2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yes, but that has nothing to do with the case. That is just splicing in someone on the computer.

That photo was part of the tiffany ring thought process. I was theorizing that Kc perhaps was filmed by CBS thus earning $$ for photo and video usage.

KC was seen leaving jail with JB wearing a ring on her left hand middle finger.

CA asked KC in a jail visit about the ring and its whereabouts.

There was a hand with a ring on the same finger shown flipping through flyers.

The computer search footage showed a slim hand with a ring on the middle finger.

Just part of a thought process.

While KC admitted to receiving $$ from ABC, the CBS relationship was worth exploring IMO.
According to Mark F. in an early report there were 2 gas stations (one at a Sam's Club IIRC) very near to the Amscot where Casey dumped her car. I don't think I ever knew that.

But they probably did not have a dumpster. I think it was deliberate to put the car right next to the dumpster so people would think the smell from the car was actually coming from the dumpster. She did not just run out of gas and I would imagine she ran the car out of gas and parked it right where she planned to leave it.

If you ran out of gas on the roadway someone would help you push the car into one of the gas stations not perfectly park it next to a dumpster at the back of the building. jmo
That photo was part of the tiffany ring thought process. I was theorizing that Kc perhaps was filmed by CBS thus earning $$ for photo and video usage.

KC was seen leaving jail with JB wearing a ring on her left hand middle finger.

CA asked KC in a jail visit about the ring and its whereabouts.
Well since she is wearing it and you have found the picture, we can conclude that it was not found at the remains site with Caylee, but where is the bracelet?

There was a hand with a ring on the same finger shown flipping through flyers.

The computer search footage showed a slim hand with a ring on the middle finger.
On the opposite hand that ICA was wearing a ring and the width of the band looks much larger.
Just part of a thought process.

While KC admitted to receiving $$ from ABC, the CBS relationship was worth exploring IMO.
Red by me.
It is worth exploring!
But they probably did not have a dumpster. I think it was deliberate to put the car right next to the dumpster so people would think the smell from the car was actually coming from the dumpster. She did not just run out of gas and I would imagine she ran the car out of gas and parked it right where she planned to leave it.

If you ran out of gas on the roadway someone would help you push the car into one of the gas stations not perfectly park it next to a dumpster at the back of the building. jmo

I don't remember where this was stated but at the begining, ICA did say or CA said for her that she ran out of gas and 2 guys helped her push it into the parking lot. Some of us here at WS had a hard time believing that.
Is this common, to see a ring on that finger? I thought she was wearing it on that finger because it did not belong to her and only fit on that finger.
I think it is a blessing in disguise that she wasnt found sooner. I am CONVINCED that Perp Anthony planted 'evidence' at the scene and on that masking tape. Probably something from Jesse (that she took when she went to his appt for the infamous shower) and she staged the whole scene. Had Caylee been found sooner... well I think Jesse would most likely be the one behind bars.

ICA didn't take the infamous shower at Jesse's.
ICA didn't take the infamous shower at Jesse's.

I believe she did take a shower because RG mentions it in his depo. That Jesse thought it was strange that she showed up in the middle of the day wanting to take a shower and left the door open to the bathroom while she was in there.

So what was she after......DNA????
Nothing the DT does is free....they got something from that program....it isn't about doing this pro bono or passion...it is about monetary gain....jmo

Yes it is, for CBS as well as the DT. The amount of commercials says it all.
Someone else here stated it perfectly...Blood Money.
GA has changed his testimony many times. He, like his wife, are starting to remember more details of that day and other days which have become "important". Orginally GA thought he was remembering the day as the 9th of June and later it was pointed out that was not the right date. The TV show he claimed to have been watching when they left was not on that day and not at that time. So was GA remembering another day when KC left with Caylee. Because the details he is providing don't fit into that day, I'd say GA misremembers a lot. The chase he said happened did not happen when he said it happened but was a month or two earlier. So GA's statement is not that reliable.

Caylee was found without shoes and her shorts may not have been on her because they were in pretty good shape, unlike her shirt. I often wonder if the "fight" took place after KC had gotten Caylee ready for bed and all she had on was a T-shirt and diaper. Could Casey have grabbed Caylee on her way out the door when she left in a huff and that is why there were no shoes?

Also I have a hard time thinking that the A's never noticed that shirt and I'm very suspicious that this was the shirt the CA saw Caylee in that night. CA was too quick to deny ever seeing this shirt. We see in the pictures that Caylee had worn the shirt and it was a size 2 so chances are she had had it for awhile, it was not new, or the size would have been a 3.

I think everyone is very suspicious of GA describing what Caylee was wearing the last time he saw her. Obviously KC told police what she had on last so GA may have remembered KC leaving one day when Caylee had that exact outfit on.

Another thing that sticks out like a sore thumb, sorry GA, is KC talking about her conversation with Caylee the day before her arrest and how Caylee kept talking about her shoes and no shoes were found with the remains. And if you look really close at the stain in the trunk of the car you can see Caylee had no shoes on. jmo

BBM IIRC Casey shook her head 'NO' when Cindy testified that she had never seen that shirt before. For what Casey's say so is worth, lol.
I believe she did take a shower because RG mentions it in his depo. That Jesse thought it was strange that she showed up in the middle of the day wanting to take a shower and left the door open to the bathroom while she was in there.

So what was she after......DNA????

I thought it was at RM?
I thought it was at RM?

Oh, she was over there, too. RM was surprised to see her walking in with a basket of laundry, I think. This was when TL left for NY.

But the shower incident was with Jesse and he thought it was unusual that she would ask him to use his shower at the time. Plus leaving the door open is a bit provocative on her part. He was probably thinking why didn't she just go home. jmo
Here is what I thought of the show: I cried every time a picture or video of Caylee was shown. I thought it wasn't as pro-defense as i thought it would be. I loved PB, I felt like she was Caylee's voice on this show. No matter what the mock jury was shown or said the main point is no one actually said they thought she didn't do it, just that they would convict on a lesser charge instead of 1st degree murder. Also, not sure if anyone else caught this, and I'm not sure exactly what was said but some point in the show when they were talking about the defense blaming george for the crime it was asked by the interviewer to LKB I believe, do you think George killed Caylee and someone correct me if I'm wrong but I swear she said something along the lines of we will have to wait and see what the evidence shows. Did I get that right? I remember thinking that is an odd way to answer that question.....

BBM She certainly did. And, if memory serves me well, she answered without hesitation, and with a knowing smile. JMO.
I believe she did take a shower because RG mentions it in his depo. That Jesse thought it was strange that she showed up in the middle of the day wanting to take a shower and left the door open to the bathroom while she was in there.

So what was she after......DNA????

That's whaT RG thought. Or she was after something that she could plant as 'evidence' with Caylee to make it look look like he's the one who put her in the woods.
I would like to see full disclosure of dates and times that footage was filmed, and the extent of editing for the comments offered by Pam B.
I hope that Cindy didn't provide care to a deceased person (probably not what you meant to say).

The vast majority of nurses would NOT know what a dead body smells like (a person who has been dead for at least several days in the heat, like Caylee). When people die in a hospital, they don't let them lie around for days. If they happened to do dissection of a body, those bodies have been embalmed and preserved so the stench isn't there either. The closest some nurses have come is with necrotizing fasciitis or gas gangrene, but again that's not a several day old dead decomposing body. Cindy was a visting nurse, I think, so there is a very slight chance that she might have a client who had been deceased for seveal days, but, again, a very slight chance.

Cindy knew the trunk and clothes smelled really bad and picked up what George felt -- that there had been a dead body in the car.

I don't know if Cindy ever smelled a dead person before, but I do know George has said that she replied (upon entering the garage and smelling the car for the first time) "(Lord's name in vain) what the hell died?" That may not be exactly verbatim but it is essentially what she said.

That quote, coupled with her excited utterance on the 911 call, tell me Cindy knew what the smell was from her own experience.

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