2011.05.17 Jury Selection DAY EIGHT (Morning Edition)

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I'm not worried. That woman will see what all the other jurors will see.

This man is talking about how it is "taking forever" to figure out who will be on the jury. CJBP giggles.
Judge is sticking to his guns...not releasing her...

The FIRST very bad decision made thus far in this case.

The DT should be very weary of this juror....she is now forced to sit in judgment and they may not like the result.

He seems to be paying attention, and imo it's a good civics educational experience to watch the process. He looks to me to be about middle school age.

Still remember when me and my 8th grade class went on a field trip to the Duval County courtroom to watch a trial.
What happen was a 17 year old boy try to riob a taxi driver at a ATM only one promblem was there were a police car with two JSO officers right near the bank that had the ATM.
Well the police chased him and found him hiding in a dumpster. When the cop on the stand commentted on the stand about having to dela with driving the guy who smelled like Pepe Le Pu, we were doing all we can from laughing like an hyena.
We never knew if he was convicted or not (proberly was)
HHJP is not going to reopen this to be argued over and over again. rightfully or wrongfully, he is going to stand by his prior ruling.

Juror is still in....

I think HHJP wishes he could change it, but I understand why he couldn't. It opens a whole can of worms.

I still want to know if Baez would have had to pay for the transcripts and if he has a clue as to how many thousands of dollars they are.

I'm sorry and MODS forgive me, but I just want to slap a certain defendant everytime she smiles and laughs like this is big ole party.

According to this, it's Peremptive. It's a legal term, I guess.


Peremptory challenges provide a more impartial and better qualified jury. Peremptory challenges allow an attorney to reject a potential juror for real or imagined partiality that would be difficult to demonstrate under the challenge for cause category. These challenges, however, have become more difficult to exercise because the U.S. Supreme Court has forbidden peremptory strikes based on race or gender.
So a hung jury would cause a mistrial and they'd have to do it over? Please someone say she wouldn't be acquited.

No, that's what's so silly about ICA wanting a mistrial. She would just go back to jail to be tried again IMO.

I'm not losing faith. I think this juror will see what we all see.
Sorry you guys, but I felt that this juror was also talking about gossip when she said not judging anyone by what someone else says.
This is how I interpreted her statement as well. She said it within the context of what she had heard prior to coming for jury duty. Imo, she meant that evidence is what she would use to judge rather than all the gossip/media hype prior to trial.
If the Judge won't release her for cause then can the SA use a strike?

They tried but defense objected on a Batson ruling and the judge overruled the state
Let's not jump to conclusions just yet. There are 11 other people on that panel that she'll have to listen to as well BESIDES seeing all that evidence.
I'm sure that juror has been scanning her Bible-- there's plenty in there to straighten her up and have her fit for service. mo
I think we should cool it with the talk about the child and his care giver. They are just citizens and not a part of this case. We don't want this thread to get locked again.

What is a hung jury?:innocent:

The jury won't be able to agree in totality on ICA's guilt or innocence, so the trial will have to be done all over again. She won't walk, but the trial will be a total waste of time and tax payer money. The state will try her again, but who knows how long that will take.

But... let's pray we're all wrong and once this juror sees the horror of what ICA did to beautiful Caylee she will be more than able to sit in judgement of another human being.
HHJP didn't let the state FINISH before he yelled at JA to hush!! This is making me beyond angry.....

Mason chimed in with a, IMO, very bad comment, JBP did not admonish him...
Badly done Mr Mason, very badly done.
What if the juror showed up with a note to get excused for cause? She didn't seem like she wanted to be on the jury.
In Sessions on TruTV has closed captioning that seems to be hearing the lawyers much better than we can. They got pretty much all of LDB's argument.
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