2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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These devices are FLASH DRIVES (and called that in the descriptions, which do NOT refer to them as "memory sticks"). LE MAY have meant that they found a flash drive, but what is stated in the article is that it was a memory stick, which is a thin flat thing like a memory card, and does not have a built-in USB connection. Until we get clarification (as apparently many people immediately assumed "flash drive" when hearing "memory stick") we can agree to disagree on this point. BUT... if the search warrant specified a MEMORY STICK, and the item confiscated was a FLASH DRIVE, there may be some legal ramifications, in terms of it being used as evidence if it was outside the scope of the warrant.

All the PNY products are on their website that I linked. That seemed to be the closest thing to a 'memory stick' they sell.

Maybe you could look through their product pages too and see you think is the closest matching product to the brief description given by LE.
Okay, help me out here. I went to bed and stopped reading at about 9:30 pm last night. At what point were these images declared child *advertiser censored* for sure? That's the part I missed apparently. <modsnip>
I wonder if BD is behind, or on, the camera in any of those videos found on the memory stick... in her bedroom, home. Hard to deny you knew about them. She's sunk right along with him, imo.

I will not be surpised if some of the images and videos are of BD or of her and SA. She is SA's "dirty girl" isn't she? That alone wouldn't be considered deviant but it sure has me thinking.
True. That reminds me of the fiasco with the Anthony computer and how many different logins there were, and what logins and passwords Casey knew and was using. Who knows, maybe SA knew his mom's password and put all of this stuff on her account. Or set up a dummy account for it. It's going to be interesting to see if he throws his mom under the bus to save himself.

I was thinking the other day before this computer stuff came out that there sure are a lot of people under that bus. We'll see who the next victim of the bus is.
Okay, help me out here. I went to bed and stopped reading at about 9:30 pm last night. At what point were these images declared child *advertiser censored* for sure? That's the part I missed apparently. <modsnip>

The article says it was updated at 10:36 last night.
Does C-City have their own unit for this type of thing or would it be sent to the FBI? Most bigger police forces have their own child exploitation units that specifically deal with child *advertiser censored* etc.

Good question. Since CCity PD is so small, I was thinking that FBI - probably FBI Abilene - is handling the child *advertiser censored* aspects of the case and the related analysis.

Anybody know if the Texas Rangers do this kind of work?
Good question. Since CCity PD is so small, I was thinking that FBI - probably FBI Abilene - is handling the child *advertiser censored* aspects of the case and the related analysis.

Anybody know if the Texas Rangers do this kind of work?

TX DPS has the computer forensics lab for the state....last I heard a while back they were hiring because of the backlog.

I'd bet the backlog is worse than ever, given perps don't have just 1 or 2 deviant pics - they have 10s of thousands or 100s of thousands of pics & videos.
Okay, help me out here. I went to bed and stopped reading at about 9:30 pm last night. At what point were these images declared child *advertiser censored* for sure? That's the part I missed apparently. <modsnip>

Sorry - my thoughts made it to the keyboard. Could've been worse!! ;)
I have a question: how do we know the exact nature of these pictures ((ie what kind of "deviant" they are))??? I guess it doesn't matter.... another level of deviancy in Hailey's little life has now been peeled back and exposed.

The news outlet got the info on the computer and memory stick using the FOIA ((LE has not blocked the release of this info on the *advertiser censored*/deviant pictures but HAS blocked the release of the cell phone records)). Why this? Not that?

I guess what I am trying to say is...... I am not at all surprised that this element has now come into the story/family background of Hailey.... and am more interested in why LE continues to hold the cell phone info close to their vests but lets this be released..... is it for pressure?

How sad that Hailey had to grow up amidst all of this deviant behavior... I hope that LE is close to putting this whole thing together... Once they have enough to arrest someone maybe they can be convinced to speak on where she is. In my opinion I think LE knows who did it but don't have the complete package yet.


Both the computer and the memory stick contain images depicting bestiality and child *advertiser censored*, said Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs.

I know on another thread we were talking about people such as Mark Klaas and TeamAmber getting tarnished for their support of BD.

I wonder how these people and organizations feel about this latest revelation.
I know on another thread we were talking about people such as Mark Klaas and TeamAmber getting tarnished for their support of BD.

I wonder how these people and organizations feel about this latest revelation.

They can still look for Hailey but it they dont stand against child *advertiser censored* something is very wrong with them. I dont see they have a choice but distance from BD.
Who is gonna support an organization that supports her after this? Her 40 friends on FB?
I know on another thread we were talking about people such as Mark Klaas and TeamAmber getting tarnished for their support of BD.

I wonder how these people and organizations feel about this latest revelation.

Instead of a featured speaker, she may indeed become a subject. jmo
These devices are FLASH DRIVES (and called that in the descriptions, which do NOT refer to them as "memory sticks"). LE MAY have meant that they found a flash drive, but what is stated in the article is that it was a memory stick, which is a thin flat thing like a memory card, and does not have a built-in USB connection. Until we get clarification (as apparently many people immediately assumed "flash drive" when hearing "memory stick") we can agree to disagree on this point. BUT... if the search warrant specified a MEMORY STICK, and the item confiscated was a FLASH DRIVE, there may be some legal ramifications, in terms of it being used as evidence if it was outside the scope of the warrant.

What we might have here is a situation of colloquialism, depending on what flash drives are called in different parts of the country.

I had never heard of a "Memory Stick" before last night.

I honestly doubt they had to specify "Memory Stick" in a search warrent of the house in a missing child case. All they had to do was specify "visual or reading material," and that's probably what they did since we know they took all the print-outs from the internet Billy had made at work.

For that matter they could have gotten a warrant for Internet-Related materials and Communication Devices, and that flash drive/memory stick thing would fall under that category.

Where I live, we call flash drives "Flash Keys" - or at least I do, because that's what my kids call theirs, and I think they learned that word from their teachers at school. I think that comes from keeping the flash drive on a keychain.
wow... thanks....

that. is. disgusting.
I deleted my initial post... I cannot believe I was actually giving their *advertiser censored* collection the benefit of the doubt!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you CM
That does but possession is possession. If child *advertiser censored* is found on a memory stick in your dresser drawer in your home...bingo bango.

Wonder what SA's Mommy thinks of this now since some of it was on her computer. Where do you hide over 100,000 *advertiser censored* images and videos on a computer? His mother must be out to lunch.

You can set up multiple "users" on a computer. Each will have a "My Documents" folder, and what is in the folder will "change" depending who is logged in. If Shawn saved stuff under his user name, his mom would not have seen it if she was logged in as herself. She might have noticed the amount of storage he was using (a computer's "memory" and "storage capacity" are 2 different things, btw although both are measured in bytes), but he could have told her he had downloaded music or movies, or even ripped his own CDs to store on the computer for easier access. I know I put all my music CDs on an external drive. I have a lot of radio station promo CDs and it came out to more than 500gb.
I deleted my initial post... I cannot believe I was actually giving their *advertiser censored* collection the benefit of the doubt!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you CM

Don't feel bad about that. Lately I've been playing devil's advocate and wondering if BD was just deluded or had a bad case of denial.

But the fact that this thing was in HER dresser drawer has changed things for me. There's only so much that can go on in a small house without BD's knowledge for heaven's sake, and we know she indulged SA in his "hobbies," so this is disturbing news.
So far, I have not seen this info reported on the main news sites for that area. If that is true, it seems strange.

Also, isn't haveing child *advertiser censored* on your computer illegal? How can either SA or BD NOT be arrested?? It will be interesting what spin BD will put on this news. Of course, she will say she didn't know, didn't ask and its not hers.
I agree right up until SHE called LE and said "I'm coming to get my computer now".

A lot of moms and grandmas only use "that dang machine" to check email - if that. And if that is all SHE would do on the computer she wouldn't know. BUT (and its a big one)

SHE called LE to get her computer back - which tells me that "someone" TOLD her what they had "stashed" on her hard drive. Why else would she have made that "unusual" request and for LE to immediately tag that computer and keep it as evidence.

If he just told her "*advertiser censored*" she might have decided she wanted the computer back, rather than have it get out that HER computer was full of *advertiser censored*.
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