2011.05.04 Verdict Watch

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I think you see domestic violence because you want to see it. This is as much of "divorce" issue as it is a domestic violence issue. I worked in family law and this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen. Forwarding emails, limiting money, emotional abuse in front of children, this is unfortunately not that uncommon. Please point out testimony or some sort of evidence that he behaved like this before the divorce started to come about in the winter of 2008.

Its easier for some people to copy and paste OJ onto BC then actually take the time to listen to and sort testimony to form an opinion based on the facts of this case and the facts of the BC/NC relationship.
For the life of me, I will never understand why people don't get the simple fact that she was a stay at home mother without the ability to work made her unable to be an independent person in the marriage. And saying, Nancy coulda, shoulda, woulda all the time, about her trying to get out of the marriage, is putting all the blame and responsibility on Nancy IMO. Let's talk about what Brad coulda, shoulda, woulda.....
He didn't take Nancy's passports. He took both kids passports and offered to give her one so neither had both.
That was the lie he told in his deposition. Remember he admits to lying in his deposition. He turned over all passports to the police. He had them all.
I think you see domestic violence because you want to see it. This is as much of "divorce" issue as it is a domestic violence issue. I worked in family law and this is tame compared to some of the things I've seen. Forwarding emails, limiting money, emotional abuse in front of children, this is unfortunately not that uncommon. Please point out testimony or some sort of evidence that he behaved like this before the divorce started to come about in the winter of 2008.

What I see are control issues. NC had a diamond if BC determined that she should have it. NC had a BMW if BC approved. NC did not have a balloon if BC didn't want that to happen. NC didn't have a green card if BC decided she shouldn't. When BC decided NC shouldn't have credit cards or a bank account, she then no longer had them. What I do not see is NC having personal autonomy in the relationship inasmuch as it involved actually having a say in something BC was against.

Domestic abuse is about control, which can manifest it self in emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse. The extreme is murder.
the courtroom goes dark when jurors are discussed ..don't they usually draw names?

I have served on a triple murder and rape trial and the jurors were chosen prior to choosing the alternates. I was juror number 12. The alternates were not allowed to go into the juror room to deliberate, but some wanted to sit in the court room during the deliberation because they had been there the whole trial and wanted to know the outcome. Only the twelve jurors in the deliberation room can discuss the trial. I would hate to be an alternate and not be able to participate in the deliberation.
Laci Peterson wasn't in a domestic violence situation until she was. As she was being strangled or asphyxiated or something by Scott Peterson, her supposedly loving hubby who now sits on death row in CA.

Not every situation starts with the classic signs of pushing/shoving/hitting, etc. We know Brad called Nancy names. He said he NEVER yelled at her in front of the girls, NEVER used profanity in front of the girls. Two witnesses sat on that stand and told us something very different. Two witnesses who were not friends of Nancy, not part of any alleged "clique." Brad lied about that in his affidavit and in his deposition. There is no reason to lie. And yet he did. And he got caught lying.

Brad was a bully. He was subversive. He was passive/aggressive. He was sneaky. He was controlling. Doesn't matter if he was that way for 5 yrs, 1 year or 8 months. That was his behavior.

And in the end, on July 11, Brad, like Scott Peterson, committed his final act of abuse...the physical violence on his wife. He didn't mess around with a few punches and shoves. He killed her.

Sometimes the first time is the last time. Just like Scott Peterson and many others.
That was the lie he told in his deposition. Remember he admits to lying in his deposition. He turned over all passports to the police. He had them all.

One passport was found on the desk, the others in a closet in NC's room along with all her other paperwork/important documents.
What I see are control issues. NC had a diamond if BC determined that she should have it. NC had a BMW if BC approved. NC did not have a balloon if BC didn't want that to happen. NC didn't have a green card if BC decided she shouldn't. When BC decided NC shouldn't have credit cards or a bank account, she then no longer had them. What I do not see is NC having personal autonomy in the relationship inasmuch as it involved actually having a say in something BC was against.

Domestic abuse is about control, which can manifest it self in emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse. The extreme is murder.

OR you could see at it as it most likely was: before she purchased a diamond necklace, or a car, she discussed it with her husband...who then clearly agreed to it. We have no testimony that he fought her on any of the high dollar purchases that she made. But what you do have is testimony that while in the course of a divorce he attempted to clamp down on her and control her in various ways.

Even the Rentz's testified that yes they had marital problems at times but N and B's marriage seemed very normal to them and that they liked Brad.

It disturbs me that the facts of this case are being so distorted.
What I see are control issues. NC had a diamond if BC determined that she should have it. NC had a BMW if BC approved. NC did not have a balloon if BC didn't want that to happen. NC didn't have a green card if BC decided she shouldn't. When BC decided NC shouldn't have credit cards or a bank account, she then no longer had them. What I do not see is NC having personal autonomy in the relationship inasmuch as it involved actually having a say in something BC was against.

Domestic abuse is about control, which can manifest it self in emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse. The extreme is murder.

Are you personally familiar with the spending habits of each and their debt situation prior to the financial family plan put in place which allocated NC $1,200/mo?

Do you think $1,200/mo was unfair? do you know what the net take home was after all monthlies?

Some people having spending problems and need to be reigned in or reign themselves in. In this case it was both. Maybe NC was unhappy about it, but this type of financial control measure has nothing to do with abuse...
If there is a verdict today I think odds would lean more toward NG. The longer it goes, the longer it favors G.

I've only followed this blog intermittently. My damn job keeps getting in the way. But I don't agree with this statement. How long the jury deliberatates, IMO, really depends on the make-up of the inital vote. The more divided they are the longer it takes to reach a verdict, regardless of whether they are leaning in favor of G or NG.

other thoughts...

I have a great deal of sympathy for those who have endured domestic abuse, and fully believe that most abuse is both unseen and unheard. But BC's guilt or innocence has to be based exclusively on fact, and the lack of hard evidence supporting a history of domestic abuse actually works in the defense's favor IMO. It also undermines the credibility of the CPD/Chief Bazemore, and lends support to the defense's contention that CPD had tunnel vision in regard to BC when they declared it a case of domestic violence right out fo the gate, apparently without having any substantive proof.

IMO, the CPD committed a monumental blunder when they failed to secure BC's computer(s), NC's cell phone, etc... as evidence, and allowed non-experts to mess with them. It allowed the defense to explain away a lot of evidence as tampering, like the otehrwise damning Google Maps search. The computer, cell phones, etc..., should have been secured, and the examination left exclusively to forensic IT experts.

Speaking of Google Maps, I'm still trying to get my head around why someone would use it to search for a location to dump a body. It's cool, and has its purpose, but even an uber-IT person is not going to use it for something like this. Most people wouldn't use it to find a location for a picnic, much less dump a body.

As I said, I've only been able to follow this intermittently, so you you won't hurt my feelings if you correct me or have a difference of opinion. But if I'm on the jury, based on what I heard & read, I'm probably voting NG.
It is possible to to read and follow so many of these stories that you become jaded to the fact that it actually happens sometimes (rush to indict, police misconduct).

In this case its obvious both happened, but some may not be able to see it through their preconceived notions.

So, yes - you missed that this case is unique.

No....really, it's not.
she was a stay at home mother without the ability to work made her unable to be an independent person in the marriage.

Had work and a green card been such an important priority for her, she could have gotten out of that marriage at any time during the 5 years before they had children.

Remember, she was talking to her friend in 2001, after her marriage, that she had met someone else with connections who would get her a green card faster. In the end she decided to stick with BC, and have not one - but two children.
What I see are control issues. NC had a diamond if BC determined that she should have it. NC had a BMW if BC approved. NC did not have a balloon if BC didn't want that to happen. NC didn't have a green card if BC decided she shouldn't. When BC decided NC shouldn't have credit cards or a bank account, she then no longer had them. What I do not see is NC having personal autonomy in the relationship inasmuch as it involved actually having a say in something BC was against.

Domestic abuse is about control, which can manifest it self in emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse. The extreme is murder.

But anyone going through a divorce knows the first thing you do is cancel joint accounts to protect your credit. That's what I did. I closed the bank accounts too when I went through a divorce. I didn't want my ex to have access to my direct deposit and blow money out of spite so I created new accounts.

He gave her a reasonable amount of weekly cash, was working on the green card and told her to open a bank account in her name. What else was he supposed to do?

I don't consider a spouse giving approval for major purchases controlling either. I'm a sahm and I always ask my husband if certain things are in the budget or if we can plan to budget for things that we need. But I'm not a spender. We prefer being debt-free.
Update on #CooperTrial jury: Turns out 1 juror was replaced yesterday due to a scheduling conflict. Alternate juror stepped in yesterday

from Twitter
For the life of me, I will never understand why people don't get the simple fact that she was a stay at home mother without the ability to work made her unable to be an independent person in the marriage. And saying, Nancy coulda, shoulda, woulda all the time, about her trying to get out of the marriage, is putting all the blame and responsibility on Nancy IMO. Let's talk about what Brad coulda, shoulda, woulda.....

I agree 100% with this Lori, I would also add, that Nancy did not leave the home because her lawyer advised her to stay there ( which I am sure JA regrets) as it could be interpreted as abandoning. Then of course she could not afford her own place. Nancy was unfortunately behind the eight ball. She did get a lawyer and initiate separation and divorce proceedings. Brad did not. He was not interested in negotiating..

Brad did his own investigating, and made unilateral decisions using the children to manipulate Nancy. Brad coulda woulda SHOULDA at least got legal representation to get his wants and needs met..and NOT take matters into his own hands!!

Sorry, I just dont see Brad in the same light as some wish to portray..:twocents:

Im waiting impatiently for the juror's decision like everyone here is:pullhair::whistle::waiting:
wral WRAL NEWS in NC
Update on #CooperTrial jury: Turns out 1 juror was replaced yesterday due to a scheduling conflict. Alternate juror stepped in yesterday.
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