2011.04.06 Frye Hearing Thread

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I'm clean! Yeahhhh!! :great: :great: :great: :great:
Per JP, ruling by March 21. As much as I hate to say it, I have a feeling the air sample evidence won't get in. If the SA had put on another expert that agreed with Vass, I think they would have a better chance of getting it in,IMO. Sure hope I'm wrong on this.

But isn't Vass the only person with that body of knowledge? I thought he was pretty much the only one doing that work, or if there are others it's because they work for/with him....?
To me that's akin to not letting Penicillin be used for the first time, because no one else has used it...
Quick reminder that bashing KC, and I mean like wishing horrible things happen to her or illegal things or morbid things, are a TOS violation and you WILL get a Time Out if you do it. So to those that are bashing, KNOCK IT OFF!

This post lands at random and concerns some pages back, not this one.

seriously I apologize, but imo, ICA is living in a hell of her own creation and is never going to walk away from that hell. I'm not wishing it on her. Is thinking it and stating it against the rules?

btw I only thru that opinion in when i was representing that JB may not be as ineffective as it seems to me many here believe.
Remember that MD was the catalyst for HHSS to recuse himself. That plan didn't work out so well for the defense and I wonder if his relationship with the A's has suffered as a result.

OK, giving this a few more minutes and then we'll lock it up. Head on over to the Sidebar thread for general debriefing and decompression, and look for existing threads to talk about issues that were raised today as needed. Thanks folks!
How does he sound pretty good?

I'm willing to be swayed, here.

To me, he says a whole lot of nothing and about 90% of his closing today had nothing to do with Frye, but would be put to a jury to decide.

He sounds terrible and uneducated, and he can't make a point without belittling someone else.

Please, help me out here: what sounded good to you?

No snark, I'm serious.

I'd appreciate it very much.

Fairly common to go on the defensive (belittling) when you know your argument is just not that strong.

KC looks very serious today. Maybe reality is setting in. I would imagine they will have to move her to another jail when they pick the jury so maybe she is not too happy about that. jmo
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