2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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Mitzi, for me, CNN doesn't switch over to the trial until the last minute! Especially for the afternoon session.
Baez is wanting to plant reasonable doubt in the jurors minds....too bad his doubt isn't reasonable. I absolutely hate how this has twisted around to a possible man slaughter verdict.

Right. To the jury it must be innocent until proven guilty. The burden is upon the prosecution to prove their case. The defense doesn't have to prove anything and their goal is to plant seeds of doubt. The seeds do not have to make sense to be allowable.
This just sounds so repulsive to me! I don't even like to go to visitations at funeral homes where the body has been professionally prepared for proper burial. The thought of Casey moving her dead child's body around makes me sick.

This is exactly why there are proper burial rituals-- shoot, even in the stone age they treated their dead with respect!
What do you all think of this In Session and all the strange people (talking heads) that think that Baez has done a masterful job??? I think he sounds ridiculous. Is there something wrong with me??? Or how can people like that Sunny Hostin act like JB is a genius?? I want to slap her silly. I can't barely stand to watch In Session.

Ever since the Westerfield trial, I have completely discounted talking heads and their opinions. Listening to the TH's on (then) Court TV, I was half convinced he was going to walk-even though I thought the prosecution did well. Go with your opinion...not theirs. :) I often wonder where they find these TH's in the first place. lol
I think it is very difficult to listen to JB and pretend it is the first time you have ever listened to him or heard about him, and try to judge how he would come off. Almost anyone who knows a few things about this case knows about some of JB's hijinks over the past three years.

I think it will all come down to individual jurors...if they are defense-inclined, they might find JB credible and if they are prosecution-inclined, they won't.
Personally, I think ICA hates her family and JB hates Kronk. That's where the entire story came from...kindred spirits.

I agree, I have said all along that ICA will not go down alone. If she has to suffer and pay, she is going to make her family pay, too. ICA will say or do anything at this point to make sure her entire family is destroyed. She destroyed Caylee, she will not hesitate to destroy her brother and parents.
What do you all think of this In Session and all the strange people (talking heads) that think that Baez has done a masterful job??? I think he sounds ridiculous. Is there something wrong with me??? Or how can people like that Sunny Hostin act like JB is a genius?? I want to slap her silly. I can't barely stand to watch In Session.

They are in the entertainment business - in any successful plot there has to be conflict - they are there to establish the conflict and thus advance the plot - they get a lot of play on it too - which I'm sure makes their advertisers very happy. Try to dismiss as much as you can, especially if you know the facts they are debating (they don't yesterday they were SHOCKED to learn CA had done the "My Caylee is Missing" myspace post. Really. really?) They don't know much about this case and don't plan on learning, it really does nothing to advance their agenda or Q scores
Does anyone who has cnn up show Kansas County instead of Casey?
You need to close CNN and reopen. It's because of the court recess.
iS recap:

jc: jurors taking notes 2 day

ICA distraught do to successful youths as witnesses
GA n CA in court
no friends of ICA making eye contact with cindy *she has friends????)

sa building timeline but defense scored when friends in car didnt smell anything

sh: agrees. no smell by witnesses good for ica. loving mother good 4 defense. but kronk part far fetched. but jb went all in and kronk part hard to believe.
I hope Dr. G did do the test for drowning. Wouldn't it be something if she stated on the stand that the test was done and there's no evidence of drowning..........completely squashing the DT claim of accidental drowning!

I think Dr. G did not need to do the drowning bone test because she knew what the placement of the tape and the position of the jaw bone meant. I believe it proves Caylee was alive when the tape was placed on her.
What do you all think of this In Session and all the strange people (talking heads) that think that Baez has done a masterful job??? I think he sounds ridiculous. Is there something wrong with me??? Or how can people like that Sunny Hostin act like JB is a genius?? I want to slap her silly. I can't barely stand to watch In Session.

Yesterday and last night after watching some of that ... unpleasant stuff on HLN and such...I was beginning to think I was seriously stupid.

I, in no way, think JB did a good job. In fact, after reading Valhall over at the HinkyMeter, her take was exactly how I feel. That opening by JB was a bunch of jibberish.

But I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder. I kinda like my brown eyes.
Sorry way o/t but

Cement Pond my co-worker just came in and saw your NG on my desktop and looked at me (I am a blonde chick other than that I look nothing like Nancy) she was like oh a cartoon of yourselfs and you think you are a bomshell thats a little arrogent dont cha think??? I looked at her and said if you don't know who that is then you have no idea what you are talking about, and why yes I am a bombshell now Out of my office basket case.

What's everyone having for lunch today? My salad is just not hitting the spot.

Left over pork chop and rice recipe from the Campbell's soup site. I want that lobster and crab dip recipe myself.

Gee, DS thinks that ICA looks frumpy? Oh how my heart bleeds....picture me rolling my eyes when I type that.

Everybody be careful down south - those storms just ain't letting up. We had a heavy rain thunder boomer here while at the hospital but more is on the way. Just Mother Nature letting people know she's up and at 'em I guess, but I wish she'd leave the South alone for awhile.
OMG!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA That takes the cake! LOLOL

Sorry way o/t but

Cement Pond my co-worker just came in and saw your NG on my desktop and looked at me (I am a blonde chick other than that I look nothing like Nancy) she was like oh a cartoon of yourselfs and you think you are a bomshell thats a little arrogent dont cha think??? I looked at her and said if you don't know who that is then you have no idea what you are talking about, and why yes I am a bombshell now Out of my office basket case.

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