2011.05.24 TRIAL Day One (Afternoon Session)

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Wow . . .any bets on whether KC will have any eyebrow hairs left at all tomorrow? (don't respond .. . I don't want to get in trouble) Seriously, these have to be some anxiety producing statements whether they are true or not!
Okay, how are they going to explain away her partying, and going to get videos with her boyfriend?

They will say because she didn't need to look for Caylee, she knew she was dead and was pretending nothing happened, just like GA told her to and like she had been coached to do her whole life - she was playing a role she'd been taught to play. Pretend like everything is fine.

That's actually kind of smart of the defense to be able to sum up the 31 days like that and that's just what they'll do. But the state will come along and punch huge holes in everything they claim so it doesn't worry me a bit.
If he dares to get on the stand and say this is true, he will be in cuffs immediately, imo.

But Susan Smith's stepfather was never charged was he? I think Casey would have to say she wanted to press charges or something?
In my mind, JB is walking a very dangerous road with this story. If the jury does not believe him, they will know his client is trying desparately to cover up the truth.

She really should have come out at the beginning with this story. I don't believe the jury will every buy that she sat in jail for three years if she had an out.
JVM just said, GA and his loyality to his family knows no bounds. That's really creepy and scary to me. Please let there be justice..if these people working together....I'm done, just done.
I keep coming back to the evidentiary hearing when BAEZ HIMSELF ASKED GEORGE, "There is NOTHING you wouldn't do for your daughter, correct? You love her. You'd die for her. You'd do ANYTHING for her, right Mr. Anthony?"

That is going to bite him in the arse big time. And it was elicited from the DEFENSE, not the State.
I am an incest survivor and Jose's argument does not work on me - As a survivor, I am disgusted and offended by this defense!
JVM saying GA showed no reaction to the sex abuse accusations. Casey-his daughter.

JVM asking how will the defense explain the computer searches which took place in March 2008.
i'll bet IS goes for it like a hungry bass
Of course they will, using such words as: Powerful, jaw-dropping, etc.

It was an epic fail and mostly disjointed, which fizzled into incoherent nonsense.

But of course, some people watching will disagree with me. That's fine. I'm not God. And all Baez needs is 1 gullible juror.

My opinion.
You know, I've always left the door open, just the tinyest crack mind you, of accidental drowning/outrageous cover up. JB just closed that tiny tiny crack for me. I'm all in on 1st degree.
If Casey was abused why would she be okay with living with her parents and leaving Caylee with them. You would think she would do everything to keep them away from her. Casey is not some brainwashed person who did what her parents wanted. I don't buy the defenses story at all. It would be more believable if he said "Caylee died in the pool and Casey freaked out and covered it all up herself". Bringing George and Kronk into the mess makes it unbelievable.

And....if Casey was abused why would she walk around the house in short shorts and a belly bearing top like TM said she did when she was out on bail??

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