2011.05.25 Sidebar Thread

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DNA Solves
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okay ...everyone keeps going on and on about "researching a shovel" ...

am I thick? why would anyone research a shovel?

to buy one? is that what they mean?

I mean what is there to research? ..get a shovel ( pref not a snow shovel ) and dig a hole.

Maybe to buy one to either replace her dad's shovel she intended to use to bury Caylee, or find out which kind would be best to use to dig a hole deep enough/easy enough to bury a body. Not much when seen by itself, but taken with all the other computer searches it adds to the idea of premeditation.

And remember, she did borrow a shovel from the neighor just after Caylee went missing/was murdered.
I'm with you - I have no idea why you would google shovel and they did say google....unless of course she then clicked on the shopping tab in google? can you really not buy a shovel at lowes or home depot down there?

Maybe she was trying to find out which shovel would dig the best? There are different shapes.
OT but my basement is still flooding........... cannot keep the water out...

damn thing got in the way of TonE testimony and has ruined the man cave in my house.

((((oh... did I mention it is still effing raining????)))

in the process of man cave relocation.. may use the basement as a pool...add a little chlorine to make it smell nice... for the duration of the trial!
I am hoping someone can help me sort something out.

We know that testimony today (by Tony Lazzaro) placed ICA in his bed overnight on June 16th, and also in his bed the next day, the 17th.

Do we know if she slept overnight with Tony L. the next night, or where she was the night of the 17th/18th. I have been away form the case for quite awhile, and really need to know where she was from about midnight of the 17th until the next morning (the 18th)

It is hard to separate the facts from the suppositions in this case, and I am really interested in the established facts.
Here you go...HTH


I am so sorry. Is there one source for the leak? Get a sump pump and fans as suggested earlier, if you can. Open any windows when the rain stops.

PattyG has the TonE recorded. State asked him to stand up and point her out, just like the movies, LOL!

He basically does not remember much, she was just a girl.

I am so sorry. Is there one source for the leak? Get a sump pump and fans as suggested earlier, if you can. Open any windows when the rain stops.

PattyG has the TonE recorded. State asked him to stand up and point her out, just like the movies, LOL!

He basically does not remember much, she was just a girl.
thanks good pal merc!

cannot open the windows... downpour all day long...

I have the dehumidifier running

I currently have a small hand held carpet cleaner that I am using to suck up buckets and buckets and buckets of water...

I wish I had some portable fans but don't...

and let me tell you... this basement flood ***** sucks! My pants are all wet... all the bathroom towels soaked thru like 5 times... oh... and my husband just deployed with the army for the next three months...((and ds helped me for a bit but is now taking a break on the playstation... who could blame him.. he had to be in school all day to come home to this))

thanks for all that listened. I am frustrated beyond all means.. and glad for all your input to help me out.

ON TOPIC... maybe in about 6 hours when I get the river in my basement under control I will watch TonE.. I watched a bit and his lip pursing was cute but drove me nuts.
About the shovel... the lawyers are not too tech savvy. They keep using "blogging" for commenting, for example. Maybe "shovel" was simply ONE of a string of search terms. Or she clicked on an ad. They may not be presenting the EXACT words used. Forum about to close so I can't elaborate!
I think casey was looking to use a shovel.. maybe related to her neck breaking and household weapons searches...

she was locked out of the family shed and borrowed one from the neighbor.

I'm with you - I have no idea why you would google shovel and they did say google....unless of course she then clicked on the shopping tab in google? can you really not buy a shovel at lowes or home depot down there?

She was probably going to buy one and wondered how much they cost. Maybe that's why she decided to borrow one from next door. Maybe GA kept those types of tools in the locked shed or something.
Pardon, as I am a few pages behind but I can't get some things out of my brain:

1) He just wasn't that into you KC, and his answers on the stand today proved that! He might as well have been describing white bread . . . "well, the crust is a nice color" . . ."pretty girl". TonE couldn't remember many specifics about the time that he spent with her . . .
. . . I pray KC is crying herself to sleep tonight thinking . . . "I let my daughter die on an "f'ing whim".

KC so wanted to have MK say she didn't like KC staying at her boyfriend's house with TL, I so loved that the witness said she didn't care . . . she was TL's boyfriend so no threat. (again . . . I think the old narcisisstic traits are rearing their ugly heads . . . but that is my opinion).

Also, I kept feeling like GA never directly answered the question about knowing about the death of Caylee before this . . . GA answered he didn't have duct tape and he had no idea about Caylee until July 16th and Dec. 11th when this whole thing started. What he Omitted was that he and CA learned some 6 weeks ago the DT was going down this road . . . this was stated by GA's own Atty! That is why he never directly answered the question.

George didn't want to associate himself with the duct tape on the gas can b/c he must have had an inkling that the bus was heading toward him. He *knew* Casey and what she is capable of. MOO
thanks good pal merc!

cannot open the windows... downpour all day long...

I have the dehumidifier running

I currently have a small hand held carpet cleaner that I am using to suck up buckets and buckets and buckets of water...

I wish I had some portable fans but don't...

and let me tell you... this basement flood ***** sucks! My pants are all wet... all the bathroom towels soaked thru like 5 times... oh... and my husband just deployed with the army for the next three months...((and ds helped me for a bit but is now taking a break on the playstation... who could blame him.. he had to be in school all day to come home to this))

thanks for all that listened. I am frustrated beyond all means.. and glad for all your input to help me out.

ON TOPIC... maybe in about 6 hours when I get the river in my basement under control I will watch TonE.. I watched a bit and his lip pursing was cute but drove me nuts.
Been there, Nurse. You need to get a bigger pump! I'm still recovering from my March flood...getting estimates on repairing stuff...bedroom roof even leaked then. I'm saving to have french drains put in.
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