2011.03.07 Motions Hearing

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Sorry but CM is not a good orator; as a trial attorney I'm surprised he has such a good reputation because he's a rambler and a mumbler and he does not stay on the topic.

I guess it's OK for the judge since he hears this stuff every day and get it, but in front of a jury. blah blah blah, (throat clear) mumble mumble (throat clear)...

Then again, he's probably better at this than JB. Tragic!!!!
Melich said it best last week. He couldn't comprehend how a women could lie about where she worked when her baby girl is missing!(paraphrasing) She wasn't under arrest, she was being questioned for info to lead them to her MISSING BABY!!!! Enough with this poor Casey carp!! JMHO

Let us not forget that the reason that LE even went to Universal Studios was because Casey stated that the phone that she lost was reported missing to ZUniversal Studios security. A phone that had, ironically, all the information that would help find Caylee. Not only that, but two of the people that Casey said she told about Caylee being missing, worked at Universal Studios. Oh, and Casey, herself, worked at Universal Studios and if I am not mistaken, in the audio with Yuri Melich at the house (I could be wrong) she states that Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalaz, the woman who took her child, also had a seasonal work pass at Universal Studios.
CM being rude. Saying "despite the cuteness from Detective Melich's testimony, they knew what they were doing. They knew she was a suspect."

Mason describing Yuri as Cuteness someone on the Defense MUST read the blogs....
...beaten with a rubber hose, tasered, thrown under the bus, forced to consort with burly threatening men weighing over 10,000 lbs each....

Ooops, sorry! Was trying to think of more stuff that might as well have happened according to CM ;)

At least I'm getting some good laughs out of this closing statement. Isn't laughter the best medicine.

I'm beginning to lose focus here...I'd rather be Than listen to much more of this I'm eating far too much..

I keep leaving and coming back and really haven't missed that much!!!!
CM is trying to sound outraged and aggrieved but it just comes off as old man bluster..
What annoys me the most about CM is that he tries every time to trade on his old friendship with HHJP. He just has this smarmy way of addressing him, like he expects him to cut him a break on account of it.... ugh
ah got ya!! Hopefully the Judge throws the defense team right out. LOL
CM - LE : get her to reach out, a letter to the sheriff

ramble rambling

(Ok I think it's all going to come in. I'm not a lawyer, but based on this rambling, I think it's all coming in)
Yuri is looking mighty nice today:blowkiss:
I wouldn't mind the blah blah blah from Cheney if they keep the cameras on Yuri!
Is this the type of the JB was referring to when he said everything would become clear at trial? Because the only things that are becoming more clear are that KC is guilty of murdering her child and her defense team is still stumbling around in the dark.
Sorry, Mason blew my mind with that October carp, my comment was snarky but meant for him, not you.

I can NOT believe for one minute that Casey was held for over a month without being Mirandized.

Not a chance, but what irks me is, WHY does this Defense think it's FINE to lie to the Court all the time!?!??:banghead:

Because it's their job? I am sure that Casey claims that she was never read her rights... and since Casey says she was never read her rights, they have to go with that?
Considering the fact that KC was in ISOLATION.....who is CM suggesting arranged to violate the jail policies? The Rolling case deals with Jail Snitches.

The only one that I am aware of violating jail policies is JB in his letter shuttle service.
I wouldn't say that at all. Watch the poor me and disgusted faces she makes every time there is discussion about how detectives and LE did Ms. Casey wrong.

That's true but I guess I was speaking more in general, that she is not in the least disturbed that this is a murder trial for her daughter. Any emotions she displays are about her not Caylee. moo :(
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