2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

DNA Solves
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I don't think I have much of an appetite for breakfast after yesterday!!:sick:
The Anthony's are one bizarro family that's for sure-but I already knew that! I think that they tormented each other for years. CA was the rock, the stable breadwinner, the matriarch that held them together. But, GA and ICA obviously weren't intimidated enough to stay out of trouble. Poor Lee-don't know enough about him to comment-maybe he just stayed in his room and waited for 18 to come!
I was sickened tho to see JB and his theatrics (was that his Perry Mason impression we saw) and his promise to the jury that
"You will hear about ugly things, secret things, things that people don't speak about," and then also go into RKs stealth body snatching angle, the LE angle that they didn't investigate cause they had decided it was murder:waitasec: and even still dogging Dr. Vass and the dogs-even tho JB says Caylee drowned in the swimming pool!!:truce:
It's definetly spaghetti time in Orlando and it's only gonna get worse!!:banghead:
Poor Caylee-you certainly deserved better than this!!:hug:

You just made me think about the RK angle again.....why is JB trying to bring RK into this at all? If the story is that it's an accident, GA is complicit in the cover-up and hid the body, then why did he need to bring RK up and "involve" him the way that he did? How would it help KC's case if RK did move the body (good grief!)? Maybe I'm forgtetting something from yesterday that answers that?

Good morning all. While I love your post I knew yesterday that I couldn't keep up with the thread therefore I entered the chat area and OMG it was a pleasant experience. Thank you Tricia for having this nice little applet. http://www.serenity-irc.net/java/index.php
Good Morning All
I will be in and out again today..But the DVR is ready to record the trial.
Last night I watch LDB in action..I like her methodical approach...

And as Hubby said yesterday..if Baez is doing the cross-examination..Ashton should just stay standing ready to Object...no use in sitting down..he thought at first Baez did a okay job then by the end of the day changed his mind and said he was lousy.

I did not believe at all by Casey's accusation that she found George holding a dead Caylee...and the George yelled at her afterwards...PATHETIC excuse IMO
I figured the state would call the witness in the order of the opening statement, KWIM? I was kinda shocked that GA was first. But I guess after JB's opening they planned to just get him up there and get it over with..............

George was the last to see them (ica and Caylee) so calling him first (and they reserved the right to call him back) is still in the order of the 31 days


((((morning teh!!!:rocker:))))
Good Morning All! It is five AM sharp in my town - and not virtual coffee is brewing.

Now, let's see if JB can one up himself from yesterday! Actually - I am sure he listened to the pundits last night and knows by now he seriously blew it yesterday, so I want to see if it shows on his face or his neck adjusting this morning.

To recap yesterday - we had bombshells that bombed, George was a man with out a sword, and when JB said may I approach the bench your Honor - that answer was an abrupt NO! Oh yeah, and Bill S., who said it's over.

I'll be here for the first hour and then out until lunch break at the trial, as RT calls - but I know everyone here will leave their usual great comments - so looking forward to another powerful day for the SA.:rocker:
I don't think I have much of an appetite for breakfast after yesterday!!:sick:
The Anthony's are one bizarro family that's for sure-but I already knew that! I think that they tormented each other for years. CA was the rock, the stable breadwinner, the matriarch that held them together. But, GA and ICA obviously weren't intimidated enough to stay out of trouble. Poor Lee-don't know enough about him to comment-maybe he just stayed in his room and waited for 18 to come!
I was sickened tho to see JB and his theatrics (was that his Perry Mason impression we saw) and his promise to the jury that
"You will hear about ugly things, secret things, things that people don't speak about," and then also go into RKs stealth body snatching angle, the LE angle that they didn't investigate cause they had decided it was murder:waitasec: and even still dogging Dr. Vass and the dogs-even tho JB says Caylee drowned in the swimming pool!!:truce:
It's definetly spaghetti time in Orlando and it's only gonna get worse!!:banghead:
Poor Caylee-you certainly deserved better than this!!:hug:

Diane Fanning wrote a good piece about JB's "everything but the kitchen sink" approach.

morning peeps!

just watched Kathi B and Bill S video.. it was really good... Bill thinks that the SA will call TonE today... thinks the SA will call them (the witnesses) in order of the 31 days... I kind of agree with him...

here it is if anyone wants to watch it:

I want to take a minute and watch this video before court starts today.

I never got a chance to post this yesterday because I was chasing my mod tail all night long, BUT....

I want to give major props to LDB & JA for going in to emergency damage control mode yesterday. They NEVER intended to call George as their 1st witness, that was clear. Yes, they knew that Baez was going to throw GA under the bus (as we all suspected) but I guarantee you his OS was as big of a shock to them as to the rest of us. I watched their reactions, then I saw something I NEVER see and it caught my immediate attention - toward the end of Baez's fantasy speil, both LDB and JA exited the courtroom while his OS was still going on. (That just does not happen - my radar went off the richter scale.) I am sure they decided to forego who they intended on calling as their 1st witness (being CA or TL...) and they immediately went into damage control and made the choice to rehabilitate George IMMEDIATELY after all those horrible accusations. It was a BRILLIANT choice...absolutely brilliant! Think about it - this is exactly why JB was so intent on wanting the SA to turn over their order of witnesses on the last day of JS. JB planned on sandbagging the prosecution with that outrageous OS. I LOVED IT when the State ended up sandbagging HIM by ...(dare I say it? ;)) THWARTING his plan and instead caught JB totally unprepared to cross-exam George. He couldn't think on his feet fast enough and it was one of the worst cross-exams I have ever seen. He was admonished by HHJP more times than I can recall which also is rare, especially on the first day - judges do not like to do that because jurors see it and it does influence them - when they see one atty. continually overruled then summoned to sidebar BY THE JUDGE, the attorney loses credibility. Yeah, jurors have hinky meters too. ;)

Anyway, MAJOR RESPECT FOR LDB & JA for thinking on their feet and changing the game plan on a last minute notice!
oh carp! is it 8:14 already??? I still need to get ready by 9....

((off to speed feed the four legged fuzzies, etc))
I have given GAa lot a slack. He did the right thing yesterday for Caylee. He did a good job on the stand also. Jb tried his hardest to piss GA off but it didn't work. GA was also respectful to the court. I just pray CA has had a change of heart and also shows the world another side of her and do the right thing for Caylee.

My prediction of the outcome of this trial will be. Guilty of 1st Degree Murder, but during the penalty phase GA and CA will move the Jury with their statement of ICA took away a special gift to not only use but this world, we plead to you not to send her to death also but rather LWOP. The Jury will do that. MOO
totally agree Beach!!!~ the SA is brilliant... every last one of them
fox news reporting only 25 in line for tickets. George and Cindy and State are in courthouse.
Morning all, yesterday was a real mindblower for sure! JB, the copycat said it perfectly... "There's something wrong here." Yeah, your theories don't and won't add up, for one.

I sure hope he doesn't hold up things with all his improper questions/objections again today.. it's sooo annoying!
Morning all - what a gosh darn day yesterday. The WS server crashed really early for me, so I couldn't participate....AND my computer blew up. Seriously! Just died, black screen. I was so depressed! Thankfully we have another pooter, but it's DH's and he has it set up so differently than mine. But I'm going to use it today and pray, and keep knees, toes, fingers crossed. You should have seen me last night - on bended knee - please DH, please fix it. He couldn't. Unfortunately, we can't afford a new one, nor can we afford to take it to the shop.

So I will bid you all a good day. And blessings to Caylee that today is a positive day for her. Must say the drowning theory wasn't a suprise, but the Roy Kronk allegations truly was. After watching what I could I just crawled under the covers, never feeling so disheartened in such a long time. If my depression comes back full force, I'll have to forego the case and wait until it's over.

I did manage a nice dinner (though had a hard time choking it down), and had a nice glass of wine. I'm sad for George, and for Cindy -- what she's sure to go through today.

I guess the biggest shock is the DT is blaming this on Caylee. Caylee opened the door, Caylee walked up that ladder, Caylee got in the pool, Caylee drowned by herself.

May the DT have the nightmares that I had last night. Shame on them.

Hugs to all.


Is anyone else worried that Cindy might play along with the DT on the sexual abuse? I don't trust Cindy :crazy:

Y'know its not so much that I think she will play along with it as that it would be so easy for the DT to show that she wouldn't have acknowledged it if the sexual abuse did happen. (I do not think ICA was sexually abused).

They could point out so many times she ignored the obvious and made up her own story to make the family look better. We've seen it happen gosh knows how many times over three years.
I want to take a minute and watch this video before court starts today.

I never got a chance to post this yesterday because I was chasing my mod tail all night long, BUT....

I want to give major props to LDB & JA for going in to emergency damage control mode yesterday. They NEVER intended to call George as their 1st witness, that was clear. Yes, they knew that Baez was going to throw GA under the bus (as we all suspected) but I guarantee you his OS was as big of a shock to them as to the rest of us. I watched their reactions, then I saw something I NEVER see and it caught my immediate attention - toward the end of Baez's fantasy speil, both LDB and JA exited the courtroom while his OS was still going on. (That just does not happen - my radar went off the richter scale.) I am sure they decided to forego who they intended on calling as their 1st witness (being CA or TL...) and they immediately went into damage control and made the choice to rehabilitate George IMMEDIATELY after all those horrible accusations. It was a BRILLIANT choice...absolutely brilliant! Think about it - this is exactly why JB was so intent on wanting the SA to turn over their order of witnesses on the last day of JS. JB planned on sandbagging the prosecution with that outrageous OS. I LOVED IT when the State ended up sandbagging HIM by ...(dare I say it? ;)) THWARTING his plan and instead caught JB totally unprepared to cross-exam George. He couldn't think on his feet fast enough and it was one of the worst cross-exams I have ever seen. He was admonished by HHJP more times than I can recall which also is rare, especially on the first day - judges do not like to do that because jurors see it and it does influence them - when they see one atty. continually overruled then summoned to sidebar BY THE JUDGE, the attorney loses credibility. Yeah, jurors have hinky meters too. ;)

Anyway, MAJOR RESPECT FOR LDB & JA for thinking on their feet and changing the game plan on a last minute notice!

Thank you 'Beach:hug:I feel much better now!!
OK I'm ready for DAY 2-Time to buckle up!!:rollercoaster::rollercoaster:
Morning all, yesterday was a real mindblower for sure! JB, the copycat said it perfectly... "There's something wrong here." Yeah, your theories don't and won't add up, for one.

I sure hope he doesn't hold up things with all his improper questions/objections again today.. it's sooo annoying!

yea and it p off Judge Perry:crazy:
Is anyone else worried that Cindy might play along with the DT on the sexual abuse? I don't trust Cindy :crazy:

Yes, I also have that concern and certainly don't trust her any further than I could throw her. Guess I'm praying that for once she'll do the right thing. Also have hopes that Lee will come through. Was surprised at what a good job George did yesterday. Hope he can stick to his guns and remain calm later when he's re-called.
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