2011.05.09 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day One)

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One reason could be for ordering of buffet style meals on the weekends. If you have to make several concessions due to allergies the price rises quickly.

Case in point. I am allergic to shellfish. So being on the coast can sometimes be an issue.
Just got here about half an hour ago.
Wow. So why was casey crying? What's so upsetting about jury instructions?
How many jurors have NOT been excused and what kind of people are they?
Last night I said that the judge doesn't do much more than watch during jury selection. Boy am I dumb! I was not thinking about this initial phase! This is really going to take a while.
Casey's new mug shot really makes her look like a killer. Interesting to see how she's changed.
Did any of the Anthony family show up? I'd think ol' Cindy would not miss a day.
I didn't see JA. Is he there for this?
Well that one answered about being allergic to frangrances.... I guess it could disrupt things. It can also disrupt food distribution if people have real big food allergies.


See I am down for the rule of not wearing perfumes and colognes b/c I get an instant migraine from lots of expensive perfume. The body spray doesn't seem to be a problem but the perfume.....ugh!!

VP on IS just said each side has 10 strikes and will try to get the judge to dismiss the juror before they do so they can conserve their strikes.
I have a question re: single parents...are they going to have to let off all single parents, since they let the single dad off? Just wondering as that could account for an awful lot of potential jurors these days...

I'm in no way qualified to address that from a legal standpoint, but, imho, the length of this trial is such that unless they have a very good support system in place it would be very, very difficult to serve. If it were a shorter trial, a week, a day, they could probably manage, but 6-8? Very hard. Too bad, I wish we'd get some single parents on the jury...
I kept waiting for CM to ask a potential juror: just how many times do you crap in a day? Toilet paper over or under?
tru tv having signal problems with cox cable-fix it fix it
I can not believe Jose brought up race again??? He is not on trial... Casey is. He always has to make it about himself. What makes him think that a Hispanic or African American would feel any differently about Casey? She accused a half Puerto Rican/ half Black woman of kidnapping and basically murdering her child!! That is how I know this whole race issue has nothing to do with Casey and her trial... this is about Jose and what he believes is HIS trial. :banghead:

Thanks for bringing that up - I also wondered the same thing. I mean, is it because of the statistics on blacks vs other minorities jailed in this country? Maybe leaning toward demos who don't trust the legal system, LE being unfair in arrests, etc?
I can't believe that they wouldn't object to jurors with small children considering the victim here is a small child. Or can they?
It's really cool that Jean C is now a mind reader, too.

I guess I understand the reasoning,but my Naval Officer Dad drilled into me what it means to be a good US Citizen . That included performing our civic duties,even we have to endure hardship.
I would have answered the same because


Just got here about half an hour ago.
Wow. So why was casey crying? What's so upsetting about jury instructions?
How many jurors have NOT been excused and what kind of people are they?
Last night I said that the judge doesn't do much more than watch during jury selection. Boy am I dumb! I was not thinking about this initial phase! This is really going to take a while.
Casey's new mug shot really makes her look like a killer. Interesting to see how she's changed.
Did any of the Anthony family show up? I'd think ol' Cindy would not miss a day.
I didn't see JA. Is he there for this?

Casey cried when HHJP read the indictments - ALL of them - Word for word. Something about 1st Degree Murder - premeditated, etc., set her off.

Anthony's not there; Brad Conway is (or was). Casey's new mug is psychotic

It's going to be a long couple days
I can not believe Jose brought up race again??? He is not on trial... Casey is. He always has to make it about himself. What makes him think that a Hispanic or African American would feel any differently about Casey? She accused a half Puerto Rican/ half Black woman of kidnapping and basically murdering her child!! That is how I know this whole race issue has nothing to do with Casey and her trial... this is about Jose and what he believes is HIS trial. :banghead:

Darn. I missed so much already! What was that about?

Someone last night was asking how long it would be before JB said something that caused us to shake our heads. I didn't think we'd hear from him today much at all. Looks like a lot was happening.
Dunno. It just seems kinda petty thing to do

oh no no no sir, they're trying to make her look tiny and lil and sweet and lil and innocent.....

you know. like caylee actually was.
I could be imaging this but it seems like there is a frosty air between Baez and ICA.

I had to laugh today when she came in with that sweater, Baez has been telling her for weeks to do up the buttons on her shirt - guess they outsmarted ICA on that one. lol
Wish we had a lip reader here- what is the guard saying to ICA so vehemently?
She adds to it by talking to CM and JB too, looks like she was telling (instructing) them about some infraction? IMO

BBMBumping this because I missed it ... anyone else see this?
Thanks for bringing that up - I also wondered the same thing. I mean, is it because of the statistics on blacks vs other minorities jailed in this country? Maybe leaning toward demos who don't trust the legal system, LE being unfair in arrests, etc?

He is hoping to get more Hispanics as his grossly inflated ego thinks he is an Hispanic Icon and his presence alone will sway their vote. Untrue of course. I think he mentioned blacks to make it sound more plausible and suck up a little to HHJP....Am I being too harsh...
I guess I understand the reasoning,but my Naval Officer Dad drilled into me what it means to be a good US Citizen . That included performing our civic duties,even we have to endure hardship.
I would have answered the same because


Yeah, there's a myriad of reasons for being eager to serve. It says something about a person (Jean C, for example) who jumps right to the negative reason, imo.
It may be just because Baez, Mason etc. have extremely wide posteriors, Casey on the other hand is 5' she probably needs a smaller chair, she is quite tiny.

The attroneys have rolling chairs and she must have one that does not move.
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