2011.04.16 48 Hours: Only Casey Knows

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Nothing the DT does is free....they got something from that program....it isn't about doing this pro bono or passion...it is about monetary gain....jmo

It's not just monetary, it's 'notoriety' and free advertising for their services. It probably takes big bucks to advertise on TV and smaller firms can't afford it. If they land a case that puts their names and faces in the media on a regular basis like this one, you can bet it would bring in more clients
That photo was part of the tiffany ring thought process. I was theorizing that Kc perhaps was filmed by CBS thus earning $$ for photo and video usage.

KC was seen leaving jail with JB wearing a ring on her left hand middle finger.

CA asked KC in a jail visit about the ring and its whereabouts.

There was a hand with a ring on the same finger shown flipping through flyers.

The computer search footage showed a slim hand with a ring on the middle finger.

Just part of a thought process.

While KC admitted to receiving $$ from ABC, the CBS relationship was worth exploring IMO.

I understand, but it is DEFINITELY not KC's hand. This is someone who was filmed specifically for this 48 useless show. It is not KC's hands. The hands looked older than KC's anyway. But they are in no way her hands.
It's not just monetary, it's 'notoriety' and free advertising for their services. It probably takes big bucks to advertise on TV and smaller firms can't afford it. If they land a case that puts their names and faces in the media on a regular basis like this one, you can bet it would bring in more clients

The ads were 6 minuts. That is how much this show was worth to CBS. They put in 6 minutes ads and sometimes close to 7 minutes. This show told us nothing except for the fact that we do know they are going to use George.

Look, after seeing the show, I KNOW, KNOW that the defense is going to steamroll through this case. Baez literally sounded pleaful at the last hearing and he still lost. The heart is in and soemthing else I forget what it was. The picture is out (airbrushing - which is fair since Ricardo was there and said he saw Caylee run into the table I believe).

This family is beyond dysfunctional and it is going to come out at trial. For Cindy and George to let KC take charge of a baby when she was staying out five nights a week in the beginning of 2008 and she was is unconscionable. They knew she was not working. She was stealing every single day and not small amoutns of money. In order to overlook something of this magnitude, as Cindy did, you have to be willing to live 24 hours a day lying to yourself and basically hoping the baby is okay.

She knew Caylee was not safe - why do you think she continually says she was well cared for. Was she well cared for at Ricardo's Cindy? She can't answer that.

This family is beyond dysfunctional and as the State Attorney says they did not realize how bad it was.

The trial will show it and KC is going to be convicted. And it is either LWOP or the death penalty. No two ways about it, IMO

And CBS is going to do everything, everything they can to make as much money as possible along with HLN Jane Velez Mitchell and that means paying people to come on and take the opposite side (KC's) and they are lined up. The state is STILL going to steamroll through this case.

The state attorneys are incredible. Cheney and Baez are outclassed and I don't care how mucy time Cheney has under his belt. He is hard to listen to; he uses words like "trickery" and stumbles and bumbles over his words and then in comes Linda and Ashton and they are clear and precise and leave nothing unturned, Nothing.

KC should have pled. I heard they offered her 10 years in the beginning - any truth to that?
On IS - They are re-playing the hearing from Friday. Jose said something when talking about the MH experts that I didn't catch on Friday. He said - "The trial is not a scripted event"

After watching 48 hrs, I'm now convinced more than ever that the whole thing was scripted. Why else would he say that?
I hope they don't get one of those "She's not guilty because she doesn't look like she could do that to her child" idiots on the jury.

Is the prosecution allowed to use statements the A's have made to the media in court? :waitasec: If so it will be very, very interesting to see if CA and GA can keep their composure when confronted with all of their conflicting stories. I wonder if the TES tape will be allowed in court to show CA's character?

BBM: I agree !

If the prosecution can use the A's statements they made to the media at Trial, they will need a HUGE "CHART" for the Jury so they can keep track of all of the Anthony's CONSTANTLY CHANGING STORIES -- :pinocchio:!
Every -- every time the A's "speak" the "story" changes ! How in the world will the Jury keep track of this ?

Also, I do hope the prosecution can use TES at trial because this will REALLY SHOW the Anthony's TRUE COLORS !

I mean WHO would throw out of their home a wonderful organization such as TES and Tim Miller who was doing EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to find Caylee ? I felt so sorry for Mr. Miller and his organization !
I don't know if Cindy ever smelled a dead person before, but I do know George has said that she replied (upon entering the garage and smelling the car for the first time) "(Lord's name in vain) what the hell died?" That may not be exactly verbatim but it is essentially what she said.

That quote, coupled with her excited utterance on the 911 call, tell me Cindy knew what the smell was from her own experience.

I have smelled it and you really don't need to have ever smelled it before to know it is something dreadful, not like anything else. How GA managed to drive the car home is beyond me. If he wasn't sure before he got in the car, he knew after.

This is HILARIOUS !!!


:floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I have smelled it and you really don't need to have ever smelled it before to know it is something dreadful, not like anything else. How GA managed to drive the car home is beyond me. If he wasn't sure before he got in the car, he knew after.

Not only that, it stays with you. And after listening to Dr. Vass - I know why. The substances are sticky that are in the fatty acids. When I dealt with my brother, after being in his home for some 7 hours, I took no less than five showers that night and for weeks everything smelled like it. Today that is not true. I just think it gets into your nose, etc. and it is hard to get out. It is potent.

Thanks SOS but after watching the DVR'd version at home and having the luxury to fast forward though ALL those dang commercials (and anytime I saw a DT member being interviewed), I have had enough of CBS "mystery" 48 hours. Although I use the term "mystery" lightly.

I found the whole thing to be painful. I did love the clips of beautiful Caylee Marie. She was a little doll. Shame on her family for forgetting her and turning their backs on what happened to her.

But I do want to say thank you for all that you do to keep all of us updated on everything Caylee. You are one of her Angels.
Oh, she was over there, too. RM was surprised to see her walking in with a basket of laundry, I think. This was when TL left for NY.

But the shower incident was with Jesse and he thought it was unusual that she would ask him to use his shower at the time. Plus leaving the door open is a bit provocative on her part. He was probably thinking why didn't she just go home. jmo

RBBM, LambChop. I bet he wondered, too. Do you think he asked her why she couldn't shower at home or wherever she was staying? It seems logical that he would but we've never seen any followup questions on this have we? I wonder if that will be one of the questions he'll be asked during the trial. If so, whoever asks it better know the answer before they ask, huh?
My 2 cents:

Living in orlando, knowing the intense club scene. The fact that she (Casey) Was going to conduct her own investigation at the clubs was very telling. One, if she was doing that, who did she talk to? Not her friends? Also she was partying? Getting dolled up to go?

Also, how does she not know where the babysitter lives? Or her cellphone number? How did she contact her?

Lastly, she didn't get any help from anyone, if someone has taken your child, and you were searching for Z at the club, don't you ask a bouncer, "hey have you seen Z lately?" This is far more slam dunk than anything else, why not just let the mother or father take the child if you were not fit and wanted to party? MANY young, club crazy, immature women do that!

The sad thing is, im just a Websleuther like you all and I just poked holes thru her story... oh and one last thing, Casey better not take the stand, the DA will eat her up like catfish..
My 2 cents:

Living in orlando, knowing the intense club scene. The fact that she (Casey) Was going to conduct her own investigation at the clubs was very telling. One, if she was doing that, who did she talk to? Not her friends? Also she was partying? Getting dolled up to go?

Also, how does she not know where the babysitter lives? Or her cellphone number? How did she contact her?

Lastly, she didn't get any help from anyone, if someone has taken your child, and you were searching for Z at the club, don't you ask a bouncer, "hey have you seen Z lately?" This is far more slam dunk than anything else, why not just let the mother or father take the child if you were not fit and wanted to party? MANY young, club crazy, immature women do that!

The sad thing is, im just a Websleuther like you all and I just poked holes thru her story... oh and one last thing, Casey better not take the stand, the DA will eat her up like catfish..

I think that is what will convict her.....the fact she didn't ask ANYONE if they'd seen the "nanny". I dont think she ever existed!
And 30 days with her boyfriend and his best friend said he NEVER saw Caylee, that excuses were always made. The scary thing is how he said she seemed like a normal person:eek: Pam B did say this case will be tried on circumstansial evidence? but there is plenty.
Not only that, it stays with you. And after listening to Dr. Vass - I know why. The substances are sticky that are in the fatty acids. When I dealt with my brother, after being in his home for some 7 hours, I took no less than five showers that night and for weeks everything smelled like it. Today that is not true. I just think it gets into your nose, etc. and it is hard to get out. It is potent.

My husband was in LE for 26 years. He came in one evening after spending all day at a plane crash site. He headed straight for the shower and change of uniform. Afterwards, he complained that he could still smell charred remains. I took a whiff and he smelled like a fresh shower and change of clothes. The only explanation I had was that the lipids (fats) and ashes had gotten airborne and settled into his sinuses.

It does get in your nose and settles in the sinus membranes.
My husband was in LE for 26 years. He came in one evening after spending all day at a plane crash site. He headed straight for the shower and change of uniform. Afterwards, he complained that he could still smell charred remains. I took a whiff and he smelled like a fresh shower and change of clothes. The only explanation I had was that the lipids (fats) and ashes had gotten airborne and settled into his sinuses.

It does get in your nose and settles in the sinus membranes.

Thanks Lowen. I could not understand it. I said to my son okay the kibble, garbage bags everything smells like Frank's house. What are we gong to do. It took weeks - you are right it gets into your sinuses. Goddddddddddd.
This was posted in the news thread. :giggle:

Some Justice here. Thanks so much. It was so bad and I knew it with the first ad nauseum set of ads and then they come back to it and say we will return in 90 second another minute and a half.

Why didn't they jsut say we will be showing nonstop ads Saturday night, please tune in because in between we will have about two minutes of "new" news on the kC case.

So whay did they say "seond degree manslaughter" anyone remember and am I right in that is about a 30 year sentence?????
The new 48 Hours had 5.8 million viewers. The episode back in 2009 had 6.1 million viewers so that's 300,000 less viewers. Obviously, their ploy for ratings didn't work. Is interest in the case declining (despite the trial approaching) or did a lot of people "boycott" the show because of the mock jury that mock acquitted Casey?
I don't know if Cindy ever smelled a dead person before, but I do know George has said that she replied (upon entering the garage and smelling the car for the first time) "(Lord's name in vain) what the hell died?" That may not be exactly verbatim but it is essentially what she said.

That quote, coupled with her excited utterance on the 911 call, tell me Cindy knew what the smell was from her own experience.

Didn't Cindy at one time claim she was a nurse of decomposition? Or am I imagining that? :crazy: I also thought I had read that George had to drive with all the windows down back to the house because the smell was so bad. Or am I also imagining that? lol :crazy:
This ridiculous 48 hours had ad intervals of 6 to 6.5 minutes. They never mentioned the fatty acids in the trunk (I realize the court has not ruled but it should have been put in for their possible consideration.) Also, the very very young scientist said there were a ton of different flies in the trunk did not mention the fact that they found "coffin" fly legs (this fly is specifically lured to fatty acids).

At the very least they found her guilty of manslaughter. I thought I read it was 30 years or something.

Anyway, after staying up to watch it, and trying to get through the six minutes "ads" which is unheard of, I realized it was a 48 hour money maker and that was it. If we got 30 minutes of air time, I will be shocked.

There is nothing that I gleaned from this show that made me think twice.

ALTHOUGH, it is very clear that they are GOING TO use George as the fall guy. Linda KB said 'we'll have to wait and see" - that is a yes. And Jose Baez said everything will be shown at trial - that is a yes.

So, they are going to give them George. No doubt in my mind.

Absolute waste of an hour, except that we did get the George information and that was worth it, I gues.

They have thought this through, about as much as they have thought anything through. <sigh> We have seen just about ALL the evidence. Way more they will be shown to the Jury.

1) What evidence points exclusively to GA?
2) How are they going to excuse/dismiss the evidence that points exclusively to ICA?
3) What would GA's motive be?

I personally don't think they have enough to even insinuate GA did it. Even if GA wanted to jump on the sword, I don't think the Jury would buy it, with such lack of evidence pointing at him. Maybe, maybe could claimed that he helped after the fact, but that isn't what is at issue here.
The new 48 Hours had 5.8 million viewers. The episode back in 2009 had 6.1 million viewers so that's 300,000 less viewers. Obviously, their ploy for ratings didn't work. Is interest in the case declining (despite the trial approaching) or did a lot of people "boycott" the show because of the mock jury that mock acquitted Casey?

I almost did not watch it myself and did at the last minute wishing I had not wasted my time. Total scam show, made soley for money.

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