2011.05.09 - Sidebar Thread (Jury Selection Day One)

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When Judge Perry says the trial is excepted to last 6 to 8 weeks I want to laugh. You know CA's attorneys are going to drag this thing out longer than that- Unless they can get a mistrial.
My favourite part so far is where Baez was still trying to delay, but HHJP put him in his place. Also I liked how weak Baez's voice sounded when he introduced KC to the potential jurors.
Hey guys - here are the morning pics. No slideshow and captions yet. Might do that later today, depending when this wraps up.

So click this link then view all to see today's pics so far!
http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/...ustice for Caylee/JURY SELECTION May 9 2011/

Hahahahaha - Loved the last pic especially of Baez the Green Man!
Thanks A_News_Junkie - as usual - brilliant work!!!

just whisper how many thwartcakes I need to bake for you for that work this am.
I think the margins should be back to normal if you refresh.

It's past noon here on the East Coast! Lola, here you go:


My favorite thing of the morning???

HHJP said at least TEN times - this trial will start on Tuesday May 17th! :heartluv:

No Should, Might, Could, May, Will Probably, Will Likely - nope none of those!

HHJP said the trial WILL - and for Mr. Baez and Mr. Mason I'll say it one more time - The trial WILL start on Tuesday May 17th, 2011.

HHJP, please have this Thwartcake on me as a little snack after your lunch, my compliments. :cupcake:

ITA!! I absolutely loved how quickly he put Baez in his place this a.m. when he was arguing over the air sample motions and trying for the continuance...you've had how much time Mr. Baez??!! And ICA finally realizing there will be no mistrial and her day has come.

IS is replaying clips from this AM. They just played the one where the lights went out. I found it so cathartic that the lights flicked as the Judge discussed jury selection for a change of venue...

The lights flickered twice and then went out completely. Hmmmmmm kind of like Caylee's light only making it to two before being extinguished.

:anguish: Caylee was definitely making her presense known this morning. So happy that she came down to let all of us know. I know a lot of people don't believe in those things, but I do. She's ready for Justice.
ITA!! I absolutely loved how quickly he put Baez in his place this a.m. when he was arguing over the air sample motions and trying for the continuance...you've had how much time Mr. Baez??!! And ICA finally realizing there will be no mistrial and her day has come.

Oh I absolutely loved that, especially the way HHJP phrased it: yet you did nothing.

HHJP has Baez's number, imo. I was beginning to waffle a little on that, but HHJP made it clear as a bell today that he knows Baez has been dragging his feet. That's my opinion.
All in all, I think HHJP has done a terrific job of keeping this thing on track. He is moving it along by just qualifying jurors (i.e., whether or not it would present a hardship to be away from their life for 6-8 weeks). Otherwise, we would have been here aaaaaalllllllll day if left up to CM.
Due to attorney-client privilege, Kenney Baden couldn't discuss the case in detail, but said she doesn't think the death penalty should be the punishment, should Casey Anthony be convicted.

"Do we see her as Osama bin Laden?" she asked. "We execute people like that. We execute people like Ted Bundy. This should not be a death penalty case. The amount of money going into this case when we have so many issues and so many real crimes out there against people that are brutal -- not that if she's not found guilty, it's not considered a brutal crime. But the death penalty is for the worst of the worst, and this is not it."

However, Kenney Baden did say the defense's biggest hurdle is the 31 days Casey waited to tell anyone her daughter was missing.

"No doubt about it," Kenney Baden said. "... Thirty one days is going to be the hardest part of this defense. That has to be explained."


Soooo.... murdering a defenseless little baby isn't a real crime????

I need my BP meds.
I guess I understand the reasoning,but my Naval Officer Dad drilled into me what it means to be a good US Citizen . That included performing our civic duties,even we have to endure hardship.
I would have answered the same because



When I was younger I always hoped to be called and to serve on a jury. Although I don't know that I'd want to be part of a jury for a murder trial, if I was called and I was able I would of course do my duty.

I have only ever been called once, when I was in my upper 20's. I got to the individual questioning part, but only a few questions asked b/f I was "excused". And actually the one question I remember being asked was if I believe in the DP. I am sure I was excused b/c my 1st husbands parents socialized and were close friends with the DA and his family. My ex and our family along with his parents had been on a few vacations with the DA and his family and we had been in many social situations together due to the relationship b/t my parents-in-law and the DA. I personally was not close to this DA but I am sure that social circle connection was enough to get me excused.

I remember being very irritated that I didn't get on b/c of that. Thinking....he's not my friend, he's a friend of my in-laws...so why penalize me!! tee hee....just young and dumb.

Does anyone think JB or CM will visit her after the trial? Can't help but think about how close JB has been, and if he will just drop her when she's convicted.
Just a little T/O for a moment here - this morning flew along I haven't had time to truly celebrate the SA win with the Air Samples and Dr. Vass (not to discount the very enjoyable conga line while we waited)

Hooray for the SA and Dr. Vass!!!!

..................................... :fireworks: .............................
I am reposting this link which is a MUST-READ:

Trial and Jury Selection Guidelines

I am seeing some names here that I do NOT see on the "Thanks" list for the first post in the above-referenced thread. We need everyone on the same page about the posting rules for voir dire and the trial.

If you have not read and thanked the above post, please do so immediately. If you do not, you are at risk of being blocked from posting on the live threads.

Thank you, and thanks to all WSers who have already completed this task! :tyou:
Does anyone think JB or CM will visit her after the trial? Can't help but think about how close JB has been, and if he will just drop her when she's convicted.
I think both Baez and CM will drop her if she's convicted. For all Baez's talk about how his client is being treated unfair and getting choked up about it, I think it's an act because - and this seems small - but I wouldn't let someone I truly cared about wipe their nose with those hard paper towels; it's like sandpaper on your nose and they just smear. If Baez really cared, he'd have offered his cloth handkerchief.
Hey guys - here are the morning pics. No slideshow and captions yet. Might do that later today, depending when this wraps up.

So click this link then view all to see today's pics so far!
http://s158.photobucket.com/albums/...ustice for Caylee/JURY SELECTION May 9 2011/

29 of 49

:tyou: A News Junkie :blowkiss: I miss the pics while I am posting. So, there was giggling and joviality this morning. I had missed that...but I am assuming that was before the jury was brought in? See, I didn't know that and I might have thought she was really a little upset...

but now I think she was...because I do think it upset ICA to have the jury brought in and to hear the charges against her. Hasn't all of this been because...

and I do mean all of it...because both Casey and Cindy's ultimate worry is "what will people think." Not enough to do the right thing, which is my disease, but they care enough to cover up any flaw at any cost. It got out of hand and is the only way they know to be...so here we are. And, now both Casey and Cindy do have to wonder what a "new" group of people think of them.

Usually, they can switch and start to have contempt for whoever it is that may be thinking what they don't want them to think. They protect themselves from the worry of the judgement of others by dismissing them as unimportant. We all do it, "who cares what they think anyway"...and then you point out a flaw they have and you feel better.

I think that is why Casey and Cindy interest me so much. They do, do things that everyone does but they do them to an extreme. Case in point.

Thank you to everyone who is posting. I am (not) amazed they filed for a continuance. :snooty: I am glad it was not granted. :takeabow: HHJP

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