2011.05.25 TRIAL Day Two- (Morning Session)

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This questioning is painfully slow and the constant interruptions are maddening. I do hope they get a good cadence going soon or the jury will get annoyed with both sides.
OMG.... If JB is going where I am thinking he is.... :puke:

JB is insinuating that she was jealous that Casey was in the same apartment with her boyfriend! :eek:
It seemed to beneficial for TL in this relationship. Witness says allergies are acting up. She knows Fusion as restauant/nightclub. She has been there with CH one time, the time she went with the defendant . . . June 20th, I remember it was that Friday, I met up with everyone that night, Hot Body Contest that night as well, I met everybody there. I witnessed Hot Body contest and witness participated (objection. . . overruled) she was wearing a thin knit bluish color dress. Picture of KC dancing onstage w/girl in green top & black shorts on screen, pics from Fusion scrolling across, photo of KC & NL, Nathan was @ Fusion on June 20, this witness did not participate in the contes. KC role @ Fusion that night (objection. . . overrule) she was in charge of shot girls, saw her interract with shot girls, talking to them about what they were supposed to do or not, can't remember if they discussed what to wear, nothing alarming about kc's demeanor, not angry or upset. MK stayed @ Fusion til it closed and she stayed @ their apt that night, saw KC in kitchen of apt in the morning (next day) (objection . . .overruled @ this point) I asked her where Caylee was, kc said spending week with the Nanny. KC said she paid Nanny $400 per week. Did you ask anything about Caylee's Dad? (Objection . . . Approach)

I'm not a drinker and haven't been out "clubbing" for...oh, about 18 years, so I am thinking these "shot girls" are like the modern day version of the women who used to walk around clubs selling "cigars, cigarettes, tiparillos?" LOL.
Only Casey was being her stupid self by working so hard at a non-paying job
while stealing from friends and family for money. HUH???
OMG, JB trying to say the this girl was jealous about ICA being at boyfriends apt.
This witness made a mistake about when she drove in casey's car and JB jumped on it. State did not anticipate that answer.
Casey or Tony drove-can't remember
Did not smell any foul odor
Clint didn't say anything stunk
Neither did Tony

Didn't have friendship w/ICA? Correct
an acquaintance

U didn't like her being over t house, did u?
didn't bother me

Thin blue dress? Strike that.

Ur BF lived at t house? correct
U would call ur BF and she was always there? yes
Did it bother u? no

Epiph: lol
Just thinking about the fact that KC was telling everyone that Caylee's dad was deceased, and now Caylee is deceased, just sitting here wondering if any male's ever came up missing/dead by unexplained cause in the time frame she says that the dad died. Frightening...


"The person who was in my granddaughters [sic] trunk was not my granddaughter!"
Trying to make her jealous of casey! What??? I wonder if casey told him that.
Any discussion about Caylee's Dad, she told me he was deceased . .. aware kc was staying @ the apt (objection . . sustained) what was her living situation . . . she was moving into her parents house . . . they were moving out and giving the place to her and Caylee. She didnt give an exact time but within the next couple of months. KC never told her Caylee was missing, never said she was out looking for her . .. she rode with KC in her car while she was staying @ TL's. In the car w/KC, TL & CH.

Cross: JB, where did you go in the car
Something to eat . . can't remember who drove. . . kc or TL, I sat in backseat, didn't smell any foul odor, CH was in backseat no mention of something stinks, TL did not say car stunk.

She wasn't friends w/kc, acquaintances, didn't bother me personally she was @ the house, kc living @ same house as boyfriend, struck odd she was there all time, would call CH and kc was there, spending time where boyfriend was didn't bother me at all. Did not bother me. . . she was dating Tony.
JB is trying to make it look like MK was jealous of KC and so she can't be believed. Classy.
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