2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

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i don't think Cindy is next - I think the state will want to have a VERY solid foundation first before talking to her...she is a risky witness. I think tonE is next.

OMG I would love that. I wonder what the SA has up their sleeve? Break ICA down early? She will absolutely be shattered if TL shows up on the stand this early.

Would love to see that. But I think it's gonna be CA and the 911 call.


Quick question... is WESH one of the streams you have to keep refreshing? I'm trying to avoid any of them like that.
Morning everyone! I'm up early doing the chores so i've got a clear schedule to listen to the trial. I wonder who is up today? I personally cannot wait for CA. I wish I had as much hope for her testimony as I'd had for GA. Maybe, just maybe, Caylee whispered in Ce Ce's ear overnight. Here's hoping!

I've got to run the kids to school but will be back with all of you soon.
I like Sumatra, but I'm out this morning. ynot is off today and I'm too tired to run to Starbucks, so we are having virtual coffee....like invisible virtual coffee. lol

LOL, that's the best type for tummy's anyway. :)
Good morning all. Yesterday was a wild ride. I feel certain the SA will be able to show KC for the liar she is. I think LA will be first up today, but it could be TL. Can't wait to see KC's reaction to their testimony. Also, it looks like KC is not only pulling out her eyebrows, but her eyelashes too. Sign of major nervous condition.
Good Morning All! It is five AM sharp in my town - and not virtual coffee is brewing.

Now, let's see if JB can one up himself from yesterday! Actually - I am sure he listened to the pundits last night and knows by now he seriously blew it yesterday, so I want to see if it shows on his face or his neck adjusting this morning.

To recap yesterday - we had bombshells that bombed, George was a man with out a sword, and when JB said may I approach the bench your Honor - that answer was an abrupt NO! Oh yeah, and Bill S., who said it's over.
I'll be here for the first hour and then out until lunch break at the trial, as RT calls - but I know everyone here will leave their usual great comments - so looking forward to another powerful day for the SA.:rocker:

BBM I heard that on the way home on HLN and about wreck my car laughing.

And HLN don't they have enough money not to do commerical breaks every freakin 5 minutes? Dang WKMG TV6 ran it all day with no commerical breaks and I am sure they don't have as many viewers as HLN.

Going to do some werk before 9.
Considering how GA wasn't even the person standing trial yesterday, and yet somehow ended up being just that, I think he did incredibly well. I think this is going to be the defense's MO throughout this trial with every witness with testimony that they deem harmful to Casey. What I find fascinating about this approach is that it is the very approach (dynamic) that helped sustain her habitual lying throughout her life within her own family - and here we are now - and yet it will be the very approach (dynamic) that will inevitably take her down. A jury will never buy that EVERYONE (LE, neighbors, friends, casual acquaintances, Roy Kronk, JCPenny, Target, and Bank of America video, Tim Miller, the dogs, etc.,) is lying and somehow out to get Casey. (Poor Casey...) While I do think this worked for Casey with GA & CA (not our Casey...) for a very long time, this isn't going to work outside of the environment that helped create it. Games over Casey ~
Can't wait til' testimony begins this morning!
Morning all - what a gosh darn day yesterday. The WS server crashed really early for me, so I couldn't participate....AND my computer blew up. Seriously! Just died, black screen. I was so depressed! Thankfully we have another pooter, but it's DH's and he has it set up so differently than mine. But I'm going to use it today and pray, and keep knees, toes, fingers crossed. You should have seen me last night - on bended knee - please DH, please fix it. He couldn't. Unfortunately, we can't afford a new one, nor can we afford to take it to the shop.

So I will bid you all a good day. And blessings to Caylee that today is a positive day for her. Must say the drowning theory wasn't a suprise, but the Roy Kronk allegations truly was. After watching what I could I just crawled under the covers, never feeling so disheartened in such a long time. If my depression comes back full force, I'll have to forego the case and wait until it's over.

I did manage a nice dinner (though had a hard time choking it down), and had a nice glass of wine. I'm sad for George, and for Cindy -- what she's sure to go through today.

I guess the biggest shock is the DT is blaming this on Caylee. Caylee opened the door, Caylee walked up that ladder, Caylee got in the pool, Caylee drowned by herself.

May the DT have the nightmares that I had last night. Shame on them.

Hugs to all.



Well who else to blame??? Clearly the doting mother wouldn't do anything...the only time she actually provided for that child was when she was nursing...(and I don't know if or how long she did that)--after that CA did....it was shameful! I get so mad when the victim gets removed by the defendent---CAYLEE WAS THE ONE AND ONLY TRUE VICTIM --- shame on them!

I also didn't really notice the big cry fest...sure she looked like it but her recovery was way way to quick...she never really did the ugly cry---and I would think that perhaps that would have happened...DT sunk to a whole new level to me....

I also encountered pooter problems with mornign with my connection to internet...had to wake dh up---(he does computer stuff--)---(oh yeah we also have kids that work till wee hours, plus they truly don't realize how much noise they make)---anyways he was going to prolong the repair for a couple hours....but I told him needed NOW----the trial....it was scary...didn't know how I was going to keep up...then again don't know how I'll be able to keep up if yesterday was a cue....had my pug barking down the stairs a few times when I yelled at my computer....:innocent:
Hello my dear friends. I have decided I can't watch anymore. What I witnessed yesterday was so ABSENT OF MORALS I became physically sick. LDB said it best in her opening statement: What does KC do when her lies are exposed? She creates BIGGER ONES! And now people's lives and reputations are being SMEARED for her to avoid accountability for her actions. I will read your BRILLIANT summaries and thoughts at the end of each day so take good notes! I wish you all strength to endure the rest of this. And SOTS, I am pining for the day when your boyfriend gets to cross examine ICA. I might watch that!!
Good Morning everyone! I've been up for a while frosting cupcakes for my son to take to school for his 7th birthday! I can't believe my baby is 7!

GMA had a good segment this morning, their view was he blew the whole trial with his opening statement by no picking one story and sticking with it. I'm ready for today! I think we'll go in order of the 31 days so I'm thinking TL today?
Quick question... is WESH one of the streams you have to keep refreshing? I'm trying to avoid any of them like that.

I don't have to refresh on WESH once I get in (that seems to be more of the problem yesterday).

LKB on Today show now. Gad, she's milking this thing for all it's worth. Can't stand this... woman.

She and Michael must have a new book almost completed.
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