2011.02.19 - Desiree puts on the pressure in Roseburg

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I am so glad that DY has gone out there to raise awareness. I had always thought that if Terri ever stepped foot outside of that house, she would be mobbed by the angry public. It really bothers me, not only that she has been going about trying to give herself a good life, but that the public has been allowing her to do so, apparently without confronting her. I would have thought the public would want to make her life miserable, instead of bringing their children up to her doorstep for candy, and serving her alcohol in a bar.

It'd be nice to have clarification about the bar statement, wouldn't it?! I suppose it's possible to be in a bar and not drink any alcohol.
Desiree has the fire that a mother should have. She has the fire that is missing in so many of these cases. God bless her persistence to find the truth!
TH is the one with the answers. I do no believe the police from all these different agencies have all gotten it wrong. I believe DY is asking the correct person to stand up and tell where Kyron is.

What is it that the police from all these different agencies have said they have that you think they have right? To my knowledge they have not named a suspect, they haven't arrested anyone. That tells me they have a lot less than people want to believe they have. This case has had so many people make statements as though they are fact when the reality is that its speculation.

I agree with Billylee, DY isn't doing herself any favors right now, and regardless of who may or may not be involved in Kyron's disappearance NOBODY should be asking anyone to target a kid for any reason. I'm really shocked that so many people seem to think thats okay. It isn't.
I find this aspect interesting and notable--that the town who knows her is not afraid for their children to trick-or-treat at her house, and that they allowed their children to accept candy from her.

Yes, I agree McCain is a media hound, but I don't think he's DS's attorney. I was wondering the same thing Grainne, could it be that Desiree & Tony have hired a PI, because they are dissatisfied with LE's handling of things? It would be interesting to know, but I'm with you, I don't think this maneuver by Desiree is going to help find Kyron.

And I want to say this again; of course, people in Roseburg (and the surrounding communities) most certainly know of Kyron's case, I know this for a fact. One needs to remember that not only did Terri grow up there, but her parents are highly respected people in the area. It's not like they live out on some rural piece of property and never got in to town. They were teachers for cryin' out loud. If Desiree or anyone else, doesn't think that Roseburg knows of Kyron's case, then it isn't the people of Roseburg that are living under a rock.

I also think this action by Desiree does not bode well for J****, Terri's teenage son. I can just imagine what teenagers might do when basically they are being asked to harass someone. I think the whole thing is scary. JMO
It'd be nice to have clarification about the bar statement, wouldn't it?! I suppose it's possible to be in a bar and not drink any alcohol.

Possible, but not likely for someone with an alcohol addiction.
This is becoming The Tale of Two Mothers.

Terri, when faced with a legal dilemma...looks at her toddler...to whom , right or wrong, she is the only security that Baby has ever known...and says, "Baby K will have to tough it out. Me first. Me always first."

If she is truly innocent, this is even more callous and shows just how much ice runs through this woman's veins. If she is innocent..she will STILL NOT take not the tiniest chance...not the tiniest risk...for her Baby.

Not one.

But, of course, if she is guilty, she has probably subjected that child to witnessing the horror that befell Kyron.


Any secondary consequences that befall her son J are regrettable...but her fault alone. Not the fault of any of her victims. Her selfish sexting, her appalling behaviors, the pitiful example she has set in her life...must be humiliating to a teenager. These were ALL choices Terri made.

Too bad. Tough it out, says Terri to another child of hers. Me first. Always me first.

This is the "Terri Horman" model for motherhood.

Desiree, however, is a pitbull for her child. She has decided that she will not abandon HER child...though he probably is dead. Her appearance on Terri's doorstep was a beautiful example of Mother love and the unlimited scope of actions that a Mother will risk for her child.

She could care less the lies and smears that come her way on the Internet. Her focus is her child.

She is living now for Kyron. Terri is incapable of that depth of feeling IMO...so she continues to just live for herself.

Two very different Mothers.

Hi Stmarysmead, Kyron begged Desiree not to take him back up to Portland from what we read. He must have been on edge driving back, anticipating what he was going to deal with when he got home.

I always thought because of this Desiree let Kyron down too. Did she try to find out what was at the root of Kyron's feelings and try to solve the problem, whatever it was? Did she discuss it with Kaine or even Terri before bringing him back? Maybe she did. I sure hope so. If not, well . . . .

What is it that the police from all these different agencies have said they have that you think they have right? To my knowledge they have not named a suspect, they haven't arrested anyone. That tells me they have a lot less than people want to believe they have. This case has had so many people make statements as though they are fact when the reality is that its speculation.

I agree with Billylee, DY isn't doing herself any favors right now, and regardless of who may or may not be involved in Kyron's disappearance NOBODY should be asking anyone to target a kid for any reason. I'm really shocked that so many people seem to think thats okay. It isn't.

WHO has asked anybody to "target a kid?" I have not seen that anywhere!
What is it that the police from all these different agencies have said they have that you think they have right? To my knowledge they have not named a suspect, they haven't arrested anyone. That tells me they have a lot less than people want to believe they have. This case has had so many people make statements as though they are fact when the reality is that its speculation.

I agree with Billylee, DY isn't doing herself any favors right now, and regardless of who may or may not be involved in Kyron's disappearance NOBODY should be asking anyone to target a kid for any reason. I'm really shocked that so many people seem to think thats okay. It isn't.

Ummm, I have never never ever said anything to even suggest targeting a child!! I said ask TY not a child, not her parents. Nothing in my quote even suggested that. Please read my statement again@!
Hi Stmarysmead, Kyron begged Desiree not to take him back up to Portland from what we read. He must have been on edge driving back, anticipating what he was going to deal with when he got home.

I always thought because of this Desiree let Kyron down too. Did she try to find out what was at the root of Kyron's feelings and try to solve the problem, whatever it was? Did she discuss it with Kaine or even Terri before bringing him back? Maybe she did. I sure hope so. If not, well . . . .


I seem to recall that Desiree was concerned and talked to Kaine about letting Kyron live with her. Kaine wouldn't hear of it. He was the brick wall.
I find this aspect interesting and notable--that the town who knows her is not afraid for their children to trick-or-treat at her house, and that they allowed their children to accept candy from her.

I found that interesting too. Even if you didn't fear for your family's safety, wouldn't you just not want to be anywhere near someone who murdered their stepson? I just don't see the point in going to her house unless you believed she was innocent. However, there could also be curious people who just want to see Terri up close, see her mannerisms, etc and Halloween is the perfect excuse to do that. Or maybe people who know that Terri is in town but don't know the exact house she's living at? Or maybe they just didn't feel like explaining to their children, how they can go to every house on the street except for that one, so they just go to it anyway.
I seem to recall that Desiree was concerned and talked to Kaine about letting Kyron live with her. Kaine wouldn't hear of it. He was the brick wall.

Thanks Gwenabob, I never read that so your post eases my mind a bit. It has always been a niggling in the back of my brain that Kyron was dealt his fate and couldn't change what was going on, giving him no chance to be safe at that point.

What I have been fearful of is he was about to tell his dad about somethng he saw or learned about and was threatened by TH if he told. It would certainly make a solid motive for murder IMO.
What I have been fearful of is he was about to tell his dad about somethng he saw or learned about and was threatened by TH if he told. It would certainly make a solid motive for murder IMO.

IMO, I think Kyron did not like Terri, and it showed, and she couldn't deal with that, or the fact he looked more and more like Desiree every year. I almost wonder if it was easy for Terri to give up her daughter because her daughter was half Kaine, a man she most obviously hated. I don't think if Terri left Kaine, he would have made it easy at all for her to take her daughter, and she just despised him because he held all the cards, plus is pretty responsible on paper, no DUI, no child endangerment charge, if anything, when all was said and done, she would probably be paying child support.
Ummm, I have never never ever said anything to even suggest targeting a child!! I said ask TY not a child, not her parents. Nothing in my quote even suggested that. Please read my statement again@!

The conversation was about DY posting a sign at the high school. There is only one way to interpret that. Also, I did not indicate that you said anything about it. Rather than make two posts I put two thoughts in one post.
Did Desiree post a sign where TH's son goes to school?
The conversation was about DY posting a sign at the high school. There is only one way to interpret that. Also, I did not indicate that you said anything about it. Rather than make two posts I put two thoughts in one post.

I disagree. Putting a sign in front of a high school is the perfect way for parents to see it. TO talk to other parents to get the word out. For kids to see it and for those kids to tell their parents and so on and so on. This is a missing little boy. Why should DY be limited to hanging signs and yard signs? Many community functions take place at local high schools. So there is definitely more than one way to interpret it. Yours, mine, and probably a million others.
I disagree. Putting a sign in front of a high school is the perfect way for parents to see it. TO talk to other parents to get the word out. For kids to see it and for those kids to tell their parents and so on and so on. This is a missing little boy. Why should DY be limited to hanging signs and yard signs? Many community functions take place at local high schools. So there is definitely more than one way to interpret it. Yours, mine, and probably a million others.

Besides, how do we even know if J**** even attends that school? I had the impression from somewhere that he is being home schooled. Would make sense given the circumstances and given there are three teachers in the home.
I disagree. Putting a sign in front of a high school is the perfect way for parents to see it. TO talk to other parents to get the word out. For kids to see it and for those kids to tell their parents and so on and so on. This is a missing little boy. Why should DY be limited to hanging signs and yard signs? Many community functions take place at local high schools. So there is definitely more than one way to interpret it. Yours, mine, and probably a million others.

Its also a good way to humiliate and put pressure on a kid who doesn't deserve to have his classmates gossiping about his family when he doesn't have any part in the situation. That said, maybe he doesn't even go to school there like someone else said. If so, then it isn't such a big deal. Well, no more of a big deal than having to see a close relative's photo plastered all over town essentially accusing her of a horrific crime which NOBODY has any evidence she is guilty of.
I went onto Roseburg's local newspaper's website and a search came up with only 16 articles about Kyron since he went missing in June. I found that kind of strange since a major player from the case is living there. There wasn't one article published from July to February about the case. Is there a reason why the local paper is barely mentioning this case? (Hopefully this post isn't considered to be OT).
I went onto Roseburg's local newspaper's website and a search came up with only 16 articles about Kyron since he went missing in June. I found that kind of strange since a major player from the case is living there. There wasn't one article published from July to February about the case. Is there a reason why the local paper is barely mentioning this case? (Hopefully this post isn't considered to be OT).

Articles could have been deleted for space, I've seen that happen on other news sites.
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