2011.03.07 Motions Hearing

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Just a quick :gthanks: to all who posted during the hearing. I was at work and couldn't watch, but managed to read a few pages. Then I raced home to read the rest & will watch the hearing later (if I don't fall asleep - still sick w/ fever & only 3 hours of sleep last night b/c of coughing).

Anyway, thanks again for the blow by blow, as it were... :D

And to LDB - you go, girl!!! :great:
After watching the entire hearing, I was intrigued by Joy Wray's presence. Why was she there? So prominantly dispayed sitting behing YM and JA (she had to know she would be on camera). Will we see her on You Tube tonight? Is she still writing a book? Heaven forbid - is she on the witness list (I think not).

I refreshed my memory of her (the letter to JS) and her depo, and can't for the life of me figure out the need for her to be there. This being the same woman who didn't want to involve herself in the case, and (per the depo) just wanted it over with.

What reason does she have to be there? The same person who said Caylee Marie Anthony wasn't in the woods she searched a dozen times...by herself...

What about her kids? Does anyone know if she still has them?


All I can say is focus.

LDB brought focus to the list of statements that LDB thought was significant and why.

CM wandered, meandered, lost everyone and, talked from emotions not facts. Rather than focus on pieces they were more likely to win they went for it all and deserve to lose it all.
home from work, kids fed, followed as best I could from work but am now listening to CM's wandering ramblings and stomping all over the true timeline. So basically, ICA was psychologically arrested. Hmmm never heard that one before. Wondering if I myself have ever been psychologically arrested.

To be fair, a psychological arrest is just as legitimate as a physical one for Miranda purposes and that's exactly what they're arguing.

ETA: I don't think she was arrested psychologically or otherwise prior to the Universal interview. That one skirts the fine line I think.
Its my understanding LE can detain a person for questioning for 48 hrs without an arrest being made correct? CA wanted her daughter arrested and called 911 to have the ball rolling. During the time LE arrive CM was handcuffed for 5 mins. For me that is "detained" and 5 mins is not 48 hrs. Even if you go by the premise of "detained" no Miranda is required. Not even if it is implied as the defense would like to muddy the waters with. At no point in time was she arrested thus no need to mirandize.

Example if you get pulled over by a cop in "full regalia" for speeding and "possibly" suspected for reckless driving you are questioned and "detained" for the time being but may not be arrested nor givin your Miranda at that time.
Just my simple humble opinion.
I pray that the judge throws out the Universal interview. If not, I think it will present grounds for an effective appeal if/when she's convicted. AZLawyer cited several cases which supports that interview being excluded.

2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements - Page 6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

post #129

Until I read these I was convinced that interview should be allowed into evidence. Now, I'm hoping it gets thrown out. There's nothing there that wasn't stated in her initial written statement anyway. Didn't CM cite the Ross case in his argument today? I'll have to go back and listen again and see if he used any of these.

I agree, I think the US studios "interview" will be tossed. There was no reason for her to believe that she could leave -- even if she wanted to. I do, believe, however, that everything up to that point is fair game.


TY guys for being so awesome and paraphrasing the hearing for those of us who could not watch!!!! Ya'll rock!

Please don't get mad at me for this, but if I had to choose which of the DT between JB and CM did a better job, it was JB...neither is perfect, not even close, and JB annoys me immensely. But I felt like, he made better points on cross (minor victories) than CM and I thought cross was supposed to be CM's deal. I think, the summation, would have been a trifle better coming from JB. AND I hate myself for saying that. But honestly, CM is difficult to understand (trying to abide by TOS), moves around a lot more, and I just feel like, even though JB tends to be a "tad" obsessed with what others think about him, he might be the better option when it comes to opening statements...or that Simms lady. Either way, I was disappointed with CM's rebuttal to the state...very. (and yes, I believe ICA is guilty and want the jury of her peers to find her as such...so by disappointed I just mean, I had heard all of this stuff about him, and from my perspective as a law grad...his arguments seem tired and old and he got WAY too flustered).

The Defense, by the account of most media outlets, had a good chance of getting some of what ICA said to LE on the day before and the day she was arrested tossed out and not to be heard by a jury BUT...CM's rebuttal today made it seem like it was that Supernatural episode entitled, "Abandon All Hope" for the Defense.

Frankly, I was expecting more from a seasoned vet like CM. This whole, "I only just got on this case two weeks ago,"/ "The State is evil and powerful and liars and omnipresent and trickery and has lots of money and our client is weak and pitiful and childlike" routine reads like it came out of one of those summations from the 1970's in a class action law suit or something.

Oh well.

ICA appears to be as beligerent and as immune to responsibility as always.

It is interesting watching the hearing footage online...All of her life, she was allowed to lie without impunity...now she is forced to listen to her lies (recorded for all the world to hear) and be judged for them. Which I think...is AWESOME and inspiring.

Winning!!!! (LOL...had to throw that Charlie Sheen-ism in there...jmo of how ICA "thinks" all of her helpful notes are "helping" the Defense Team...)

Don't worry about anyone getting mad - I was praying all the way through CM - Please please bring back JB - this is just too painful to listen to. So I think most of us agree!
wow, you guys weren't kidding about GA's angryfaced headshaking during the entirety of the states rebuttal argument. These folks are in for a rude awakening if they don't learn to control themselves by the time trial starts.

LMAO at "winning" referrence
Don't worry about anyone getting mad - I was praying all the way through CM - Please please bring back JB - this is just too painful to listen to. So I think most of us agree!

I think the PI was praying, too. At least he had his hands up in prayer.
wow, you guys weren't kidding about GA's angryfaced headshaking during the entirety of the states rebuttal argument. These folks are in for a rude awakening if they don't learn to control themselves by the time trial starts.

LMAO at "winning" referrence

I'm betting that HHJP was a lot more lenient with this sort of thing with the A's than he will be at trial. In these hearings HHJP was the audience, and quite frankly George and Cindy continued to testify before him all through the hearings by their little performances in the audience. HHJP was watching every move and using it to further gauge their stories. They will not be doing this before a jury. I think he really just wanted to watch them, to see what to expect, to see what they really were all about. While HHJP has read all of the case information, I doubt that he has viewed any of the non case related anciliary nonsense, such as all of the Anthony media interviews, or some of Cindy's more public performances. Asside from GA at the Grand Jury, this is probably the first real good look he has had of them.
I'm betting that HHJP was a lot more lenient with this sort of thing with the A's than he will be at trial. In these hearings HHJP was the audience, and quite frankly George and Cindy continued to testify before him all through the hearings by their little performances in the audience. HHJP was watching every move and using it to further gauge their stories. They will not be doing this before a jury. I think he really just wanted to watch them, to see what to expect, to see what they really were all about. While HHJP has read all of the case information, I doubt that he has viewed any of the non case related anciliary nonsense, such as all of the Anthony media interviews, or some of Cindy's more public performances. Asside from GA at the Grand Jury, this is probably the first real good look he has had of them.

They can't possibly get away with this in front of Jury - no way.
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