2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

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Glad I forgot to watch. Enough info here on this thread to let me know it was nothing but a waste, huge waste of my time.

Thanks for all the info everyone.
I think that is what will convict her.....the fact she didn't ask ANYONE if they'd seen the "nanny". I dont think she ever existed!
And 30 days with her boyfriend and his best friend said he NEVER saw Caylee, that excuses were always made. The scary thing is how he said she seemed like a normal person:eek: Pam B did say this case will be tried on circumstansial evidence? but there is plenty.

Yes, that is going to be the BIG problem for the defense. I don't think there is any excuse the jury will buy. I also don't see how they will be able to blame this on GA, with this 31 day issue involved. She claimed the whole time that she was with Caylee, or the Nanny was with Caylee. GA is never mentioned as a possible setter during that time.
This ridiculous 48 hours had ad intervals of 6 to 6.5 minutes. They never mentioned the fatty acids in the trunk (I realize the court has not ruled but it should have been put in for their possible consideration.) Also, the very very young scientist said there were a ton of different flies in the trunk did not mention the fact that they found "coffin" fly legs (this fly is specifically lured to fatty acids).

At the very least they found her guilty of manslaughter. I thought I read it was 30 years or something.

Anyway, after staying up to watch it, and trying to get through the six minutes "ads" which is unheard of, I realized it was a 48 hour money maker and that was it. If we got 30 minutes of air time, I will be shocked.

There is nothing that I gleaned from this show that made me think twice.

ALTHOUGH, it is very clear that they are GOING TO use George as the fall guy. Linda KB said 'we'll have to wait and see" - that is a yes. And Jose Baez said everything will be shown at trial - that is a yes.

So, they are going to give them George. No doubt in my mind.

Absolute waste of an hour, except that we did get the George information and that was worth it, I gues.

I am going to look at this in a positive way. Judge Perry will not be happy knowing that the DT is out there trying to taint the jury.. The State has not said one word about this case to the media. However, Baez, DT, Cindy, and George have shared all their mis-truths to the media since July 16 2008. It does sound to me like they are going to try and point the finger at George, but there are several things that have to be taken into consideration. If George pleads the 5th that is fine. :waitasec: What he said to the Grand Jury and any third party will come into trial anyway from how understood it.

We have both Cindy and George that went to pick up the car July 15 2008. George claims the smell was so bad he barely made it home even with the windows rolled down. Was it not also raining? :waitasec:

Cindy admits to calling Casey early on that day and talking to her. That is not what she told 911 though.
Cindy also claims that George went to work and she stayed behind for awhile before going back to work.
Cindy gets to work and complains about the smell in the car. He boss tells her to leave...why would she even go into work unless she was trying to establish a timeline?
She takes the stand and changes her story about the smell being rotting pizza and then later on saying she sprayed a whole bottle of fabreeze in the car and put all the fabric softener sheets in the car as well.

Oh her selective memory...how the leaches of the media called her out on so many of her mistruths...Cindy, you were on talk shows, holding press Confess regarding the Nanny with the white dog and Caylee "BEFORE" being put on these drugs that she blames for her selective memory.

Something else that has always puzzled me is why did Cindy call 911 3 times?I sure hope the state has pieced together what Cindy did that day as well. IMO the reason for the multiple calls was because they all had to get their story straight...Cindy claims the first police station she went to was closed...I have never heard of any police station being closed..anyone? She later calls and says her daughter and granddaughter have been missing for over a month, but she had been talking to Casey during that time how could Casey be missing? Cindy was Caylee's main care taker she made Casey come home with Caylee before midnight, so why wait the 31 days? IMO, this was planned out by Nurse Cindy and maybe even George, someone with some LE background that would know how to get rid of evidence and how long a body would need to be left out in the elements so that a definite cause of death could not be noted... :cow:
Some Justice here. Thanks so much. It was so bad and I knew it with the first ad nauseum set of ads and then they come back to it and say we will return in 90 second another minute and a half.

Why didn't they jsut say we will be showing nonstop ads Saturday night, please tune in because in between we will have about two minutes of "new" news on the kC case.

So whay did they say "seond degree manslaughter" anyone remember and am I right in that is about a 30 year sentence?????


One of the charges is aggravated manslaughter of a child. According to Florida criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby, if convicted of that change only, per FL sentencing guideleines it should carry a 30 yr. sentence.
I think they are going to look at the most damning evidence first, 31 days, blockbuster the first evening with boyfriend (June 16th), June 20th photo dancing, Caylee's remains found with duct tape around mandible and nose cutting off air; odor in trunk (if it gets in) fatty acids in trunk (if it gets in) and I think it will.

THENNNN. they will look at her history of pathological lying, her stealing from her family or Cindy to the tune of say 41,000, stealing from the grandfather and from her Brother, borrowing money from Ryan Paisley, this is going to show that she has been lying and stealing for years now. Felony conviction of stealing from Amy H. (Good job Jose)

Now they are looking at someone who is not that innocent as the defense makes her out to be.

Then they will get her friends on the stand and have them talk ab out the relationship with Cindy and how KC hater her mother and there was a long-standing animosity.

Then they are going to go into KC's lies and the mother backing them up e.g. pregnancy.

Wait till Rick takes the stand. Wait till Ryan Paisely takes the stand - he was asked by defense to be a character witness and he replied 'actually I think I will be very detrimental to your case".

They are going to show her as a sociopath who is capable of killing her child.

One of the charges is aggravated manslaughter of a child. According to Florida criminal defense attorney Richard Hornsby, if convicted of that change only, per FL sentencing guideleines it should carry a 30 yr. sentence.

Thanks Beach.
Glad I forgot to watch. Enough info here on this thread to let me know it was nothing but a waste, huge waste of my time.

Thanks for all the info everyone.

Yes, Thank you to those who watched and posted..
I did not forget to watch..I chose NOT to watch CBS.
Sad thing is that I used to like to watch "48"hrs and believed what I was watching. Now I don't know if what they are reporting has any truth to it after watching how they portrayed the Anthony Case.
Sad thing is that I used to like to watch "48"hrs and believed what I was watching. Now I don't know if what they are reporting has any truth to it after watching how they portrayed the Anthony Case.

They did the same thing with the JonBenet case and it was revolting to watch all the evidence they left out.
The name that 48 hrs chose was rather unfortunate. Since KC never mentioned to anyone that her daughter was 'missing' and Caylee eventually turned up dead, thrown away like trash, pointing out that 'only Casey knows' was probably not the best route to take.

If KC is truly the only one who knows then it logically would follow that she is also the only one responsible. Not quite the train of thought that the defense team should want to initate. :waitasec:
According to Mark F. in an early report there were 2 gas stations (one at a Sam's Club IIRC) very near to the Amscot where Casey dumped her car. I don't think I ever knew that.

Yes, 2 gas stations..

Amscott is on the corner of Colonial/SR 50 and Goldenrod..it faces Goldenrod..next to Amscot is Sam's Club and next to Sam's Club there is a Chevron
Ok...I've seen this mentioned in a couple of places, but don't have the fortitude to go back and watch the show again...but what was this "glitch' that folks were talking about? I know in my area that a news brief popped on...which I thought was wacky...but what was being discussed when the network decided to take a little mini-break? I can't ever remember this happening before...it wasn't a smooth transition...and there was no emergency warranting the breakaway. Anyone know what was happening on the show at the time? TIA
Yes, 2 gas stations..

Amscott is on the corner of Colonial/SR 50 and Goldenrod..it faces Goldenrod..next to Amscot is Sam's Club and next to Sam's Club there is a Chevron

Every Amscot I've ever seen has camera's pointing at the parking lot. Wonder why one didn't catch her leaving the car?
Ok...I've seen this mentioned in a couple of places, but don't have the fortitude to go back and watch the show again...but what was this "glitch' that folks were talking about? I know in my area that a news brief popped on...which I thought was wacky...but what was being discussed when the network decided to take a little mini-break? I can't ever remember this happening before...it wasn't a smooth transition...and there was no emergency warranting the breakaway. Anyone know what was happening on the show at the time? TIA

I don't know if something else happened,but our CBS station had local programming so I watched it online. We saw the scene where the 'Jury' all stood (to accquit her). Once they all sat down again RG started to ask questions as to how they arrived at their decision and it went to commercial.
All the commercial breaks were LONG so I waited thinking they were coming back, to finish off the program, when the Orlando station came on with their 11pm News...
Ok...I've seen this mentioned in a couple of places, but don't have the fortitude to go back and watch the show again...but what was this "glitch' that folks were talking about? I know in my area that a news brief popped on...which I thought was wacky...but what was being discussed when the network decided to take a little mini-break? I can't ever remember this happening before...it wasn't a smooth transition...and there was no emergency warranting the breakaway. Anyone know what was happening on the show at the time? TIA

happened here too and im in texas. the show seemed to still go on so there was a little left out. when it came back it was on cindy talking, i think. didnt quite start off where it left off.
Every Amscot I've ever seen has camera's pointing at the parking lot. Wonder why one didn't catch her leaving the car?
Yup, Mark F. even pointed out the cameras at Amscot...but I can't remember if there was footage or not. I always wanted to get a look at those 2 good samaritans that helped push her car. (said tongue in cheek)
happened here too and im in texas. the show seemed to still go on so there was a little left out. when it came back it was on cindy talking, i think. didnt quite start off where it left off.
Thanks! From what I've read (because I never saw the first show), there was a lot of editing of old stuff...and a bad job of editing so it seems.
So...there will no doubt be a third show. I wonder if CBS has acquired the rights to interview Casey post-conviction.
So...there will no doubt be a third show. I wonder if CBS has acquired the rights to interview Casey post-conviction.

i sure hope she will still have her "i can do this attitude" by then cause she will fail miserably with her much exaggerated phrases and descriptions.
I don't find it out of the question, just highly unlikely. I would think Cindy, after some thought, would not just say it was garbage but "I've have smelled a decomposing body and the smell in the trunk wasn't that bad."

Since you were in the field, how many decomposing bodies did you come across?
None, I was a Speech Pathologist, and when a Home Health case gets opened, usually an RN or a Physical Therapist are the first ones in on a case to go out to the home to do assessments. The reason I say usually, is because the only times I was ever the first one in on a case, was if I was the only discipline requested. I recall one such case, an AIDS patient. After I visited him, I requested nursing come in and assess him...

Cindy in her excited utterance, actually told the truth that the trunk smelled like a dead body, and therefore I assume she knew personally, not based on what George told her, or if she'd had the time to think it through would have lied and said garbage or pizza in her 911 call. But why? LE's not gonna respond to that.

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