2011.05.28 Cindy Anthony testimony

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After listening to Cindy's testimony, it's striking me as amazing at the depth and length of the lies that ICA told. These weren't simple lies. These were intertwined stories of epic proportions that were built and built upon each other. It is really astounding. Taken one at a time they are not too impressive but when you hear them one right after the other after the other you get a sense of just how warped ICA was. It is unfortunate that the Anthony's bought it hook, line and sinker.

JMHO as always.

ITA. This was a brilliant move on the states part, imo. When you hear the question, "And did you see Caylee then?" over and over again, followed by a grieving grandmother having to recount these outrageous and elaborate lies she had been told each time she wasn't allowed to see her grand-daughter...it was just incredibly powerful stuff. And I KNEW these lies before hand. Imagine how the jury must have felt hearing all this for the first time. :eek:
CA wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be but by no means was she totally truthful. The fight that LA and the neighbors, IIRC, say occurred never came up from her. I'm not sure if it's because she's embarrassed or blaming herself or legal advice but the right thing to do, IMO, is to be honest about it.

I feel sorry for CA losing a granddaughter and maybe a daughter but the hell JB is putting her and GA through right now could have been avoided by being truthful from the get go. I hate to do it but I have to give JB credit for concealing the fact that he was going to use all of their help for KC against them at trial. JMO

O/T but has anyone noticed the big difference in KC's face? Her partying pictures show a more rounded happy go lucky KC and her trial pictures have a tight jawline. I think for once she's realizing she hasn't fooled anyone and she's particularly upset about her parents not covering for her as they always had. JMO
Today on the wftv chat someone in the chat reminded everyone that George was not the last person to see Caylee, she posted the link http://www.acandyrose.com/caylee_anthony_jamesthompson-072209.html
and I looked it up and bygollie she was right. The last person to see Caylee & Casey together. It was a guy name james who worked in a computor store.

I believe that report states the guy saw them a full week before Fathers Day, so he would not have been the last person to see them.

Another thing that did not ring true is when Cindy was talking about her, Caylee and Casey watching the video of her visit to her Father. She claimed it turned out to be a very special day......that her and Casey were crying as they were watching the video.
Was this to show that Casey is a caring person?v
If she was so concerned for the well being of her grandfather, she could have gone with them. Oh silly me, she was at work.
I generally lurk more than I post but I wanted to give my perspective on comments I read on a "closed" thread about a portion of Cindy's testimony on Saturday. It relates to her asking that the photo of Caylee be taken down because it was upsetting her during her time on the witness stand.

A few posters could not comprehend how the photo could bother her when she still has Caylee's room, etc. preserved at her home.

I don't find anything unusual about this at all. In fact, from my personal experiences, it is comforting to see my parents' things and my brother's things in their normal setting. However, when I unexpectedly encounter something of theirs, it can easily cause a tearful emotional moment...and it has been several years since my family members died plus they all died of natural causes.

It's difficult to understand grief and loss unless you have the experience, I think. Had Cindy propped up a photo on the shelf as George did, it would have been fine. There is a sense of mentally preparing yourself for the emotional rush of memory and when you are the one controlling the memory, it doesn't seem to cause the same level of stress and loss.

I'm not sure I explained that well enough but I did think it was important to defend Cindy in this. I have not agreed with her many times through this ordeal and have questioned motives, etc. but in this, I do understand for I have experienced it myself. Seeing a photo or object that evokes an unexpected memory of a deceased loved one can hit you in a very vulnerable spot and recreate unexpected depths of grief. It can be as unpredictable as the weather and unlike what many say, I have not yet found time to have healed that sometime spontaneous reaction. I have also found that it is impossible to always steel oneself to what may trigger the reaction because it can be something as inconsequential as hearing a familiar saying. I am learning, however, to be thankful for the memory because within that memory lies the remembrance of a precious love.
Today on the wftv chat someone in the chat reminded everyone that George was not the last person to see Caylee, she posted the link http://www.acandyrose.com/caylee_anthony_jamesthompson-072209.html
and I looked it up and bygollie she was right. The last person to see Caylee & Casey together. It was a guy name james who worked in a computor store.

Found it where he is a wittness!! sorry post is so long but wanted to get it on here.
State Witness List Updated 3/28/2010
The States witness list:
Debbie Abney, FDLE agent
Deputy Adrianna Acevedo, Orange County Sheriff’s office
Mandy Albritton
Vicky Aleman
Sgt. John Allen, Orange County Sheriff’s Office
Victoria Alveron
Karen Angel, Dora Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Mount Dora, where Casey Anthony’s grandfather lived.
Cynthia Anthony, Casey Anthony’s mother, Caylee Anthony’s grandmother
George Anthony, Casey Anthony’s father, Caylee Anthony’s grandfather.
Lee Anthony, Casey Anthony’s brother.
John Azzilonna
Marlene Baker, Orange County Corrections
Deputy Charity R. Beasley, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Simon Birch, works at wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.
Gerardo Bloise, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Scott Bolin, FBI.
Rosanna Bonilla, Orlando
Troy Brown, Orlando
Brian Burner, neighbor of Cindy and George Anthony who loaned shovel to Casey Anthony.
Michael Burnett, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Alina Burroughs, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Melina Calabrese, Orlando
Cameron Campena, Orlando.
Deputy Sandra G. Carver, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Ann Marie Chase
John Chat, Orlando.
Kristina Chester, friend of Casey Anthony.
David D. Clarke, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Danny Colamarino, works at tattoo parlor that Casey Anthony visited.
Jean Couty, Orlando.
Dee Crawford, Event Imaging Solutions Group.
Lori Cree, searcher
Matthew Crisp
Kiomarie Cruz
River Cruz AKA: Krystal Holloway
Brett Churchill, searcher
Shelley Churchill, searcher
Kristin Churchill, searcher
Jonathan Daly,Works at tattoo parlor that Casey Antony visited.
Sean Daly, from tattoo parlor that Casey Anthony visited
Helen Davis
Kelly Deguzman, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Tanya DePalmo, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Christopher Dillon, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Iasse Donov, Orlando.
Annie Dowling
George Duke, MBI.
Deputy Ryan Eberlin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Eric Edwards, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Melissa England, Boston.
Michael Erickson, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Jay Ferrell
Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez
Deputy Rendon Fletcher, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Elizabeth Fontaine, FBI
Deputy Jason Forgey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Thomas Galaida, Tom’s Auto Repair.
Wendy Gallant, Tom;s Auto Repair, Casselberry.
Harry Garcia, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.
Rich Garrad, Carlson Restaurants, Texas.
Lauren Gibbs, Orlando.
David Glasgow, Oak Ridge National Labiratory.
Jessie Grund, Casey Anthony’s ex-boyfriend.
Richard Grund, Orlando.
Mark Hawkins, friend of Casey Anthony.
Deputy Susan Hempfield, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Sean Henady a searcher
Jeffrey Hopkins II.
Jeffrey Hopkins, Sr.
Melissa Hopkins
Reginald Hosey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Roy House
Amy Huizenga, friend of Casey Anthony.
Deputy Mark Hussey, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Commander Matthew Irwin, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Michael Kispert, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Maria KisshMike Kozak, Orlando.
Deputy Kevin Kraubetz, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Anthony Lazzaro, recently Casey Anthony’s boyfriend.
Ricardo Lee, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Anne Lennington, from nursing home where Casey Anthony’s father was.
Nicole Lett, from wrecker company that towed Casey Anthony’s car.
Nathan Lezniewicz, Winter Park.
Karen Korsberg Lowe, FBI
Dannielle Lucey-Austin
Amanda Macklin, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.
Tom Manderville, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Peter Marino, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Madhavi Martin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Awilda McBryde, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Joy McCabe, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
William McCoy, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Steven John McElyea, FBI.
Shelly Meade, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Samara Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Yuri Melich, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Sgt. Dennis Moonsammy, Orange County Corrections.
Officer William Moore, Orlando Police Department.
Ricardo Morales, dated Casey Anthony.
Dawn Murray, state Dept. of Children & Families.
Christine Narkiewicz, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Custodian of 911 Calls, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Custodian of Records of Johnson’s Wrecker Service, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.
Custodian of Records of AT&T Wireless.
Custodian of Records, Brighthouse.
Custodian of Records, Blockbuster Video.
Custodian of Records, Gentiva Health
Cary Oien, FBI.
Mallory Parker, Orlando.
Ryan Pasley
Teddy Pieper
Rick Plesea
Shirley Plesea
William Procknow, State Dept. Of Children & Families.
Jamie Realander, Oviedo
Melissa Remy, FDLE
Michael Rickenbach, FBI
Gary Ridgeway, Johnson’s Wrecker, which towed Casey Anthony’s car.
Pedro Rivera, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Dorothy A. Rivera, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Katie Sue Robinson
Kari Roderick, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Anthony Rusciano, Orlando.
Dante Salah
Deputy Michael Salamat, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Dante Salati, Orlando.
Katherine Sanchez, Amscot
Nicholas Savage, FBI.
Brittany Schieber
Deputy Michael Seagraves, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Michael Sigman, UCF
Renee Simpson, Valencia Community College.
Deputy David Spall, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Sgt. Kevin Stenger, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Christopher Stutz, Orlando.
Catherine Theisen, FBI.
James Thompson Computer specialist ( HERE HE IS)
Dianne Tighe, Colorvision
Bryan Tittle, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Carolyn Todd, searcher
Bill Todd, searcher
Dave Turner, Sawgrass Apartments, where Casey Anthony said Caylee’s nanny lived.
Leonard Turtora, where Casey Anthony said she worked.
Arpad Vass, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Michael Vincent, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
William Waters, Orlando.
Deputy Appling Wells, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Deputy Jerold White, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Lance White
Bobby Lee Williams
Deputy Ryan Williams, Orange County Sheriff’s Office.
Mark Wise, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Troy Brown and Cameron Capena
Keith Williams, searcher
Derrick Williams, searcherJ
Joy Wray, unknown.
I've never heard that they were able to read the file.

But if they did get to read it, they must be really upset.

I'm not sure if the Ants read them or if their attorney did.

Here are the links. Apologies for being to tired/lazy to search for them last night (or rather early this morning).

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6569509&postcount=513"]ThinkTank's question[/ame]

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=6569605&postcount=515"]SoCalSleuth's response[/ame]

"When the DT revealed these evaluations and JP sealed them--the SA requested permission to disclose them to third parties for investigative purposes which JP allowed. It's the SA's obligation to investigate the information that is revealed to them during the matter--therefore, they needed to ivestigate the allegations of sex abuse etc. with GA, LA, CA, etc.--that is why the Anthony's attorney was permitted to see the evaluations.

I haven't looked at HIPPA in awhile so I'll have to defer to my cohorts on that one."
Are they on anyone's witness list?

Hi, I just found the witness list and James Thompson is on it!! I did post it. Wish we knew if there was a tape of the visit at the store. Trying to find that now.
I believe that report states the guy saw them a full week before Fathers Day, so he would not have been the last person to see them.


JT's statement simply doesn't match KC's pings. There are other discrepancies as well. This blogger does a very good analysis HERE. I will be very surprised if JT is called as a witness. OMO.
Cindy was telling it as she was told things by ICA.
very truthful, no longer defensive & very resolved to the fact that her daughter is a very disturbed and hateful human being.
JT's statement simply doesn't match KC's pings. There are other discrepancies as well. This blogger does a very good analysis HERE. I will be very surprised if JT is called as a witness. OMO.

Thanks, I wonder if a handwriting expert looked at the check to decide who wrote it?
IMO the biggest revelation from CA testimony is -- on June 16th the flurry of phone calls CA received at work from ICA - was ICA looking for a sitter - and one of the only few times CA said "NO" - ICA gave CA the ultimate punishment for that ...and CA will have to live with that for the rest of her life

thanks..I did not hear that part of the testimony...
We have a thread where that was speculated and discussed...and now Cindy has confirmed that the flurry of phone calls from Casey to Cindy was to get Cindy to babysit Caylee......
Did Cindy give a reason for saying "No" to babysitting Caylee that evening?
His statement says ICA and Caylee came into his store on June 9. :waitasec:

Yes, it does say she was in his computor the store with Caylee on June 9, but he also states that he saw them at walmart a week later after Fathers Day at the walmart stor and Casey was with Caylee.
thanks..I did not hear that part of the testimony...
We have a thread where that was speculated and discussed...and now Cindy has confirmed that the flurry of phone calls from Casey to Cindy was to get Cindy to babysit Caylee......
Did Cindy give a reason for saying "No" to babysitting Caylee that evening?

I believe that she said that she had an office meeting that day ..and just so you know she didnt blatantly say it that way it was how the question were asked and answered in CA testimony. I am jumping to the conclusion of this on my own with the evidence that I have read and heard IMO :twocents:
Everyone is so focused on the myspace posting. Honestly that was never going to come in. It is an editorial or opinion piece by a witness so it carries no evidentiary value in and of itself, and the witness can be questioned to give the same information.

I think that Cindy did give one of the most damning bits of testimony today. It was subtle but when she talked about sleeping with Caylee's teddy bear, and then when it disappeared after she told KC about it. It is an extremely powerful image. In one simple statement the jury saw everything they need to know about the dynamic between KC, CA and Caylee. In a simple sentence it became clear that KC deliberately intended to deny Caylee to CA. It was an act of erasure. And this goes to the heart of 1st degree murder. The removal of the bear shows an act of intentional and specific petty follow up to Caylee's disapearence. In short it shows premeditation and puts the DP on the table in an extremely powerful and unexpected way.

When I read that in Chiquita's posts I thought WThay??? The teddy bear went missing.
I don't remember but was a teddy found in the car or with the remains.
I guess little Mis. Casey had a shock as she was accustomed to Cindy supporting her with lies that backed Casey up. It would appear CIndy is going to "let it all hang out" and Casey has now been officially abandoned in her mind and no more diehard support from her mommy.

If you read Cindy's letters to Casey they clearly let Casey know that Cindy was at that time willing to do anything in her power to support Casey even if it meant telling the FBI several of Casey's friends were "suspects suspects " and now it looks like CIndy is done with that since she was targeted via neglect ,so far, by leaving the pool ladder down. I was worried after the opening that Cindy would go on as she has in the past and say whatever it took to get Casey off. I sure hope and pray she continues telling the truth as I can see where she might be tempted to fall back into her mother bear mode protecting her cub.
Just an observation
I am watching Cindy's testimony and the day Cindy went to Universal Studios in early July LDB brings up that Cindy wanted to talk to ICA about Money issues.
I wondered if Cindy was aware that ICA was using or had used her JCPenny card at the store and Cindy wanted to discuss it...Cindy would have gotten the statements in the mail unless she got them via E-statement.
Well, it is possible Casey opened the door and left it open a while and then Caylee went out and Casey did not notice this or when she did it was a bit too late. Caylee already went in the pool. This could have easily happened if Caylee could not open the door herself. I guess I'm trying to give Casey the benefit of the doubt. It is very possible she did drown though. If the forensics cannot explain how Caylee died...the defense theory plants a bit of doubt in the jury. If she did drown, I doubt if George was involved though. Casey should have just told JB, Caylee drowned, she freaked out and didn't know what to do. But to come up with other nonsense about sexual abuse and George helping her cover this up is ludicrous! How Casey could have gone on nonchalantly after Caylee drowned is beyond the depths my comprehension though.

Living in Central Florida, I would be more inclined to believe that scenario if it was during the winter months when it is cooler and we would open up the patio doors..during the summer months, it is hot, the A/C is always on and the last thing you want to do is keep a patio door open that would allow the house to become hot and humid..

Just an observation
I am watching Cindy's testimony and the day Cindy went to Universal Studios in early July LDB brings up that Cindy wanted to talk to ICA about Money issues.
I wondered if Cindy was aware that ICA was using or had used her JCPenny card at the store and Cindy wanted to discuss it...Cindy would have gotten the statements in the mail unless she got them via E-statement.

O im convinced Cindy had many " issues" with Casey regarding money and jobs and lies and stories etc etc. Cindy is making it out now like all was fine and peaceful but we can tell from all other resources Cindy was always on Casey's tail for this lie and that lie. She was known to call Casey's friends and check-up on Casey's stories. She told friends of Casey's that Casey was a sociopath etc etc. This in turn would piss off Casey and fights broke out between them. I think Cindy was an older more advanced form of Casey. Cindy lies and lied just like Casey does and did but lied more to herself than any one else. This is why I was upset listening to testimony, CIndy is not quite ready to just tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth, she is still sugar coating the past..JMO

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