2011.03.07 Motions Hearing

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ya know, I wondered if maybe Casey is writing a book. she does seem to write a lot, so I thought maybe she's writing about the "experience" as it happens. just a thought.
Pretty soon noone will be able to be tried ~ too much red tape.
Innocent due to exhaustion.
Casey taking notes and folding paper so it cannot be photographed.
I have my high-def headphones on and I swear I hear a slight snoring...somewhere in the courtroom. Is that the judge's breathing? He's gonna doze off in a minute...
has anyone got a link handy to the transcript from universal? I cant seem to find it and I dont want to listen to it atm as I am trying to hear the hearing (since I am a masochist :p )
Lawyers help me - is it just ok and acceptable for any attorney to stand up in court and make statements that he knows in fact to be false. I don't mean guilt or innocence of his client, but for example, alluding that ICA was handcuffed for WAY more than 4-5 minutes?

Is this type of "mis-truth" just par for the course, or can the judge put a stop to it?
ya know, I wondered if maybe Casey is writing a book. she does seem to write a lot, so I thought maybe she's writing about the "experience" as it happens. just a thought.

I was going to post that last week when we watch her write so much last week. This is what I was thinking.
CM alleging there was a conspiracy.

If there was one, the ones consipiring weren't trying to convict the perpetrator, but rather free her, IMO.

I'm really looking forward to seeing the Judge's decision on this one, because it seems like he's going to have to put some firm pins down- as in, naming the exact time she became a murder suspect vs when she was just an accused thief vs. when she was lying to investogators and all that in between. I think those dates will affect where the defense has to move after the cards fall.
Does anyone know Frank George's specialty? Is he more of a behind the scenes guy that does case law research or something?
Sorry but CM is not a good orator; as a trial attorney I'm surprised he has such a good reputation because he's a rambler and a mumbler and he does not stay on the topic.

I guess it's OK for the judge since he hears this stuff every day and get it, but in front of a jury. blah blah blah, (throat clear) mumble mumble (throat clear)...

Then again, he's probably better at this than JB. Tragic!!!!

He very much reminds me of Dana Carvey doing the "Grumpy Old Man" on Saturday Night Live many years ago. Remember? "In my day......."
Casey's lower lip is sticking out so much it looks like she didn't have her "warm and fuzzy huggy time" with Jose today....she's rarely even looking at him.
I think someone needs to give Mason all the 911 transcripts, police reports, and statements. He came in very late on this case and need to a lot of catching up to do IMO. He is going on and on about cases that don't pertain to a missing child case IMO. This was a "missing child case" at first, after LE found out Casey was lying then she was arrested. Why is the Judge allowing Mason to go on and on wasting tax payers time and money on this? Maybe it's just me..:banghead:
dfhjksfjklshf.....oh, sorry, fell asleep for a moment.

Bring on LDB.
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