2011.05.20 Jury Selection DAY ELEVEN (Afternoon Session)

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Don't they have to clear the gallery seats in order to bring in the jury?
The system will work it's magic. Jail, DCF, required counseling. jmo
ICA's back drawing circles and writing. Let's pitch in and buy these writings from Ebay....just kidding.
Has anyone spotted the head of the entertainment show in the gallery?
For our wine drinkers...I'd say "let's all meet at Fusion...but it's not there any more." :floorlaugh:

That is not enough wine to get us through trial! Maybe not for today.

Judge is back!
Damn. I wish she could have seen that HHJP means business! And that mercy will not come from him.

AH, but she did earlier this morning when this 1st happened!

IMO ICA was very clearly shaken up and upset by this incident. And from my viewpoint she is beginning to realize the depth of how us "idiots" really and truly feel about what she has done to Caylee, her precious daughter.And that we actually know 99% of the truth. We see straight through her, and she knows HHJBP and the jurors will too. She is realizing that we are all on to her game and the likelehood of her being acquitted isn't good at all. Lastly, she got to see the real side of HHJBP this week. Today that point was hammered home to her as he again threw the book at someone! It is a speeding locomotive that's heading straight fro Casey town. Brace yourself ICA, for your days as an "accused" killer, are going to very quickly become "convicted murderer".
I bet JB is saying to himself, Wow! I guess the judge isn't going to like our explanation of Casey's state of mind during the 31 days either!
whether you think she is punkn us or not, this would be a good time to take a moment to count your blessings...

whatever her story may truly be, it surely makes me thankful to be where i am and who i am and for the people in my life.

that is all.

LOVELY POST! Thank you!!!!
"The yeller from this morning just told judge she didn't take her meds, eat, or use toilet paper today. I'm not sayin nothin'."

by jimlichtenstein via twitter
The attorney who did not return after a break was a potential juror. He stated that he misunderstood and thought that he was dismissed. BS on that one. The judge excused him without even talking with him. A bit of professional courtesy. That was a juror lost there too.

I'm really struggling with this. I'm an avid supporter of rights for the mentally ill. This has left a bad taste in my mouth. Very bad. FWIW, it's just an opinion and my own feelings. I'm not saying anyone who doesn't agree with me is wrong. I'm just a softie when it comes to mental illness.
In that same vein, he should have given a month to the PJ who purposely sought out media to get himself recused. JMO though.

I don't think he was harsh harsh (tho if someone fined me $450 bucks I would not be amused, tyvm) because he did make an example of the guy and probably figured it wouldn't happen again.

It did. He obviously means business. He could have given this woman alot more time and didn't, and he took into consideration that she has no money. I feel bad, but it could be worse and I hope she gets the message.

Hope the first guy got the message too.
Where do you guys get this relevant information! What a hoot. BTW, thanks ANJ for all the paperwork that you have obtained in the past for us all!!! Know you spent lots of time, and we all I believe ('cept the newbies) are grateful!

Your welcome. But....... <many WSers> are the ones who got the documents......I am just a screencap/youtube when needed ole' member!
My guess is that they don't allow toilet paper on intake to check for contraband. Just a guess.

But, she wasn't in intake today.

Note to self: if I ever get arrested and go to jail, remember to bring a bunch of TP. :)
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