you are from the Roseberg area, I have a question. I hope it makes "SENSE"...if not I am sure SOMEONE will PERSONALLY let me know!

Can anyone just go into any business there, or on personal property and post flyers/yard posters ?Will Walmart,K-Mart, any of those places not have to give their approval first? Reason I ask, I just saw HLN where( Desiree ) was putting a " Yard Sign"..right in front of the "Roseberg High School..."...
WE do not discuss minors at WS unless it is in MSM. That is a TOS violation. So for us to sit here and debate that Desiree is implying this in anyway without her specifically talking about said minor, is against our rules!
BillyLee...since you are from the Roseberg area, I have a question. I hope it makes "SENSE"...if not I am sure SOMEONE will PERSONALLY let me know!

Can anyone just go into any business there, or on personal property and post flyers/yard posters ?Will Walmart,K-Mart, any of those places not have to give their approval first? Reason I ask, I just saw HLN where Desi was putting a " Yard Sign"..right in front of the "Roseberg High School..."...

Really? Wow. Which poster was it? The missing Kyron Horman or the one with Terri's picture, do you know? I'm sure you'd need permission from private property owners anywhere. I'm not sure if it's okay to post on public property or not?
How about Links? Or a transcript please?

This was on HLN with Rochelle Carey at approx. 3:30 CST. Desi was also featured in front of a gas station talking about. I personally had never seen this particular video. I will go on line to CNN/HLN and see if they have it posted.
I understand how any symbol of Terri's freedom is unbelievably galling to Desiree but I never figured Terri was just locked away in a room all day, every day.

If Terri is going to bars I think that is troubling because we know she has problems with alcohol. As others have expressed, I worry about the safety of anyone she might get very close to, especially a love interest or his children. Combine alcohol with all the pressure she's under.... Maybe, if she is actually a murderer who wanted to kill her husband, the scrutiny she is under would keep her from acting again but at the same time I just recently watched Dear Zachary and even a small possibility of another Shirley Turner like scenario is just horrendous.
It appears from the news reports I've seen that the large "Yard Sign" is the missing Kyron Horman sign, not the one with Terri's picture on it. I'm certain the high school wouldn't be against placing that one there.

Which brings up another point. I used to own a small business, and the last thing a business wants is controversy. Alienating any clientele would not be a good move, which is why most businesses won't post political endorsements either. If I were still in business, would I post Kyron's missing poster? You bet your butt I would! Would I post a poster that amounts to a "wanted" poster of a person who isn't even indicted in a crime? No, I would not. So, I just wanted to say that if a business chose to not post the "wanted" poster, I could certainly understand their hesitance.
It appears from the news reports I've seen that the large "Yard Sign" is the missing Kyron Horman sign, not the one with Terri's picture on it. I'm certain the high school wouldn't be against placing that one there.

Which brings up another point. I used to own a small business, and the last thing a business wants is controversy. Alienating any clientele would not be a good move, which is why most businesses won't post political endorsements either. If I were still in business, would I post Kyron's missing poster? You bet your butt I would! Would I post a poster that amounts to a "wanted" poster of a person who isn't even indicted in a crime? No, I would not. So, I just wanted to say that if a business chose to not post the "wanted" poster, I could certainly understand their hesitance.

I dont even think I would frequent any business that was so up in arms over getting the word out about a missing LITTLE BOY and a possible child killer.
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