2011.05.04 Verdict Watch

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i, for one, am getting a little antsy........

wish they would leave the live feed up on the flag, even with no sound.......

wonder if the jury is working thru lunch........

so many questions.......i'm pitiful:floorlaugh:
1. CPD chief called this domestic violence AFTER BC was arrested, 3+ months after the murder occurred. Before that? Only said the murder was not RANDOM, which means that Nancy knew her attacker. CPD never said a word about "domestic violence."

2. The logic people use to say "Brad was 'too smart' to use Google Maps cause that would be dumb to do that" negates the fact that Brad *did* use Google Maps. He used Google Maps back in June. He then used it on July 11th. So this bright guy also did some dumb things. And people can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that smart people can also do stupid things...things that don't seem like a smart person would do. Think prison is only filled with stupid people? Think again. Bernie Madoff anyone? Smart guy, got caught!

3. Know what else Brad did and got caught doing? He setup his wife's RoadRunner email account so that it would automatically forward a copy of all emails to his own email address. AND, he never changed the settings back after the murder! Then he lied during his deposition about the emails! Brad knew the password and could have instead set up that RR account so that every incoming message was kept on the RR server itself, which would have looked like a normal option set, and he then could have used the RR web mail on his own computer, read the email saved on the server, without those emails ever needing to be forwarded to his account. Think it was smart of Brad not to figure that out? Well he didn't think of it. And he got caught on that one too.
For the life of me, I will never understand why people don't get the simple fact that she was a stay at home mother without the ability to work made her unable to be an independent person in the marriage. And saying, Nancy coulda, shoulda, woulda all the time, about her trying to get out of the marriage, is putting all the blame and responsibility on Nancy IMO. Let's talk about what Brad coulda, shoulda, woulda.....

So many DO blame the victim in this case. That's one of the ways it's different. Usually, the victim is treated with sympathy and respect.
Update on #CooperTrial jury: Turns out 1 juror was replaced yesterday due to a scheduling conflict. Alternate juror stepped in yesterday

from Twitter

thanks! and btw......i'm sure i love you but i hate your avatar:floorlaugh:
so we shall see if they break for lunch. 12:22 in NC right now if I'm not mistaken. we approach the "luncheon" hour...
3. Know what else Brad did and got caught doing? He setup his wife's RoadRunner email account so that it would automatically forward a copy of all emails to his own email address. AND, he never changed the settings back after the murder! Then he lied during his deposition about the emails! Brad knew the password and could have instead set up that RR account so that every incoming message was kept on the RR server itself, which would have looked like a normal option set, and he then could have used the RR web mail on his own computer, read the email saved on the server, without those emails ever needing to be forwarded to his account. Think it was smart of Brad not to figure that out? Well he didn't think of it. And he got caught on that one too.

Exactly, not the CYA actions of someone planning to murder his wife. This points more to innocence IMO.

I can't speak for Mr. Rentz, but if that was my daughter and she told me that he took her passport as well as the kids, I'd fly down and kick the door in, asking him for it until the cops were called.

That's just me though.

My most memorable moment with my Dad and X was when my Dad had my x up against the wall, one hand around his throat and fist clenched...unfortunately the Police came and told my Dad they didn't think that was a good idea I really wanted my Dad to blast him

This incident happened after my X threw my stereo out the 15th floor sliding glass doors to the street below..amongst other things
For the life of me, I will never understand why people don't get the simple fact that she was a stay at home mother without the ability to work made her unable to be an independent person in the marriage. And saying, Nancy coulda, shoulda, woulda all the time, about her trying to get out of the marriage, is putting all the blame and responsibility on Nancy IMO. Let's talk about what Brad coulda, shoulda, woulda.....

You make it sound like she wasn't independent throughout the whole 8 years they were married and I find that hard to believe simply because she couldn't work. She was even looking at new places to live with BC as late as Fall 2007.
So many DO blame the victim in this case. That's one of the ways it's different. Usually, the victim is treated with sympathy and respect.

The victim is NOT being blamed because someone murdered her. But I am starting to wonder with some of these posts, what exactly is the point of having a trial in the first place?
Had work and a green card been such an important priority for her, she could have gotten out of that marriage at any time during the 5 years before they had children.

Remember, she was talking to her friend in 2001, after her marriage, that she had met someone else with connections who would get her a green card faster. In the end she decided to stick with BC, and have not one - but two children.

Well, if Nancy knew what the future held for her being married to Brad, I'm sure she would have left years earlier. But, it is wrong to blame her because she had no clue what an evil, controlling, creep she had married....until it was too late.
Exactly, not the CYA actions of someone planning to murder his wife. This points more to innocence IMO.

Nope. It points to a guy forgetting some of the details and not realizing how deep into his work computer an investigation might go. Think Brad imagined the FBI would be interested in his useless wife's death? He most certainly did not. He had no idea the FBI would get involved. Think Brad thought his own little AdventuresOfBrad.com website and it's settings would be examined? Nope. It proves that Brad doesn't think of *everything.* No one does.
You make it sound like she wasn't independent throughout the whole 8 years they were married and I find that hard to believe simply because she couldn't work. She was even looking at new places to live with BC as late as Fall 2007.

She was not financially independent......
Well, if Nancy knew what the future held for her being married to Brad, I'm sure she would have left years earlier. But, it is wrong to blame her because she had no clue what an evil, controlling, creep she had married....until it was too late.

Remember she told her family in first year of marriage "she thought she had made a mistake"
when you come from a good family ...you seem to try harder to make the marriage work..even in sadness
I'd like to hear more about his suicide attempt (in his youth)...after the verdict
But anyone going through a divorce knows the first thing you do is cancel joint accounts to protect your credit. That's what I did. I closed the bank accounts too when I went through a divorce. I didn't want my ex to have access to my direct deposit and blow money out of spite so I created new accounts.

He gave her a reasonable amount of weekly cash, was working on the green card and told her to open a bank account in her name. What else was he supposed to do?

I don't consider a spouse giving approval for major purchases controlling either. I'm a sahm and I always ask my husband if certain things are in the budget or if we can plan to budget for things that we need. But I'm not a spender. We prefer being debt-free.

Then he should have said that's what he was doing - cancelling joint accounts to protect himself. What came out of his mouth instead was that he was working on the marriage.

I am sorry, but if you are working on your marriage, you do not unilaterally cancel your spouse's access to money without at least informing her. You do not let her get blindsided when she is trying to have utilities turned back on. You sit down and work out some sort of agreement, a budget.

To dock her for working (painting) is a small but telling message from BC. You're damned if you don't work, but you're damned if you do too. You'll have X and no more, not if I can help it. That is not about a household budget of $300 a week. That is about control.
So many DO blame the victim in this case. That's one of the ways it's different. Usually, the victim is treated with sympathy and respect.

And some equate anything less than lockstep support for the State's case with blaming the victim.

Question aspects of the victims behavior or actions which are detrimental to the State's case? you're blaming the victim.

Question the truthfulness or accuracy of some or any allegations of abuse towards the defendent? you're blaming the victim.

Yes, this is a victim friendly site - everyone understands and acknowledges that, its a good concept, and its what makes this site what ist is. However, when discussing an actual trial and the testimony/evidence you cannot imply that part of that which does not reflect positively on the victim should be ignored.
Remember she told her family in first year of marriage "she thought she had made a mistake"
when you come from a good family ...you seem to try harder to make the marriage work..even in sadness
I'd like to hear more about his suicide attempt (in his youth)...after the verdict

Perhaps her she realized her "mistake" because she had met someone else.
I think you see domestic violence because you want to see it. This is as much of "divorce" issue as it is a domestic violence issue. I worked in family law and this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen. Forwarding emails, limiting money, emotional abuse in front of children, this is unfortunately not that uncommon. Please point out testimony or some sort of evidence that he behaved like this before the divorce started to come about in the winter of 2008.

We have heard he was never around...exercised like a maniac, worked on his MBA, worked his job. Gone from early morning until late at night. I imagined they sort of lived separate lives....This is not an ideal marriage...both people needs were not being met. I for one would not like to live this life.
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