2011.03.24 Frye Hearing - Afternoon portion

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I'm surprised they haven't suggested that Zanny was one of many of Casey's muliple personalities. I mean, why not?
I can not wait for the courtroom descriptions from WS'er Amil and from magpie on valhall's site. I usually don't shy from typing but I was fascinated by all of your posts and ur descriptions. Beats the heck outta TruTv any day. It should be noted that they are supposedly spending their weekend with GA and CA. Shocker. No wonder it sounds like their panel is all made of people who can't see the writing on the wall. ICA is guilty. IMO she will be found as such. All evidence leads to ICA and her poorly thought out lies and actions. The Defense may try to call everyone a liar or a frame artist or a SODDI but at the end of the day they are stuck with 31 days and a client who is more interested in her colored pens and "pretending" to have a job A's a paralegal.

Great work everyone!

The defense should not have Baez doing their bidding of them when he has witnesses on the stand. He is so accussatory, pompous, arrogant and it will go against him from the jury. If it does, then it will go against ICA. If jury hates Baez they will hate her and her fate will be doomed..

She is writting something but when something gets her attention, she looks up with her eyes and is very evil looking. That also needs to be seen in front of a jury for if it were me sitting there, she'd be done...I think this writting is to stop her obsessive grooming but it looks as if she is obsesssively writting...what a team...one more narcisistic than the other...all I want is justice for Caylee, she deserved that after the way she was murdered and thrown away like trash...I abhor them all....for making Caylee's life appear so insignificant...jmho

Justice for Caylee
For those that said JB may be crazy like a fox you may be right. I just realized he KNEW Dr. Vass has never done this before and would not be able to find the simple words necessary to explain his reports or work. Poor Dr. V will have to get some quick training about being an expert witness on the stand and that will postpone some of his work. (Guess that is why they are doing the work anyway though, so...)

Also, JB seems to have that instinct that picks up on who will react in what way as far as all of the witnesses are concerned. He pushes the envelope further than necessary on occasion, but he could confuse anyone or intimidate enough for unclear answers.

Still don't think a jury will like his snarking, mugging for the cameras, and smirking though. So expect long times of deliberation for the jury and asking to see all of the facts while doing so.
Deputy Jason Forgey, testified this morning........... (i think, it seems so long ago) LOL. :crazy:

I with ya. I was trying to explain to my H (who called at 4:55 FL time, grrr.) how this poor Dr. Vass had been on the stand ALL DAY, then I remembered Deputy Forgey was actually on this morning until the early lunch break. I think. I'm going to have to let the swelling go down in my brain before my memory is any good.
What kind of MD is "Dr. Weiss?" from Boca Raton? I know Dr. Z is psych.
The hearings are over today but the Afternoon thread is busting at the seams. Continue discussion here.

Let's try to make this thread informative. Some of you guys are freakin' hilarious and we all enjoy and need the laughs, but the one-liners are killing the mods people. :bang: So, let's use this thread to discuss, rehash and understand what we have learned over the past 2 days.

aaaand GO!
Does being maybe being stoned off her gourd during questioning fall under diminished capacity or mental health?

:waitasec: Is Baez trying to say that Casey drove around with Caylee in the trunk for days because she was high off of marijuana? If that was the case how could she be driving all over town? People that have diminished capacities can't drive all over town, they can barely function and Casey was functioning just fine. She was free as a bird and did what she wanted.

I wonder if this is why Baez asked Dr.V about the Marijuana on the paper towels? This is just insane. She was at Block Buster that night, out to the bars, using Amy's checks (where she said sorry to Amy for and admitted to stealing them pretty much IMO, wonder if the SA will be able to bring this up?). Yeah, she didn't know what she was doing because she was high... so are they saying she was High 31days? Caylee was not reported missing for 31 days, was Casey High the whole time? :banghead::banghead:

Does this mean that she will not tell another tale about who took Caylee? Will Casey admit she is ZFG? If they go this route won't Casey have to admit to the one killing Caylee? Or am I way off and more confused now than a few seconds ago...lol
Wow, sixty-five pages on this thread and, wow, was the Frye hearing ever laborious.
But how can they say this is not a mental health case then? I'm confused.

I think they said they were not raising a mental health DEFENSE. A mental health DEFENSE would be something that meant that, even if Casey killed Caylee, she was not responsible for her actions.

The theory I posted would not be a defense. It is a theory that Casey did NOT kill Caylee but acted...umm...non-innocent after NOT killing Caylee because she is a little strange in the brain.

I don't think the THC comments are allowed at trial, as they are not a charge or in evidence. HHJP tried to stop JB. Maybe during mitigation (I say smugly knowing there will be a conviction, ha!).
So let me see if I have this right - they can float the theory at trial that Caylee died in some accident due to NO FAULT of Casey's and then things snowballed from there... wouldn't that be complete speculation?? If I was a juror, I would be thinking that something was seriously wrong because the defendant was not telling her side of the story. I mean, what would be the problem, if it had happened through no fault of hers???
We're at 66 pages here. I know everyone wants to continue discussion so I opened a new thread to discuss, dissect and rehash the past 2 days of Frye hearings.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6251116#post6251116"]Please move on over[/ame]. This one will be closing soon.
I had hoped to watch the hearing today, but was only able to watch a few minutes :( Can some of you awesome peeps please go post in the Frye Hearing summary thread that Beach started?

You will be helping your fellow peeps who couldn't watch so much!!!! :blowkiss:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=131375"]2011.03.23 - 24 Frye Hearing Summary Thread *NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Can someone tell me - If, as the DT stated, they are not going for a mental health defense then what relevance does expert testimony as to ICA's state of mind have to do with anything at this stage of the game?

Also, if the DT is not going to argue mental health or diminished capacity then I guess that means the whole idea of ICA being a victim of sexual abuse has to go out the window, right? Then that means they are back to a SODI defense?
Moved over from the other thread:

Can someone tell me - If, as the DT stated, they are not going for a mental health defense then what relevance does expert testimony as to ICA's state of mind have to do with anything at this stage of the game?

Also, if the DT is not going to argue mental health or diminished capacity then I guess that means the whole idea of ICA being a victim of sexual abuse has to go out the window, right? Then that means they are back to a SODI defense?
Moved over from the other thread:

Can someone tell me - If, as the DT stated, they are not going for a mental health defense then what relevance does expert testimony as to ICA's state of mind have to do with anything at this stage of the game?

Also, if the DT is not going to argue mental health or diminished capacity then I guess that means the whole idea of ICA being a victim of sexual abuse has to go out the window, right? Then that means they are back to a SODI defense?

A mental health DEFENSE means you are saying that, even if the defendant killed someone, they cannot be held responsible for their actions. This state of mind thing IMO will likely be about how and why Casey's lack of mental health led her to act happy when she was really terrified/devastated.

ETA: Not that I think she was REALLY terrified/devastated. That's just what I think the defense is going to argue.
Well, I am really stunned!! You know, I tried to tell myself that it isn't Casey's defense (other than JB) that is incompetent... that it really has to be hard to defend an undefendable client... but after today, and the decision to allow JB to question Dr. Vass... I just may be changing my mind about the other members of this defense team (Ann Finnell is cool in my book). Are they crazy??

Jose Baez is an awful attorney... and I am really being nice when I say this. He is completely disorganized and jumps all over the place. He constantly asks a question and then says "I'll get back to that" and he never does. He is way too emotionally invested in this case... but not for the right reasons.

I'm just stunned!!
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